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5148489 No.5148489[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5148491
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>implying atheists religiously follow that book

>> No.5148492


>implying atheists worship RD

>> No.5148495

>two hours later

350 replies and 45 images omitted

>> No.5148497

>having any religious position but agnosticism
I shiggidy...

>> No.5148498
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Look what I found on r/atheism

>> No.5148499

>implying it isn't just 'rational thought ftw!!1' highschoolers who religiously follow Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Lawrence Krauss

>> No.5148502

>implying Dawkins isn't an agnostic atheist.

>> No.5148504

>implying he can make his mind up

What does that even mean...?

>> No.5148503


>implying he can make his mind up
>implying he doesn't just do it to get famous

>> No.5148506
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>> No.5148508

>Hating on memetics just because it is based on an oversimplified notion of "sign", even when that criticism doesn't actually hold water since Dawkins focus was epistemological rather than ontological, and he acknowledges that on TSG.

Jesus christ, guys. Stop being so mad.

>> No.5148511

Yeah. new atheists are fucking annoying. But some of them, after a decade or so, aren't too bad.

It's mostly that they just think it's sooo funny that religious people are only religious because they're stupid.

that fucking supplement guzzler bill maher's shit movie shows that he never grew up. god that movie is embarrassing.

>> No.5148521

>that fucking supplement guzzler bill maher's shit movie shows that he never grew up
He's still in the angsty teenager phase

>> No.5148527

>says atheist's need to grow up

LMFAO ur so retarded its funny

>> No.5148529

Wtf is TSG? I'm one of the many who 'hate' on memetics because it's a poor reinvention of an existing and far more functional wheel (semiotics)

>> No.5148530


But i don't believe in god. And people like you make atheism look bad. I bet you subscribe to that horrible and unfunny circle jerk on reddit?

Why must you be so acrimonious?

>> No.5148532

>hates memetics
>doesn't know what TSG is supposed to mean
>claims "memetics is a reinvention of semiotics"

You just don't know what the hell you're talking about, bro. Memetics isn't about what ideas "are" or "mean" but how they may "spread". Misinformed people like you give the theory too much credit, just as they think "The Selfish Gene" actually meant genes were "selfish".

>> No.5148537
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>> No.5148548
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>this thread