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5149254 No.5149254 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to fly through a black hole?(assuming there is something on the other side) I always thought even though even light cannot escape there is a still an object there, and flying into it would just mush you and the object together. Have the movies and books all been wrong, or is it theoretically possible to fly through a black hole?

>> No.5149273

pretty sure you'd just become assimilated into it's dense mass
>can you fly through a brick wall?
i could be wrong though

>> No.5149270

No, it mushes everything togheter. Even light can't escape it. Maybe if you go faster then light it is possible, but that yet have to be proved.

>> No.5149275

Your post seems to show a big misunderstanding about what a black hole actually is, I recommend starting with Wikipedia or something.

No, you cannot fly 'through' a black hole, and there is nothing on the other side, because it isn't a hole. It is a point. But there is an object in there, the singularity, which would certainly mush you together with it.

>> No.5149287

normal black hole. you crash into the thing.
spinning black hole: you get ripped apart, but those parts could pass trough the ring singularity into another universe or something.
charged black hole: you could go in, then you will be pushed out again into another universe.

>> No.5149288


This is 100% true. However, I think OP is referring to the theoretical possiblility that a black hole stretches space so far that it goes into another part of space (like a wormhole).

If so, then I guess its possible, but it will be a long ass time before we can prove that.

If not, then you would definitely be mushed into it.

>> No.5149296


This is complete nonsense.

>> No.5149302

no cause the time slows down as you get close to the event horizon, until eventually stops completely. haven't you ever heard about general relativity moron

>> No.5149310


Which begs the question. What happens once you pass the horizon? Do you just instantly merge with the mass in the singularity, because there is almost no space-time between the horizon and the center?

>> No.5149319

how the fuck is this nonsense? this is straight from a general relativity textbook you moron.

>> No.5149323

>this is straight from a general relativity textbook

No it isn't.

>> No.5149326

>Which begs the question.
he didn't even ask a fucking question you retard. if you are going to spout bullshit you her intelligent people say at least learn what the fucking phrase means.

as for your question, you continue to fall down towards the center.

>> No.5149329

which of the 3 are you having problems with so-that i can screencap it for you.

>> No.5149331

I don't know, let me go find out.

>> No.5149364

I aroused my suspicion because a black hole is an infinitely dense object, so therefore it is has mass, which you would be unable to fly through.

>> No.5149373
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well since you wont tell me ill post the charged and ring ones.

>> No.5149423


>as for your question, you continue to fall down towards the center.

At what speed?

>> No.5149440

Im so tired of hearing this infinitely dense crap. Infinity is a word theorists just LOVE to throw around when they dont have solid evidence of something.

In all likelyhood, there is no such thing as anything being infinite... and if it is infinite, it is impossible to ever prove.

Whole lot of dumbass assumptions going on.

>> No.5149437

depends on how fast you entered, how far along you are and how big the hole is.

>> No.5149443

Everyone seems to be ignoring one very important property of black holes: tidal forces. Regardless of whether there's something on "the other side", any human being or piece of equipment would be stretched into spaghetti long before they even reached the event horizon.

>> No.5149444

Time doesnt stop you fucking retard. The atoms and subatomic particles motion may stop, but time itself does not stop.

Learn to fucking understand relativity before you open your mouth to criticize others.

>> No.5149445

Yes but it can be modeled as infinitely dense. Infinity is a handy tool even though it's doubtful to exist. Only way I reckon something being truly infinite is the continuum of time but who really knows at this point. Lot of stuff still needing to be figured out.

>> No.5149449

Yes. The object trying to fly through would be ripped apart into its basic particles.

You technically wouldnt stay in there forever though... eventually your mass would be converted into energy and emitted via Hawking Radiation.

>> No.5149465


>> No.5149470 [DELETED] 
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What temperature do you work best at /sci/?

>> No.5149494

Jesus christ there's a lot of trolls in this thread.

>> No.5149527

>>Is it possible to fly through a black hole?


A black hole is not an object. It the event horizon surrounding a dense collection of matter.

At the event horizon, all future time-like curves point "inwards", as do null curves (light).

That means that an object with mass cannot escape back through the event horizon, no matter how much energy it has. It won't necessarily get "mushed" with the other matter inside the horizon.

>> No.5149537

the name jesus christ (mythical invention) is not welcome in /sci/

sage and report him, brothers

>> No.5149563

Not him but it's a figure of speech. Quit being "that" guy that calls 4channers his "brothers". Fucking virgin

>> No.5149934

You're body would get stretched out as you approached the black hole and than procede to be crunched into an extremely small size.

>> No.5149965

sense of brotherhood=virginity

guess frat boys are all virgins.

>> No.5149973

The trolls sure are hungry tonight..

>> No.5149981
File: 16 KB, 398x397, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The extreme gravity warps spacetime so any direction within the even horizon leads towards the singularity.