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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5116919 No.5116919 [Reply] [Original]

>that point when you can no longer get by with zero studying

>> No.5116920 [DELETED] 

why the fuck would you not WANT to study??
are you not even interested in the fucking subject you chose??
studying aint a chore, hun. it's supposed to be part of the things you enjoy

>> No.5116921

>tfw that point only exists for plebs and therefore I will never experience it

Feels good man.

>> No.5116925

I sure am jealous of your psychology major

>> No.5116928

Not prior to college/university, you can't choose your subjects and everything is banally easy.

>> No.5116929

Meant to quote this guy btw: >>5116920

>> No.5116930

Dirac wrote down the Fermion Lagrangian when he was bored and had 5 minutes to spare. He never studied anything. True story.

>> No.5116931

>Not prior to college/university
well no shit

>> No.5116935
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>like the workings of endocrinology
>nope, have to study a bunch of shit bacteria and how they grow in artificial conditions

>> No.5116936

I reached that point in high school. No more straight A's (or even B's) without lifting a finger came as a shock to me.

But it was a long time ago and my life has significantly improved after learning that it's necessary to put some effort into what I'm doing. You have nothing to worry about, OP.

>> No.5116937

studying doesnt necessarily mean a chore

>> No.5116942 [DELETED] 

both those are me,

fucking quote properly or not at all!

then why would he not study?
you should enjoy your own major

>> No.5116958



another thread ruined by EK

>> No.5116979

>not filtering tripfags
I cannot comprehend why people do this

>> No.5116980

>filtering anything

Are you too much of a pussy to read 4chan uncensored?

>> No.5116987


I haven't been on /sci/ in a while. On the other boards I've been frequenting, yeah I've filtered namefags, tripfags, and even avatarfags (most of the time, anyways).

>> No.5116992

College/University Chem/math classes. High School was easy, just time consuming. For my sociology class at University, I never even opened the textbook, just the "selected readings" book and got a B in the end. Could have gotten an A, but missed two class assignments because I thought it started two weeks after it really did.

>> No.5117005 [DELETED] 

it aint about being a pussy, it's just quality control
personally i dont filter anything, i skim read anyway, so if twats are posting i'll just glance straight past it in a nanosecond
also any anon can post fucktarded shit, so filtering is pretty redundant IMO.

>> No.5117007

>quality control

No, he's a fucking cry baby who can't deal with posters not sharing his idiotic opinions.

>> No.5117030

>Interested in physics
>have to learn 30 mathematical proofs
>can't be bothered

>> No.5117037 [DELETED] 
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u just mad someone filtering you

>> No.5117041

you got me, hun :D

But why would anyone do that? Why would anyone filter informative science posts?

>> No.5117047 [DELETED] 
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dunno, i guess they just feel intimidated and self conscious about your amazing science poasts.
so they filter you to save themselves embarrassment, hun

it's not your fault, you cant help being awesome

>> No.5117055

awww thnx

You're right, they are all jelly.

>> No.5117436

>studying aint a chore, hun. it's supposed to be part of the things you enjoy


I find myself increasignly liking to study, both as the activity itself and as the reason why I rape every other programmer at school.

>> No.5117458

>>5117037 EK still exists
Hey there. <span class="math">\ddot\smile[/spoiler]

>> No.5117480

>work all weekend
>school a week
>don't have any friends
>have time to play vidja or study

>> No.5117493

lol, programming.

>> No.5117499


I love studying neuroscience but i have to study anatomy for neuroscience which is just ridiculous amounts of cramming i guess you never had that problem with marine biology.

mfw i actually reply to EK

>> No.5117515 [DELETED] 

> i guess you never had that problem with marine biology.
zoology actually.

and fair enough, if theres tie-ins to the course you dont like, just put up with em while u have to

>> No.5117533

>that feel when you study for tests, and you always do a pre-test cram to keep the tricky formulas or definitions you don't quite have memorized yet. When you get the test, you immediately put what you crammed onto the page and answer the questions pertaining to it, and then ace the rest of what you know.
>That feel when you study and do the pretest cram, and you teacher takes 40 minutes to hand you the test, insuring that you lose all the pre-test cram and possibly be flustered or confused into forgetting the other stuff you knew.

>> No.5117539


I fucking hate exams.

My natural state involves working and learning at the same time; with a manual on my knees and a homework in front of me.

Not having a reference for what I forgot piss me off.

>> No.5117550
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Dat feel when I use an essay generator.

Dat feel when I use the teacher's plagiarism resources online to double check my work.

Dat feel when I connect a blue-tooth to a voice recognition software on my phone.

Dat feel when I'm able to search the internet via voice commands and get a response via a robotic voice.

Dat feel when teachers try to block RF communication inside the classroom and I just change to a different frequency.

Dat feel when I could program a robot to take tests and go to school for me...

>> No.5117569

do you intend to contribute anything to your field?

>> No.5117586


What do you mean?

Most of the shit is non-sensical memorization and when actually getting a job it's more about psychology and networking. I.E. being social.

>> No.5117591

>Dat feel when teachers try to block RF communication inside the classroom and I just change to a different frequency.

what fucking university does this?

>> No.5117595

I'm a good test taker, and I ace most exams where i can do a pre-test cram and jump right in, but the teachers that make you put up your books and wait before getting the test fuck me over.
But I agree with you, I learn best by doing.

>> No.5117602

What's your major?

>> No.5117618
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Arts and Crafts.

>> No.5117620
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>ever having to study

>> No.5117627

You joke, but people actually go for degrees that have no real application. I feel sorry for them, really.

>> No.5117636


>> No.5117654


OOOoookay, got it, next time I'l pretend I study Math.

>> No.5117655

fucking tripfags attention whores

>> No.5117671


This is what I'm interested in here. Maybe my understanding of the word "Study" is different than the majority of this thread, but why shouldn't someone study? Is there something better you ought to be doing instead?

>> No.5117700
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>that feel when nothing interests you and you don't know what you're doing with your life anymore

>> No.5117715


I've felt like before too. Really I was just filled with perfectionism and I assumed that what I was interested in couldn't be done by someone like me for various reasons. Really I was just afraid to fail. The humiliation aspect coupled with repeating what I had done wrong over and over again to myself. I suppose I've still yet to fully overcome that, but that might be something for you to look into.

>> No.5117720

So what happened next?

>> No.5117732

I hit that feel sometimes... I just think about the euphoric society that could be achieved by the best of us and remember what my ultimate goal is.
Just take a few moments... sit back... think about what you want... think about how you can achieve those ends...

>1. Does this inspire you?
>2. Are you depressed from the lack of apparent progress?

My goals (euphoric society) may be different from yours and I don't pretend to think that I'm the ultimate contributor... just another bit of sand on the pile.

>> No.5117743

>Does this inspire you?
It used to.

>Are you depressed from the lack of apparent progress?


>> No.5117759

1. What are you studying?
2. What are your goals?
3. Do value your goals less today than before?

>> No.5117767

Hey EK, can I cum inside you? You make me hard.

>> No.5117771


Well right now is sort of what happens next. I've observed the problem and now I have to do something about it. I read a few articles on it, and I think if I gave myself a little more credit and be more honest with myself about time management and the results there of, I can at least narrow the cause to being distracted easily and finding an outlet on the internet. So I downloaded a "Self Restrain" application and used it when I needed to get things done on the computer. That's at least a minimum to get things which are in a timeline done.

That's not all of what I want though. So I'll have to dedicate time outside of school assignments to study for myself. Having been in a bit of a mental haze until being diagnosed and treated for a form of ADHD, I'm preforming much better cognitively, and I see how far behind I am in certain areas. Couldn't finish college Trig/General Chem, I feel stupid now of course, but I realize what I did wrong and I'm going to do my best to fix it. Best case scenario; I can at least test out of Trig (I only continue to have trouble with the late semester portions of it.) and re-take Gen Chem (Which I'm not even sure I need, but I'd probably still do for personal reasons.) Worst case I just have to retake the classes normally.

>> No.5117956


>>learn 30 mathematical proofs
>have to physics
>>can't be bothered

>> No.5117996

Like pure math, i feel sorry for those bums who will be homeless after 4 years

>> No.5118002


>> No.5118005

>shitty gen ed courses
>don't even need to study for them
>weeding out courses in my major
>get by with doing barely anything because most of it could be done by a fucking monkey
>finally get to a course that makes me think
>oh shit i actually have to care

>> No.5118032

>tfw only 150 pokemon