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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5096351 No.5096351 [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in majoring Applied Physics. What can I do with that degree?

>> No.5096359

Sell dope and turn tricks. PLAYA.

>> No.5096368


>> No.5096372

>too retarded to google
>/sci/ - Guidance Counselors for Underage Twats

>> No.5096376

If you have to ask...

>> No.5096378

>tfw when /sci/ doesn't know anything


>> No.5096412
File: 20 KB, 300x360, Spy Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for Mechanical Engineering with Plasma Physics concentration.

>mwf Using stat-mech to predict, describe and construct the most marvelous structures humanity ever created.

>> No.5096414

Shit i'll have to look that up, Not Op but trying to get into mechanical engineering.

>> No.5096436
File: 94 KB, 500x500, Spy_for_naz_by_schizohybrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets fucking make particles have stupid high Vibrational energy instead of translational! So we have cold gas with 10k Kelvin electron temperature!!!!

And that's just the beginning... Want a statistically improbable photon emissions from a gas at precisely the wavelength you need to burn porn on a Cd? No problem! [lasers] Want Air to get electronic Temperature of 30-40k Kelvin but so it becomes Translational on contact with material and not in your hand? Fucking got sun's surface in palm of your hand! [Plasma Torch]

>mfw I read "Statistical Thermodynamics: Fundamentals and Applications".

Just prepare to suffer thru a lot of meatheads, christfags and motorheads. Meatheads and motorheads I can handle, but when a fucker who is building my plane is taking guidelines from Jaysus, its NOT ok.

>> No.5096442

apply physics

>> No.5096458

god damn that shit sounds interesting, and supposedly my next semester physics class explores wavelengths, electricity and magnetism, momentum and quantum mechanics.

>> No.5096481
File: 222 KB, 351x563, smoke_and_mirrors_by_desolee-d4bu4ih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steal this book. Read it. Than read it again.

Its ok if you start loosing traction fast. Everyone does. One of the best moments in my life was when
>Taking Plasma Physics
>Understand fuck all
>Take Stat Thermo 1 & 2
>take Plasma AGAIN [different class similar material
>Understand EVERYTHING
>Talk to stat thermo Professor, tell him that
>He says I love it when plan comes together
>Feel real pride
>Feels good man

Material is Master Degree level, but don't be a pussy, you can do it! Just don't piss your pants! ; ]

>> No.5096537

It will be a lot of work and endless studying and practice, no social life, but it will be good.

>> No.5096616
File: 458 KB, 786x1017, TF2-Spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no social life? You can impress women by showing of a plasma torch you can make in your basement!

Good Luck to you. Just again, don't woos out when shit is going to get tough. You are also going to need calculus book in one hand as the math is going to go south fast and hit space Mexico very quickly.