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5126845 No.5126845 [Reply] [Original]

So wait a moment here. Nuclear power is used to heat water. Why don't they build a facility over an active vulcano, and use that to heat the water instead?

>> No.5126846

Don't know what "active" means?

>> No.5126860

they do. look up geothermal power.

using volcanoes exclusively though is silly because there are a limited number of such locations, and heat from nearby underground magma is normally spread out over a very wide area.

>> No.5126869

Yea, active volcano, great idea. Every so often we get to rebuild the plant, goodie goodie.

>> No.5126873

Oh, active volcano, so we have to rebuild the plant every so often... You are a genius

>> No.5126877

Hold the fuck on here now. I've got something. Create a GIANT fucking magnifying glass, which is used to focus the sun's power into the water, thus making it boil.

Powerproblems solved.

>> No.5126921

Isn't this the idea behind concentrated photovoltaics?

>> No.5126942
File: 35 KB, 320x320, is-the-sun-setting-on-solar-power-in-spain_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirrors work better.

>> No.5126954


>> No.5126959

Parabolic glass works tons better plus it can be much smaller

>> No.5126962

Cost, safety, intermittent power problems, problems of plant randomly getting destroyed, insufficient active volcanoes. Dunno.

>> No.5126963


Then why the fuck isn't this used to power our world?

>> No.5126970

Parabolic glass works tons better compared to a giant magnifying glass. Not compared to other sources of energy.

>> No.5126971

Too expensive, no power at night / cloudy days. No power at higher lattitudes, especially during winter.

>> No.5126991

solar cells are more effective because they convert directly to electricity without losing the majority of the power through heat loss in the boiled water. But parabolic power plants do work and are effective at a very cheap price.. the drawback is they require water in sunny regions that usually don;t have a lot of water and of course all the other problems that traditionally go along with solar power.

>> No.5126997
File: 37 KB, 450x304, geysers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live a few miles from the world's largest chain of geothermal power plants. We pump our treated waste water into them, they generate upwards of 70% of our electricity. Feels good man.

>> No.5127010

In a word, transmission.

>> No.5127036
File: 60 KB, 480x640, IMG_20120402_085913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how we roll in palm springs....its in the Mojave desert so we have alot of solar panels too private and comercial