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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5101368 No.5101368 [Reply] [Original]

What's the scariest thing in the Universe?

>> No.5101375

spooky scary skeletons

>> No.5101376

looking inward

>> No.5101379


>> No.5101380


>> No.5101385

your mum

>> No.5101392

pyramid head

>> No.5101394

Tulpa possession

>> No.5101399

my mum

>> No.5101414


Worst thing to ever happen to the universe

>> No.5101436

whats that supposed to mean??

>> No.5101438

Heat death.

The certitude that, no matter what you or your species do, it will never matter in the end

>> No.5101442

You wouldn't understand; you're not a philosophy major.

>> No.5101446

But we keep to ourselves. All we're doing is trashing our own shitty planet. There are probably beings somewhere in the universe who are wiping out their whole galaxy with Von Neumann probes. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just disagreeable to us and our silly morality.

>> No.5101450

It is unknown

>> No.5101455

There probably might be a God who dances on the stars and makes blackholes as well. But those are just speculations. As of now, the scariest thing in the universe is Humans. Our potential to destroy the entire universe is much greater. We are constantly fighting each other, we hate anyone thats different. We ourselves hate ourselves as well. We are fueled by illogical reasons. Not a very promising future at all. If humanity ever gets off the ground, the rest of the galaxy is fucked.

>> No.5101457

just because some of us can read and write and do a little math, that doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the universe

>> No.5101480

>If humanity ever gets off the ground, the rest of the galaxy is fucked.
The financial expenditures required for us to accomplish interstellar travel (or even practical interplanetary travel) almost mandate that the entire earth is working together. Which means we have overcome our differences and stupid ways of thinking. So if humanity ever 'gets off the ground' nothing but good can result.

>> No.5101486

dark matter, after a significant amount of time the dark matter will rip everything atom by atom, sub unit by sub unit, everything will be destroyed. fucking scary.

>> No.5101489

I thought that was dark energy?

>> No.5101492

try me sensei

>> No.5101495

They said the same thing when early explorers were being sent across the europe to map out the world. Europe wasnt united nor were they good in any way. They simply wanted to exploit all known resources(humans/civilizations/raw materials).

>> No.5101502

agreed, considering that all governments come together to become a single form of power.

or it can be a power hungry country immense military strength dominating all other countries. not saying its china but china is most likely in this case.

>> No.5101508

Where can I learn more about said probes?

>> No.5101509

dark energy is the opposite of dark matter it clusters everything, come to think of it dark energy is very scary to, its the force that makes galaxies collide with each other. that is terrifying.

>> No.5101511

I'd think it was easier for Exploration Age Europeans to fund trans-atlantic exploration than for modern civilization to fund space exploration.

No, it's the other way around

>> No.5101518

Its also the force that makes the galaxies move, thus giving it motion, which moves the systems, then planets, then the continents. Which means its also creating life as its the prime mover.

>> No.5101522

The unexplainable.

A very simple and to the point answer.
That which we cannot grasp, we fear.
We can see this all throughout history.
Christians and their fear of the Sciences.
Man and their fear of death, and what comes after.
A myriad of other unexplainable things grip us at our very core.

Good day.

>> No.5101524

The certainty of doom. We already know that the odds are stacked against us in every way possible, and it's not gonna get any more comfortable in the universe with new scientific discoveries.

>> No.5101531

haha my bad, i was thinking of how dark matter was inhabiting most of the universe hence expanding. so yes i was saying dark matter and dark energy are both terrifying as hell.

>> No.5101535

It's a hypothetical spacecraft that reaches a solar system and uses resources there to build copies of itself, which then fly to new solar systems and repeat this. Or in the worst case it destroys all life it comes across. This is entirely the realm of science fiction. No one has the slightest idea how something like this could be built or even what one might look like.

>> No.5101534

that's psychological fear, like a thing that comes with being self-aware and intelligent enough for complex mathematics.

>> No.5101544
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Very interesting, though.
What if humanity is an attempt at this?

>> No.5101555


There's no difference. Fear without the understand of what fear is doesn't exist. Without higher levels of thought you can't fear. There's also instinctual fear from animals, but that has more to do with survival. Although that also strongly correlates into my original thought; because we don't understand something, there's a possibility it could do us harm, or at least we feel as much. In order to feel safe we must gain understanding.

>> No.5101556

Related: http://pastebin.com/zp79qR2v

>> No.5101584

animals fear for their lives as in instinct that tell them danger is ahead, etc. humans however stated on the previous post i replied to, are different. the christians fear science because their belief system is being shaken; all of a sudden someone come up with hypothesis that all were created through the big bang, as atoms came together bigger matter was created and over trillions of years life flourished. this hypothesis a paradox to christian beliefs but somewhat proven to be true in the scientific community. christians reject this in order to never accept the inevitable, that god wasn't the origin of creation,eons of history tumbling down by a single idea. that is what dear is like for us, humans.

>> No.5101602

The Incompleteness Theorem.

>> No.5101605

>animals dont fear
Oh god are you one of those Christfags who still believe animals are machines and humans are special?

>> No.5101613

Don't even try to argue with him. He's probably one of those religitards who believe in a soul / consciousness.

>> No.5101631


>> No.5101646

I personally don't believe in dark matter or dark energy, but dark flow is a seemingly real phenomenon. Superclusters of galaxies are getting pulled at millions of miles per hour in the same direction by an incomprehensibly massive object outside of the known universe. That's pretty scary to me.

>> No.5101651


To be in the hands of a Living God

>> No.5101655

real christians love real science

>> No.5101657

as i posted above, "To be in the hands of a Living God"

>> No.5101663

Are you a fool who cannot distinguish between humans and animals?

>> No.5101669

God you guys are Idiots!

>> No.5101715

>Are you a fool who cannot distinguish between humans and animals?

Yes, I am. Or perhaps it's not because I'm a fool, it's because humans are animals.

>> No.5101786

Lee Smolin.

>> No.5101795


Heat death is unlikely due to dark energy pulling matter apart at an exponentially increasing rate.

The scariest thing is that sentient life / whatever form of intelligence that still exists when the big rip phenomena becomes a real threat might not be able to survive it or stop it.

>> No.5101796


The Universe really doesn't give a flying fuck about humans. We're a blip on the timeline, and no amount of damage we can possibly do will have a measurable impact on the Universe.

Humans are probably the worst thing to happen to humans, but the Universe? Nah.

>> No.5101808

we're the minds that CREATE the Universe, otherwise, what being (that we know of) exists that can even conceive of a universe? retarded reply is retarded

>> No.5101815
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>> No.5101824


MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


>> No.5101833

The fact that somewhere out there in the universe our super cluster or galaxy itself is on an auction board, waiting to be sold off to the highest bidder

>> No.5101838

>it's already been sold

>> No.5101842
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I wonder if they use time as currency or object materials

>> No.5101843

That if you cut a starfish in half, it grows into two new starfishes. Makes you wonder what if humans could regenerate like that.

Also the idea of somehow gaining perfect immortality in a universe that really is linear and will reach an end. The time it'll take to get there is unimaginable as the time that will pass after.

>> No.5101851

no i was just trying to explain psychological fear of human intelligence in pov of a christian.
animals only fear for their survival no? instinct drives them, animals who imprinted on humans may show different behaviour but they are one and the same isn't it? but i do think some of more intelligent animals like dolphins and primates can fear in different ways as well.

>> No.5101855

>animals only fear for their survival
Animals can fear for their young's survival, their families' survival, and others as well.

>> No.5101858
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w-what?!? I mean is there a source on this.

Something SO massive that its pulling whole GALAXIES

>my head when coming to /sci/

>> No.5101859

>back to reddit

>> No.5101862

i think im going to refrain myself from making a joke on that.
but you must admit we are totally different from any other life on this planet, we achieved civilizations studies of complex mathematics, politics, philosophy. we can comprehend pretty much anything given time. you dont see dogs to think about morals and ethics they just do as their instinct tells them or their masters.

>> No.5101864

that is instinct, when dogs imprint of their masters their instinct drives them to protect. its part od nature not complex emotions and thoughts.

>> No.5101868

you haven't seen that documentary with dark matter and dark energy theories or whatever it was called. it basically talks about what universe is made up of and why galaxies collide with each other. horrifying stuff.

>> No.5101870

You don't know the name of it.

damn I will see what I can dig up.

I remember hearing a long time ago on a Documentary that it's possible to control some dark energy or matter or something and using it to control the living universe around you.
Something about future humans could have implants that will help them control it

>> No.5101871

So when an anime protects their family/themselves/others its instinct, but when a human does it its human exceptionalism? Real smooth

>> No.5101872

going to the toilet with explosive diarrhea

and there's not TP

>> No.5101873


>> No.5101875

yes it is totally different, we make the logical choice of taking the chance to protect someone or not, we do not just jump right in without thinking if that is the case then the person isn't thinking properly.

>> No.5101879

Bro, the journey is what matters, not the destination.

>> No.5101882

>potential to destroy the entire universe

Niggah, mankind couldnt even exterminate cockroaches even if they tried with an at all costs strategy.

>> No.5101889

So human parents protect their son/daughter even to the point of sacrificing their own happiness/life is logical, YET animals protecting their young/family to the point of sacrificing their own life/happiness isnt logical?

>> No.5101890

Sure we could. Just destroy the earth's atmosphere.

>> No.5101904
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The realization that we are all the remnants of a supernova that gained self-awareness

>> No.5101916

You sir, should get out and interact with people more. When it comes to things like your family/religion/whatever you associate with, people tend to be irrationally bound to them.

>> No.5101918

and how will humanity achieve that?

People are too busy watching TV to effectively coordinate a world destruction.

Man's faults are mankind's salvation.

>> No.5101922

imprinting my friend. and only dogs do this, you dont see felines saving people form a fire.

>> No.5101927

watching tv is destroying our atmosphere

>> No.5101931

the free market will fix the atmosphere

check mate

>> No.5101959

Humans are one of the worst things to happen to Earth, but Earth is so insignificant in the universe that we have no impact.

>> No.5101983

For now at least.

Anyways, if sci fi has some merit, there could be beings who have worse intentions of the universe

>> No.5101997

The fact that it may be very possible that we are the only sentient species in this galaxy.
It terrifies me.

>> No.5101999

Pretty sure the Permian–Triassic extinction event was way worse than humans.

>> No.5102003

The possibility that it's simply an impossibility from an energy, resource and engineering standpoint for us to become a spacefaring species capable of living permanently apart from the biosphere of a planet we're adapted to.

>> No.5102014

It is Dark Energy. not dark matter. Dark Matter is a "mass" having particle that we can't detect. (the reason we know it is real is because we see the effects of its mass on the universe around us, Dark Matter is what holds the galaxies together) Dark Energy is a force we can't explain yet, that is making the universe expand faster then it should be.

>> No.5102020


All it takes is 1 country to have one idiot come to power.

>> No.5102026

there's no way nukes as of today can have a permanent damage on earth's atmosphere

again, even if all the nukes in the world were fired, not even fucking cockroaches would die

>> No.5102057

what glue are you on, and where do I get some. Wow to be that delusional, just wow!

>> No.5102058

A large scale nuclear event will increase rates of hydrodynamic escape. Large enough and the earth could have it's entire atmosphere stripped from it.

Stop talking bullshit and pretending that you know anything.

>> No.5102062

The fact that everything in the universe is composed of binary code.

>> No.5102066

You sound like someone who believes in free will.

>> No.5102113


>> No.5102124

Godel's Incompleteness Theorem.

>> No.5102131

it's existence

>> No.5102135

Im not a /sci/ guy. I just tried reading the wikipedia edition. could you put in into layman's terms?

>> No.5102134


>> No.5102136

That we're not alone in the universe, second only to being along in the universe

>> No.5102140

There are theorems within given systems that are not able to be proven inside the system.

Any system which can prove all theorems inside said system are incomplete.

>> No.5102142
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Can those theorems be proven to be unprovable from within the system?

>> No.5102147

>proven to be unproven


Read godel escher bach. It'll clear things up.

>> No.5102155

Prove to be unprovable.
Like even if you can't prove something, can't you still in some cases prove that it can be proved? Or show that it cannot be proved?

Like you can probably prove that this cannot be solved for x or y
2x = y

So even though we can't prove/solve it, we can prove that it cannot be solved, right?

So I'm wondering if these theorems you mentioned, if they can't be solved/proved from within the system, can you at least prove that they cannot be solved from within the system?

>> No.5102158

2x=y in what system? For it to be provable or a false statement it would have to exist where the terms are defined. This is out of the realm of algebra.

>> No.5102163

So in the system where they're undefined, we're sure its unsolveable. I'm wondering if all of these theorems that are unsolvable from inside the system are obviously so, or is it ambiguous?

>> No.5102171

Theorems arent equations. Think more like statements. Like, for every line there exists a point which a line can go through an be parallel to the first, or for every set of lines that are not parallel there exists exactly one intersection point. I don't know exact non-provable true statements off the top of my head because I'm really crossfaded right now, but you get the gist of it.

>> No.5102182

I guess what Im trying to get at is, taking your line argument, can you say
"there's no way we can know if thats true or not because we know we don't know the geometry of the surface, it might be such that there can be no parallel lines", then applying that broadly, just can you tell if your theorem is provable from within the system or not?

>> No.5102188

No. Because we know said concept is true, we just have no way of proving it within the system itself. You can apply isomorphisms to the theorem which would make it true through interpretation of the isomorphism, but you cant prove the statement true from within the system itself.

>> No.5102193
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I'll have to take your word for it

>> No.5102197
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>> No.5102205

Read geb. I'm not in the math/physics/science field at all and I still keep up on it on the side.

>> No.5102742

A shitty pop sci book does not replace actual education.

>> No.5103913

The logic part helps people know that there's a person in the burning building, and how to save them. Their morals, highly influenced by instinct, compels them to save them.