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5083667 No.5083667 [Reply] [Original]

dear /sci/ please keep the hate to a minimum it really gums things up. The thing is I wanna learn C or C++ programming. I'm not worried about learning the actual language its self. The thing is since its a low level language I keep having to doing all this oldass technical stuff. I wanna learn the language but its hard to get over all these other barriers. So I ask you, is there some way to ease this process. Like What other specifics other than the syntax/semantics of the language can I look for to help make this happen.

>> No.5083674


>> No.5083673

Theres no way to ease it, you just have to take it like a fag from behind.

>> No.5083677

Im a little drunk so sorry for the grammar.
Mainly I'm talking about learning how learn the barebones part of it so I know i'm actually doing the coding/compiling process right.

>> No.5083695

anyone? i know a lot of you guys must know c

>> No.5083719

Well the "fun" part about coding comes from the details of how the code works.

I guess I was one of those fortunate souls who learned C++ in middle school for no reason whatsoever other than I liked the code. I had fun making shitty terminal/command prompt programs. I jizzed in my pants the first time I used pointers.

It's the syntax itself that should be fun. I think most people who code are the type that like the code for the technical implications of it on its own and find it "fun" even though most people see it as colorless and dull, it's what's in their minds that makes it colorful, so all the material is designed by people like that.
Which could make it boring if you don't learn the same way they do.

>> No.5083729

Learn to love the code and how the language gives you the ability to handle low level functions. Stay motivated and don't get sad every time you don't do something right. Get it right and continue.

>> No.5083747

So I should really be focusing on the syntax? getting to know it and then just slowly familiarize with the rest the stuff im interacting it with? Can you guys tell me some basic stuff I'll be able to do in a week or so? just some short term stuff Ill be able to look forward to?

>> No.5083749

I'm guessing you are doing this for school?

I find that it always kills the fun of a subject.
I learned coding for no real reason at all, so I got to take it at my own pace and every step of the way I learned stuff because it was what I wanted to learn.

When you are forced to do it for school it kills the love. It really does. It happens with every subject, and it sucks.
You can try to ignore the fact that you have to learn it, and pretend that you are just doing it for you, maybe diverge a little from the course and study a part you find interesting.

It might help a little, but probably not all that much. You'll just have to suffer.
Maybe focus on how great it will be once you understand the code, it'll be like speaking another language and will open a lot of doors for you.

>> No.5083753

Learning CPP isnt hard. First you learn the basis syntax + variables/classes/pointers/reference/functions etc

Then you dive down into making simple programs like basic calculators, then file manipulations, then just go get grasp of functions/classes. Once you get this far, you can just start to program by yourself

>> No.5083760

With C++/C don't expect to code useful programs until after a month or more. But that doesn't matter, really. Why do you want to start with C/C++? Do some python first, which focuses on problem solving and not on syntax, and then C/C++ will be easier while also knowing Python. Of course, if you learn C++ for first language, then everything will be easy.

>> No.5083759

I'm actually just learning it cuz it fascinates me, not for school. But im lacking motivation a little bit partly because of ADD lol but also Im not really sure what Ill even be able to do with my C skills once I do know the programming....lol like what can it do?

>> No.5083787


C/C++ really arent low level languages. Well, C can be a fairly low level language, but theyre definitely not an assembly language

>> No.5083812

can you name any others?

If there is only 1 below it, then I would definitely say it's "low level".
low != lowest

>> No.5083819

Syntax is never the most important part. And there is no way to ease the process. Learning to program always starts out hard because it requires thinking in a way that is very unnatural to most people. Eventually it'll become natural and you'll realize that all it is is breaking down a problem into manageable chunks and then finding solutions to those sub-problems. But more than that it's learning to do so in a very explicit way.

As far as what you can do, well it kind of depends on what you want to do. One of the most useful things programming has allowed me to do is automate tedious tasks, especially ones involving text or sets of data. Something as simple as taking a text file and sorting the lines. A few earnest weeks with C/C++ should give you the skills to do something that simple. Find something that interests you, a process, a problem, or just something you want to make the computer do, and find out how to do it. I would avoid anything that involves a game though, mostly because games are so much more complex than most non-programmers realize.

Every time I want to learn a new language I try and create a simple web application in that language. I've found that it's really hard to not learn a language by doing that. Something as simple as a file server or a todo list app touches on so many fundamental things that to do it successfully you have to understand how that particular language does it.

>>5083760 is mostly right. C/C++ is a fine choice for a first language, if for no reason other than the fact that it underpins so many other languages. But a language like Python (or Ruby, my personal favorite) might give you a bit more immediate gratification, which can be a very powerful motivator.

>> No.5083826

By any modern (post 1994/1995) standard C, and by extension C++ and Objective C are low level languages.

>> No.5083831

C seemed like an essential one to know, so I guess I got a little ahead of my self and jumped the going by going strait to it. I'll go down the pything route first. Do you have anything anything to suggest right off the bat?

>> No.5083878

Thanks guys, I think Ill start by getting some footing into python, then resuming my C quest with some simple things like a to do list. you guys are awesome

>> No.5083887

Why python? I mean its nice and all, but its not really efficient to learn python first before CPP or C. You can go straight to C or CPP without going to Python(I know because I've programmed in python myself and CPP).

>> No.5083891

Pro tip: dont learn C++ by blindly following a textbook. Think of a program you want to create, and then learn what you need to accomplish that task as you go along.

For example, say "I want to make a hack for a computer game that allows me to edit my characters amount of gold".

In the process you'll learn about memory manipulation, code injection, and tons of other stuff.. but its interesting, because its not just your 20th time working on a Hello World program.

At least its what worked for me.

Note: you will learn far more from reading other peoples code examples and comments than anything else.

>> No.5083901


>Note: you will learn far more from reading other peoples code examples and comments than anything else.



Pick one and have fun.

>> No.5085358 [DELETED] 


bullshit non-sci post.

delete this now, OP

>> No.5085366

Excellent Descartes quote.

As for your post: lol didn't read

>> No.5087447


all it takes to become a programmer is practice. anyone can do it.

>> No.5087759


I had to do lots of simulations in my first year.