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5099135 No.5099135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be 11
>Dad works at uranium mining operation
>He was drunk one night and brings me home a chunk of uranium ore
>Play with it a lot pretending I'm a worker at a nuclear power plant and it's melting down and i have to run or else Chernobyl 2012 all up in my anus
>A year later we get internet at my house
>Read about uranium and nuclear weapons
>I want to build a nuke after I read that
>Read about uranium being enriched before use in a bomb but for some reason I assumed the ore was already enriched
>Start building, do everything the internet says
>Build a functioning bullet type nuclear weapon using gunpowder as a propellent for the bullet
>Uranium isn't enriched though
>Put it in a locker at school, set it on timer and expect it to not be a big explosion like in the pictures since its a lot smaller than a strategic nuke seen in pictures
>Nothing happens but night time janitor hears big explosion from the gunpowder and the bullet
>Eventually bomb squad and shit come and FBI and all that crap get into it (I don't remember well I was only 11)
>They find out its me and ask me where I got uranium
>Dad got it
>He gets fired from his job and goes to jail, threatens to kill me for doing this, he's in for 25 years because apparently he tried to force me into building a bomb according to the government
>He gets out in 3 and a half months from now

I hope he seriously doesn't fucking find me

>> No.5099151

Lol, you should team up for round 2. He probably learned how to build a real bomb in jail.

>> No.5099155

please be true

>> No.5099158
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>> No.5099195

>implying you had the willpower and intellect to build even a mediocre replica of a nuclear weapon at the age of eleven
>implying you are sociopathic enough to try to detonate a nuke in a populated area
>implying one can forget that uranium is dangerous because one is drunk
>implying such an event wouldn't have been all over national news
saging for shit tier thread

>> No.5099210

Fuck off, this is 5chan, everything is real.

>> No.5099235

It was two pellets of uranium in a tube that smashed into eachother from an explosion from black powder, I think an 8 year old could make it and I doubt it would've even worked.

I expected it to just blow up the school and that's it, I really hated school.

Uranium in the form of ore isn't that dangerous and I think you're underestimating alcohols influence on the brain.

They wanted to cover it up because it would really fucking scare people knowing an 11 year old could build a half assed WMD and that anyone can waltz into a uranium mine and grab potentially fissile material.

>> No.5099243

You need about 20kg of enriched uranium to make a bomb

>> No.5099255

you were about as close to making a wmd as dropping some uranium ore from a building and hoping the impact would set it off

>> No.5099259

>bullet type nuclear weapon

you fucking moron, enriched uranium doesn't just explode when hit, nuclear bombs smash two bodies of uranium together, fucking asswagon.

>> No.5099764


incredible story, OP.

>> No.5099924

>>5099135 goes to jail for uranium

what country? cause this sounds like bullshit

>> No.5099994

how the hell did you leach the uranium?

>> No.5100016

>years because apparently he tried to force me into building a bomb according to the government

brilliant! getting your 11 year old son to build a nuclear bomb with internet knowledge and a random piece of uranium.

>> No.5100025

>implying you are sociopathic enough to try to detonate a nuke in a populated area

Not saying that OPs story isn't utter shit but...

>Implying an 11 year old has any proper remorse.
>Implying an 11 year old has any idea of the ramifications of setting off a bomb

>> No.5100028

IIT: OP describes modern trends in evolution.

I am not going to say you should or should die, but you should probably check with the prison/parole officer and see how mentally stable your Dad has been. You should also probably go into the witness protection program. or at lest change your name.

>> No.5100069
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>Build a functioning bullet type nuclear weapon using gunpowder as a propellent for the bullet

>> No.5100122

>Be 11
>Start building, do everything the internet says
>he's in for 25 years
>He gets out in 3 and a half months from now

Something doesn't add up

>> No.5100158

>implying an 11 year old knew how to use the internet in 1987

>> No.5100161

The internet existed 25 years ago. True story.

>> No.5100163
File: 6 KB, 415x237, 1287432529209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>25 years ago was 1987
>internet first commercially available in 1992

>> No.5100206

>implying people always serve their full sentences

>> No.5100220


If federal, yes.

State, no.

>> No.5100268

I was using a 9600baud modem in 87. We would spend hours downloading singular porn pictures. My favoritw login was a shared library site with the university of michegan, it is where i first read through the looking glass. Green text 80 character line limits.

>> No.5100755

more like
>you were as close to making a biological weapon as you sneezing into a tissue and putting a fan to blow over it, and placing that in a subway

think about it

>> No.5100885


Of all the common nuclear fuels, Pu-239 has the smallest critical mass. A spherical untampered critical mass is about 11 kg (24.2 lbs)[1], 10.2 cm (4") in diameter

>> No.5103299


>> No.5103319


>Dad says he'll kill you

I hope this is true so you get shanked the second he gets out


>> No.5103326


Both you and your father would be dead if you were openly exposed to pure enriched uranium. 0/10 think before you troll you double nigger.

>> No.5103337

Bullshit detected.

You didnt have a 9600 baud modem in 87.

>> No.5103442

I used it to bbs,with my amiga.

>> No.5103569

Learn to read you fucking illiterate retard.

OP said it was Uranium ORE, not enriched uranium you fucking moron.

>> No.5103641

>Be 11
>Chernobyl 2012
OP is 11.