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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5127076 No.5127076 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, we all love science here, but let me ask.

How often do you read a scientific journal?
How many scientific journals do you even know by name? (Nature, Cell, and Scientific American are "free"-- we all know them so don't count them)
Do you even know how to use your university's library to access journals behind the Springer/Elsevier paywalls?

>> No.5127091

I actually have no fucking clue how to use my uni's library.. I guessed it was by connecting to the VPN network and everything would go smooth from there, now I'm not so sure anymore.
Also, I don't really look at the name of the journals, just go to pubmed, check if I can get the full text and then I download that shit. Funny picture though.

>> No.5127101

Cool, PubMed is better than nothing I guess.
You should start paying more attention to the journal names. You'll get a better feel for which journals are how reputable, who publishes what where.. and best of all, where to submit your own articles

>> No.5127120

Probably.. still far away from publishing stuff though.. I really should be reading more papers, but the materials&methods section always sucks so much. I just want to know what they found out and what has been discovered, not with what fucking buffer, spectrometer or PCR technique they did it..

>> No.5127125

>How often do you read a scientific journal?
I read random articles but I don't read any journal like I would a magazine.
>How many scientific journals do you even know by name? (Nature, Cell, and Scientific American are "free"-- we all know them so don't count them)
Phys Rev, Nuc Inst Meth, Rev Sci Inst, Am Phys J, this is a stupid question
>Do you even know how to use your university's library to access journals behind the Springer/Elsevier paywalls?
I do this all the time, shit's cash. My school has no engineering dept but I just got a bunch of RF resources through e-services. I like to get random humanities stuff too.

>> No.5127127

I'm so happy that in math we have none of those bullshit sections. I've read some papers in other fields and you're right, it's ridiculous. *If every paper in the journal has the same boilerplate, it's redundant already!*

If you did a little research on what journals are out there, there are probably journals you could be submitting to already, without having infinite background/connections. Stuff like, philosophy of (your field here), recreational (your field here), etc. There might even be a journal in your field just for undergrads (there is in math)

>> No.5127133


>> No.5127144

cool, i see you're in physics, you guys are the leaders when it comes to posting on arxiv, gives you a huge advantage.

>> No.5127146

yep, open access for the 21st century

>> No.5127177

From the dead silence, my suspicions are confirmed: you're a bunch of pop-sci softies who love Bill Nye and Carl Sagan but have never cracked open a decent journal to save your life.

Your homework assignment: using Google, determine what are the top journals in your field. Skim them, see whether they have any articles you can understand

>> No.5127179

I should...thanks for reminding me OP...gotta get on figuring this out soon.

what kind of journals do you read?

>> No.5127200

I am a mathematical logician so I skim most the math logic journals. Also I browse the top math journals and the math journals which intersect a lot with logic

>> No.5127227


>mathematical logician
>confirmed for aspie

>> No.5127242
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>reads journals
>mfw the arXiv

>> No.5127263

How often do you read a scientific journal?
I search for articles when I need it for my job. I have a question, I search on google scholar, analyse the researches and make up my mind. At least once a week.... Depend on the time of the year.

How many scientific journals do you even know by name? (Nature, Cell, and Scientific American are "free"-- we all know them so don't count them)
American Journal of Sports medicine, Sport psychologist, Journal of applied sport psychology, European journal of sport science, Applied cognitive psychology, Human movement science....

Do you even know how to use your university's library to access journals behind the Springer/Elsevier paywalls?
Its all explained on the website of my university's library. I dont know how I will survive without that free access next year!

>> No.5127270

Pssst pssst...

You can pay me back next time I get injured in a sporting accident ;)

>> No.5127279

Does all physics research go obsolete, at such fast speeds that already by 2012, everything pre-arxiv is obsolete?

Man, if I were working in a field like that, I'd get so depressed. "Ten years and all this work will be totally forgotten"

>> No.5127291

Journal of Soviet Physics.
FUCK Gaussian units. I'm glad the West won the cold war.

>> No.5127302

Are any "Soviet" journals still in print? That would be SOOOO Sexy. I would totally submit my next article to a soviet journal even if its prestige was low as fuck. Just to put that on my CV. For the motherland, komrade!

>> No.5127342

Nice. DIdnt know about that.

You dont need to get injured. Im a cocah and a sport science consultant.

>> No.5127358

It really depends on the subfield, and on the quality of the work. If you're working on graphene, yeah, good luck getting remembered.

>> No.5127380

Unfortunately, no.

>> No.5127443


Lolol were Gaussian units seriously a Soviet v American thing?

>> No.5127462

More like a theorist vs experimentalist thing. Jackson was Gaussian before the 3rd ed, and lots of other advanced texts are still non-SI.

>> No.5127471

I get etocs for ~10 different journals, and I read several papers a week. I know the top 5 journals in my field and read publications from them regularly, but only those that are relevant to me.

I can't imagine claiming to know science without reading primary literature, really. Shiggy diggy.

>> No.5127481

I read articles all the time for school, but I dont really read out of my own interest.

>> No.5127483

cornell arxiv
oxfords MBE

but yeah mostly cell and pubmed

also op acting condescending on 4chan is like driving by a soup kitchen and throwing out a macdonalds wrapper.

>> No.5127612

I go to school full time and work but I like to read the archaeology and chemistry papers that run in PNAS. They publish once a week so it keeps me plenty busy.

You guys will also notice how very little information is usually contained in given paper too. Read a review paper on a topic to get a basic understanding for a particular topic then go from there. Research is slow and major discoveries are rare, but esoteric minor advancements are abound everywhere.

>> No.5127626


>my suspicions are confirmed

looks like we've got a fucking detective here. This guy came to 4chan in search of sophisticated and compelling scientific discussion?!