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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 480x715, 102-The-black-cat-analogy_zpsaacde414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5123123 No.5123123 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ should appreciate this.

>> No.5123126

Who are you to tell us what we should appreciate?

>> No.5123135

Theology is the study of religion.
It has nothing to do with deliberately lying and claiming things which one knows is false.

You are also implying that science has all the answers, as it would easily find the cat with a flash-light
It does not.

>> No.5123145

You know, I'm not "implying" anything, I'm just posting a pic I thought was interesting, and that the denizens of this board might find interesting. Keep your hate, I have no use for it.

>> No.5123157

>You know, I'm not "implying" anything,
Then why post the picture asshat?
You're either implying, or explicitly stating. And both of those are retarded in this situation.

>> No.5123161

Well your picture is false, and I do not find it interesting.
It is just meaningless

>> No.5123169

Gee, I'm sorry, I thought this was /sci/, not /rel/ or /pol/ or whatever.

Why don't you all just go report this to the mods or something if you're so unhappy with it, get it deleted and me banned, then?

>> No.5123174

Are you implying materialism.

>> No.5123185

You guys don't like this? Then go complain to the guy who created it, which isn't me.

>> No.5123190

You posted it here.
You may as well be the person who made it, because you're just as retarded as the creator for thinking /g/ would like this quite obvious shit stain of pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.5123200

Delete it yourself!

>> No.5123201

>implying these fields are all searching for the same thing

My sides are moving on their own because there's no such thing as free will.

>> No.5123207

>there's no such thing as free will.
Yes there is.

>> No.5123241

No there isn't.

And don't say there is again or I'll repeat my statement with some dirty names to call you.

>> No.5123259
File: 115 KB, 264x240, CharlieCup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me guess: You're wanting to define Quantum states, which are far removed from anything involved in our decision-making, as non-deterministic and therefore "free"?

That's just a smokescreen you've put up to compartmentalize a precious concept of yours. The proposed mechanics for how it would effect things have been disproven and even if it were true it still wouldn't give you anything resembling "Free Will". Random/Deterministic are the options. Neither of which give an individual a free will. Determined or Arbitrary and impersonal. I'd rather go with Determined, thanks.

>> No.5123262

But science goes under philosphy so it's kind of wrong.

>> No.5123263

Prove it.

>> No.5123268

Regardless of whether there is free will, human action is psuedo-random enough to approximate free will.

>> No.5123285

You made a claim. Please prove it or admit that you were talking bullshit.

>> No.5123282

>Prove a negative


Seriously, though, it's obvious considering it is not even a rational proposition. Nothing is proposed on how it would function in reality without either being Determined or Random. It's just 'magic'.

>> No.5123296


1) Not that Anon.

2) No, I didn't, the proposed claim is "Human beings have a thing called 'Free Will'". That is where the burden of proof obviously lies, Mr Troll.

3) I've already provided some basic points on why it's just nonsense.

>> No.5123300


You require a board frequented by unprofessional laymen and engineers to provide something you, yourself a layman at best, would consider to be proof enough to change your mind.

Watch the video, understand that this is what some people are currently still working on and understand that you neither can fathom how they arrived at their conclusions nor that they offer proof at all.

>> No.5123301

More like:

Science - trying to finding a black cat in a dark room (using indirect measurements - touch, sound)

Metaphysics - this cat sure is nice, but what is it like outside of this room? (and outside of that room, ad infinitum)

Theology - I seriously hope you guys dont do this

Philosophy - trying to find a black cat in a dark room only by talking about the room

>> No.5123314

not really. philosophy and science would be the same thing if not for empiricism. in this analogy, the flashlight would be empiricism. fits pretty well i think.

>> No.5123329

Not the person addressed, again.

>Watch the video

By the fucking Gods, so many bad signs of being horseshit before even pressing play.

>The Secret You
>out-of-body experience in a bid to locate his true self.
>And in Hollywood, he learns how celebrities are helping scientists understand /.../

Please elaborate before requesting we sit down and watch an hour long video.

>> No.5123361

I'm not going to delete anything. I do not exist to serve the whims of the denizens of /sci/ or any other board on 4chan. If popular opinion is of such a magnitude of dislike, then I'm sure you can get the keepers of this place to remove it. Otherwise, I suggest you use the built-in extension and hide the thread if it causes you so much discomfort.

>> No.5123370

Holy crap..
I didn't even post this by way of trolling, but I may as well have, with the way you rediculous autists, aspies, pedants, and downright retards are reacting to it. If you keep this level of performance up, I'm going to need a beach towel to clean up after myself.

>> No.5123375

I could as well require any one of you to read a text book on biology, chemistry and psychology and you will all invariably fail at reading any one from cover to cover because, as you quip it, "it's horseshit" while at the same time not having the least bit of a problem wasting your nights away on a chan, night after night.

I chose this video because it doesn't require anyone a working knowledge of ans science, something which is right up this board's alley.

Watch it, don't watch it, I do not care for your selective ADD.

>> No.5123387


Tip: Everyone doesn't constantly speak in "Sarky douchebag"-mode. I was genuinely requesting that you elaborate beyond "Watch it" because it put up some danger-flags in how it chose to present itself.

I'm fine with watching long things that seem interesting, but "wasting my time away" here is both far more interesting and, frankly, less of a waste of time than suffering through populist pseudo-science like if it turned out it was trying to "prove out of body experiences" via some British TV show rather than an actual study or such. Not saying that's what it is, just that I don't want to have to go through it to make sure.

>> No.5123394

Wow, for a board that ostensibly is frequented by open-minded thinking individuals, you all seem to be quite the opposite.

>> No.5123414

Don't take them seriously.
I saw your replies and had to open this thread just to understand exactly what people were disagreeing with about that image.

They are grasping at minor technicalities.
The way things tend to go is people here will FIRST try to tear apart anything you've said. It is the default reaction.

So actually the fact that they are poking at minor technicalities should just show you how closely they actually agree with the underlying meaning of the pic.

You can post a thread that just says "1+1=2"
and the first response you will get is "define 2".
But after it gets torn apart, if it's not completely broken usually people will come around and rebuild it.

>> No.5123456

Oh, no, I've been on 4chan more than long enough to know that you don't take what happens here very seriously at all. I'm more surprised that an image that apparently was intended to convey a pro-science viewpoint has been received with such negativity when I was sure it was something that /sci/ more or less universally agreed on (otherwise how would the religion trolls find such easy pickings here?).

>> No.5123461

I liked the pic OP and I think it sums up the situation nicely. Philosophy/Metaphysicsfags get extremely defensive because what they do has no relevance in the job market (or really any measurable meaning at all).

>> No.5123477

>Philosophy is like being in a dark room and wondering why you're in the room and how you ended up there.

>Metaphysics is like being a dark room and wondering what the building around the room is made of and what floor of the building the room is on.

>Theology is like being in a dark room with a black cat and stating that the guy who built the room loves black cats and wants you to live in darkness forever, and anyone who tries to find a light or get out of the room is morally confused.

>Science is like being in a dark room and looking around until you find something, then asking your friend in the room with you if the thing you found feels furry to him too.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.5123519

I'm sure if you could do a vote of everyone currently browsing on /sci/ you'd find much more people agree.

Only those who have something negative/trollish to say are the ones who will post.
I agreed with the pic when I saw it and for that reason I actually didn't plan on posting at all. The people who agree are far less likely to post than the few who don't.
As you said, visit a religion thread that comes here and you'll see a majority of views in line with yours.

>> No.5123566

Lots of Reddit Sam Harris fan boys on tonight.