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5125167 No.5125167 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good evolution simulator games?

>> No.5125181 [DELETED] 
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I want more though.

Raise up, kid.

>> No.5127349


Captcha good MACHOcto

>> No.5128019

google derpbikes

>> No.5128032



>> No.5128037
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I only know about good evolution pastas


>> No.5128050

There use to be a simulator that simulated bacteria, randomly picked shapes for the bacteria. Included mutation rate for offspring and hidden stats for each bacteria type. Some were aggressive and used up their energy too quick, others were slow and lacked defenses.

I can't remember that name of it though.

>> No.5128062

Gay as fuck

>> No.5128066


>> No.5128089


>> No.5129940

Any other good ones, /sci/?

>> No.5130007

I saw a video of a system that attempted to evolve locomotion from simple muscles and rigid elements within a physics simulator. It was interesting to see how different creatures would get along, if at all.

No idea what it was called, though I'd be keen to see it again.

>> No.5130047

Bump for OP. I'd like to know if there are any good evolution sims as well.

>> No.5130075

I've never found an evolution simulator that was really interesting to me.

Boxcar 2d is fun but too simple to evolve anything that is really interesting

Biogenesis is a little better and more complex but still suffers from an obvious lack of any emergent phenomena due to simplicity, which is really what makes watching evolution interesting.

Someday someone will put together a good simulator but I haven't seen one yet.

>> No.5130083

evolution of a vius

>> No.5130108

>implying you would know how to program R to become an evolutionary simulator

>> No.5130138
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I remember this, we invited /v/ in on the fun and made penis monsters.

My only complaint is that it doesn't have any sort of joint or limb system.

>> No.5130160

did he survived?

>> No.5130177


>> No.5130383

The video I remember was very similar to this:

But I remember the motions in the video I saw were a lot less familiar looking.

>> No.5130463

Is this program available for download anywhere?

>> No.5130468
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>> No.5130489

If it were a game, then it would be a a bad evolution simulator

>> No.5130534
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>> No.5130538


Please tell me there's a way to downlaod this. It looks fucking amazing...

>> No.5130543


My 6 year old self loved this game in the late 90's, hav't been able to get it to work on W7 but you can probably torrent it and run it on an older or virtual machine.

>> No.5130613

Good or no?

>> No.5130626

I've only ever seen it as a video, not as software. Still, I imagine that Karl Sims got a paper (or several) out of his work. Maybe you can find his code online directly, or maybe one of his papers will reference a source.

S'pretty flippin' cool, though, I agree.

>> No.5130637

Aha, this looks like it, or very similar:

Go to the download link for explanations, etc.

>> No.5130660

Thank you.

>> No.5130689



>> No.5130775

bump... I love this shit guys.. I fucking loved spore for the first five minutes I played it, then I realized how limited the possibilities are..

reading that "programming" pasta makes me yearn for a similar type of program, though I know constructing such a thing would be quite a project, as well as actually setting parameters to run it and do what you want

>> No.5130796
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>> No.5130800
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>> No.5130863
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it's as good as it gets, neurons, specialized limbs, ability to predate on other creatures. but you have to pay to get fancy graphics...

To give you a taste of what's possible, here's my previous pic explained.

>> No.5132018


Are there any torrents?

>> No.5132174


This is /sci/, no one here knows what R is

>> No.5132231

My lab uses R all the time!

I can only do babby programming, though.

>> No.5132234

Rightfully, because they should be using python anyway. hyuk.

>> No.5132307

>Biogenesis is a little better and more complex but still suffers from an obvious lack of any emergent phenomena due to simplicity
>lack of any emergent phenomena due to simplicity

When you say simplicity, do you mean limited processing scope, or do you not understand how emergent phenomena work?

>> No.5132316


>> No.5132330

There are only a set of attributes they can develop. for instance, they never create any moving parts.

>> No.5132466

That's because there's no evolution in Conway's game of life. For one, actual self-replicaiton in it at all is far more arduous than in other cellular automata. Even in evoloops, where you have exponential growth and mutation easily, the environment is too simple and the creatures too fragile. I think it would help to use something probabilistic, where some cell state/neighborhood combinations always have the same result, but others have a small chance or turning out differently. Then organisms could have traits that are risky, but can pay off.

Anyway, there's also the Creatures series, and some time in the future Grandroids, though they're less about evolution and more neurological simulations that happen to have enough biology for evolution to be possible.

>> No.5132472
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moar , that is one of the best shit i've ever read but still doesn't explain some of the stuff

>> No.5132506

are you retarded or something?

>> No.5132537

http://douweosinga.com/projects/cambrium This one's sort of neat, but you can't really get it to have any multicellular cooperation, or I least I couldn't. The same guy also make one called Vendian, don't think I tired it. One thing that would help make things more complex is a way for organisms to identify and signal each other via proteins.

>> No.5132622

C's GoL do help support evolution to a point though. It helped me.

One of creationists favorite arguments is that nature is too complex for it to based on simple defineable rules. However, C's GoL shows massively complex systems (prime number generators, etc.) that are based on INCREDIBLY simple rules.

It doesn't show a simulation of evolution, but I think helps in showing how complexity is not all that complex

>> No.5133374

I like this thread.
Bumping again for this nice thread.

>> No.5134945
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>> No.5134993


Damn, nigga that was a good read.

>> No.5135544

^^ This OP.