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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 220x327, 220px-PurportedUFO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5076914 No.5076914 [Reply] [Original]

Since /x/ is a bunch of tinfoil retards I guess I'll have better luck here.

What's your opinion on UFOs? Is there ANY merit to the theory that there are alien spacecraft flying over our skies? I've been looking at all these supposed UFO videos, and while some are clearly a few minutes of work in After Effects, some do seem convincing. I mean it's still possible it's just effects, but that someone sure went through a lot of trouble just to get some views on youtube. Also all those people claiming they have been involved in government investigations of these things, are they just lying attention whores? Pretty much all UFO evidence could have been faked, but are those people really that determined to get attention? Also why don't the aliens just observe us from outer space with their high tech telescopes?

I'm about 95% certain it's all bullshit, but there's still an ounce of doubt (hope) left in me. What's your take on this?

>> No.5076927

What if we are the alien race that will visit other planets?

In other words, what if we're the most advanced race in the universe?

>> No.5076934

Life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe.

It is possible that intelligent life exists somewhere else in the universe.

It is massively improbable that intelligent life arose close enough to earth that they would have ever been able to reach us.

>> No.5076942


So all those videos and photos and testimonies are bullshit?

>> No.5076945

I believe..its mostly advanced world military. Is it Technology not from this planet, I don't know? But I would be more inclined to believe the driving force behind it was something found. Not taken or given.

>> No.5076955

In something as Infintitaly massive like the universe, would it be so inconcievable that numbers we can comprehend would matter little in the grande scheme of the cosmos?

>> No.5076953


>> No.5076960


I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

>> No.5076971

Is the theory of a Multiverse shunned around here?

>> No.5076972
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Aircraft don't move like that. A probe would probably leave a massive bus sized satellite in orbit and any surface probes would probably be low flying blimps.

>> No.5076976


Depends on what you mean by multiverse.

>> No.5076987

kinda stumped on that one, chief. Interesting play/pun. How many meanings are there?!

>> No.5076993


If you mean that the universe we are in is infinitely large with many separate pockets of inflation then a lot of people would agree. If you mean parallel universes or many worlds or whatever then you're gonna get shunned.

>> No.5077067

no "what-if" about it. It is the only rational hypothesis.

>> No.5077068


>> No.5077073


There could easily be an alien race much more advanced than us that just happens to live 2 billion lightyears away. We would probably never know they existed.

>> No.5077081

What if we're the only intelligent species, and we're destined to be utterly alone as a race for the rest of our existence?

>> No.5077083


Even if we aren't the only intelligent species, we'll probably be utterly alone for as long as we survive.

>> No.5077089

Do aliens exist? I think so.

Do I believe they're hovering around us abducting cows, rednecks, and Mexicans? Doubt it.

>> No.5077101

It's possible that the one contact our solar system ever got from an outside species happened early when life was still ocean-bound, or maybe a survey ship won't be around for another 10 million years.
I find it improbable that at the very instant our civilization begins looking up (in geological time) suddenly we're inundated with alien craft.

>> No.5077118

I doubt they are as well, but if I researched into it and thought there was any credible evidence to suggest they were, I wouldn't be surprised.

Their ships might appear like clouds or weather phenomenon like tornadoes for all I know, if they are really so advanced that they broke the speed limit then I wouldn't be surprised by them breaking any other limit that humanity has determined either.

>> No.5077126

If there is any powerful species with a sphere of influence touching ours though, it would be likely that once we started doing more than "looking" up, that they'd become interested.

If/when we develop a warp drive (like NASA is attempting to do right now), I think that's when it will be obvious (at least to the military) whether or not there is an alien presence that can touch us.

We're of no consequence if we as a species aren't intelligent enough to develop the means to touch them, but if we can touch them they would need to be concerned.

>> No.5077145
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>mfw these threads.

>> No.5077160


Some say there have been sightings throughout human history, with surviving drawings/petroglyphs to back that idea. So maybe they were always coming around, but left no trace and no one was around to record it.

Even today we aren't watching the whole planet, or not from the ground at least. It seems that there would be images taken by satellites if we were getting visitors from space, though.

>> No.5077169

I'd give you this.
It's not a great example, but Star Trek first contact has the Vulcans essentially just passing through the edge of the solar system by chance when Earth's first warp-drive ship makes a jump. If those two events hadn't been timed juuuust right, it may have been a very long time before running into anyone else out there in the galaxy.
Yes, it's a movie, but relevant.

>> No.5077177
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I saw these once:

But UFOs are a weird concept I think because why do they ships that fly if they're apparently capable of FTL? I honestly think that they're of terrestrial origin, delusions reinforced by other "experiencers," sort of like a Emperor's New Clothes-type phenomenon.

>> No.5077193
File: 5 KB, 226x108, planetx-sumerian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earliest civilization in humankind's recorded history had extensive knowledge of our solar system, and know the earth revolved around the sun. The interesting part about this is that their story of creation states that they, humans, were genetically engineered from visitors from those who came from the heavens, and that everything they knew, math, science, writing, etc... was from these beings that created them.

>> No.5077248


maybe the ones people see are like atmospheric drones dropped by an interstellar mothership?

I remember being told at church by a speaker that UFOs were in the Bible. Demons of the air or some shit. I thought that was awesome because I was 12. haha

>> No.5077255

UFOs exist in that people see flying objects that they cannot explain.

UFOs being aliens visiting us is completely bunk.

>> No.5077303

I don't think they're alien spaceships. I prefer the belief that they're Earth based, perhaps under the water like some people see them going. They don't generally seem like they're equipped for interstellar flight. Sometimes people see big ones but one the size of an airplane wouldn't have enough supplies to go anywhere.

At worst, I'd believe that we're a colony of humans and they're just human ships going to and from elsewhere in our system.

>> No.5077341

Here are some strong evidences. These people live normal lifes(marry, have kids), hold professional jobs. They do not seems to be liars.




>> No.5077359

Honestly, if anything, we are aliens ourselves. The theory of Pan-spermia suggests that life on earth did not originate on earth itself, but it came from an asteroid or space rock that smashed into the planet (which had the building blocks of life.)

But honestly, it's all bullshit from what I've seen. I am not denying the fact that there are no other complex life forms out there in this massive universe. But why would some aliens waste the time and energy to travel thousands of light years to a little planet called Earth, just to fly over our heads? And all the ACTUAL UFO's are probably from Area 51. The government has been doing tests on anti-gravity machines and aircraft.

>> No.5077405
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I've been fascinated by UFOs, ancient civilizations, the unexplained, ancient artifacts since I was a kid. I've "researched" these things with the best of my ability and have concluded that multiple alien species live around and among us. I think some UFOs are ET ships and others could be celestial beings.
Here are some interesting videos about UFOS and the like. good ones first, iffy ones towards the bottom

NASA ufo anomalies(nasa footage)

ancient out of place artifacts. where the fuck did these come from?!

moon rising. Whats really on the moon? this one is awesome. really gets you thinking**removed from youtube! how strange

ancient aliens. obligatory

secrets in plain sight. not about aliens but interesting

plausuble points for the reptiallian case. kind of out there but still good.

jonathan reed. man who encountered an alien. pretty crazy/ far out

It takes an open mind, time and your imagination with this kind of stuff since we dont have much/if any hard evidence. you have to sift thru a lot of BS and make up your own mind.

>> No.5077421

Silly and pointless; the question (and the ONLY interesting or useful answer) has to apply to the universe we are participating in.

>> No.5077438

>I've "researched" these things with the best of my ability and have concluded that multiple alien species live around and among us.


>> No.5077443

>develop a warp drive (like NASA is attempting to do right now)

NASA is hardly doing any more to develop such things than they have before.
The efforts are largely more about hyping mathematical models that allow it than actually being able to build anything. Ignore them until you see it fly -- seriously, it's not worth any consideration.

But this:
>that's when it will be obvious (at least to the military) whether or not there is an alien presence that can touch us.

it will be obvious what someone ELSE we don't know can do when we build a new device?
That doesn't make any damn sense!

>> No.5077450

>But UFOs are a weird concept I think because why do they ships that fly if they're apparently capable of FTL?

When people go out in a motorhome, they often take a couple of bikes or dune buggy.
Or did you imagine everyone flies at full speed and always knows their exact endpoint?

In fact, can you think of ANY craft in ANY situation that doesn't have to move in smaller degrees or in smaller craft to do what it is needed to?

>> No.5077467
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>what if we're the most advanced race in the universe

>> No.5077494

I saw one with my own eyes. It was about 40 feet away from me moving at about 3 miles an hour, so I'm pretty fucking sure I know what I saw.

>> No.5077499

Let me guess, you somehow just couldn't quite get a photo of it, eh?

>> No.5077512

It was a ring shaped disk, slightly larger than a car tire. It was completely silent and moved in a perfectly straight line and maintained a constant altitude. It had blue lights on it's bottom and traveled about 250 feet. It was 3am. It had no propeller or blades and made no noise at all, yet moved so slowly in such a controlled motion. I was staring fucking hard at it for a good minute and could not figure out what it could possibly be. Even though it flew right over me so closely moving so slowly.

>> No.5077520

I had my cell phone, but I knew if I tried to take a picture it would be gone by the time I set everything up, plus it would be too dark to really see anyways. I decided my best bet was to look hard at it so I remember every detail. My mom saw it too so I know it wasn't just me.

>> No.5077527

Yea, every crackpot has some shitty excuse. I've heard them all. Come back when you have evidence, this is /sci.

>> No.5077538

Tell me what it was smart man. If I'm so crazy clearly I'm jumping to conclusions. Lets see if a sane person can come up with a "rational" explanation when I could not.

>> No.5077545

I've yet to see any evidence that you saw anything. My current hypothesis is that you're not very bright, batshit, or bullshitting.

>> No.5077573

My mom saw it and that's evidence enough that I'm not crazy. I'm swear I'm not lying. As for not bright I went through the following while looking at it.

Planes and helicopters don't fly that low, they are not that small, and not that shape. Ballons don't have lights, not that shape, and don't move in that controlled of a motion. An rc toy can't move in that way either. It was a sinlge solid object and was totally silent. Besides who would fly an rc at 3 in the morning. If I'm so stupid surely you can tell me what it was.

>> No.5077574

That's still just you asserting some shit. Provide evidence or fuck off. Your mom doesn't mean dick to me.

>> No.5077591

Like I said I didn't record it but we both saw it. I'm just asking you to guess what it was more accurately than I did. If you need details I'll tell you to help you get a better mental picture for your guess. Bet you won't be able to tell what it was either.

>> No.5077597 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter what you claim to have seen or believe you saw. Do you have any idea how stupid people are and how shitty memory is?

>> No.5077598

I don't want a mental picture, I want an actual picture. I will under no circumstances believe that you saw anything without that proof. That burden is your problem.

>> No.5077609

Guys, cool down.
ANYTHING is better than some ass-hat posting fucking bad Youtube videos that can't get to the point over hours of discussion.

>> No.5077616

Well fuck, how do you think I felt when I fucking saw it. I sure as fuck wanted a picture too, but I knew taking it all in for memory was the best I could do.

This is the only thing I can think of, but I know when I saw it I got a good close look and still could not tell what the fuck it was. I wanted to say ufo but I didn't want to just to conclusions and stay rational. But ufo is the only description I was able to think of that it could possibly fit.

>> No.5077625

You are making a horrible error that discussion requires proof.
There is no reason anyone needs proof before discussing the events described; it asks for rumination, for supposition -- not some angry yokel insisting nothing can be said until he is convinced totally!

>> No.5077631

I am curious why, in the dark, you say it was 'ring-shaped' and why you thought it was so close when it was apparently moving very slowly and imperturbably (usually suggesting distance).

Also, describe the lights, number, brightness?

>> No.5077650

The lights were evenly distanced from each other. single file lining the center of it's shape. The lights were a glow in brightness. Some were specs, others were big enough to be a few inches across. A tad bit brighter than the glowing lights of an electronic device, say the green light on a playstation. It flew over my head and over my house. Though it was night time it wasn't pitch black. It was too dark to tell what color it was but I was able to see the shape at least.

>> No.5077660
File: 17 KB, 468x453, thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also had bulbs like this, more than I drew but you get the idea. They were also evenly spaced apart but unlike the lights which had two sizes all the bulbs were the same size. All of it was flat though. Not much thicker than a remote control at most.

I could be wrong but that's what I recall at least.

>> No.5077671

The funny thing was not only was it unidentifiable, but it also fucking LOOKED like a stereo typical ufo like you would hear about on tv. You can only imagine me thinking this can't be fucking real or, no no it's probably something else, something man made.

>> No.5077675

I used to be agnostic about UFOs. There's a real element of high-handed arrogance in the manner in which people spout the lines they've been taught to use to dismiss the issue. Most of it was always garbage, but there was a core of interesting material as well.

What's turned me against it in recent years are cell phones.

The world is frigging *blanketed* in cameras right now, and there's still only a tiny number of pics and videos of fuzzy lights.

There should be exponentially more evidence, and exponentially more really good pics. There aren't.

>> No.5077688

I'm so sorry. I would have had enough time to take out my phone when it was far away, but I just thought it was a plane or helicopter. By the time it was close enough to rule everything else out It was too late.

>> No.5077691


Install Ubuntu

>> No.5077693

ah... but don't use the words 'single file' to describe that.
This is single file : ••••••••
Yours are evenly spaced around the body of the craft, specifically avoiding any straight lines at all.

>> No.5077696

No, this requires proof. So far, there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER of intelligent aliens visiting this planet. Are we going to discuss flat earth theory too? Fuck no, because there IS NO EVIDENCE to support it.
>I saw some alien shit
>prove it
>here you go, a dead alien body, the ship, some pictures, etc.

That's how science works, not:
>I saw some alien shit
>Where's the proof?
>Take my word for it.
>Oh. ok.
That's not at all how science works.

>> No.5077701

UFO's are real. There are just way too many personal encounters with intelligent life and UFO's. You can't ignore the Roswell crash...that was obvious.

>> No.5077702
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ALL of those "personal encounters", and there's not a SINGLE SHRED of physical evidence?
>I don't buy it.
>If you do, this is you.

>> No.5077715

UFO's are the works of demonic forces on Earth. I know you materialists aren't going to accept this explanation, but it's better than other explanation.

>> No.5077723


So if these aliens are super advanced beings from outer space, capable of interstellar travel, why would they need to continuously abduct humans for biological experiments. Wouldn't they be smart enough to gather the information needed with one or two abductions?

>> No.5077729

I once saw a UFO

I was riding my bike at night while I saw a light chaotically moving in the sky. It was partially cloudy so I could see it was certainly moving beneath the clouds.

After concluding this was clearly something not Identifiable as a common flying object, because of its unusual flightpath, I tried to asses the possibility that I was hallucinating. (like shifting your focus, blinking your eyes, distracting your thoughts for a while) But nothing of these things seemed to influence my perception of this thing moving about in the sky.

At that point I wished I had my phone so I could film it, but none the less I was intensely enjoying this unique phenomenon. This feeling climaxed after at some point it slowed down to a halt, hovered there fore a brief second, and then simultaneously disappeared and then re-appeared to the left, as if it moved there with an incredible speed.

After this, it moved about a little more, and then seemed to take of in the direction exactly opposite of me. This in a straight line, with a very elegant acceleration towards such a speed that it dissipated in the distance in a matter of seconds. Much like you would expect a UFO to do in a movie or something.

I have thought about this experience a lot. The possibility that I was hallucinating is still on par with the other explanation that I can think of.

I have meditated lots about evolution, and about what sorts of things evolution would `end up` in. It seems likely to me that once beings start `improving` themselves, conventional biology would fly out the window pretty quickly.

Ultimately, I think, it would end up being some kind of a ball of `electric plasma` (wouldn`t know how to discribe it) doing nothing but maintaining itself, and harboring an enormously intelligent complexity.

But you can sea how the explanation of a hallucination appeals just as much to me.

>> No.5077731

Multiple races I would assume. People describe different types of ufo so I would assume aliens would only need one kind.

>> No.5077732


But some things must be noted here. I do think I could be considered special enough for this `life form` to make itself know to me. When I was just a little kid I had this incredible experience witch made me become a Bodhisattva. (I applied myself to become enlightened) When I was 21 I did become enlightened, and have been thinking about how to apply myself ever since. It was in the absence of a clear plan that I started looking into the skies on my way home every night. I did this also before to look for meteorites and stuff, but this period it was with the intent to see `something different.` And it was definitely linked to my thoughts about applying myself significantly for the benefit of mankind. I was looking for some kind of verification.

All of this makes the Hallucination hypothesis all the more likely of course.

>> No.5077735

If they can do all that they're not fucking stupid.

You're going to monitor a species with mass communication. You're going to be seen. They're going to talk about you. However, you can keep sightings/encounters down to some low error-level value.

What you do then is throw in a component of genuine stupidity. Ass probing. Frighten the rednecks. Pointless flyabouts that serve no purpose. Actively counterproductive activity which in the telling serves to discredit the bulk of your unavoidable baseline error rate of real encounters.

It's quite smart really.

>> No.5077745

What did it look like? How far away was it? How fast was it moving before it took off so fast?

As the previous ufo guy I thought you were making fun of me.

>> No.5077754

Would it change your mind if an enormous number of ex military, intel, and government science types all got together and stated (a) that they knew about decent evidence and (b) they are willing to testify to this effect in any investigative hearing that would be held on the topic? Would that perk your ears up a bit?

O wait they did - http://www.disclosureproject.org/

>> No.5077757

It's allllll bullshit.

>herp derp unemployed people make up shit for attention!

Where's the decent evidence? Where is it? Where's the proof? Where's the verifiable evidence that we can study in an controlled environment?

Just face the fact that posing all the edgy "questions" in the world doesn't prove shit and you need this thing called verifiability to be taken seriously by anyone even remotely logical minded.

>> No.5077762


Like I said, it was moving seemingly chaotic. Which means varying speeds and varying directions.

Distance and size are very hard to estimate when all you are looking at is a light that moves in the sky.

And, as told, at one point it seemed to move quicker then the eye, which would be extraordinary fast considering that It didn`t even leave a stripe, like a moving light source would normally do.

It must be noted that it could also have been two objects here, of which one simply stoped shining, while the other started at the exact same time.

>> No.5077765


>herp derp unemployed people make up shit for attention!

>I am unwilling to consider any position that contravenes the conclusions I have come to. This is what I believe science to be. I don't need to listen to what 500 folks who worked in the military and intel communities say, obviously they're all crazy or trying to make money.

>> No.5077772

>I have no proof whatsoever so I'm going to insult everyone who disagrees with me

>> No.5077776

I think it's plausible that the earth has had alien life or the product of alien life visit at some point.

I think it would be more likely that these UFOs are inanimate; there are no alien pilots and they are simply seeds that aliens scattered around the universe in an attempt to contact something out there.

I'm still very skeptical. Why do these accounts of abductions always end up being consistently vague? Why don't the abductees ever bring back a token from the ship, like a fucking tissue with alien snot on it or some dinky alien technology?

I actually think the most likely explanation os that this is all military technology that is in experimental stages. I don't think Area 51 is what the gov't is using to keep aliens in formaldehyde; it's probably where they develop the next UAV and people are confusing this stuff with alien visits.

It is quite a romantic idea though; maybe some day aliens with much more knowledge that us will share their technology with us and we can all explore the universe together. ;_;

>> No.5077784

I'm just some asshole on 4chan, of course I don't have proof. I'm just pointing in the direction of something that meets some of what I would regard as potential sources of real evidence (not evidence itself). It seems like your position is "this is a priori untrue, therefore all attempts at providing evidence can be dismissed without consideration" which is an attitude I'll never be able to trust.

>> No.5077785

>I have no proof whatsoever so I'm going to insult everyone who disagrees with me

>> No.5077789

Thank you for making my point.

>> No.5077829

>>I have no proof whatsoever so I'm going to insult everyone who disagrees with me

>> No.5077852

Anything to shut down discussion, eh?

>> No.5078763


many ufo's have been verified by nasa. google on youtube for proof.

so far they have not hurt many people except some questionalbe cattle mutiliations.

>> No.5078768

Why do I have to find that on youtube? Shouldn't I be able to get it strait from the NASA website?

>> No.5078781


obana want let nasa release cuz panic would ensue

>> No.5079054

What the fuck is all this >>>/x/ shit? Take this shit off.