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5090575 No.5090575 [Reply] [Original]



Brainshattering shit.

Just why does the Universe have to pull this shit on us?

Just why the fuck does such a fundamental number have to be FUCKING IRRATIONAL and TRANSCENDENTAL???

For fucks sake! Dont you ever get the feeling that there is something fundamental behind this? Something so profound, like a much deeper level of mathematical reality, that is just so fucking beyond the realm of human comprehension that we may never properly understand it?

Have any of you got any insights into why this shit happens, and if so, just what is the Universe trying to tell us about the nature of reality?

(Arrogant douchebags with pinhead comprehension of big pcture stuff should not reply)

>> No.5090579

where can i buy this stuff OP?

>> No.5090595


>Have any of you got any insights into why this shit happens, and if so, just what is the Universe trying to tell us about the nature of reality?

The "Universe" (I note the capital U) isn't trying to tell us shit. It's not a sentient being spewing patterns at us for its amusement or some shit.

>> No.5090598


Arrogant douchebag detected

>> No.5090599

> (Arrogant douchebags with pinhead comprehension of big pcture stuff should not reply)

Such as yourself?

>> No.5090607


Dumbass misses the point. Tries to derail thread. Probably is not European.

>> No.5090621


Hey listen, you might have nothing to add to this thread, so why bother replying? Geez, just move on if it doesnt interest you (or of you dont like thinking about the philosophy behind maths and science).

Anyway, on topic. OP, one of the really interesting things about pi with respect to human technology is how, once people started calculating it, new methods for calculating it were devised. Even with computers they had to devise new ways just to calculate pi more efficiently (convergence).

Of all geometrical shapes circles are the most interesting (and of course arcs, ellipises, spheres, etc). The fact that is no precise value for pi makes me wonder if it holds the same irrational values in higher plane geometry. Alas, my mathematical skills are not up to scratch to that.

>> No.5090627

Does the properties of irrationality and transendence still hold for pi if it calculated in binary or any of the other bases?

>> No.5090639

not if its calculated in base-pi

>> No.5090647



That settles it. We have been working in the wrong base. We should be working in base pi. We must get the gentic engineers to start working on a way to give all humans pi fingers so we can count correctly.

>> No.5090649

If our number system were base 21 it would be simple whole number. Really you plebs cannot grasp this?

>> No.5090652


>> No.5090655

base 64 is superior because it works reasonably well with all of our laws and standards. Pi ion base 64 is 21.333 repeating

>> No.5090660

That is kinda cool, from now on I will remeber Pi as 1/3 of base 64.

>> No.5090663


Really? So if humans had evolved with 21 fingers (and therefore had presumably used base 21 for our counting system) we would find that pi is a whole number? Fascinating.

Tell me, oh wise one, does base 21 have any irrational numbers?

>> No.5090665

Too bad nothin natural uses pi anyway. Aoms/particles create vertices making geometric shapes and anything else tends to be eliptic or parabolic.

>> No.5090673

Where do you even get a notion like that from?

>> No.5090682

Not that amazing, considering the fact that almost all real numbers are transcendental.

>irrational and transcendental.
You say that as if there are some transcendental rational numbers.
The redundancy is obvious, stop being so idiotic.

>> No.5090687
File: 64 KB, 616x462, Pumpkin_Pie_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pi(e)

>> No.5090695


Why was this not /thread?

>> No.5090700

Maybe /pi/ is an absolute number.

Say, 1 is ALWAYS 1

Pi is always pi in the same way 1 = 1

they're unrelated to each other since one is a number and one is a 'number' in a different stasis.

>> No.5090701


Douchebag detected.

Got nothing useful to say? No? Then fuck off.

>> No.5090714
File: 23 KB, 1024x768, 12392183923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read first few replies
>OP calls everyone who has even a slightly dissentive opinion an 'arrogant douchebag'
>does not recognise the irony and hypocrisy in this
>does not rise above petty name-calling like a true man of knowledge

Yeah, nah, OP, you brought up an interesting topic, but your conduct has made me and presumably many others not want to discuss it with you. I suggest you solve your personal issues and come back without the ego.

>> No.5090715

It's fine if you don't understand what I say.
However, then I can say with confidence you will never notice the more subtle coincidences in mathematics, even when they hit you in the face.
But you don't need to worry, your interest is no more than that of something to talk about.
No interest in the actual mathematics, no loss on your part.

>> No.5090718

I'm not sure why you're tripping balls so much, but:
>get a unit circle
>mark a spot on the edge
>role the circle from the spot until you reach the spot again
>measure distance

That's why "pi is pi".

>> No.5090727
File: 20 KB, 450x470, stock-vector-happy-amoeba-cartoon-65764714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't we all a part of the universe? Then how is the universe not sentient?

And what if the universe is "sentient" to an extent so great that humans are less than a bunch of amoeba compared to a great human genius? How would we be able to judge of it is sentient....or something even more.

>> No.5090740

Almost every number is irrational, almost every number is transcendental. Why are you surprised that one number you've decided to care about has those properties?

>> No.5090742

OP, this is an interesting topic, just do yourself a favour and ignore the trolls and name callers. For God's sake never post a comment like "arrogant douchebags do not need to reply" because that is exactly what you will get (as you have already found out)

If you are really interested in pi then I suggest you take a look at his website:


>> No.5090772


No OP. Pi is not profound. It is simply a ratio of an ideal circle. Ideal circles don't exist in the real world. You don't even need pi after 30 digits. With 30 digits of accuracy I can build you a gun that shoots to the edge of the universe within a centimeter of a target.

Why does Pi happen?

Because mathematicians.

>> No.5090770


OP here, yeah you are right. Some of these fuckwits pretend they know more than they do and then post shit comments like "idiotic" when they cant even be bothered reading the wiki article ( if they did they would know just how retarded they sound). Just absolute fuckwits. Anyway I will check out that site thanks, at least your post has been helpful.

>> No.5090803


I laughed.

>> No.5090810


Incorrect. Irrationals cannot be formed as a fraction of integers - our bases are just a short hand to allow us to manipulate, they do not change the essence of the number or the position on the number line. Division - making a fraction - is how many times the top will go into the bottom, and you could do that sum with pebbles, or with sweets and children etc - ie with no bases at all. And all of your answers would be rational - 1 mars bar for every two kids (1/2 bar each) , 3 kitkats between 4 children (3/4 each - ie 3 fingers); never would your answer be an irrational amount each (and never would the kids be happy)

Basically integers are integers in any base, and rationals/irrationals follow integers in their definition

>> No.5090813


>> No.5090824


He's probably asian. Brilliant in learning what they have been taught but absolutely pig ignorant when it comes to original thought. Otherwise nice guys but anal as fuck. No point even thinking of having an intellectual conversation with one, especially if they are a maths nerd.

>> No.5090828

There are many things in mathematics that are profound. Everything is connected, so if you want to learn more about pi, you can't just dig directly into it. You have to read about many topics in mathematics. For example, there's Godel's incompleteness theorems, which take a while to understand.

Someone can be fascinated with fire and try to look at how profound it is by just looking at fire, but that person isn't going to go as far as the person who looks around the object and into the background. The former person, lacking the proper background, may probably look at the shape of fire and conclude that it's some signal from a god, and will be led to false conclusions. The latter person will conduct various experiments with other things in nature and find the chemical reaction of combustion and other cool things with fire, and realize its profound connection with life.

>> No.5090833

I can't believe I'm hearing such stupid words. I have many intellectual, philosophical conversations with asians at my university. Are you in fucking high school? Get the fuck out of here if you can't think out of the box.

>> No.5090914


I jizzed.

>> No.5090936

First off:
Irrational means 'cannot be expressed as a fraction'. For example
√ 2
is an irrational number.

Transcendental means is not a solution to any equation that contains only rational numbers. For example,
is a transcendental number.
√ 2
is not a transcendental number.

You might want to actually know what you are talking about before you goof off again.

>> No.5090943


this thread is totally derailed.

OP is asking about the spiritual quality of pi, and everyone is answering from a godless athiest viewpoint.

God gave us pi and e to yield harmony and balance in His world which we mortal humans can only marvel at.

>> No.5090959

would rage again

>> No.5090961


Amen. One day avenging angels will sweep down upon this Earth and cleanse it of these Godless unbelievers. Then we will be free to worship the glory of God's numbers without them bringing logic into it.

>> No.5090964

As if our current math system is complete. We will never have total knowledge and understanding of the universe. Pi is just egg all over our faces and the fact that we never can or will know its precise exact value is testament to the limitations of man.

>> No.5090965

I thought that Pi was rational since it could be represented as a ratio. By definition is is the Circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter

one number over another, hence, rational

>> No.5090973


Amen Brother. Yea, no man shall know the face of God, for his works are wonderous and beyond the keen of Man.

>> No.5090980


WTF? Are you seriously suggesting that if we can calculate pi, then we will know God? Perhaps be as powerful as God? HOT SHIT! What are waiting for? Lets link all the world's computers together and get rolling on calculating that fucker out!

>> No.5090983

Why is Pi so special ? There are alot of other interesting number

>> No.5090990
File: 151 KB, 347x346, iStock_000005809739XSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a much deeper level of mathematical reality, that is just so fucking beyond the realm of human comprehension that we may never properly understand it?

There are a lot of things beyond the realm of human comprehention. As there are a lot of things beyond a dog's comprehention (economics, for example) or a fly's comprehention (language, for example), etc.

It would be naive to think there aren't complex parts of reality around us right now. We just can not understand them yet, not at this point of evolution.

>> No.5090992


another Biblical number is 7, for the seven scrolls and the seven seals. read Revelation and you will shit your pants when you see what will happen when the 7 nations in the middle east rise up against israel.

>> No.5090987

e is more interesting than pi.

Complex exponentials to the base e encode the sine and cosine functions which in turn have a period of 2pi.

>> No.5091011

> 7
You can find huge amounts of events that match up with the number 7. It doesn't mean anything. If it was some number like 9246123764, it would make sense. Even then it has a slight chance of being a coincidence.

>> No.5091012


einstien said God does not play with dice, so read the Bible for yourself.

>> No.5091014

Watched a movie yesterday called "Pi". This mathematician dude who sounded just like you went crazy about the universal significance of pi, [spoiler] got involved with Judaism and the movie ended in a gristly way.

>> No.5091017


because he was jewis?

>> No.5091019

That's a pretty unsatisfying answer. Got and solid evidence ? Even an example would work.

>> No.5091024

Why pi is irrational:


>> No.5091027


Rational means it can be represented as a ratio of INTEGERS, not just any ratio. (Obviously, any number can be represented as the ratio of itself to one, but that doesn't make every number rational.)

>> No.5091028
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5091030


lol another panda bear mis-labeld

>> No.5091043

What is brainshattering exactly ?

>> No.5091045

That is the name of the stock image in windows 7 sample folder... I hues your beef is with Microsoft

>> No.5091051

does anybody have the screenshot of google images searching "panda"?

>> No.5091052


>> No.5091055


So that's why I always see that fucking picture. Had to check 'Sample Pictures' to confirm and also saw that fucking jellyfish that gets posted on 4chan all the time too. It all makes sense now.

>> No.5091059


yes, sense in the sense that nobody on /sci/ has any imagination.

i'd post a ponie but the world would explode.

>> No.5091080 [DELETED] 



>> No.5091083
File: 84 KB, 313x313, 1344770369695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5091086

what's that?

>> No.5091095


The Bigim theory. It's grade 3 stuff.

>> No.5091103

Fuck pi. Fuck e. Fuck all dose shit numbers. Dey all is shit.

When you put dem all together niqqa, that's when you get tha MAGIC.

Dat euler dat euler

>> No.5091108

fucking bigim

>> No.5091110

Bitches don't know know bout bigim

>> No.5091115

Can't go wrong with bigim.

>> No.5091116

I remember those bigim work sheets.

My teacher got us pickle-scented stickers if we did well.

>> No.5091118

can't touch my bigim

>> No.5091119

In case anyone is wondering, from the power series of exp(x) and cos(x) and sin(x) we get.
Let x=pi gives the magical looking equation exp(i*pi)+1=0, uniting the 5 most important numbers in mathematics.

>> No.5091120

I remember having to do my bigim test on my annual PID... Such a rough day.

>> No.5091121

Bigim complexes in 501(c)(3) ligands often cause degeneracy in organic proteins.

>> No.5091124

This a million times.
We don't live in an euclidean universe OP, dealwithit.jpg

babby didn't notice Pi appears in Buffon's needle solution only because it involves angles, which are measured by...wait for it...the length of an arc of a unit circle. As long as we talk about angles we implicitely refer to circles, so >>5090772 's comment holds and your one-link reply does not.

>> No.5091127

>the 5 most important numbers in mathematics.


>> No.5091136

>5 most important
>doesn't include bigim
lel that pleb, right guys?

>> No.5091140


>> No.5091170

> Pi
> Not Phi
> 2012

>> No.5091198

You mean tau. Get it right if you're trying to mock someone.

>> No.5091244
File: 124 KB, 262x288, 1335253001740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Universe
Math is a system a priori.
You can connect the empirical plane with it, but math would do well without the universe as it is. That's the whole point.

>> No.5091876

8/10 would copy paste to piss of /sci/

>> No.5091945


Welcome to /x/?

>> No.5091950

It hasn't been proven whether or not pi is normal, though it's suspected it is.

Genuinely convincing: 8/10

Interesting piece of trivia the most people know: Where the film shows hundreds of digits of pi on screen, only the first 8 are correct, the rest are random.

>> No.5091982

I don't get it.

>> No.5091984

why would you expect a ratio between radius and circumference to be simpler?

>> No.5091995

Welcome to 4chan, dickwad.

>> No.5092100

yeah and pi is not an important constant for elipses, or any curve at all right?

>> No.5092120

>when the 7 nations in the middle east rise up against israel.
they get curbstomped by the usa?

>> No.5092130

Bro, it's just the ratio of a circle's circumference and diameter. Not a big deal.

You must be pretty babby at math to not be posting about fi.

>> No.5092605

>comes to /sci/ and poses metaphysical questions about pi

>expects serious answers
>>mfw when white grade 8 kiddies dont understand the questions let alone the answers
"But muh circumference divided by radius, what is hard to understand?"

You got to understand that /sci/ is not a serious maths or science forum. Its full of dickheads, ignorants and abusive jerks. If you have got questions like these you have to go to a serious maths forum if you really want some intelligent opinions from people who actually know what you are talking about. Do a search on the web, you are just wasting your time here.

If you are just trolling or cruising for a laugh, want help with your homework, then please excuse me, you are in the right place.


>> No.5092863


Just shut the fuck up please you stupid retarded dumbshit. There. I asked nicely.

>> No.5092875
File: 20 KB, 576x576, 576px-Pentagram-phi.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math is everywhere, math is mysterious, math is beyond the physical, math is god.

Also, phi is the best number.

>> No.5092890



>> No.5092914


x^2 = x+1

>> No.5092956

You'll just have to deal with the fact that you'll never be able to find the exact dimensions of a circle.

>> No.5092969

The set of irrational and transcendental numbers are an entire order of magnitude more infinite than the rationals and integers, so it's really not surprising that most constants are transcendental.

>> No.5093355

Pi is just 22/7. Big deal.

>> No.5093359

>Just why the fuck does such a fundamental number have to be FUCKING IRRATIONAL and TRANSCENDENTAL???

Because we made the whole thing up.

>> No.5093367

Holy shit what a revelation.My mind is suddenly one with the universal truth.

>> No.5093372

If the Oosans can survive long enough in any one of those nations, then yes. But I have a feeling they'll be clapping so hard after the endless stream of Bobbies and Johnys curbstomps one of those nations that they'll just back off from the conflict instead.

>> No.5093413

There's a movie called "pi" you might be interested in, it's not bad, even though it has some Jew stuff in it. Look it up
I always get the feeling that pi is somehow the answer to the universe, the fundamentals of it or something

>> No.5093440

>like a much deeper level of mathematical reality
It's called advanced maths, you should try it.

>> No.5093445

because pi are square

>> No.5093447

Euler: e ^ (i * pi) + 1 = 0

>> No.5093458


>> No.5093541


22/7 is an approximation to pi. There are many others. All of them are APPROXIMATIONS, not actually pi itself.

I seriously suggest that, unless you are 14 years old or younger, in all honesty and respect, that you immediately abandon any aspirations you may have had in achieving a future based on your mathematical skills and knowledge

>> No.5093550


Holy shit!

>> No.5093674 [DELETED] 

Isn't everything an approximation to pi? Unless you have a calculator larger than the entire universe.

>> No.5093698
File: 47 KB, 630x473, 47t2114508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to ask this

>> No.5093722

Let there be a circle with diameter d and circumference c.
=> pi = c/d

>> No.5093847

I think of numbers like pi as singularities. If you imagine reality as a topographical surface and mathematics as a numerical grid we lay over top that surface, then numbers like pi are like bottomless holes in that surface similar in shape to the classic portrayal of a wormhole. When you throw the grid over this hole, you wind up with a situation where you can never identify the node which should be at the center of the hole because it gets sucked down into the singularity. You can follow it deeper into the wormhole, getting closer and closer to an exact value as the hole tapers toward a point, but due to the nature of reality's topography you will never reach an exact value, hence the endless repeating decimals.

>> No.5093953

in that analogy, there would be pretty much wormholes, since the irrational numbers are a dense subset of the real numbers.

>> No.5093980

God probably just chose it at random.

>> No.5093997

dude dont even go near infinite if you can't wrap your mind around Pi

>> No.5094049

every complex number is a singularity because their complement is open
yeah there are pretty much wormholes

>> No.5095189


"Open the pod bay door, HAL."
"I'm sorry, Dave, I cant do that."

Later on....


Dave gets reborn as pi, cue music.


>> No.5095260

<span class="math">\tau[/spoiler] was here, <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] is a faggot.

>> No.5095268

Confirmed for highschooler.

>> No.5095279



Brainshattering shit.

Just why does the Universe have to pull this shit on us?

Just why the fuck does such a fundamental number have to be FUCKING RATIONAL and SIMULTANEOUSLY NOT PRIME YET NOT COMPOSITE???

For fucks sake! Dont you ever get the feeling that there is something fundamental behind this? Something so profound, like a much deeper level of mathematical reality, that is just so fucking beyond the realm of human comprehension that we may never properly understand it?

Have any of you got any insights into why this shit happens, and if so, just what is the Universe trying to tell us about the nature of reality?

(Arrogant douchebags with pinhead comprehension of big pcture stuff should not reply)

>> No.5095298

Actually in real life nothing goes on that forever so, pi being irrational is meaningless. The smallest distance that can ever be conceived is planck distance whiwh is about 10^-35 m. So that's as finer as your NGon will get, note that I'm refering to a circle as an Ngon with sides of planck unit length. Such a "circle" wouldn't have an irrational diameter to radius ratio.
Same reason why xeon's paradox doesn't matter, because we cannot halve things forever

>> No.5095319

>Same reason why xeon's paradox doesn't matter, because we cannot halve things forever

That's not why it doesn't matter.

>> No.5095325


>> No.5095331


>talking about information entropy

What the hell, how is this a new idea--

>by Science News Staff on 15 April 1997, 8:00 PM


>> No.5095403


My name is Xwertyc hul Dasdfrig!

I am an advanced human who comes from far into your future (haha, actually we are transhumans now).

Just going to give you cavemen a little heads up on your entire number things. Look, sorry to tell you this but what you think now is completely fucked up. You actually count "things"? Like one rock, two rocks, three rocks and so on? Oh my aching robotic sides! So much laffs for me and my cyborg friends! We dropped the whole notion of counting things thousands and thousands of years ago!

It all began when a pretty young disembodied intelligence called Fuionu det Murdocx realised that there is no such thing as whole numbers!

Primative humans based their entire concepts of maths on counting whole numbers! No wonder everything got haywire fucked up with sheet like pi and e and zero and omega-tan (oh wait, this is 2012? You guys havent discovered omega-tan yet? Fuck. Just forget what I said, ok? I was talking about getting, umm, umm, a sunTAN with fatty OMEGA fish oils! OK? ok? umm, yes, thats right.)

(excusing me I must be having this fit of laffing now)

So anyways, this delicatable and very nubile Fuionu det Murdocx ( with her perky jiggly quantum based logic fluctations) discovered that just as the physical world is only a three dimensional representation of a higher dimensional reality, it made no sense to count Whole numbers! So we completely revised our comlete understanding of maths and based it on true random values found in the motion of stock market shares from the year 2053. Which of course, as you all know, is when it was revealed to the world that planes cant actually fly and are held aloft in the sky by aerodynamic faith alone.

Wait. This is 2012? FUCK FUCK FUCK! I gone omegatansquirted again!

>> No.5095414
File: 19 KB, 373x273, 080725-office-fun-hmed-135p_hmedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascinated by shit-teir mathematics
>looking for meaning where there is none
>asks pointless questions

When do you graduate high school?

>> No.5095423

Oh look, it's this guy again.

>> No.5095433

Except he's right. This is basic cartesian geometry and has nothing to do with "the universe".

OP is a pseudomath numerologist.

>> No.5095455



Thank you for that mid blowing clip.

>> No.5095507


Gee, now I know why the OP said 'arrogant douchebags need not reply". Seriously, where do you get off on being such a jerk? Personally I find these questions interesting, if only to reconsider the nature of constants that we readily take for granted. I honestly doubt you are some sort of mathematical genius, maybe you have done some calc, find it easy, and now think you are somehow better than most people? Why dont you take a look at some of the vids by Vi Hart and realise that true mathematical genius can still take wonder at the nature of mathematics and take delight in examing the fundamentals of some of the weird and unusal concepts our knowledge of maths has derived?

TL:DR Just shut up you "arrogant douchebag".

>> No.5095535

You are a sad, pathetic troll.

This is numerology. It does not belong on /sci/.

>> No.5095536

>Vi Hart

Shit tier troll is shit tier.

>> No.5095563


wow, seriously dude, what is wrong with you? You come here with the intent to give butthurt and then get butthurt when you get told some home truths about yourself.
Dude, seriously, you have some issues, you should try to get them sorted.

>> No.5095572

What are you even talking about? How does my post give butthurt at all? I am just reiterating 4chan rules.

This thread is pseudomathematics. OP will be reported and banned for inane /x/ conspiracy garbage.

>> No.5095608

Don't do drugs, kids.

>> No.5095697


WTF are you talking about? Vi hart is an amazing mathematician, albeit a "recreational" one. Nothing shit tier or trollish in her videos at all. What she does is creative and inspiring, and certainly gives people in general, especially kids, a deeper insight into the the aesthetic beauty that lies behind mathematics. But I guess if you are devoid of emotions you never get to see any of that.

>> No.5095793


All the joking aside I wouldnt be surprised if this guy is actually alluding to something quite right. All our mathematics are based on purely theorticial constructs, There is no such thing, in reality, as a "straight line between two points". There is no such thing as a "circle". They exist only in our imaginations. The same could be said of our number theory. Zero is merely an aribitary point where we decide to start counting things. The thing is our mathematics works, and works well in all sorts of practical engineering applications, from building bridges to space exploration to programming computers. But Issac Newton's laws of motion also work well, but we now know, due to the theory of relativity, that they are approximations of reality. Newtons laws work well for our everyday experiences because we dont ususally get to experience near light speed travel or massive gravitational effects. What I get out of the original post is that certain numbers like pi may (and I emthphaise the "may") point to inconsistencies in our mathematical understanding, or perhaps they just point to yet-to-be-discovered mathematical truths that reveal why such numbers have, and must have, the nature and properties that they exhibit. I see nothing wrong about speculation along those lines, especially if there are people out there who might have something constructive and intelligent to say on that subject. Why so much childish arguing and name calling on some /sci/ threads?Speculation by mathematical theroists has probably been ridiculed many times through history before they lead to mathematical proofs. I feel that many people think the final word in maths has already been said, yet the fact remains that today there are many different expanding branches of maths and much we still dont know. One example is that it is still not known if pi is a normal number. There is speculation that it is, but no proof.

>> No.5095817

>Zero is merely an aribitary point where we decide to start counting things.
Stopped reading there. Zero is the additive identity.

Whatever else you say is ultimately invalidated by such a faux-pas.

>> No.5095824


The music of pi.

I found this oddly moving. How strange.

>> No.5095832


Ok, whatever your high school teacher taught you, why dont you just move on, go design a water tank or something?

>> No.5095838

Pi ain't got shit on e.

When they first taught us e in school I thought it was some random number. Yeah 1/n! Whatever but e can be derived so many fucking ways.

And it fucking appears in shit having nothing to do with factorials.


Get on my level

>> No.5095845


>I found this oddly moving. How strange

You found it moving because you're primed to project emotion onto it. That's the problem with OP. He found something he finds neat and is filled wonder but lets it consume him entirely. His brain stops working and he can't move past that point because he's too busy basking in the wonder of pi. When someone dissents, he reacts emotionally with insults. When someone tries to explain something, no it's not a sufficient explanation. It has to be something more (because he FEELS there's something more). Next stop: worshiping pi.

These kinds of people aren't prepared for science and math. They can be rational to a point but then they get too emotional about it all and stop thinking clearly. When everyone points out their flaws they get upset and become disillusioned. At that point they rebel against the status quo (which births their brand new persecution complex, the science establishment won't let me be, they're trying to silence me). Then they make a site called piecube.com where they proclaim pi to be the one true truth.

We don't need to be moved. That's what art is for. If you want to be moved by beauty, go study art before Modernism.

>> No.5095851


This one is the music of tau. Its pretty cool too. Funny that you also get some really negative comments as well. There must be a lot of really sad and lonely people in the world.

>> No.5095862


I, for one, welcome our new pi overlord.

Death to the anti-pi! Hear that e worshippers? Verily you shall burn in wau!

>> No.5095865 [DELETED] 

>I found this oddly moving.

The distribution of gaps in prime numbers is far more fascinating than the digits of pi.

The digits of pi are indistinguishable from noise, whereas the prime gap distribution has a poorly understood pattern.

Listen to it here: http://oeis.org/play?seq=A001223

>> No.5095873

Zero is anything but fucking arbitrary. It has a very precise meaning. To put you further in your place, I've read more of your post.

>There is no such thing, in reality, as a "straight line between two points".
The path travelled by a photon in a flat region of spacetime.

>Newton's laws work well for our everyday experiences

PI is well understood in the sense that primes are well understood. Your extensive and poorly constructed wall of text is mostly either false or rhetoric. Please, build my water tank.

>> No.5095883


are you stupid?
the addition of orbitals in atoms and molecules add up to a spherical shape, "packing of spheres" in solid matter, lipids when in water form globular aggregations as to not disturb the hydrogen bond network and minimize free energy. EVERYTHING has to do with circles or spheres; our FUCKING eyes are spheres

>> No.5095897 [DELETED] 

>Too bad nothin natural uses pi anyway

i'm natural and i eat pies.

>> No.5095913

We are on our way to becoming gods ourselves and playing god if science keeps progressing the way it is.

>> No.5095922

>The path travelled by a photon in a flat region of spacetime.
To be fair, there's no such thing as a flat region of spacetime

>> No.5095931

Prove it.

>> No.5095957

OP, there's no such thing as a circle. Pi is a human invention derived from an arbitrary procedure that has no relation to reality whatsoever.


>> No.5095959
File: 40 KB, 483x464, dissapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is rediculous thinking, Pi in any base is Pi (3.14159). It's a ratio, not a number.

We don't take the diameter to be 10, we take it to be 1 because it's a ratio. If you live with a base 106 system you'll still take the diameter as 1 for a ratio and pi will still be 3.14159 because it's the most basic level for which you can represent it. Sure if you take the diameter as 106 then the circumference will be 333, but Pi is still fucking 3.14159.

Pi no matter what, in our universe, is 3.14159...

>> No.5095966
File: 99 KB, 551x800, Karl_XII_1706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what I tried to fucking tell them.

>> No.5096017

read this and die

>> No.5096041


OP you are not alone. There are many open problems in maths concerning pi. The difference between shit tier and bro tier mathematicians is that the shit tier guys just dont want to think outside the circle (no pun intended). The bro tier people keep questioning and looking for deeper mathematical truths. The shit tiers people are unfortunately necesssary to human society. We have got to have someone to fix the coffee machine when it breaks down, dont we?

Keep asking, keep wondering, keep learning. Dig deep at the hard questions, thats were real investigation begins. Ignore the trolls and the people trapped inside the circle. A lot of them are just envious that they are unable to think creatively. Thats why they will always be stuck fixing the mathematical equivalent of coffee machinesfor the rest of their careers.

>> No.5096061

Here's an interesting thing. We know that all digits keep appearing down the line in the pi sequence, except for 6. Why should 6 stop appearing? The simple fact is no one knows why.

>> No.5096093

One day you pifaggots will be brought to justice and dealt with. Then the glorius reign of tau shall begin! ALL HAIL TAU!

I feel the need to offer a blood sacrifice to our new God. To slice out its heart and consume it as an offering to the HOLY ENTITY THAT IS TAU!

Hmmm, this delicious chocolate cake will do.

>> No.5096124

What would be the implications of discovering that pi terminates or repeats? How will this shake up up the world of mathematics? What will change?

>> No.5096168

It's easy to assume transcendental numbers are these rare, special thing. But if you think about it the "average" real number is transcendental. I'm not saying that Pi is not special just that it being transcendental is not what to focus on.

>> No.5096493


It would make us feel that we have been on the recieving end of some cosmic joke. The superior intelligences that are monitoring us will watch us carefully. If we get all butthurt and start raging then they will simply make this universe vanish and start again. I advise you all to keep your happy faces on should this eventuate. Practice jovial and good-natured laughing a lot too. Some back slapping and guffawing would be helpful as well.

>> No.5096512

Isnt this a bit like the heisenburg uncertainity principle?

If you know the circumference you will never be able to accurately measure the radius. If you know the radius you will never be able to accurately measure the circumference.

>> No.5096526

It would mean that <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler] is a rational number, and therefore something is wrong with the proofs showing it isn't.

>> No.5096579

>But if you think about it the "average" real number is transcendental.

Explain this?

>> No.5096582

what you stated is like it, but what you stated has no rationale.

There is no reason the knowledge of one thing should interfere with the ability to measure the other.

>> No.5096587

I find the concept of irrational numbers, as well as things like "divde by zero" , to be deeply unsatisfying. I can work them, yes, I understand the rational behind them all, but I think they all point to fundamental flaws existing in our underlying assumptions of mathematical proofs. Its like driving along in a car. A car that you have had for many years and is very reliable. It gets you were you want to go. But it occassionally makes a weird sound every now and again.

You take it to all the mechanics in the world. They hear the sound too. Some say "its nothing to worry about, ignore it". Some say "well thats baffling, not sure what is causing that sound because there is nothing we can find that would make that sound, but your car runs fine!" One or two mechanics say "Yeah, we know, we dont understand it either, we will keep working on it, maybe one day we will figure it out, in the meantime happy driving!". One mechanic out of a million will say, "Buddy, your car is fine for what you need, but the sound you hear is because the car is built the wrong way". Astonished, you reply "But can you fix it?" The mechanic shakes his head and says "Sorry, the fault goes back all the way through every single component, you dont need a new car, you need a new form of transport, oh and by the way, please dont tell anyone I said that, the other mechanics will get enraged."


>> No.5096589

You are puzzeled by the last remark. "Why will they get enraged?" you ask. "The mechanic sighs and tells you. "Well many have built their careers on the existing design of this mode of transport. Some would be angry that their entire belief system has been based on a flawed system that has suddenly been exposed as second rate. Some would be envious if it was not them who thought of the new mode of transport, their egos get in the way. Others would be upset they are simply afraid of the unkown."

"I see", you reply. You get back in the car, wave goodbye and drive off. You listen to the weird sound that comes from the car. You listen intently each time it happens. And you smile.

>> No.5096594

I just HATE when people make these kinds of bizarre assertions.

What you said is nonsense; all numerals (including 6) appear in the representation of pi.

>> No.5096602

'Superior' but it works only 'reasonably well'?

How can something foreign, unfamiliar, and a with such a moderate fit to whatever laws and standards you are considering actually be considered 'better'?

>> No.5096608
File: 1.42 MB, 950x691, insaneinthemembrane3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look, a sentient subset of the universe is spewing linguistic patterns at me about how the universe isn't sentient and doesn't spew patterns.

I get your point. The universe at large isn't alive.

But I feel some day it might be, if advanced civilizations end up building an interplanetary/interstellar/intergalactic civilization the distant future, then perhaps a large enough percentage of the universe will be conscious that a collective hivemind could be built that takes up a large percentage of the universe.

Then there's you. You aren't one creature. You're a community of trillions of cells that labels itself as one unit for linguistic, social, and philosophical convenience.

Also, see Asimov's short story "the last question." The universe could be an endless cycle where sentient beings create an artificial God to reverse entropy (the end-all of technology) and renew the universe like some kind of infinite pheonix rising from its own ashes.

I'm not saying these things are true, valid, testable, or that they have anything to do with proper science. Just a lot more interesting than fundietard concepts of religion.

>> No.5096620

>read OP's post.
>/sci/ confirmed for a fantasy forum.
>Nice job OP.


>> No.5096628

This story illustrates why people don't like to change from a traditional assumption,
but it seems to have nothing to do with the thread,
which isn't about tradition or assumptions at all.

Did you have some error in mind?

>> No.5096689

Complex exponentials with any base are sines and cosines.

<span class="math">n^{ix} = e^{\log n^{ix}} =e^{ix \log n} = \cos (x \log n) + i \sin (x \log n)[/spoiler]

>> No.5096704

actually if you look at the fundemental basis of pi .. having to do with cirlces you can make the argument that it is just the ratio of curvature of space local to our planet

>> No.5096715

No, not local to our planet.

A circle isn't curved because of local space; there is such a thing as a circle in abstract, and that still has the same ratio.

>> No.5096906

Irrational numbers like piare just the universe's way of mocking us puny humans. A perfect circle can not exist in nature, therefore our attempts to create them in theory result in absurdities like pi, which is a value that can not be physically measured by any means.In other words something that is not real can never have a precise measurement. Therefore it stands to reason that any irrational number means its representation in reality is utter nonsense. The great Weros has spoken.

>> No.5096959

You don't need to draw / measure anything to evaluate pi.

>> No.5097467


Thats right! You can simply evaluate the pi is unmeasurable to any final accuracy.


>> No.5097490


>> No.5099040

Man, I just read through this entire thread. None of you have an insights into the nature of pi? Just the usual cabbagebrains and "I cant comprehend English so I will offer my irrelevant retard comment anyway" Am disappoint. But the bit about "advanced humans and the robot" was sort of funny.

>> No.5099054 [DELETED] 


Are you hinestly so dense that you can not understand the significance of that story as it relates to OP's post and the attitudes and opinions revealed by some of the posters comments in this thread.

Seriously, you cant see it? Is English your second language?

>> No.5099071


Are you so dense that you can not understand the significance of that story as it relates to OP's post and the attitudes and opinions revealed by some of the posters comments in this thread?

Seriously, you cant see it? Is English your second language?

>> No.5099077

Rationality and transcendence are not properties based on base.

>> No.5099086

Pi's weirdness is just a complication of impure math

>> No.5099122

Most numbers aren't rational or transcendental. The area around a circle is not an integer, and it's length isn't the root of a polynomial with integer co-ordinates, so why should pi be either of those. It's a real number doesn't fall into a special infinitesimal subset of those. Please explain how if pi = 67836/21593 or pi^5 - 3 pi^2 +7pi - 3 = 0 would make the Universe make more sense.

>> No.5099153



One of the few intelligent and insightful comments posted on this thread that actually adresses OP's questions. My hat is off to you Sir.

>> No.5099162

All this is doing is using Pi as a random number generator for choosing notes on a major scale. It sounds good because the major scale sounds good. There is nothing musical about Pi, unless you get into the mathematics of sound waves and shit.

>> No.5099178

What if we developed a mathematical system based around Pi, e.g. Pi=1, 2 Pi=2, and so on?

>> No.5099200


I wonder why some music sounds "good" and some sounds bad. Of course there is are cultural and enviromental elements that shape us to defining what is a "good" or pleasing sound as opposed to a "bad sound". But I wonder if anyone has done a cross cultural study across the world to see if there near concenus among humans as to any particular chords, dischords, harmonies and note progressions etc and sounds that are "good" or bad"

Do all peoples percieve a minor chord as "sad"? Do all peoples percieve a major progression as pleasing? Is the sound of fingernails scrapping across a chalk board as regugnant to Mongolians as equally to English people? It would make an interesting study with massive travel perks and great opportunities to screw many hot chicks across the world. I'm gonna apply for funding.

>> No.5099203

Not saying I understand completely but the book "This is Your Brain on Music" is very enlightening on the subject

>> No.5099205


Brilliant idea! I dont care if what you suggest actually makes no sense and is full of logical fallacies, but ANYTHING to get get rid of those FUCKING IRRATIONAL NUMBERS! For the LOVE of GOD please! They do me head in!

>> No.5099215


A better study, and more to the point, would be to apply for funding to study women's orgasms.

The following research topics could be applied:

Are there any cultural differences in
a) The length of a woman's orgasm?
b) The amount of their thrashing around?
c) The pitch of their squeals?
d) Stickiness coefficient measurements?

This sort of study could be spun out over decades of intense and often perilous research. I, for one, would be willing to undertake such a project as a heroic front line data gatherer.