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File: 5 KB, 200x200, monsanto_200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5148783 No.5148783 [Reply] [Original]

So I was looking on the Internet a couple of things about Monsanto... Trying to read and learn from negative pov, and also positive pov.
The thing is that, absolutely NOBODY speaks good about Monsanto. Only their own website.
How can this be possible?
I'm sure they aren't doing everything wrong, if now they would be bankrupted!

>> No.5148792

Illuminati - nuff said

>> No.5148800

>hurr durr corporations are bad corn gives me cancer GMO is unnatural and from the DEVIL!!11!!!1

>> No.5148813

It's hard to find many positive comments on the internet. When you do, they're often about new things that people are sharing with friends. Only broken wheels squeak and all that.

>> No.5148865

How can you patent a genome and thus own future instances of organisms intellectually because they are related to ones you produced? That's toddler "it looks like mine so it's mine" logic, applied to fucking crops.

>> No.5148869
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Why would anyone speak positively about a publicly list company?
It's an engine for profit, not for good.

And you understand why everyone says bad things about them, right?

>> No.5148876




>> No.5148896

Monsanto helped facilitate Norman Borlaug, the dude who supposedly saved 1 billion lives.

>> No.5148922

the market speaks for itself. someone out there likes monsanto a whole lot.
GMO engineering is great, but Monsanto does derp on its lawsuits occasionally.

>> No.5148940

Monsanto, apart from their aggressive and ethically questionable policies, simply holds way too much power.

Even the complete weapons industry is babby tier compared to the worldwide crops industry. Whoever controls the crops, controls the world. Monsanto is clearly heading towards controlling every single goddamn field on this planet.

> the wind blew some Monsanto seeds on your field although you didn't have a license?
> too bad, we'll just sue the living shit out of you and make you pay, since you're now growing our products

>> No.5148951

>I'm sure they aren't doing everything wrong, if now they would be bankrupted!
Oh man are you going to be in for a shock when you move out of your mom's basement

>> No.5149024

>I'm sure they aren't doing everything wrong, if now they would be bankrupted!

Most retarded statement in this thread.

Also an interesting fact: none of the politicians who control the world eat GMO food while at the same time supporting MONSANTO. They expect the plebs to eat shit while keeping their own food supply clean.

>> No.5149034



>> No.5149035

They are like the music recording industry of seeds. They sued some farmer whose field had some copyrighted seeds blow over from next door and grow.

>> No.5149038

>none of the politicians who control the world eat GMO food while at the same time supporting MONSANTO.
But that's wrong you moron.

>> No.5149043

>They sued some farmer who stole seed from the guy next door and planted it in his own fields
Fixed that for ya.

Now, Monsanto HAS done a lot of shit and they're pretty much gigantic assholes. The food they make is safe though, and there's a LOT of hyperbole surrounding the shit they've done. The world would probably be a lot better if they weren't around, because their shit business practices taint the otherwise promising field of crop biotechnology.

>> No.5149046

Nothing wrong with GMO's.

Monsanto on the other hand.....

Is like any otheir corporation. Its not some global conspiracy. They merely try to collect as many debt tokens as possible. Thats the rule of the game. So sometimes their going to do things that arn't necesarrily beneficial for society, and their going to abuse the shitty legal system to make even more money.

Their no different from any other corporation. Same shit happens in the software industry.

>I typed dat code so it mine forever.

>> No.5149048


Actually it's not.

Romney, Clinton and Obama all eat only organic, Romney's wife attributes her recovery from multiple sclerosis to her alternative health choices(as "modern medicine" was completely failing).

>> No.5149054
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>eating organic

>> No.5149051

>none of the politicians who control the world eat GMO food while at the same time supporting MONSANTO. They expect the plebs to eat shit while keeping their own food supply clean

I am a longterm illuminati and bilderberg associate with a leading position and I eat GM food (it is not called GMO food), like all the time.

>> No.5149053

>3 politicians eat organic.

Did Romney not eat some shitty fast food the other day?


>> No.5149062


>confusing photo-ops with what politicians actually do.

>> No.5149064

You said they ONLY eat organic.


>> No.5149070


Always in terms of their personal life, not what they do to make themselves seem like an "average guy", which none are.

>> No.5149072
File: 76 KB, 446x400, laughingsluts in miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"organic" food

>> No.5149121

Says monsanto.

>> No.5149124

Fix your ballsack.

>> No.5149165

>Be Monsanto brand super clone
>Walking through the streets at night
>See women with a short skirt all alone
>Quietly sneak up behind her
>Use my superhuman strength to hold her down
>Penetrate her with my 12 inch gene spliced horse cock
>Call authorities to inform them that this women is violating the patent on my genome
>Look back, she has already died from an allergic reaction to my semen

>> No.5149173

I meant: if not they would be bankrupted.
And also, I didn't know you controlled the diet of all the politicians!
Anyway, what I meant is that if this corporation was so apocalyptic, and everything was so wrong, why would anyone keep buying its products? It is true that their RoundUp products have ended up quite messy, but what about all the other technologies that they have developed that improve the growth capacity, the size of the crops... Leaving apart all their lawsuits against small farmers and other obscure subjects, aren't they doing something right?
For example, we only now of the American and Canadian soybeans that reduced their productivity by 5-10% compared to the "normal" ones. But what about other countries which their increase in the productivity of soybean is enormous?

Also, Monsanto suits anyone harvesting their products, either stolen or even resistant varieties of their products impossible for the farmer to eliminate from his field.

>> No.5149207

>make GMOs with seeds
OMG they are trying to control all the fields by spreading seeds and fucking up the ecosystem
>Make GMOs that cant make seeds!
OMG they are trying to force people to buy seeds every year!

people will bitch no matter what the people they perceive to be enemies do.

>> No.5149223

Do I really need to parse your logic for you?

>> No.5149263


>> No.5149280 [DELETED] 

>I'm sure they aren't doing everything wrong, if now they would be bankrupted!
They are doing everything wrong from a moral stance, not from a self-benefiting financial stance.

>> No.5150129

>Monsanto gave $186,250 to federal candidates in the 2008 election cycle through its political action committee (PAC) – 42% to Democrats, 58% to Republicans. For the 2010 election cycle they gave $305,749 – 48% to Democrats, 52% to Republicans
Isn't it beautiful how pure politics are?

>> No.5151104

Monsanto are biological weapons manufacturers. That's what they were when they sprayed our soldiers, children, and vietnamese warriors alike with defoliants that gave them cancerous tumors and genetic defects. GM of crops should be done under strict regulation by a group that's actually focused on feeding the god damn human population. We have the resources to do it, we're just stuck in scarcity-based ideals and the ultra-rich are deathly afraid of there not being enough for everyone.

You should be more careful about what you eat.

>> No.5151123

I could really go for a cucumber right now.

>> No.5151707

Monsanto is not that bad, it is just that it provides a nice face to pathological fear of GMO. Just like Microsoft used to be a great brand for World Domination through Computer technology. Nowadays no one gives a shit. In fact, you can even have sweatshops in China driving workers to suicides and still be hugely popular.

>> No.5151744

>wearing an aluminum foil hat
Congratulations on being tricked by the government into letting aluminium leech into your body, addling your brain and polluting your essence. (That's why they don't sell tinfoil anymore.)

>> No.5151865

Monsanto was just the government contractor, and it wasn't the defoliant that was carcinogenic, it was TCDD, a contaminant in the Agent Orange production process.

>> No.5151946

I watched some biased documentary that mentioned Monsanto. It made it sound like farmers were pretty much trapped in their system

>> No.5152045

>biological weapons
>refers to TCDD, a chemical compound

>> No.5152087

>being this ignorant

Monsanto was a manufacturer of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.
this isn't 'tinfoil hat conspiracy', its what really happened. Go look it up

>> No.5152117

But Agent Orange was still a chemical weapon, not a biological one.

Monsanto making seeds is a whole different issue, like comparing Lockheed Martin's ICBM's to its commercial planes.

>hurr durr putting a nuclear bomb in an airliner.

That's pretty much basically what you said right there.

And yes, Monsanto is a shitty corporation which does the very same thing as the other corporations do: being corporations. Their ethics is 0.

>> No.5152143

>thinks vietnam-era defoliants are being sprayed on his lettuce

>> No.5152184

I wasn't that guy who made the original post

i was just saying that its NOT entirely tinfoil-hat since they really did make Agent Orange

>> No.5152201

>implying any corporation isn't trapped in the system established by the largest group in the lobby

>> No.5152828
File: 26 KB, 460x276, borlaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what good things does Monsanto do? Hmm I don't know, maybe feeding billions of people and constantly developing new strands of crops that minimize necessary acreage the cost of growing food. You can hardly blame them for trying to take advantage of intellectual property legislation, of course they're going to try and pump profits wherever possible, but people talk about Monsanto like they're payed to rape children. Fact is they exist as a business because they're constantly improving the world food supply and making food cheaper, people pay them for that at the grocery store.

As everyone should know the organic food movement is a bullshit thing that white people do as an example of conspicuous consumption. There is no advantage to the soil, to taste or to nutrition in growing purposefully obsolete varieties. It's just a bullshit "getting back into nature" fad that should be laughed out of existence. When you eat organic you incentivize agribusiness to grow less and shitter varieties at the expense of all the cute little brown people you pretend to be doing a favor.

Did Monsanto manufacture Agent Orange? Yep. Did they stray it on innocent people? No. Maybe you should be worried about you fucking government that used it to kill of wildlife just so they could kill gooks more effectively. You don't blame a water company when a murderer drowns someone.

>> No.5152909

Monsanto does good financially, but are complete dicks financially.

>> No.5154202

OP here. Thanks, that was useful

>> No.5154224

>The thing is that, absolutely NOBODY speaks good about Monsanto

Online reviews and opinions aren't trustworthy.

>> No.5154313

You are right, but out of millions of websites, I was expecting to find somebody who wasn't just crying.
I find it awesome how people who don't know that a tomato has DNA, are extremely against transgenics and Monsanto and everything related to it. I guess they just think the process is something like: oh hey lets inject this poisonous thing to this other thing so we obtain a superthing omg science