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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5107218 No.5107218 [Reply] [Original]

Women in STEM.
I just got of a heated discussion with a few female physicist about the gender bias that exist for women in STEM. They used this article
as a basis of how hard it is for women to achieve in STEM.
I played devils advocate a said that they were full of shit. I said that the reason less women are in these fields is because women don't want to be in this field.
They responded that it was societal restraints keeping women out.
I want to know what you guys think. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.5107225

nytimes is jewish anti-white male propaganda
don't put too much faith in it
>and there is one woman in that picture

>> No.5107234 [DELETED] 

>They responded that it was societal restraints keeping women out.
nah, not anymore
its as easy as choosing to go to uni/college, and choosing STEM, and then you're in the field.

i think its just that we dont choose certain subjects as much, thats why you get stereotypes that theres hardly any women in physics and engineering, and its pretty much true, not because theres any fucker stopping us, but just because it's a rare choice.

obviously loads of women in biology, psychology, sociology etc, but just not specific areas of STEM that are mostly inhabited by males.

>> No.5107239

>jewish anti-white male propaganda
>implying jews aren't also white males

you anti-semites make no sense

>> No.5107249

>I just got of a heated discussion with a few female physicist
So, we're supposed to picture this discussion happening in an alternate reality?

>women don't want to be in this field.
I don't think that's the main issue here. In STEM, your success is highly dependent on your intelligence, and while women's average intelligence is about the same as men's (measured on a scale that somehow comes out to the same average score despite clear superiority of men in spacial reasoning), the number of exceptionally intelligent women is less than that of men, and the difference gets bigger as you go to more elite levels.

>> No.5107252

That's because your pretty little heads can't handle mathematics.

>> No.5107257 [DELETED] 

fuck off, yeh we can, in fact i was always pretty good at math, i just wasnt interested in it enough to take it any further than was mandatory.

>> No.5107258

Scientists more than almost any other professions deal with statistics and hard evidence. The reason women dont arent seen as equal isnt because they are women and we need to discriminate them, but rather its because women havent proven much in merit in the past. Its a much higher barrier for women because of much higher flakiness.

>> No.5107264
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Ingrid Daubechies

>> No.5107267 [DELETED] 

1 example wont prove him wrong if he's talking generally

>> No.5107269

Right right, I believe you. You were good at maths but you can't present any evidence whatsoever to that effect, so don't worry we'll just take your word for it.

>> No.5107273

There was a norwegian documentary about this which debunked the myth of social pressures. Can't rembember the title tho

>> No.5107275 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 395x348, 13649375834953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what?, you want my fucking math report card??
eat shit, you'll take my word and fucking like it, bitch

>> No.5107276

Impact goes a long way. You wouldn't have CGI or Cell phones or Mpeg4 or MP3 without her.

>> No.5107285

>no female fields medallists
>no abel prize winners
>no wolf prize winners
Disregard that, I'm a colossal faggot who will ignore contradictory evidence in order to maintain my feminist viewpoint even though it is obviously incorrect.

>> No.5107300

There's only one bitch here and it's not me. Bitch.

Why do you expect anyone to take your word for it? Do you think you get special treatment because you're a bitch or something?

>> No.5107303

How's your progress regarding limits?

>> No.5107308 [DELETED] 
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>There's only one bitch here and it's not me. Bitch.
[sarcasm] hah, yeh, good comeback [/sarcasm]

>Why do you expect anyone to take your word for it?
how about i just dont give a shit what you think?
i KNOW i was good at math, and i got a fucking good grade, i cant be arsed scanning in my fucking certificate just to appease some fucking mouthy asshole on /sci/, so you can go fuck yourself and believe whatever the fuck you like, cunt.

>> No.5107311


You lack reasoning skills. A long list of places without women doesn't mean there aren't any. One example may be anecdotal, but citing non-examples is downright fallacious.

Women are under-represented for a number of reasons. This article cites a study, which nobody here is actually talking about here (just bitching about "societal restraints" as opposed to bias in hiring and admissions -- which is actually a specific thing with real empirical evidence here). That one reason, coupled with many others -- including the misconception of inability or "underachievement" (as if we measure achievement by gender, averaged over the last four centuries).

>> No.5107312 [DELETED] 
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i didnt have to do limits, i quit math before they came up, and i dont need them, or care
so STFU, you think you're funny but you aint, you dickhead

>> No.5107317

>no female fields medalists
>no Abel prize winners
>no Wolf prize winners
Yet. Oh, and I corrected your spelling.

>> No.5107322

Elementary calculus is required for any sort of remedial science or math.

Why are you here?

>> No.5107326

>i KNOW i was good at math
>Like you know that you are sane and you can fly
You fail constantly in even the most basic high school level math.
>Nigga plz

>> No.5107327 [DELETED] 

>Elementary calculus is required for any sort of remedial science or math.
no shit, sherlock
and i already did calculus
piss easy

>Why are you here?
because fuck you, that's why

>> No.5107332

>implying jews aren't also white males
Since when in the name of Christ ( pun intended ) are jews white???
lrn2 semitic race

>> No.5107333

It's part of the highschool curriculum. Are you admitting to never having finished highschool?

>> No.5107338

>i was good at math
>i didnt have to do limits, i quit math before they came up
So basically, you were good at arithmetic?

Seriously, someone who hasn't learned calculus shouldn't claim they're "good at math". That's just the stage where you're getting away from following rules and starting to learn real mathematical reasoning.

>> No.5107341

>i already did calculus
>piss easy

Hohoho, we have quite a joker here. You do realise that to have any kind of aptitude in calculus you have to know at least basic limits, don't you?

>> No.5107343 [DELETED] 

maybe i skipped that onc class,
like i said ,i didnt give a shit about math
im still fuckin superior enough to ace the tests anyway
i probably could have gone to none of the lectures and still passed

natural talent, nigga

>> No.5107349 [DELETED] 

if i'd have chosen to study it, i would've still been good
i just didnt care, coz there were far more intresting subjects to do!

nah, it's optional

>> No.5107351

>lie about being good at maths
>deny contradictory evidence
>get called out for lying
im still fuckin superior

>> No.5107357 [DELETED] 
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i didnt lie, asshole!
and i already said i dont care what you think!!

fuck this

>> No.5107365

Oh honey, I wish it was. Do you know what a derivative is?
<div class="math">
\frac{d}{{dx}}f\left( x \right) = \mathop {\lim }\limits_{\Delta \to 0} \frac{{f\left( {x + \Delta } \right) - f\left( x \right)}}{\Delta }</div>

>> No.5107377

lol. i love how everyone completely ignored the article. playing devil's advocate usually means pointing out the flaws in the work instead of handwaving "oh women just don't WANT to be in the field"

>> No.5107394

I thought for the longest time this was a picture of a boy maybe 14-15 years old from the 80's.

>> No.5107398
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Am i the only one who finds EK's reaction weird?I don't remember her ever being this mad, is she having her period?Is she trolling?Or did we hit a sensitive subject talking about math?

>> No.5107412

yeah he calls me an anti-Semite (implying jews are Semitic and thus not white) in the same diatribe as calling jews white.


>> No.5107451

>read article
>back to reality
>go to school
>Physics program has 20 graduates this year
>13 girls 8 guys
>all 4 summer research positions are taken by girls

Yup, so much discrimination.