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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5101494 No.5101494 [Reply] [Original]

I know /sci/ is the place most obsessed with the topic of mental acumen, so I figured I'd ask this here.

Does cannabis use impair mental function? How do you feel about nootropics? What do you think about the existence of the churchill gene? Do you think you have it?

>> No.5101560

>Does cannabis use impair mental function?
>How do you feel about nootropics?
Ambivalent. Coworker uses them.
>What do you think about the existence of the churchill gene?
Much rarer than reported.
>Do you think you have it?

>> No.5102455

>Does cannabis use impair mental function?

>How do you feel about nootropics?
not my kind of thing, but like the guy above me, a couple of the guys i study with use em.

>What do you think about the existence of the churchill gene?
drunken bs

>Do you think you have it?

>> No.5102463

churchill gene eh?
>challenge accepted
inb4 i wreck my car before lecture

>> No.5102466

>Does cannabis use impair mental function?
cannabis stimulates release of the GABA inhibitor which increases the threshold for (help me /sci/) action potentials. so, yes.

>a couple of the guys i study with use em.
what are they? and what is the (simply) the bio-chem with them?

>> No.5102500
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>> No.5102503

Has there ever been proof of any long term effects of cannabis use?

>> No.5102565


No, the soft sciences release contradicting papers every week.

>> No.5102584

It's probablya along the same lines as other stimulants.

>> No.5102586

so there's really no proof of long term effects of weed on mental acuity. as a stoner who used to smoke around a quarter a day for about a year, I can definitely attest to the loss of certain functions such as declarative and spatial memory. however, after i stopped smoking for about 2 weeks my mental acuity returned (as far as I can tell) 100% to what it had been before I started smoking. the reason that weed is neurotoxic is that it activates a signal transduction pathway known as the arachadonic acid pathway in neurons of the hippocampus, cortex, and cerebellum. this pathway turns on a gene for a peroxide that destroys neuronal plasma membranes, allowing cells to reach physical equilibrium and therefore die. for this reason, weed interferes with the mental processes of memory, cognition and the initiation of movement. since the active ingredient of weed (9-delta tetrahydrocannibanol) is lipid soluble, it cannot be excreted in the urine. for this reason, it stays in adiopose (fat) tissue for up to 30 days after a good toke. during this time, it continues to activate the arachodonic acid pathway. therefore, if you smoke weed everyday, you will begin to notice a cumulative effect on memory, cognition, and motivation. however, once the weed leaves your system you will begin to return to your mental state. the process of neurogenisis allows for the replacements of neurons destroyed by the pathway. neurogenesis is promoted by aerobic exercise, in part due to increased oxygen flow to brain cells engendered by a faster heart rate.

>> No.5102641

>destroys neuronal plasma membranes, allowing cells to reach physical equilibrium and therefore die

>i have a basic understanding of action potentials and receptors, etc. K, P, Ca, GABA, Myelin, etc.

>> No.5102644

umm...meant Na, not P

>> No.5102769

read a study about cannabis short ago somewhere

apparently, it is mostly harmful when consumed around 13-21, (drop of up to 8 IQ or so) but doesnt do much wrong if consumed after that age

>> No.5102790

Did you just call weed a stimulant?
GTFO of my /sci/

Seriously, is this all /sci/ is anymore?

>hurr durr legalize weed
>hurr durr i'm a pothead
>hurr durr it feels good so must be good
Yeah, masturbation feels pretty good too, but I can't do that in public. But I can smoke cigarettes. Guess that means cigarettes are better for me than masturbation or public nudity or open carrying a loaded weapon or .....
Wait, what does that have to do with science again?

>> No.5102794

>inhale smoke
>increases oxygen content
Yup. Who would argue with that?

>> No.5102796

You've got the burden of proof backwards, son.
Also, you don't use science to forward an agenda. Science strives to show what is, not to misuse the word 'prove.' Any evidence for a hypothesis is proof (read:evidence, since /sci/ is apparently not for /sci/ anymore) that it is correct. Any evidence against it is proof against it. Is this shit not taught in school anymore?

Fucking science, how does it work?

>> No.5102821

Pick one

>> No.5102889

I assume this relates to regular consumption/addicts?

>> No.5102909



>> No.5102937
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all i know is my hero smoked weed and he was awesome.

>> No.5102945
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pick one.


>> No.5102964

As an addict, I confirm this.

Regular, heavy use dulls you a bit. Makes your mental capacity and reasoning skills inconsistent.

>> No.5102995
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>Weed and the mental functions
>Brain compooters
The gubment tryin' to controol our mindz. Unless you have have a mental illness or a brain dilema, GTFO, it's shameful.
>Churchill Gene?
Master Aryian race approves.
>Do you has?
I'm hoping, we will find out soon enough.

>> No.5103032


/pol/ on /sci/ again....

>> No.5103036


You seem pretty stupid.

>> No.5103048
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Sarcasm flies right over your heads.

>> No.5103054


I knew it was a joke, the sort of stupid person would make.

You seem like an okay guy otherwise so don't let a guy on the internet get you down.

>> No.5103115

yes, once a day was the average amongst the consumers, i think