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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5145489 No.5145489 [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out /sci/. I've got a crazy idea.

Let's say we take universal physical and mathematical constants and try to find patterns by adjusting how the numbers are represented to create a connection between said constants.

So if the speed of light is 299 792 458 m·s−1 and PI is ~ 3.14159. . . (and some others; see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_constant ) we divide, multiply, rearrange shit (without changing the constant's value) until we get everything match to a clear pattern which proves intelligent design.

>> No.5145492

Too bad metres, seconds and other measurement units are arbitrary, human-defined.

>> No.5145511


sure, but the speed of light is a real value. We call it 299 792 458 ms /s.

Let's say we call it 666.666 x/x instead. And change the other constants too, but keeping the real values (balance between them.) And if everything starts showing up 6/6x66.66 or we use some other method to represent data (graphical or even more creative interpetations of these constants) that give us obvious patterns.

>> No.5145519

>> a clear pattern which proves intelligent design.

>> No.5145521

I think you're missing the point. It me be a constant speed, but it's defined in terms we've devised. Same applies to PI.

>> No.5145523

That was pretty fun y OP.

>> No.5145535


Planck units. Google it.

>> No.5145542

This would prove absolutely nothing other than that humans can rearrange numbers and shit to have connections.

So you have the number 1 right? Well twice that is exactly the value of TWO! OHMYGODTHEREMUSTBEACREATOR

When will people understand that divine entities are untestable, and until it is admitted they can be proven false, they will remain untestable...

>> No.5145544
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>> No.5145550



>> No.5145553

Try connecting the square root of 2 and the cube root of 2.

>> No.5145616

Here is an experiment:

1) God exists
2) God wants to be (and continued to be) worshipped
3) God cares about his followers

Gather all people of the religion in question at their most holy location. Now let several agnostics (unbiased persons) shoot 30 (for high statistical certainity) different nukes from different locations against them, one at the time, and count success vs failures.

If all nukes fail for some reason (all nuke launch sites burried by avalances etc), the religion has a very high probability of being correct, and their god can perform miracles.
If one or more nukes detonate there are three basic scenarios: Either god don't exist, or he doesn't want to be worshipped, or he doesn't care for his worshippers. Regardless of the reason, the religion was pointless to practice.

>> No.5145618

But God works in mysterious ways! You can't possibly understand, mortal.

>> No.5145632

Are you that Alien Symbols guy again?

Just stop posting.

>> No.5145635

The fact that you cannot perform that experiment proves God exist.

>> No.5145636


Suppose that, if this hypothetical sky daddy really exists, he would vanish from the world without any trace. Now, riddle me this: what would change? Will his disappearance affect the world or his inhabitants in any way?

>> No.5145637


St. Anselm's proof: God is an absolute presupposition of a particular way of thinking. Has nothing to do with some long bearded wizard in the sky.

Leibniz and Newton got into a really nasty polemic about whether Leibniz said God had 'une organ'... (he didn't)

>> No.5145640

Nah, it just shows the believers ain't crazy enough to bet their lives on it.

>> No.5145644

Good so apparently every religion is right.

>> No.5145650

Let's say the believers are right and God, in fact, exists.
We still have a problem: Which God do I choose? If I choose the Abrahamic God, and Allah is actually the real one, I'll go to sandnigger hell.

>> No.5145660

>implying they're not the same god but allah just had the new testament and w/e the quran adds to further describe his will

>> No.5145664

Then why do muslims hate christians?

>> No.5145673

>If I choose the Abrahamic God, and Allah is actually the real one
>implying Allah is not an Abrahamic god


Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the three Abrahamic religions. Fuckwit.

>> No.5145686

First of all, Islamists hate christians, not muslims in general you twat. Second of all the only one that could "arguably" not be considered an abrahamic god would Christianity because of their holy trinity concept that is considered ridiculous by muslims and jews alike. Muslims like Jesus, but to them he's not the son of god/god's human incarnation/ the holy ghost incarnating all love but just a regular prophet, like moses.

>> No.5145701

ahh /sci/ you always entertain me
You went from a shit post from OP talking about conections that are useless to find and would fuck with units so bad to religion thread...

stay clasy /sci/

>> No.5145712

The speed of light is relative to human unites (meters and seconds) while pi is an objective number which does not rely on anything invented by humans. However, there are other objective numbers such as e, just leave out c.

>> No.5145718

well you could express c in terms of other physical constants

>> No.5145719

God is a proper name. Atheists like you who capitalize all proper names except God just make yourselves look extremely retarded and uneducated. (I am aware that god as a class of being, which you used once in your post, does not need to be capitalized; however, the final use of 'god' was used as a proper name without capitalization.) Not capitalizing a name does nothing for your cause except make you all look like 12 year olds.

>> No.5145723

Then c is equal to 1 (Planck length/Planck time). And it's pointless to compare 1 to anything.

>> No.5145726

actually PI is not human defined, because it's a ratio, it has no "units", it's just a value

the speed of light depends on units, however. distance (meters) and time (seconds)

>> No.5145728

They don't, dumbfuck.

>> No.5145729

they do. and that's a pretty accurate generalization if there ever was one.

although "hate" is a strong word, "greatly distrust" works better.

moderate american muslims don't give a fuck though, best kind of muslims, they still practice but they're far more mellow and compassionate

>> No.5145730


>> No.5145732

>implying a few suicide bombers are an accurate representation of Muslims
It's not Christians that the middle eastern Muslims hate, it's the US military that invades their homes and kills them for political reasons. And in the past the crusaders who did basically the same thing, etc. They have nothing against Christians in general, and Jesus is actually an important prophet in their religion.

>> No.5145756

No, "they" don't. I don't know how many muslims you know, but my best friend happens to be one. He prays five times a day, doesn't trink alcohol and generally doesn't give a shit about stupid youtube videos and amerifag propaganda. That's probably because he's intelligent enough to differentiate between people and their religion. What a lot of people on 4chan obviously can't.

>> No.5145766

like i said, moderate american muslims.
an additional problem is that (most) muslims tend to stick together, and i'm talking about the general sociological case for muslim people, not "that muslim guy you know"

go on a pilgrimage to mecca and go around interviewing some of them

>> No.5147703
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You remind me of this.

>> No.5147812

We just don't care. It's not intentional, god just isn't important enough to us to warrant considering whether to capitalise it or not.