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File: 52 KB, 633x421, 1340482452207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5125951 No.5125951 [Reply] [Original]

hello /sci/

Entomology fag here.

I have a general question for you.

Where on the internet can i find a site dedicated to helping one identify insects/arachnids and whatnot.

i am having one hell of a time identifying stuff i catch around my area.

any great identification books out there?

>> No.5125954
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>> No.5125955
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>> No.5125970

I don't even know why entomology is even a field.

They should just roll it in with herpetology, and put bats with the other bugs.

>> No.5125993
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>> No.5125999
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>I don't even know why entomology is even a field.


There are only more insects on this planet then anything and everything else combined.
Millions of undescribed species.
populations vital to every ecosystem.

nah... insects don't need their own field of study.

>> No.5126002
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But i am having a difficult time with identifying and its PISSING ME OFF.

>> No.5126006

How deep are you trying to identify, OP? If you're only going for family, James L. Castner's Photographic Atlas is probably sufficient. If you don't feel like dropping the $40, there's a ton of good field guides around. Peterson makes a damn good guide, so does Audubon (Photograph guides for bugs are nice- but half the time, you're not going to get close to species anyhow).

>> No.5126007
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>> No.5126017
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as close as i can!

money is of no matter. willing to throw down on my life hobby.

i will check those out. probably order them in a few minutes here. gotta love that internet.

i have a odd looking spider and i think some sort of queen ant or larger termite perhaps.

i just want to know what they are.

>> No.5126021

The guy was clearly making a joke, and a pretty funny one. Herpetology is the study of snakes.

>> No.5126029

Nice, always great to see people lovin' bugs. IF you REALLY want to drop some cash, you can get into Borror and DeLong's Introduction to Entomology. Really, choice of guides depends most on preference. B&DL is really great for Entomology students, but not much else.

You got any pictures of what you want to identify?

>> No.5126051

Also, for Arachnids, there's really a dearth of widely available guides. The best luck I've had is browsing around BioQuip's selection. They've got a lot of the best guides around, but ehh prices. You'll find Arachnid guides get pricey fast- demand is low and all that. I can probably get your spider down to family- not much more than that, though.

>> No.5126053
File: 1.47 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-07-24 12.46.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND i have a scorpion i caught

think it is in the Vaejovidae family

but there are just too many fucking bugs

>> No.5126065
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-07-30 16.17.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Borror and DeLong's Introduction to Entomology.


own it already (got it for free)

thanks though.

>> No.5126074
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-06-11 13.50.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be a queen? found these under a log in Oregon.

>> No.5126079


that was a great day.

i found many critters.

>> No.5126085

Just name it and claim you discovered a new species

>> No.5126092

Definitely a queen. You seem to have gotten into their brood chamber, too- those little white maggot-looking things are the young. Nice ants, too. Good Major/Minor difference, which is a bit rare in North America. Looks like some carpenter ants. Good find!

>> No.5126121
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thanks, i have loads of good finds. constantly poking around in and under everything.

just bugs me (Pun not intended) when i make a good find and cannot identify. i have a rather large ant in my posession, definately odd for my area. may be a queen but idk.

>> No.5126128
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>> No.5126133

If it has wings, you're in for some fun identification. How big is the abdomen?

>> No.5126156
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no wings.

abdomen is rather large, especially for my area, not as large as the pictured queen above

it's thorax has a thicker armored black
spot that seems odd to me, like wings COULD be there or something.

there is this book called 'The Ants' ...i think that's what its called.

best ant book around. 120$ but i think i should pick it up.

>> No.5126157
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I lol'd

>> No.5126164
File: 38 KB, 295x227, color image scorpionfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just going to sporatically bump with insect pics.

>> No.5126183
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>> No.5126212
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>> No.5126221


Holy fuck

>> No.5126264
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>> No.5126267
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yup. that's most peoples reactions.



>> No.5126276
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>> No.5126292
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>> No.5126295
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>> No.5126303
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i need/want these identified.

please, any help appriciated.

>> No.5126307
File: 85 KB, 800x550, Giant huntsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want one of these so bad.

>> No.5126324 [DELETED] 


>> No.5126334
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and one of these.

>> No.5126343
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i'm on there.

>> No.5126391
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>> No.5126398

If you studied arachnids wouldn't you be an arachnologist?

>> No.5126435

>not a stinger, just huge genitals

>> No.5126446
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First time i ever saw one i thought it was death coming to claim me. They are the devils work.

>> No.5126527
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>> No.5126533
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but the general term 'Entomologist' also includes arachnids.

i assume.

>> No.5126538
File: 44 KB, 640x462, meh.ro8948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha, yup.

That's his penis.


i am

>> No.5126553
File: 101 KB, 1024x768, centipede-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



people seem to hate these guys.

now i don't have them in my area but i wish i did.

they are harmless and eat other insects that infest your house men

actually if we can set up a contact i will straight up pay you for whatever you can send me alive.

any insects from your area

that goes for any of you out there that don't live near me.

send me insects/arachnids/arthropods

and i will compensate you fairly.

nothing major, just like "oh hey thanks for the house centipede here's 20 bucks"
plus i will pay for shipping and whatnot.

i need bugs.

>> No.5126550

You could try googling for field guides focused on bugs in your area.

>> No.5126554


but perhaps my lazy ass needs to search harder.

>> No.5126556
File: 431 KB, 1024x782, 1337919401665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UNLESS. you have something of a major find/rare bug

THEN i will really compensate you.

>> No.5126575


Your going to pay 20 dollars for a centipede? Really? Im sure you can buy them online if you really want too.

>> No.5126588



Here ya go, unfortunately it looks like their common house centipedes are out of stock.

>> No.5126614
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>> No.5126620
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>> No.5126630
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yeah, i'd pay 20 bucks for one of those.

hadn't found any for sale online yet.

>> No.5126676
File: 1.23 MB, 3108x2071, scutigera4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and they actually have what i wanted for 9 dollars

>> No.5126682
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assassin bug mimicing an ant

>> No.5126810
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>> No.5126887

Could be in the Mutillidae family of wasps (which are closely related to ants), because the females don't grow wings. They generally look hairy, though.

You might find more knowledgeable responses in /an/.

>> No.5126916
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Seeing this thread now Im going to ask you something.

Some days ago I saw in the house that my parents have in a forest this big motherfucker. I didnt have seen it before and havent seen it after that day but I dont know what the fuck it is. Doeas any of you know wich insect is this one?

I asked it in some Forums dedicated to animals but no one knew anything about it.

Location is in Spain

>> No.5126937


>> No.5126951


looks like some kind of scorpion to me

>> No.5126974
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, camel-spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat shit's scary man. reminds me of the camel spider; those fuckers are nasty as fuck.


>> No.5127019

It looks very similar to the one in my picture. I have looked it and those things live in spain too so its probably that that thing is a camel spider

thanks anon

>> No.5127067
File: 1.62 MB, 229x250, 1349216901168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

The fuckers with the millions of legs always get to me the most. Is there some kind of programmed reaction to fear those kinds of things like sharp teeth putting people at unease?

>> No.5127102

Probably a remnant of ancient instinctive reactions. Or simply being a pussy. I prefer to choose the first because that makes me seem more badass..

>> No.5127799
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>> No.5127858
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I hate looking at those. I look because I have a sense that if I get used to their pictures, the fear would go away. But no, every picture makes it worse. My balls retract, I have a bad feeling on my stomach, I feel I'm prepared to just scream in pain, even though there is no real pain right now.