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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 545x295, homeopathetic-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5109946 No.5109946 [Reply] [Original]

You rage you lose:


>> No.5109950
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>> No.5109952
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>> No.5109969

Oh god, it hurts, it hurts so much.

>> No.5109977
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>> No.5110018

Upon arrival, the holistic vet took a swab of my dogs mouth, and cut off a bit of his hair. She placed these things into a machine that had a wand attached to it. She then proceeded to touch the wand to different areas of her body, which she said represented internal stress areas. The machine displayed readings that were supposed to represent the intensity of stress. She diagnosed the stress as being in his liver, and said that he's most likely had a bad reaction to flea medication, and his liver is shutting down.

>> No.5110025

The people seem to have a point. It is a pretty biased article.

It would seem now that anything that isn't what our mainstream medical system considers medicine, is quackery.

>> No.5110049

From my personal experience & from what I've gathered here and on other media, it is always a good starting point to distrust a method that wasn't included yet into the mainstream medical system.

It really boils down to the principle. You should, and most likely will, not trust anyone's claim on an effect that wasn't explained thoroughly and which you can, with a little effort, -limit- to very specific scenarios. With this you can state a hypothesis that you can actually falsify.

What a quite significant number of the "homeopathy guys" pull is nothing short of serious fraud.

>> No.5110052

If it worked, "mainstream medicine" would have tried to make money off it.

>> No.5110066

>from what I've gathered here
Well do I really need to say how much of a bad idea it is to get your info from this site?

If you're looking for any information on homeopathy that is correct, all of the mainstream media is out. That includes everyone that parrots information from them too.

There is no money in a cure.

>> No.5110080 [DELETED] 


More likely that there's no money in bullshit that doesn't work and could lead to lawsuits. Homeopathy only appeals to idiots with a vendetta against established medicine, normal people would sue the fuck out companies if they new they were drinking water.

>> No.5110086


More likely that there's no money in bullshit that doesn't work and could lead to lawsuits. Homeopathy only appeals to idiots with a vendetta against established medicine, normal people would sue the fuck out companies if they knew they were drinking water.

>> No.5110090

"There's no money in a cure"? Are you stupid?

Go find a cure for cancer and I guarantee you will go down as a hero for the ages and die swimming in Benjamins like Scrooge McDuck. The same goes for a cure for HIV and a host of plagues and disorders that kill people on this planet EVERY FUCKING DAY. There is no conspiracy to avoid creating cures for life-destroying ailments, that would require the dedicated silence of tens of thousands of people who went into a field that helps people. When you say that, you are saying that a conspiracy of tens of thousands in a profession of healing exists to keep people ill, and NOBODY blows the whistle, and that is an absurd proposition when two murderers can rarely keep from selling each other out.

>> No.5110097

>>Well do I really need to say how much of a bad idea it is to get your info from this site?
Actually, yes, please do. I'm curious now.
According to me all you can get here is opinions. Opinions on a topic, on the credibility of the opinions of other posters and statistics. And loads of bullshit, of course.

>> No.5110124

>Go find a cure for cancer
-http://www.youtube.. com/watch?v=xBxu11WFXj4&feature=related
-http://www.burzynskiclinic.. com/
-http://www.healingcancernaturally.. com/
-http://www.youtube.. com/watch?v=gWLrfNJICeM&feature=related
-http://www.cancertutor.. com/index.html
-http://www.youtube.. com/watch?v=0psJhQHk_GI
-http://www.whale.. to/cancer/therapies.html
-Large doses of Vit C for some too

>that would require the dedicated silence of tens of thousands
It doesn't, because our medical system appears to work really well. I love the human body, and wanted to go into the medical industry for most of my life so I've done quite a bit of research on the mainstream medical system, and it seems as if it works.

The system seems great. It really does. We do have medicine for every ailment from head to toe. We are also able to see how these medicine help our body, and are able to diagnose and treat diseases that occur. Of course we never treat the (I always laughed when people said this) cause. Which is usually malnutrition, contact with poisons in our food, water, air, materials (Think: BPA in plastic) bad diets, and lack of exercise. It's mainly the bad diets, and malnutrition however.

Here's a fun fact related to it. Monkeys, humans and a few other animals can't synthesis Vit C. Yet Monkeys have ~100x higher RDA then us. They're expensive to replace.

Our medical system can treat you if you're unhealthy, however homeopathic medicine can't. I'll give it that.

>> No.5110138

Well most people are wrong, is why. Also the scientific community is quite juvenile, and have their heads up their arses. It carries through on /sci/. Take a look at /g/, and how they more knowledgeable then most other people, yet aren't nearly as bad.

>knew they were drinking water.
Well, you've just proved you know nothing about the subject you're arguing about.

>> No.5110150

Lost. The polio that he doesn't have says otherwise.

>> No.5110178

Homeopathy killed Steve Jobs.

>> No.5110196 [DELETED] 
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holy shit, 10/10, would rage again

"you know what they call alternative medicine that works? ... medicine!"

>> No.5110255

>People seriously arguing for vitalism

These people watch way too much anime.

>> No.5110257

Homeopathy did not kill Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs choosing homeopathic medicine rather than real medicine is what killed Steve Jobs.

If Homeopathy did not exist he might well have tried some kind of astrological hoodoo to fix himself.

>> No.5110276


>Large doses of Vit C for some too


>> No.5110277

He choose to die without being tortured to death by "real medicine".

>> No.5110279 [DELETED] 

if he'd have not been a faget and had chosen PROPER FUCKING MEDICINE then he'd probably still be alive

>> No.5110280

>totally straightforward. mathematical explanation of how the majority of homeopathic medicines contain 0 molecules of the purported homeopathic ingredient

pls go.

>> No.5110294


>tfw chemotherapy and conventional medicine saved my 27 year old's cousins life when he had a rare case of Ewing's sarcoma as well as tumors in his hip and lungs

Fuck you. You are a fucking faggot who knows nothing and who's bullshit might kill the people around you. Don't ever open your mouth again when people are talking about medicine.

>> No.5110300
File: 14 KB, 251x241, 1336399121913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on this board defending alternative medecine

I lost.

>> No.5110334

>purported homeopathic ingredient
Except that's wrong. If you're not getting something that's helping you, it's a scam. Not homeopathic medicine.

Chemotherapy can help, but it also destroys the rest of your body. You need your body to be healthy if you expect it to fight off cancer. Unless the cause is fixed, it's gonna come back in a few years time.

>Homeopathy killed Steve Jobs.
Did you even read the comments on the article?
"Isn't it a tad ironic that this weirdo Edzard Ernst holds himself out as a defender of "science" and of "modern medical science" where he demands "evidence" for whatever doctors do...and yet, he blames homeopathy for leading to the death of Steven Jobs...but this weirdo Ernst NEVER provides a scintilla of evidence that Jobs was ever prescribed a homeopathic medicine or even ever went to a homeopathic doctor! On one hand, Ernst demands "evidence" except when he is grinding his own axe against homeopathy. I personally do not trust a single word he says or writes.

"What a ridiculous headline! Homeopathy killed Steve Jobs? Give us a break!

What about his liver transplant ( and subsequent anti -immune medication)? or the conventional cancer treatments he pursued? What role did they play in his death?

Who is really paying you to churn out this nonsense, Professor Ernst?"

So the guy was dying anyway, yet you blame the death on alternative medicine? Nice.

>> No.5110335

>Believe that one drop of sap diluted into 10 meters cube water can cure diseases
>mfw every meter cube of fresh water on earth as been in direct contact with animals and/or humans feces particules at least once.

>> No.5110353

Nice face.


>> No.5110365

My face is the empty set, retard.

>> No.5110393

>Except that's wrong. If you're not getting something that's helping you, it's a scam. Not homeopathic medicine.

You can't just define "homeopathic" and "scam" as mutually exclusive you fucktard. One of the central tenants of homeopathic medicine is that the more diluted a substance is, the more potent the remedy. The article demonstrates many extremely popular homeopathic remedies are so diluted don't even contain a single molecule of the ingredient they are advertised as having.

>> No.5110395


I know how chemotherapy works. Oncologists also know how chemotherapy works. They also actually know how the body works instead of prescribing to some crackpot vitalistic theory about how "natural" is inherently good and our bodies are magic healing machines.

>> No.5110400

no, it's the zero vector

>> No.5110522

Well it seems to go with the idea of "vitalism" for those concentrations. I don't know anything about that, so I can't really say anything on it.

While those things may/may not work, that doesn't mean we should throw out the idea of natural medicines. That's just stupid.

Our bodies are great, though. If you feed it well, and stay away from all the shit, you will almost never get sick. Feeding it well is the issue. We have the wrong idea about healthy things, because we've been lied to about a ton of things. Just look at soy as a health food. If our foods have been treated with herbicides, they are nutritionally deficient. If they've been treated with most pesticides, they're toxic. If we eat the meat from animals that have eaten that, it's toxic.

It's hard to actually be healthy.

>> No.5110551


> If you feed it well, and stay away from all the shit, you will almost never get sick.

Not true in the slightest.

> If they've been treated with most pesticides, they're toxic.

Why don't you wash your food?

>If we eat the meat from animals that have eaten that, it's toxic.

Do you know how dosage works?

>> No.5110563


We don't throw out the idea of natural medicines. A lot of the medicine we use is derived from natural sources, aspirin being a good example. It's just that we've tested the ones that work and the ones that don't.

>> No.5110602

Also, modern pesticides are designed to target the chemical makeup of insects specifically, not humans, which makes them pretty safe for adults. Ironically, organically grown foods are still grown with pesticides, just naturally occurring ones, which are much more toxic because they tend to be non-specific in the species they target (e.g. by targeting proteins/enzymes used in oxidative phosphorylation, which tend to be pretty universal across all life)

>> No.5110624

' "Organically grown" food is food grown and processed using no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Pesticides derived from natural sources (such as biological pesticides) may be used in producing organically grown food.'


The funny thing is, you hippies, by eating organic, are actually creating a small selective force against your own genes. It's a shame that the organic meme will still persist though.

>> No.5110649

>Not true in the slightest.
Take a look at doses of certain vitamins/nutrients/minerals in curing sickness and disease. Most disease tends to have deficiencies as their cause. Vitamin C for treating/preventing heart disease is one I can think of.
>Why don't you wash your food?
Sigh. You actually spouted that stupidity?

Pesticides are still present in the food. Yes, most of it is washed off, but there is still residue.
>Do you know how dosage works?
It's meat from an unhealthy animal, so it's not the best for us.

>chemical makeup of insects specifically, not humans
Ah yes, I remember the monsanto advertisements saying that. Well I see you're stuck in your own retardation.

>> No.5110671


>Take a look at doses of certain vitamins/nutrients/minerals in curing sickness and disease.

What about infectious disease? Of course diet is important, but a healthy diet will not guarantee you good health.

>but there is still residue.

Where? If you wash your food, the amount of pesticide that remains is harmless.

>It's meat from an unhealthy animal, so it's not the best for us.

What makes you say this? The amount of pesticide that is allowed in meat by the USDA is not high enough to cause any significant damage.

>Ah yes, I remember the monsanto advertisements saying that. Well I see you're stuck in your own retardation.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.5110686

Yea actually that statement has nothing to do Monsanto, it's called "science". See: evolutionary biology, cellular biology, molecular biology, anatomy, physiology, etc.

>> No.5110711


Are you a biochemist? It just boggles my mind when people seem to think they know better than people who have devoted their entire life to study of a field. You have no idea how much you don't know, and how much better informed these people are than you. Quit being such a self-important prick and listen to people that actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.5113155

>Well, you've just proved you know nothing about the subject you're arguing about.
But homeopathic medicine is water.

>> No.5113170

TIL: Comments of /sci/ are hokum and comments by new agers are good arguments.

>> No.5113181

That's kind of the idea.
The stuff that works graduates to become known as medicine.
And whatever doesn't gets sold in alternative medicine shops down the street from the Aura reading parlor and right across from the second hand books store.