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5092759 No.5092759 [Reply] [Original]

Why I am Transhumanist:

I seek to do everything better constantly.

I love knowledge, don't see the point of dying and restarting through children.

I see no evidence of a soul or afterlife.

I see prosthetics getting progressively better.

I see robotics getting progressively more sophisticated.

I want to explore the galaxy.

Intergalactic travel using modern style humans would require worldships.

The human body is so limited.

I see so many things possible with transhumanism even if we use non invasive technologies just adapting the electronics we have today.

Genetic manipulation is interesting.

The internet is interesting and has destabilized the command control of governments and other parasitic powerbrokers.

I can see the good and the bad, and would like to increase the good coming out of technology already in the prototype stage..

>> No.5092760
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>> No.5092763

How sad that you will die before any of this is viable.

>> No.5092767

Then make the dream come true. I know I'm working towards it.

>> No.5092838
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Same here brother.

>> No.5092849

that is depressing so i try to not think about it

i guess there is the small possibility that some huge technological breakthrough happens in our lifetime but i'm not getting my hopes up

>> No.5092853
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>> No.5092859
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But psychic shit.

>> No.5092874
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>> No.5092910

I have similar views on trans-humanism. Our bodies very inefficient, and if they could be augmented or replaced with synthetic counterparts that grant a theoretically infinite lifespan and the possibility to be upgraded with relative ease, that would be great. I suppose this could start through via a conventional biological means, although hopefully technologies such as quantum computers will emerge soon, and develop to the point of being capable of emulating the human brain (~10^20 FLOPS). Then we could perhaps transfer our brains onto said computers and artificially evolve towards an information singularity.

>> No.5092954

>I know exactly who i am

No you don't, right/left brain segregation is actually bullshit

>> No.5092978


>> No.5092997

It isn't totally baseless (see split-brain studies), it's just grossly oversimplified and champions the cancerous view that the purpose of the brain is conscious thought.

If you think about it, there are some processes (e.g. language) which don't need to be bilateral, particularly when they involve a totallymedial structure (the mouth). It wouldn't make any sense for your entire lexicon to be represented twice in your brain given that structures involved in generating language aren't bilateral.

Although we might expect bilateralization of a sign language lexicon.

>> No.5093042
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>> No.5093059


On that subject, anyone know a good European cryogenics service?

And Alcor makes a difference between head-only and full-body cryogenics. I'm partial towards head-only because it's cheaper (my cheap-ass family members have given me permission to freeze them if I pay), and because I expect a destructive brain scan to be available before a non-destructive one.

>> No.5093061
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>No you don't, right/left brain segregation is actually bullshit

It's true in parts. It just happens to be over simplified. The left brain operates more linearly, and helps you to learn by reading, while the right brain operates more spatially, and helps you to learn by watching and seeing.

>> No.5093065


Head-only is a bad idea. The brain is not the only factor in determining your mental processes and behavior. There's a lot of seemingly irrelevant hormonal activity in your body that is a huge factor as well. How your unique body reacts to this, and what the exact, current hormonal situation in your body is are huge factors in who you are.

This is not to mention how the rest of your body's neurons are laid out, in reference to your brain.

>> No.5093083
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>> No.5093114

>Intergalactic travel using modern style humans would require worldships.
Uh-huh. Why do you figure it has to be done?
Why do you figure it has to be accessible by single individual?

You don't know squat about what is in a single galaxy, even though you know it is more expansive and vast and fantastic than anything a single person could ever know or understand
-- but you're already assuming it isn't enough.
That is a psychological disorder; you are already ineligible for transhuman procedures.

>even if we use non invasive technologies
That wouldn't be 'transhuman' at all, then.

>The internet is interesting and has destabilized the command control of governments and other parasitic powerbrokers.
It's also destabilized any effort toward accuracy, honesty, or thoughtful contributions.
Taking power away from government and large corporations means no one can organize the incredibly complex effort of development and application toward ambitious projects -- you just limited transhumanism, space exploration, colonization, and even efforts to repair Earth to small-scale, like small-business and solo inventors!

>I can see the good and the bad, and would like to increase the good coming out of technology already in the prototype stage..
So would everyone else, including the people you just decried -- but I don't think you are seeing any bad in transhumanism, and there is a LOT of bad.
Or, some bad and a very huge amount of baseless hope and assumption.

>> No.5093186

>That is a psychological disorder; you are already ineligible for transhuman procedures.
>implying id ever submit to a government

>> No.5093185

>Uh-huh. Why do you figure it has to be done?
>Why do you figure it has to be accessible by single individual?
nothing "has to" be done
it will be accessible because i wish it and shall make it so

>> No.5093187

>Taking power away from government and large corporations means
that exploitation is also reduced

>> No.5093188
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>> No.5093205

[h+] here as well OP.

I hope I can be a cyborg one day. I have already dedicated a significant portion of my life to make it happen.

Let's keep working towards that dream, OP. Let's make it happen!

Study hard!

>> No.5093215

I am not saying you didn't choose to go to another galaxy; I'm saying it's a silly and unnecessary to set a goal of another galaxy before anything else.

Let's say you need to shop for groceries.
You are saying you have decided to go to a store in another country, airfare, passport, export/import license, packing and refrigeration, etc., instead of visiting a store in your neighborhood.

Both get you what you need -- exploration -- but one is practical and vastly more reasonable than the other.
I am saying you have chosen the harder task because you see a benefit in doing something more extreme, regardless of how stupid, impractical and expensive it would be.

>> No.5093219

You are ineligible because you set stupid and hopeless goals while ignoring accessible ones that do the same thing, ignoring rational thinking, and resolutely standing against sense.

Who would want to let you into their surgery, considering those things? Hell, you should find people would fight ever letting someone like that getting longer life and more power!
(I wrote nothing about government, but absent either a government program or being a candidate for a major company, who do you think will be performing transhuman procedures?)
Are you thinking this is something that will be a cheap, over-the-counter DIY kit?

>> No.5093228

>I hope I can be a cyborg one day. I have already dedicated a significant portion of my life to make it happen.

Ah... since you haven't got a clue how to make it more likely, or easier, just what effort have you done in your 'dedication'?
if you are 30, and you have been employed for 5 years on projects for augmentations, prosthetics, robotics or medicine, then good work.

If you are under 24, and have only a couple of years of employment or military service, and nothing specifically that makes cyborgs a real option, then you haven't 'dedicated' anything.
'Dedicated' means a serious amount of effort toward that one goal -- like an Olympic athlete working for a single competition four years away might.
(And no one else under 30 should be saying anything about how much of their life they have worked for something; it's just not very long!)

>> No.5093245

Longevity should come in a decade or two.
Let us hope that moralfags don't render us unable to acquire it.

>> No.5093251


I consider myself eligible for the moniker "moralfag". Why would be opposed to longevity? It's not as if firstworlders have a problem with overpopulation.

>> No.5093256

Well, I mostly meant the religious types.
If there's no fear of dying, then religion basically has no place in society.

>> No.5093263

<sarcasm on>
Right, because what the world, society, and humanity really needs most is people who hate morals, disrespect people who work for things, have an attitude of entitlement, and no expertise.
<sarcasm off>

>Why would be opposed to longevity? It's not as if firstworlders have a problem with overpopulation.

Are you sure?
Cities are falling apart, pollution, corruption, greed and inflation rampant, critical resources scarce or gone, and responsibility and work ethic reduced to minimal.
We have a lot of problems very strongly related to population growth.

>> No.5093300

>Right, because what the world, society, and humanity really needs most is people who hate morals, disrespect people who work for things, have an attitude of entitlement, and no expertise.

Amazing how you could deduce all that about him from a 2 line post. Is wanting to benefit from something you didn't do yourself (say a new technology) a form of "entitlement?" If so, I think we have billions of "entitled" people on this here rock.

>> No.5093308

I'm a frequent proponent of regenerative medicine, and I haven't observed religious people to be more opposed than average (which is not to say that nobody opposes for religious reasons). The locus of opposition seems to be around "environmentalist" types who hate the destructive and evil humans and therefore consider the idea of them living "unnaturally" long intrinsically appalling because humans deserve to suffer and die for their enviro-sins.

>> No.5093324

Head only is a good idea because it's cheaper, any society capable of reviving a cryogenics patient could trivially create for you a new body that would be better than the original anyway (if they haven't gone fully virtual), and the only reason people go full-body is the "ick" factor (particularly on the part of family members).

Do you really think you'd become a different person if you started taking estrogen (like a trannie)? I don't doubt that hormones play some role in behaviour, but I do doubt that they make up any fundamental part of identity. Even aside from that hypothetical, hormone levels fluctuate greatly through different phases of life, so if what you say were true, there would be no continuity of identity as people go through these transitions.

>> No.5093918
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>> No.5093927

It's more like, you have visited your local neighborhood, so you are moving permanently to travel across another continent, except this is much larger.

>> No.5093931

Yes, I am not a serf like you and I don't plan to allow governments and corporations any power over me.

>> No.5093939

>Im setting arbitrary standards and definitions

>> No.5093945

Those problems are all related to slave like obedience and reliance on government.

>> No.5094009


Then explain the difference between the US and western Europe/Scandinavia.

It's neither a result of overpopulation nor of rampant acceptance of the government. It's simply the result of that if you divide responsibility under enough people and/or make the options sufficiently blurry and/or make it sufficiently costly to oppose something, people will no longer feel any responsibility or need to change their actions. And that has happened in western society because of the massive scale and complete freedom of the market with scarce to none trustable sources, as well as the practical nonexistence of standards of ethics, and of course the seperation between people, their work, and their service providers.

IMHO you need a strong government to make decisions for the people because the people simply don't have the time to manually check the carbon footprint, nitate footprint, fair trade status, use of rare resources, etc. of everything.

Corruption isn't the result of silent obedience of the people, but a lack of accountability to them (the people didn't write the laws). As long as people are more scared of the people than of the institutions they inspect, it's all right.

>> No.5094493

>IMHO you need a strong government to make decisions for the people because the people simply don't have the time to manually check the carbon footprint, nitate footprint, fair trade status, use of rare resources, etc. of everything.
>Corruption isn't the result of silent obedience of the people, but a lack of accountability to them (the people didn't write the laws). As long as people are more scared of the people than of the institutions they inspect, it's all right.

Your opinion is against all known historical facts.
If it makes you feel good, that's nice, but don't go on /sci/ and expect to use opinions to back up your arguments.

The entire idea of having a command control by centralized government is not ethical so what are you even saying when you mention ethics?

>> No.5094717
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>> No.5094743

> All known historical facts.

Again, see Scandinavia.

>Don't go on /sci/ and expect to use opinions to back up your arguments.

>The entire idea of having a command control by centralized government is not ethical

What part of "don't go on /sci/" don't you understand?

>> No.5094770

I completely agree with you.
The transhumanist movement has to start very soon.
I'm going for genetic therapy/organic modifications/immortality..
There really has to be someone or a group of people who start these streams of ideas though, because if we just talk about it and speculate we're just a bunch of dreamers.
A symphony isn't played and written by just thinking about one.
First concrete steps would be having a group of people, excited about a movement like this, specialized or specializing in the fields required for this to effectively work, to come together (not in person per se) and to talk about it.

>> No.5094915

I think step 1a of any transhumanist program needs to be doing something about aging. Encouragingly, there are some people (e.g. the SENS foundation) working on that, albeit they need more support than they're getting. Most of the other stuff, while practicable in theory requires more developments in enabling technology and basic knowledge before you can really start on an implementation. I see the appeal behind galvanizing support, but I think that without a coherent technology program it's apt to turn into an airy debate about the virtues of mind-uploading and other BS rather than a meaningful collaboration.

>> No.5094961


What's the point of forming a unified entity for the people to be disgusted at? If we just do all these inventions separately, they'll be judged separately as improvements, and not as a whole as "losing your humanity" - except in angry blog posts and newspaper articles of people who use several of the benefits themselves regardless.


Why go for a single program? Many transhumanists' talents lie in different fields and can't be mutually applied. And "doing something about aging" is possibly one of the vaguest - and therefore impractical - goals ever to be formulated in the field of medicine.

The only thing a transhumanist movement could do would be to manipulate public opinion into a state where they accept body modification. Not by something as nefarious as brainwashing or as openly subjectable to criticism as a political or media figure - but things like video games or television series where the hero voluntarily chooses to undergo body enhancement. And to have clear and sensible counterarguments for any public criticism.

>> No.5095000

>And "doing something about aging" is possibly one of the vaguest - and therefore impractical - goals ever to be formulated in the field of medicine.

Um, don't worry, it was just a 4chan post bro. The people who are working on it do have a much more detailed plan of action. My point was merely that aging and disease are the targets that are most apt for the early development of transhumanist enhancements.

I agree that we should avoid coalescing into a single program or movement that would only enable the opposition to gather strength and coherence.

>> No.5095062
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>> No.5095103


>> No.5095167

>yfw transhumanist future turns out to look like a loli / shota paradise where individuals continue to look human except for unnatural hair colour, eye colour and other cute cosmetic details (cat ears?).

>> No.5095183
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>> No.5095252


>> No.5095324


>> No.5095420


>> No.5095495

post something meaningful or gtfo