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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5138361 No.5138361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

Talk about the most totally convoluted, philosophic, seemingly crazy, technically unscientific, set of world views and paradigms that you think about.


>> No.5138364


The United States political system

>> No.5138366

Me as a 12 year-old.

Ego is a hell of a drug.

>> No.5138373



>> No.5138382
File: 687 KB, 256x256, superman cube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well basically, I believe the world works in macro and micros, and is ordered in interacting "grids" which intersect in external and internal ways.

Basically hypercubes and fractals.

>> No.5138385

All conspiracy theories tend this direction, and get worse the more they are opposed by evidence.

>> No.5138387

Susskind's Anthropic Principle.

>> No.5138389

i feel the same way. if i could go back in time i would kick my younger selfs ass with a baseball bat made of my old college text books

>> No.5138400
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For some reason, /sci/ have the best kind of humour.

>> No.5138403

The possibility of the cessation of dukkha.

>> No.5138409

Well, I have this theory that society will naturally tend towards the optimal distribution of utility, just like free markets (with perfect information and perfect market access) tend towards perfect efficiency.

Furthermore, that the Utility Monster argument is perfectly valid, and in fact explains why some criminals go a long time without being caught. The amount of pleasure they derived from their crimes was so high that it outweighed the suffering they inflicted.

>> No.5138414
File: 73 KB, 645x773, fei5nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthropic principle of sorts

That we have yet to uncover what a "soul" is and how it's related to some phenomena.

That there IS a way to cheat around physics and travel faster than light.

That there could be a creator but not one we could understand, communicate with or give a fuck about us, but in the sense Olaf Stapledon writes him to be in The Star Maker.

>> No.5138427
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You don't actually think that comedy central tier humor is funny do you? Are you some kind of fucking idiot?

Nice dubs by the way.

>> No.5138433


I agree with you. The "soul" part. It's an enigmatic principle of life has that we've yet to fully realize.

I want you to keep talking about stuff please.

>> No.5138510

God is a binary, fractal, self-replicating algorithm. The universe is a genetic matrix resulting from the existential tension created by His desire for self-knowledge.

God could not be omniscient and omnipotent, since he is eternal and unique. "He knows no beginning, and also nothing like Himself, and also no end," God created man in His own image so that He could learn about Himself.

God is only a potential mind with an unformed longing to know itself. After the split, God iterated into a binary-based matrix, continually increasing in complexity as He collected more and more information about Himself.

The tension between God's positive and negative aspects boils down to an identity crisis -- cosmic self-loathing. The positive force is the part of God that chose to differentiate itself in search of self-knowledge; the negative force is the part of God that seeks to return to its original unified state (obliterating reality in the process). "divine wrath," the eternal frustration of seeking a goal that can never be accomplished.

>> No.5138574

I think some people are born with the potential to be great and others aren't.

it doesn't matter how much hard work you put into something. If you weren't born with that greatness you won't get anywhere.

>> No.5138572


plz respnd


>> No.5138583


I think that's a pretty normative thought process. An obvious one too. Like,

>social status

>> No.5138600
File: 84 KB, 490x419, aclockthatwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty much a time cube

"A clock that will last forever: Researchers propose a way to build the first space-time crystal"

>> No.5138602


>> No.5138640


>> No.5138789

>"The electric field of the ion trap holds charged particles in place and Coulomb repulsion causes them to spontaneously form a spatial ring crystal," says Xiang Zhang
>Xiang Zhang
>Shiang Djang
>Shian Djan
>Sean John

Made my day bro.

>> No.5138803

Tie between religions and conspiracy theorists.

>> No.5138807

The whole time cube thing kinda makes sense, apart from the parts that are just rambling about how the government is evil and hiding the truth from you (99% of it).

>> No.5138808

What's the part that makes sense again?

>> No.5138811

The part that says there are four separate days.
Kinda make sense if you split the world into 4 different timezones or something

>> No.5138818

I'm not disrespecting your view here.

Couldn't you invert your theory? I.e. that man created God in his likeness in order to understand himself? God is everything we wish to be, but ultimately unknowable because introspection is a bitch. What would you say to that?

>> No.5138819

>In 1987, this became a controversial attempt to establish a million dollar marble tournament inside a huge round structure and establish a philosophical "Order of the Sphere."

Every time I am reminded of this guy, I remember this. It makes me happy.

>> No.5138823

Dude. Imagine if, like, you split it up. Into, like, not just four, but, like, you know, like, more? Then you'd have, like, eight days. Or whoa! You could totally have infinitely many days, each offset infinitesimally from each other! I'm totally blowing my own mind with this. I'm sure this insight will be incredibly useful in science.

>> No.5138826

Pretty much.
I didn't say it was a smart idea

>> No.5138832

Lamarckian Evolution

>> No.5138851

Any sort of politics and world view commonly held by the οἱ πολλοί.

>> No.5138868

Creationism and intelligent design.

It doesn't help, that our conservative government use their state controlled media to spread documentations about raging Americans, who declared war on darwinism.
A shame for a country with a great scientific tradition.
Country is Russia by the way and my parents converted to it already!

>> No.5138869

Epigenetics. Inheritance of acquired characteristics is actually not *entirely* bullshit.

The Sun is still not a reliable source for anything more scientific than female Scouse anatomy, though.

>> No.5138985

let's start a page to counter this

with this:

Who's with me?