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5132958 No.5132958 [Reply] [Original]

How can I achieve momentary happiness easily?

I have some depressive episodes and I don't want to take pills. I smoke weed, but the effects vary, sometimes, it helps me a lot, others just make me paranoid. Sometimes I crave for food, but I find this to be highly unhealthy and expensive as well.

How can I, in the middle of a huge let down of life, gain some happy hormones going, even if for a moment?

>> No.5132993


>> No.5132992

A logical realignment of language and how you chose to reflect upon it is necessary, OP.

>> No.5132998

stop worrying about trying to attain certain mood states... just focus on doing the best you can in the moment.

>> No.5133021

IV heroin.

>> No.5133033

exercise, jog at the end of the day while listening to music for +-20 min. Not only does it relax the mind. The cardio helps balance out chemicals in the body that affect moods.

>> No.5133055

I think you are absolutely right. That's why I'm going through therapy and it's been great in that very sense. However, I'm still too unstable, I keep going with "I know that I have no rational reason to feel bad now, but my heart is absolutely crushed".

No way, it completely fucked my head. It is even more depressing after cumming. That when I can even sustain a boner, sometimes I'm just too distracted by depressive thoughts.

I feel you might be right, but... I don't know. My mind tricks me and confuses me on what is supposed to be the best that I can do.


You're not the first to advise me with this. I really ought to start working out, I enjoy doing it too. Great tip.

Thank you all.

>> No.5133063

Do you have bipolar? If you do, you really do need to get medicine. My mom has bipolar when she doesn't take her pills she gets in major episodes that are rough

>> No.5133098

Bury it deep inside and never let anyone see it. Otherwise you will seem weak and people will take advantage of you.

Disconnect from people around you and don't form new meaningful relationships. Others will just let you down, don't ever trust them.

This won't make you feel happy, but you won't ever be in the position for people to fuck with you again.

>> No.5133186

this is what I am doing
I am angry because I am sexually frustrated and have no friends after a move
Impossible to find a girl-friend or friends when you are angry

>> No.5133192

Getting fucked over by people in life happens. If you become a recluse you will end up killing yourself, you just need to live life and don't let things get you down too much.

>> No.5133207
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fuck that pic is killing me

>> No.5133211


(1) Stop smoking weed; while i, too, enjoy smoking it, you're in no shape to be using it, because it will make you more depressed.

(2) Exercise; physical appearance will make you feel better, while this might sound shallow it will work.

(3) Focus in school; if you're not in school, read.

(4) if (3) doesn't apply, maybe it's your line of work; e.g. i worked in a warehouse since i was 19, i felt like shit making such little money and working with people who had mental capabilities of 10 year olds. Since then i applied to school (I had science prerequisites from high school).

All in all, momentary happiness is impossible and is not something you should seek, as it will only make you more depressed.

>> No.5133241
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>that feel when you feel crushing depression at random intervals and can barely function but other times you feel fine
>that feel when the depression becomes more and more frequent and the good times less common

>> No.5133303

In the words of my therapist, "if you describe what you feel to a psychiatrist, he would easily give you medicine". Yes, I've been told I have bipolar.

I refuse to take medicine though. You must understand, it is in a deeper level of me. I don't feel legitimate and feeling good while on medicine would only make me guilty about feeling good. Everyone say that it is a combination of medicine and attitude that helps us with life. For me, they would be contraditory. It's intrisic to who I am. I don't deny the help of medicine, I just consciously refuse their use in this particular case.

That is the worst possible thing you can do, to yourself, to others, to everything. Running away from the problem doesn't help at all, on the contrary, it makes it worse. Facing and accepting tough shit is a simple principle. I'd rather kill myself before acting like that. In fact, that attitude itself is already a form of suicide.

Thanks for the advice. I'm really considering all those things. I'm trying to focus on my work, but it's been recurrent that I can't produce (as in, doing exercises, writing, etc), but I can take it passively (reading).

I know how that feels. Go for help.

>> No.5133351


Its actually pretty easy:

Lay down and close your eyes. Think about yourself and what makes you happy(or what would). But not for a moment I mean a whole story.

f.e.: Im fucked up depressed and shit. I lay down and think about fucking a hot girl i know. How i get her, what i do with her bla bla bla.

Or i fly a fuckin space ship to another solarsystem/galaxy etc.. and look around find strange animals.. hot aliens.

after a while its like taking cocaine, i mean literaly. its fuckin intense just to think about something positive and you feel it in your whole body

thats how you can escape depressive episodes.

i am a underachiver, broke, no car, no girl, living with mum but i am the happiest person i know.

>> No.5133364

Are you around emotional people a lot? Holy fuck, I felt like shit all the time because of this. I was surrounded by people who kept on screaming about needing to change the world, or being passionate about the littlest of things. I was surrounded by music that was about suffering and rage. Life felt like some epic drama movie. My blood felt like it was boiling and I felt sore and oily all over. I wanted to die for some reason.

I just stopped forcing things and giving a fuck. Menial labor kills you if you deal with bosses and customers, but personally, I found that doing stuff like building houses or doing lab work made me 'neutral'. Then I went into science and was driven by passion, but not the kind of HOLY FUCK GGRRRRRR THIS IS IT passion. I learned to control my emotions and take passion in small doses.

>> No.5133365

>that feel when you realize the only things that would make you happy can only exist in your fantasies

>> No.5133405


Does it really matter what takes you to the point of hapiness? A doctor will tell you: take pills. A priest will tell you: turn to religion.

Why shouldnt you use your own fantasies to achieve hapiness?

>> No.5133451

Fantasies are just as helpful as they are dangerous, we shouldn't take them for granted. I see no difference between what you guys are describing and what most of /sci/ abominate as religious fantasy. They are not true, they are not real, they may teach about yourself and your desires and fears and they might be healthy to a certain point, but the moment you rely on them, you are vulnerable to be hit by reality in the face and you also lose credibility to talk about reality in the first place. Our own struggle is based on what we imagine, our fears come from the frustration of trying to imagine something to fill the unknown, because of our incapacity to accept that as unknown. Once you stop projecting that, it becomes easier to deal with, it doesn't fix the fear, but as you stop trying to overcome fear by knowing what can't be known (for instance, the future), it becomes easier to gain courage to go despite fear. If you feed your fantasies way too much, they will get more sophisticated and like a drug, you'll need them more. Meanwhile, reality will become more and more dull. This is a generalized social problem, actually, Jung talked a lot about this. Current times makes it even more clear.

Thanks for the input.

>> No.5133484

OP, what were you doing the last time you felt really happy?

>> No.5133499


Maybe fantasies are not true. But in my fantasies there is one thing that there isnt is this whole world: Perfectness

You undress a girl she has her period or smells like shit, but not in my dreams.

I know its not real, yes, but op asked: >How can I achieve momentary happiness easily?

And seriously: is it wrong to have fantasies when you are the happiest person in your family or in your circle of friends?

>> No.5133524

>Is it wrong to pretend?
It certainly isn't healthy. Remember the old woman from Requiem For A Dream? Sometimes pretending ends up becoming a substitute for reality in hard times. Then you start doing drugs to escape into your fantasies and it becomes full blown escapism.

Do the logical thing, OP. Happy > No > Change Something > Happy

>> No.5133573


I have SPD. Its not pretending. Fantasies are my reality.

>> No.5133627

I asked about momentary happiness because I'm already in a process of dealing with my problems in a long and medium term. And one of the important things in this process is acknowledging one's own fantasies and discerning it from the real thing. Believe me when I tell you you forget what reality is about if you take your fantasies as seriously as you put it. You don't notice, you start not noticing how much you imagine, how much you think you know, how much you infer. And then you stop living, life becomes a drag.

For instance "happiest person in your family", that is imagined. You don't know how happy others are, you imagine that, you put yourself inside their heads and create all sorts of fantasies. You see someone pretty in the street and you start believing that person has a perfect life. You see a possibility of a mistake and that becomes enough reason for you to avoid it entirely. Things grow out of proportion, they become distorted, illusory, you become a hostage of yourself.

I really mean this, from the bottom of my heart, be careful with that or you'll only regret it later.

As said, I'm dealing with the big problems already. I was just asking for small boosts. Exercising was the best tip so far, how come I'm not doing it right now? Great idea.

>> No.5133641
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Me too bro

>that feel when you're schizoid and exhibit the same behaviors.

I exercise, eat well, sleep (sparodically,) and read quite often. The only thing is I got stuck on the wrong side of the country and now I work as a fucking fruniture mover. Like >>5133211, I'm surrounded by idiots who can't spell things like "stuffed," "shade," "toiletries" ect. All I do every day is unskilled physical labor and imagine the things I will do.

Being a schizoid, I internalize everything and can't into emotions other than anger and sadness, so I'm on guessing that I'm depressed. Happiness eludes me, almost mockingly at times. Laughter- what is this? I just know I seem cold and brooding and it's driving me crazy. Emulating emotions to appear normal doesn't change my internal state but it helps when dealing with others.

Anyways, your best bet is to probably just consider what's best in your life and focus on that. Being content with what you have is good for combating depression.

>> No.5133671

>refuses to take medication
>self-medicates with weed
my advice is to take your professionals advice
if weed was the more effective cure then they'd be telling you to smoke it

>> No.5133688

I don't smoke weed as a medicine, I smoke as recreation. I don't smoke to fix something, but to add something. I'm content about doing it. That's why I took weed out of the possible recommendations in the thread, because I can't see it as medicine, because the effects vary on me.

And the professional never advised me to take any medicine, she merely said that I could have them if I wanted, just to let me know that I could have a recipe for them in case I needed. I explained my reasons why I don't take any and she understood.

>> No.5133695
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> If weed was the more effective cure then they'd be telling you to smoke it

But you see, that's where you're wrong.

>> No.5133696


>> No.5133700

lol why didn't your meme arrow turn everything green

>> No.5133703

Kava Kava

google that shit, it is amazing

>> No.5133710

>potheads decide that a massive conspiracy involving hundreds of companies, governmental institutions, and medical doctors agreeing to say weed is bad makes more sense than the idea that weed might possibly be a magical cure-all

>> No.5133715

why is weed bad?

there are no negative effects other than smoke inhalation which is easily avoidable with a vaporizer or edibles.

The problem is with the people that use it, not the substance itself.

Who is the government to tell us what we can and can't put in our bodies?

>> No.5133714

Most of my misery comes from me feeling like it's not okay to be happy, even though I know negativity doesn't solve anything. Like I have some unbreakable obligation to be upset.

>> No.5133723


this stuff is pretty good so long as you just take small doses, it's hard to describe the effects.

It's like an anti depressant that doesn't impair your motor skills or mental skills, it relaxes your body so if you take a lot you get kinda smashed.

>> No.5133766
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>there are no negative effects other than smoke inhalation

>> No.5133785

I abominate that website entirely.

I didn't know about it. Interesting enough.

It's not a conspiracy, but there is a lobby surrounding it, of course. The substances we use are influenced by the companies that sell them, on their interests and so on. The media does the job of making it appear just like common sense. It's not something people sit in a room and decide, it's a cultural thing in which everyone contributes to creating an image surrounding each drug. Weed is not magical cure it all anyway, of course not.

Seek help. That's what happends to me too. It's some sort of cognitive dissonance, it's a self-monitoring mechanism. Part of you wants to fix it, the other part wants you to experience it.

>> No.5133798

ITT: bitch niggas keep crying

>> No.5134016

> potheads decide
Not everyone who is an advocate of cannabis smokes weed bruh
> magical cure-all
Most of the companies listed don't produce medication.

And it's not a conspiracy if it's true.