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File: 100 KB, 1482x1045, Pool puzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5125941 No.5125941 [Reply] [Original]

This is a puzzle I saved from somewhere, and I don't know the answer or any kind of solution to it. You are supposed to get out of this empty pool. The dimensions and values are in the picture.
Did anyone saw something like this, or know the answer to it ?

>> No.5125971

can you kick off the wall?

>> No.5125976

jump grab ledge

>> No.5125984

I don't think so.
Sorry, there was a bunch of text explaining what's going on.
There is water filling the bottom half of the pool as shown. There is no one around who can help you. You have your clothes on but nothing spesific to help you get out. There is no ladder or anything.
And the pool wall material is ceramic, and its outdoors.

>> No.5125987

drown yourself in the water
congratulations, you're free

>> No.5125992

Wait for the pool to fill with water.
Walk out.
Thank the moron-evil-bad-guy-leaving-you-in-a-easy-to-get-out-of-way-over-complicated-trap trope and go about your day.

>> No.5126000

Yeah, humans can float, genius. Unless you're supposed to have some kind of weight belt on. In that case, just force yourself into the corner and climb up that way. Ceramics aren't frictionless.

>> No.5126013

That won't happen. Water isn't slowly filling the pool, OP just confusingly said that the deep end is filled with standing water, like in the pic.

>> No.5126019

Do a rain dance then wait.

>> No.5126036

it's an outdoor pool
pray it rains before i starve in a few weeks (i can drink the water already there)

>> No.5126042

I'd just continuously take mouthfuls of water and spit them at the wall. Erode my way out.

>> No.5126077

> erode my way out

>> No.5126096

This. Just climb out the corner. Holy fuck.

>> No.5126098

>Maximum jumping height you can reach with your arms: 2,75
Well, time to use the time I have and get fit.

>> No.5126106

Turn the pool on its side and walk out.

>> No.5126109

are you people incapable of reading measurements

>> No.5126129

do a wall jump

>> No.5126131

I think I got it. Is it something to do with freezing the water ?

>> No.5126137

you tell me

>> No.5126169

I think that's it, freeze the water then move it up the slope. Jump on the ice and then out of the pool.

But maybe the ice will slide of the slope.

>> No.5126171

Fucking easy answer. I can't believe nobody came up with it so far.

>> No.5126172

Quick. Somebody calculate the volume of water based on the dimensions in the picture. Then calculate how the volume would increase and rise when frozen. Would it be enough?

>> No.5126175

How would you freeze the water? You don't have anything that would enable you to do so, or anything that would enable you to cut out a block or something if the water did somehow freeze.

>> No.5126178

No. The volume would need to do something like octuple.

>> No.5126179

How come the height is low on the side of the water? It says 5 instead of 6. That wouldn't make any sense given how the water is distributed.

>> No.5126184


naw son learn how to interpret dimensions

it gets deeper as you go towards the water, the 5 is the height of the pool at that corner and 3.5 is the height of the pool at the corner where whiteman is standing

>> No.5126188

Order a pizza and have the delivery guy get you out

>> No.5126195

drink the water and pee on the wall to erode out

>> No.5126198

No phone and no people. But damn, now I want a pizza...

>> No.5126200

yeah, actually, do you get a phone? i think in this day and age, it'd be ridiculous to say you didn't bring your phone.

>> No.5126206

just drown yourself already, faggot

>> No.5126207


i guess i'll have to use my spiderman abilities to climb the wall.
but, who builds a pool, and doesn't put a ladder in? is that an american thing?

>> No.5126223

I don't think so, based on OP's statement that you have no objects that can help you get out, other than your clothes.

>> No.5126224

I think the original source would be really helpful. It seems like we need extra information. Unless it's one of those "think outside the box" problems.

>> No.5126229

"Maximum jumping height you can reach with your arms"
That could mean that you could touch the top of the height of the jump with your arms. It doesn't technically specify how high you can jump.
Or I'm taking it the wrong way. Whatever.

>> No.5126233

>maximum jumping height
>not specifying how high you can jump

>> No.5126234

You feel the bulbs to see which one is still hot

>> No.5126235

start a fire with your clothes. when people go to see why theres so much smoke, ask them to get you out.
they'll refuse and call the cops, because you're naked, and the cops will get you out and arrest you for public indecency.

>> No.5126238

>wait for water to freeze, break ice into chunks, stack ice in corner

Or just wall jump off the corner, the wall's only .5m above your max jumping height

>> No.5126241

yeah. let me just pull out my freeze gun.

>> No.5126245

How about using the water and the Archimedes' principle to get out on the other side ?
(This looks ridiculous but i ain't got anything better)

>> No.5126250

Yeah, exactly.
It could be someone else's maximum jumping height (that you can reach the maximum height of with your arms)
So you could be able to jump and grab the ledge with your arms since it doesn't say how high you can jump.

>> No.5126258


geographically, where the fuck is this pool? if water freezes so easy outside, why the fuck have you built a pool there? is this a pool, or an ice skating rink for small children?

>> No.5126255

Nah, there are no word tricks like that. It's something you solve by physical means

>> No.5126260

>doesn't say how high you can jump
>maximum jump height

>implying it isn't just specifying that your feet won't rise to 2,75, but rather your arms

>> No.5126269

>Take water in your mouth and spray it everywhere, pray the airs' density becomes higher than yours

Yeah, no

>> No.5126270

It also never says that you're the guy in the pool either. So you don't give a fuck, and prolem solved.

>> No.5126271

OP never said that it was water, it can be ice.

>> No.5126282

"There is water filling the bottom half of the pool as shown."
Well I'm out of ideas.

>> No.5126283

The gravity is not stated. So maybe It's a pool built on the moon, so you can just jump out

>> No.5126286

>Bite off your leg
>Stand on it with other leg

Ez, go next

>> No.5126296

>go down to the water
>run up towards a corner
>put one foot on one wall
>spring off towards the other wall
>use other leg to spring yourself up towards the top
>grab the top
>pull yourself out

pretty sure that's it..

>> No.5126313

you ask the other bird what the other bird will tell you

>> No.5126330

>acquire boner
>pole vault out of there

Problem solved.

>> No.5126360

what you do is you use the natural decline of the room to jump up onto the wall then slide down the floor, sliding into the water and over the wall.

>> No.5126364

>freeze hand in block of water
>punch walls with ice hand
>break footholds in wall
>climb to safety

so obvious

>> No.5126410


>> No.5126413
File: 2.28 MB, 480x853, 134858978990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post on 4 chan

>> No.5126419

i specify my own units for your bullshit picture, rob the tiny ass midget just for good measure, then climb the waist-high edge and leave that freak of nature to die

>> No.5126423

afterwards i'd probably go get some ice cream with his midget money

>> No.5126429


>Use penis to sweep the area surrounding the pool
>Build a ladder with acquired materials

>> No.5126431

you slide down the room and then surf off the water over the wall

>> No.5126440

>surf over the wall
>5m high


>> No.5126442

i also have another idea. you could cut off one arm, jump up and hit the end of it off the edge of the wall so that the edge cuts into the arm as deep as it needs to cut for the arm to stay there, then use the other arm to pull yourself up and over the wall.

>> No.5126451

after the water it's only 3.25 before you are airborn. after the wave you create it's even less than that.

>> No.5126458

>3.25 meters
Cannot into measurement

>> No.5126456

>jump out of water
what do you think this is, super mario 64?

>> No.5126457


Was gonna go to bed but now I have to masturbate.

Thanks, just thanks.

>> No.5126463

1. shout for help
2. use another person to get you out of the pool

>> No.5126466

idk but i didn't say u jump out of the water, i said you use it to surf to go upwards over the wall.

>> No.5126472

Why did you even go down there, guy?

Come on man how stupid is you

>> No.5126478

if the pool wall is made of ceramic can't i break it
maybe stack up tiles of ceramic and stand on them

>> No.5126479
File: 34 KB, 450x297, o_629784_saw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he woke up there

>> No.5126483

Just swim through the wireframe and you will be out of the pool.

>> No.5126485

Yell "Help!" like a faggot until your throat gives out or you're rescued.

>> No.5126489

Or just put your foot and hands to the broken holes and climb up. That would be my first plan

>> No.5126502
File: 2.90 MB, 536x450, reaction OMG wow surprise holy shit wtf sh seohyun 서현.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5126508


>> No.5126729

Wait for spring.
Attach spring to my shoes.
Bounce out.

>> No.5126741
File: 61 KB, 651x750, pool puzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5126750

Scream until I'm a little horse.
Gallop around the pool.

>> No.5126783

oh wow i don't even know how i could have misinterpreted the width of the pool as the height at the person-end

>> No.5126796

3 internets to you, clever sir
(2 for solution, 1 for outstanding ms pain skills)

>> No.5126822

i guess that if you calculate the angles and whatnot you'll find out that the pool is not a correct cubic shape but warped, and thus you can swim into the water at the bottom corner and just grab the ledge.

>> No.5126827

just wait for it to rain of course

>> No.5126829
File: 15 KB, 345x376, 1344732975314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually done on my android using Rage Maker. Damn that was painstaking.

>> No.5126857

well then, I award you an additional internet

>> No.5126880

Tineye and reverse Google image searches yield no discernible origin of this pic...

>> No.5126983
File: 636 KB, 500x868, colin face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no other reaction image can represent my state of mind

>> No.5127062

I actually think that if you drink all the water and retain the same ratio (height^3) / mass and (max jump heigh ^3) / mass, you get tall enough to get jump out.

>> No.5127088

The 2 walls of the pool that are not visible from the camera's point of view aren't textured, thus you can go through it. You then fall through the level, which warps you to the top of the level when reach the lowest coordinate of the map. You then fall again until you reach the ground near the pool (if you aim properly). Don't forget to disable falling damage in the console first ("sm_nofalldamage 1", run executable with "--console" option and access console with ~).

>> No.5127109

Remove cloths

Tie them together in a rope, with your pants in a ball at one end

Dip the ball in the water

Swing it over the edge at the shallowest point so it sticks

Climb out

>> No.5127162

No way it will carry your weight. And if you fall from there, you'll fall from 3 meters on your spine.

>> No.5127174

The natural body funk and grease of a channer will, when combined with the water from the pool, form an effective glue allowing the balled pants to support your weight.

>> No.5127191

other than my suspicions about it working or not, its very risky. Wouldn't be my first choice

>> No.5127274

Bump for ensuing epicness

>> No.5127478

Water has buoyant force lol. Maybe if the water is more than half of your body high than you can jump and reach the wall?

not enuf info

>> No.5127505

It would be a bit hard, maybe too hard, but maybe you can jump into the water to start a wave, and get out quickly and time the jump with an incoming wave until eventually you would follow a large wave and splash upwards the wall or something

>> No.5127516

posting in troll thread

>> No.5127719

looks like no way out

>> No.5127759

It seems quite unlikely that you will be able to get about twice as high with the buoyant force of that bit of water.

>> No.5127760

Realistically you will get about a third of the jump height out of the water at most.

>> No.5127772

freeze water into ice
carve ice into the shape of a pickaxe
mine some stairs
walk up stairs

>> No.5127775

Yeah. But it seems like it is one of the only answers here that could have possibly been the intended way.

Well, that and eroding your way out.

Is there any more text about the question? Maybe all of it should be posted here to be sure we are not missing anything.

>> No.5127779

punch the shit out of the wall and make stairs with the broken stuff
also quads

>> No.5127788

just run up the slope and use physics to find the speed i need to run at to add enough momentum to my vertical jumping height

>> No.5127827

>jump height 2.75

>> No.5127840

Jump up near the wall and flip so that my feet hook on to the edge of the pool..... I don't know if I
can get out from there.

>> No.5127849

Soak your clothes with water, wrap your hands and feet with them, and climb up the corner, with your back to it. Since its ceramic, im assuming its mostly smooth, So the surface tension of the water would keep you from slipping as much. At least thats my guess. It may not give you the ability to climb all the way out, but it will get you the extra distance to be able to grab the edge i think.

>> No.5127852

how do you climb up when you can't reach the ledge ?

>> No.5127854

If you are Jackie Chan, or decent at Parkour/Capoeira, That would work perfectly.

>> No.5127856

do a backflip out of the pool

>> No.5127862
File: 44 KB, 285x285, insidecorner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your back in the corner, Wedge yourself there by pressing your hands and feet (covered in wet clothes) against the walls that make the corner. Sort of like this pic, but with the back in the corner.

>> No.5127864

just swim out of the pool wahts the big deal

>> No.5127868

You may be able to do this if the walls are not too smooth. But it looks so damn hard to do it. Not to mention you're going to damage a few bones if you fall from a few meters naked on ceramic floor

>> No.5127871

If all i have in my clothes, that includes Shoes....So maybe stack the shoes up, leaning them against the side. That may give the 0.5 needed to add to the jump.

>> No.5127874

Yeah it would be pretty hard. at 18 i could have done it pretty easily. At 30, im too fat and out of shape. But we only need an extra .5m to get up...So 1.64 feet shouldnt be that hard to get.

>> No.5127875

>damage bones if fall from a few meters

jesus christ you faggot get outside and go do something if your body is this frail you should just rid your shitty genes from existence.

also your attitude is trash.
waste of life.
you hide behind a veil of 'intellectualism' that you can't even live up to because of your feigning ignorance. jesus christ man just kill yourself PLEASE.

>> No.5127881

It could break bones if you were to like, have no balance at all and land from the top onto your elbow, or your skull....But otherwise it would just hurt like a bitch for a little while.

>> No.5127886

why the insta-butthurt lol

>> No.5127891

There was so little bitching in this thread that he had to add in some. Otherwise, the 4chan gods might punish us for not being asshats. Im glad he did it, I was about to have to. :)

>> No.5127898

I think the joke is that you drown yourself.

>> No.5127899

lol, anyway. I can't think of any other way to climb up a 3 meter wall. The water may not even have to do anything with the solution.

>> No.5127919

Thinking maybe its Classic misdirection?

Fully possible.

>> No.5127929
File: 72 KB, 200x351, 27947750[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we could just go to the deep side and make waves on the water so it would be going up and down through the pool
and when it's on the shallowest side we grab the edge

>> No.5127935

It only gets deeper on one plane. Just walk towards the bottom left since there's no depth.

>> No.5127960

not sure if everyone in this thread is trolling or what?

(6.75m-3.25m) / 10m = .35 x 90 = 31.5 degrees

height = (Vθy^2) / (2g)

6 meters a second (15 mph) at an angle of 31.5 will give you a vertical travel of .5 meters +2.75 will bring your momentum to 3.25m even though the horizontal motion can be absorbed by impact with the wall.. So you just need to sprint 15mph+, which should be easy for a fit individual.

>> No.5127963

>Just run 15mph uphill on a 31.5 incline

Not all of us are Wild goats from caucus mountains.

>> No.5127971

sorry i forgot that the record human sprint speed is over 30mph, and Americans are fatter than the average human sprint speed of 17 mph

>> No.5127978

>quotes speed records on flat land
>thinks speed applies on a grossly steep incline

>> No.5128012

you don;t understand much about the physics of sprinting. Steep slopes only marginally increase your speed before you fall over, and steep slopes do not significantly shorten short term sprint speed, they do radically increase energy expenditures, but the primary limiting factor for sprint speed uphill is your body weight / coordination / reaction time. A person who is not an american and not fat can sprint uphill at a small fractional difference to level ground fora short period of time. I can understand your lack of grasp on the subject though weight over 150 lbs sitting on your ass eating burgers. Assuming we have a human who is above average in sprint speed getting 18-19 mph, its safe to say they could achieve 15mph.. of course i haven't considered friction with the wall, but being porcelain i think it will be minimal. And the body will not bounce significantly for the wall becasue its a soft matter that will absorb shock.


"BTEC National Sport: Sports Development and Fitness Options"; Ray Barker; 2004 (153)

"International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance"; The Optimal Downhill Slope for Acute Overspeed Running; W.P. Ebben; March 2008

"Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research"; The Effects of Sprint Running Training on Sloping Surfaces; G.P. Paradisis, et al.; November 2006

>> No.5128015

Also the bottom of a pool tends to be quite smooth, so there isn't just a steep incline to contend with, there's also a lack of traction.

>> No.5128024

i was on this thread yesterday and so far nobody has come up with a better solution than mine:


>> No.5128025

Lets assume you are correct about everything (I don't believe you are, but who cares, you can win that one).

The water covers roughly 5m or so of the pools length, giving 5 meters of dry pool length.

As mentioned, the bottom of a pool offers low traction and even less when wet, so its in your best interest to avoid the water.

This means that a 5m x 6m area is your actual usable area, meaning that at best you have less than 8m to run (running diagonally).

So you have less than 8m of space, on a low traction surface, running up a 30 degree incline to achieve a speed of 15mph.

Good luck.

>> No.5128052


You are talking about elevating 3 meters off the ground. Just look at a 3 meter wall and you'll see how impossible it is.

>> No.5128053

It's funny how Amerifags insist on using the stupid Imperial system, yet whenever they have to solve a practical problem they have to switch to Metric

>> No.5128056

>hurrrrr durrrrr americans durrr

>> No.5128059

I'm afraid this is one of those "think outside da bockxs" kind of puzzle which have a stupid answer.

>> No.5128090

be like the flash and vibrate through the walls

>> No.5128096

Just suck in as much water into your mouth as you can and dump it at the higher end of the pool until both the sides get shorter and it bounces you out.

>> No.5128097

or just


fly out

>> No.5128100

use my penis like a lasso and hook a tree on the outside

did i mention i have a long penis

>> No.5128101

Wait, you can jump and the edge of your reach will be at 2.75 units right? So jump, and at the height of your jump, do a flip. Since your legs are longer than your arms, you'll have a farther reach. You'll have gone in the air 2.75 units + whatever your height is.

>> No.5128102

does anyone have a rational solution that doesn't require these feats of athleticism?

>> No.5128113

You're going to need some kind of athleticism to get over a 3 meter wall

>> No.5128345 [DELETED] 


captcha: small ditchew

>> No.5128407

did you even read the fucking problem, the guy can jump 2.75 meters standing still, if you can;t understand the physics of running up an incline giving you enough inertia to extend your jump .5 meters.. than well.

>> No.5128445

please tell me where it says that its meters and not feet

>> No.5128461

>Call out really loudly for help.
> Mathematically speaking if you call for an infinite amount of time, somebody will have to hear you.
>When they come they'll be all like "Hey we're you calling for help? Are you stuck dow, there?"
>And then you yell back "NAH MAN ITS COOL I'M JUST BREAKING DOWN!"
>Then start break dancing and tearing it up like crazy.
>Then they'll see what a great time you're having and jump down to join you
>Then you say "Actually I am stuck can you give me a boost?"
>+.5 m boost = freedom
Science bitches.

>> No.5128490

I dont think this is a puzzle at all. I think OP was bullshitting all along.

>> No.5128718

It's simple, sit in the water to build up thermal energy, then transfer it to kinetic energy and launch yourself out.

>> No.5128757

science bitches.

>> No.5128776
File: 12 KB, 214x225, 1319031039757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to the dimensions of the graph, wouldn't the water reach all the way up to the shallow end?

What I'm saying is that the picture is misleading. There is no dry ground.

>> No.5128779

Piss 'till the water+piss level is so high that you can go out.

>> No.5128795
File: 31 KB, 1317x699, pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5128808

>There is no dry ground.

Wow, you're right. I wonder why the picture tried to mislead us

>> No.5128815

In the original drawing, it looks as if the water extends halfway across the pool. This would agree with a maximum depth of 6.75. That is, the 5 actually the distance from the rim to the surface of the water. The 1.75 isn't included within the 5.

>> No.5128847
File: 73 KB, 800x600, niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5128855



>> No.5129307

that looks right
2.75 meters is the maximum height you can reach with your arms when you jump idiot. can't you comprehend what you read ?

>> No.5129343
File: 45 KB, 800x600, 1349627062093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the deepest part of the water is level with the highest point of the floor.

>> No.5129352
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1349627062093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and >>5128776 is right

>> No.5129372

Stop drawing.
This is accurate.

>> No.5129435

Freeze the water, make a pile of ice and jump off that?

>> No.5129432


>> No.5129437

just wait for the high tide.


>> No.5129440

Unless the friction on the floor is great enough to hold the ice, especially with the incline, that probably isn't happening.

Also, we'd have to freeze the water with something, or wait for the water to freeze, but then we'd need the right conditions.

>> No.5129445

By the time it gets cold enough for long enough for that much water to freeze, you would have died.

>> No.5129444

Maybe we won't have to move it. Water expands when it freezes, right? So the end with the water (ice) would be higher than the dry end so it might be high enough to jump off of.

>> No.5129449

Well then, I have no idea.

>> No.5129635
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x2091, M33colormosaic5LL_gendler_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no units in the drawing. What OP forgot to mention is that in this hypothetical the units are actually Ångstroms. Consequently the answer is that you simply wait for yourself to quantum-tunnel out

>> No.5130644 [DELETED] 


>> No.5130663

Fuck, why didn't I think of that.

>> No.5130668

Jump the 2.75 that I can with my arms (upside down, obviously) and get my lower 1.25 onto the edge of the pool, then worm my way backwards until the other .5 of me is on top.

Not that hard /sci/

>> No.5130672

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch? yada yada...

>> No.5130702

jump on the ledge, hold ctrl while in mid-air

>> No.5130705

This picture isn't really drawn to scale either, it's misleading.

if the walls are only six and ten units apart, this is a pretty narrow hole, considerably. Nothing like the picture at all.

>> No.5130711


It's the weekend, I'm high as fuck.

>> No.5130710

Correcting myself, it's the "whiteman" that is not drawn to scale.

>> No.5130723

All the walls are all inclined surfaces. Walk on any of them and "out" of the pool, so to speak.

>hold my dick

>> No.5130803
File: 113 KB, 1482x1045, pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jump around and create waves, ride the highest point of the wave until you can reach the wall

>> No.5131186

I really want to know the answer to this

>> No.5131191
File: 8 KB, 251x230, 1347675656464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick yourself up by the seat if your pants.

>> No.5131245


You've never actually been in a pool have you

>> No.5131299
File: 139 KB, 1482x1172, ThisShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5131306
File: 60 KB, 624x317, anchorman-well-that-escalated-quickly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5131323

Look at the number 1.75 next to the person. Think what measurement is that showing? I am almost 100% positive that it is the width for that half of the pool wich therefore infers the walls are on such an angle where you can just walk out on the shallow side. Don't get it? The top is the measurement 6m and the bottom would be 1.75m therefore having enough of an able in the pool to casually stroll out.

>> No.5131327
File: 413 KB, 717x880, urafagit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5131338


It's the guy's height.

>> No.5131344

So he can jump around a full meter off the ground? If that's normal I feel stupid lol.

>> No.5131346


>what are arms

>> No.5131352

Are the arms not included in this midgets hight?

>> No.5131351

No measurement is defined, right? So it's invalid.? Even if meters is applicable, because it is relevant to 'about' an average human in height, it's not stated and therefor cannot be used. (guessing here)

Can you post the original puzzle from wherever you may be 'reading' it? (if not already posted)
I'd like to see everything you can.

>> No.5131393
File: 141 KB, 529x359, coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a pool right Just swim out for fucks sake whats the big dealio ?

>> No.5131917 [DELETED] 

bumpity bump

>> No.5132121
File: 22 KB, 409x635, 1349240661414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot into visualization.

>> No.5132216

lol, I'm sitting in my uni's library, laughing like a retard, thanks /sci/ I needed that.

>> No.5132239

I would starve to death because I´m a tiny subhuman.

Thank Darwin I´m not a dwarf.

Make clothes wet, stack them in the corner.

>> No.5132262

take off clothes, throw into water, increase water level and float out. ez pz lemon squeezy.

>> No.5132264

why the fuck would you like to wet your clothes?

>> No.5132277

They´ll better stick in the corner that way.

>> No.5133176 [DELETED] 


>> No.5133256
File: 4 KB, 376x292, pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The width at the bottom of the pool is 1.75m. At the top it is 6m. This means the side wall can be climbed, it has a slope of about 57 degrees.

>> No.5133422
File: 64 KB, 400x417, trapped_tapped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god! We need a solution!

And where is the original question?

>> No.5133467

The walls ramped you can just walk out of it.

>> No.5133475

This is a rhetorical question and thats a rhetorical puzzle. The water is there so you can drown yourself when you realize there is no way out.

>> No.5133477

>ramped walls

>> No.5133532
File: 47 KB, 1482x1045, slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just slide down the end

>> No.5133561


>> No.5133582

just jump into the pool, them swim out of the pool

>> No.5133599

Lol'd hard

>> No.5133601
File: 91 KB, 1482x1045, that was easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alternatively just wait for rain.

>> No.5133643 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 648x1520, nowwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't solve this your IQ is under 90.

>> No.5133647 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 648x1520, nowwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't solve this your IQ is under 90.

>> No.5133651
File: 105 KB, 648x1520, nowwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.5133669
File: 33 KB, 506x383, sheeeeeeeeeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133712

Look at your own reflection in the water.
Give yourself a series of good, hard stares.
Uses the stares to climb out of the pool.

>> No.5133727


It's pools all the way up.

>> No.5133729

Use the sweat on your palms and soles for adhesion and wedge yourself between the two faces of the corner. Then you can climb out by pressing against the walls for support

>> No.5133733

it's cermaic

>> No.5133752

Nerd pole

>> No.5133811


You do understand a 3m drop is significant and will fuck your shit up.

Stop being a teenage douchebag and gtfo.

>> No.5133812

Since its outdoors just wait for it to rain... once the pool fills up enough climb out

>> No.5133856


What if this is in Death Valley, NV?

>> No.5133952

Dude, have you ever pressed sweaty hands against a smooth object? It sticks like a bitch

>> No.5133958

kick ceramic tiles until they break or carve them out with something (belt buckle, coin, keys, etc). use them as foot holds. climb out

>> No.5133996
File: 47 KB, 650x240, 2-panel-gasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on it

>> No.5134005

Lol, I cannot into typing

>> No.5134058

Actually yeah. Swim in the pool for a while until every inch of your skin gets wrinkled and wiggly. Then you should be able to climb out from a corner. Yes, it's risky but better than waiting there to die.

>> No.5134325
File: 63 KB, 1482x1045, 1349755081023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First panel

>> No.5134340

I like your font and color choice.

>> No.5134353 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 367x306, 1338218438127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5134365

Droid sans italic

>> No.5134375

The answer is clearly that you can just walk out. The perspective of the drawing is the confusing part. the 3.25 wall in front of you is at an angle, so it's 3,25 in length but it's net on the y axis is low enough for you to climb out.

You're welcome

>> No.5134376

Forgot to add, you know it's on an angle because of how the water rests.

>> No.5134387

Probably the funniest thread I've ever seen on /sci/.

>> No.5134390

Cup your hands and move all the water from the upper room to the original room until it is filled. Then go back and float up to the top.

>> No.5134689

This is impossible.

>> No.5134713

What if you were to run up to the corner, wall jump from one side to the other then back to the wall you started your jump grabbing onto the ledge & pull yourself up?

>> No.5134718

Sorry, OP but you should've made the height larger. I do parkour, and that corner jump is something I do every week at my local pool when it drains. With the right angle and hand contact, you can rebound the corner and grab the top. Sorry if that's not the answer you wanted, but I have the physical ability to do it.

>> No.5134726

>I don't know the answer or any kind of solution to it.
That's because there is none. It's a troll puzzle that exploits the fact that puzzles like this often have an elegant solution, or a fancy mathematical explanation like graph theory you can use to explain that it's impossible.

This one? Just a guy stuck in a pool.

>> No.5134734

The puzzle doesn't take place in the assassins creed universe. You can't walljump a 3 meter wall

>> No.5134743
File: 84 KB, 233x238, 1335368515231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You stand on your arms and jump.
>You reach 2,75 m height with your arms.
>Your legs are way over the pool's edge.
>You bend them.
>CIimb out.

>> No.5134791

fucking retards, jump up and grab onto the fucking skimmer box thingo.

that, or use the creepy crawly thingo majig to get out some how.

or use some pool toys.

OOOOOR fill mouth with water, breath deep through nose, aim mouth at ground and blow with the force of a thousand suns, blowing yourself up and out of the pool.


>> No.5134800

>implying you can't

>> No.5134803

correction. you can't

>> No.5134808
File: 38 KB, 350x300, 1333435759836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.>stand on your arms and jump

>> No.5134809

It's less than 3 meters, are you fucking blind ?

>> No.5134811

At 25 seconds?
The wall is more than twice his size, so unless he is actually a 1m50 pygmy, the wall is more than 3 meters.

>> No.5134812

ok faggots, here is a solution

Being in this pool i'd scream "Litvinenko, Politkowskaja, Putin - vor"

Then FSB agents come to me and take out of this pool (they are everywhere if u didnt know)

Next problem how to deal with putin's agents is beyond the puzzle


>> No.5134817

So since you can jump maximum 2,75 with your arms, pushing yourself up from a 90 degrees flat ceramic wall is going to make you go half a meter up ?

>> No.5134928

tfw u said Putin and everybody ran away frightened

>> No.5134939

>So since you can jump maximum 2,75 with your arms
If you can jump that high with your arms, just think how high you could get by jumping with your legs

>> No.5134958

you sound like a faggot

>> No.5136438

>Maximum height: 2.75
Oh, so i guess if we can just change rules my answer is to turn the gravity off.

>> No.5138555


>> No.5138554

So can we all agree this puzzle is unsolvable using the given info, assuming the walls are vertical and the weather is dry?

>> No.5140128
File: 111 KB, 296x225, Screen Shot 2012-10-10 at 10.23.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No conclusion to this madness?

>> No.5140508

It's a troll thread. And it works.

>> No.5140527

So many missing info, it's impossible to solve this.
Anyway, the most probable solution either to call for help, or try to climb.

>> No.5140539

The conclusion is that white boys can't wallrun.