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5145129 No.5145129 [Reply] [Original]

>Physicists May Have Evidence Universe Is A Computer Simulation


So, how does this make you feel?

>> No.5145133

Am I being trolled by every pop-sci journal on the planet?

>> No.5145136
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I guess the faggot phenomenologists got bored with their shitty lattice qcd so they decided to shit up physics magazines with pseudophilosophy.

>> No.5145154

The universe used to be a big clockwork thing. Now a computer. It'll be whatever next thing they invent.

>> No.5145163

It is my belief that the universe is one big dildo raping a 4th dimensional being. I will be publishing this article in Popsci next month.

>> No.5145169

Pretty indifferent.

>> No.5145226

Inb4: Numerical simulations seem to behave like numerical simulations.

>> No.5145233

So if the universe is a simulation, is there a way can trigger an 'Exception' or 'RuntimeError' ? Making the makers aware of our awareness.

>> No.5145261

You dumb.

>> No.5145313

But if the world is a simulation, then what does it "simulate"? Another world which is "real"?
A simulation is always a model which is incomplete or just abstract, compared to the real thing. Unless Plato was right, and there is a "true" world of Ideas which are perfect, of which this world is just an imperfect copy, a simulation basically. Platonism, welcome back then.

>> No.5145328
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>making the makers... recursive awareness..
I found you some friends.

>> No.5145335

That is some cute red panda, my friend.

>> No.5145337

>Universe May Have Evidence Physicists Are A Computer Simulation


>> No.5145344
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:3 moe` animals are moe`. it's a pleasure to post the images.

>> No.5145371
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the real article... stop posting hufflepuff shit, it will just get your jummies ristled

>> No.5145467

But if reality is a simulation does that mean the article published in Arxiv was also simulated?

>> No.5145477

You guys still haven't figured out that everything is an illusion and nothing is real?
I don't mean like there exists something "real" and we are currently "virtual", what I mean is that everything is virtual, even reality.
You were not a man dreaming of life, but a tree dreaming you were a man. The rabbit hole never ends. There is no enlightenment. You are already free.

>> No.5147504
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How does Qualia play into this?

>> No.5147508

>Reality is a simulation
>When you die you cease to exist

Oh man, think of the implications!

>> No.5147524


>> No.5147527
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>> No.5147535

>The universe is literally just a simulation running on some god’s quantum computer in order to harvest the ideas that we come up with so that he can patent them for god coins

>> No.5147780

if the computer simulation of the universe didn't resemble ours, it'd be a shitty simulation

>> No.5147802

i agree
keep this nihilist, ignorant, anti life, anti science, garbage piece of shit off of /sci/ and in general, keep it to your self, you pieces of shit

>> No.5147819
File: 340 KB, 950x623, dear god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should have another board called /pse/udoscience, where all the beaners from /x/ who think they're smart can talk about pop-sci, psychology and philosophy

>> No.5147828

Prove me that the universe isn't a simulation and is real then, faggot. Or at least come up with an argument that is better than the one that says that if it's possible to simulate, then we are most definitely a simulation.

>I will pretend to copy the oldfags on /sci/ saying this is pseudoscience so I might finally look cool once in my life

not even mad

>> No.5147836

> I'm an illiterate imbecile who dropped out of highschool and have no idea how world works.
> omg guiyze it could be just like videogames, right ? right ?
If you're suggesting an idea, you are the one who has to back it up with proof or any piece of evidence. I can't disprove something that you haven't proven in the first place.

>> No.5147867

Regardless of the idea of a simulated universe, can we discuss this GZK and the counter-example of it, the "oh-my-god particle"?

I've never heard of these things before.

>> No.5147929

There is already a proof you fucking retard

>If we can simulate, then we are most likely a simulation

Are you so retarded that you can't understand what the above sentence implies?

>> No.5147934

ITT theories with no solid proof.

>> No.5147936

What do physicists have to do with it? Wasn't this metaphysical theory thought up half a decade ago by philosophers and SF writers already?

>> No.5147938

Evolution doesn't have solid proof either, yet almost everyone is jumping on the "hurr we evolved from monkeys" bandwagon.

>> No.5147965



>> No.5148004
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just no

>> No.5148005

Where did the other simulations come from.

Checkmate Simutologists

>> No.5148011

tfw statistically we are a simulation running in a simulation ad nauseum

pls simulate me a girlfriend benevolent creatores

>> No.5148019


I'm not in favor of the simulation idea, but... someone somewhere mentioned something about how simulations might just be random occurrences in nature of other systems.

>> No.5148029

what are we simulating? if the 'real' world is indistinguishable from a simulated version, what have we accomplished?

>> No.5148033


>> No.5148067

Does this actually implies something? I mean, nothing changes.

>> No.5148101


We cant simulate a universe down to the level of individual humans.
Not even close.

>> No.5148132
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>Our universe is a simulated universe inside of another universe which is probably simulated too inside another universe


>Our universe is real

The simplest explanation. It's kind of like the panspermia theory.

>> No.5148134

They've only shown that the universe might be based on cellular automata. It doesn't prove anything about being inside a simulation, but it would imply that the universe is discrete rather than non-discrete, which largely discredits any concept of the existence of God. It wouldn't disprove God's existence, but it doesn't leave any good hiding places, I guess you could say

>> No.5148141

>>How? They made a computer simulation of the universe. And >>it looks sort of like us.


>> No.5148198

>How? They made a computer simulation of the universe. And it looks sort of like us.


>> No.5148267

I don't think we're a computer simulation; things like the n-body problem make the amount of calculations required to simulate our universe even more astronomical than you would think. Any universe simulation must be less complex, and will probably be orders of magnitude more complex than the universe it is simulated inn.
Being very generous to the simulation theory and assuming that the simulated universe is half as complex as the universe it is simulated in and the number of conscious beings is proportional to its complexity, the total number of conscious beings in all of the universes will only be double the number of beings in the "real" universe. Thus, using a set of calculations very favorable to the simulation theory, there is only a 50% chance we are a simulation.

>> No.5148442

Let's find a vulnerability and hack the universe. We can post gore and cp everywhere.

>> No.5148460
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>if we are a simulation then why do I feel tfw no gf so realistically

simulationists: 0
tfw no gf: 1

>> No.5148469

>we're in a VM in a VM in a VM...

Lovely. We're all absolutely free.

>> No.5148470

But, what if the VMs are just one dream. And then after the dream ends, we wake up into another dream.

>> No.5148471

Sounds like fucking creationism. Besides
>A long-proposed thought experiment, put forward by both philosophers and popular culture

>> No.5148473

God dammit... learn to scientific approach please.

>> No.5148480



you mean to tell me they took existing data, told a computer to run a simulation on that data, and the computer showed them a simulation that gave them data they already knew?
mother of fucking shit fuck god...

>> No.5148482

We're actually just the by-products of a very long game of Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.5148500

Impartial. Whether we are a simulaton or not is irrelevant. It doesn't change anything, we will still live the same ways.

>> No.5148501

That's not a proof fuckface, thats the theory itself. Go look up the definition of proof.
Also if it's a simulation, does it simulate every planet in the universe ? every atom ? every quark ? every fucking string in the infinite universe ? Not to mention their constant, consecutive interaction with each other ? Also since time is a concept and doesn't have a framerate like the videogames you play all day, it means there is no change unit medium for the simulation.
Now go back to /x/ before you hurt your head thinking these through.

>> No.5148509

Be madder fucktard. No-one wants to hear about your revised creationism theories.

>> No.5148679

oh boy its this thread again

>> No.5148687

Refute Solipsism for me.

>> No.5148704

Prove Solipsism for me.

>> No.5148719


>my most certain knowledge is the content of my own mind—my thoughts, experiences, affects, etc.
>there is no conceptual or logically necessary link between mental and physical—between, say, the occurrence of certain conscious experience or mental states and the 'possession' and behavioral dispositions of a 'body' of a particular kind (for example, my brain might simply be a simulation, or the matrix)
>the experience of a given person is necessarily private to that person.

Therefore, the only thing I know for certain is that only my thoughts and therefore my mind exist. The rest of the world may be a simulation of a universe fed into a my brain through electrical impulses while it lies in a vat.

Burden of proof is now on you to prove that you and the universe I'm experiencing exist.

>> No.5148765

Again...this simulation, does it simulate every planet in the universe ? every atom ? every quark ? every fucking string in the infinite universe ?

>> No.5148785

I'm not saying -this- simulation that the thread about specifically.

But I dunno, I suppose it would. The Matrix did, didn't it? Or if not that, what if I'm actually still at Woodstock and this is all just a bad acid trip? What if it's all just a dream?

Our senses are merely information input into the brain, which can be manipulated. The point is that logically there is no necessary link between the mental and physical.

>> No.5148786


INB4 "Only while you're looking"

>> No.5148799

The point your missing is solipsism only suggests that your consciousness is the only thing you KNOW exists. The outcomes are that the world may just as be real, and you are one of the many real humans living in this world. Or your brain is writing all this by itself (I don't know if you can call it a simulation). But it never implies that it's a digital simulation, especially something to do with a machine transferring data directly into your brain.
Now I can't disprove that solipsism is false. But I'm %100 sure that it doesn't prove a simulation.

>> No.5148822

You know, I was mostly arguing solipsism to fuck with people, but you sir have given one of the most intelligent refutations I've gotten on this topic.

>> No.5148843

simulate yourself the motivation to get one

>> No.5148848

wave function collapse
speed of light = server updating, no wonder you can never reach it
senses =you're hallucinating a body, who's to say it's real?
when I pray to the creator of the original infinite simulation I get results, so think about it

>> No.5149568

I want to see GOD1.jpg

>> No.5149609

Oh look now sciencefags have their own gods.
It's them but much fatter (matter wise).

I'm like totally surprised and stuff.

>> No.5149610

>Evolution doesn't have solid proof either

You could always go back in time in your time machine and witness evolution as it happens.
I hope that's solid enough evidence for you.

>> No.5149624

>Therefore, the only thing I know for certain is that only my thoughts and therefore my mind exist.

No. You don't.

>> No.5152590


Time to an hero I guess.

>> No.5154139


>> No.5154182

I think there's evidence that we're in a computer simulation that many of us overlook: the glitches. You know those mass murders and other senseless acts of violence that's usually attributed to "crazy" people? They're probably errors in the software. Other things include absentmindedness and forgetfulness, like doing something stupid unconsciously.

>> No.5154227

we are not in a computer simulation you dimwit.

>> No.5154230

LMAO!!! 2C!!!!!
