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5074872 No.5074872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was invited to this birthday party by one of my (female) classmates. It was her roommate's birthday. So I arrive and introduce myself to the birthday girl.

Beautiful brunette bday girl: i'm 23 today lol etc

Me: ah, a prime number!

Girl: uhhh ok sure

Me (in an awkwardly loud voice): ALSO THE TILT OF THE EARTH IN DEGREES

Girl: ok nice to meet you...

I didn't talk to her for the rest of the night. How to talk to girls?

>> No.5074886
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>> No.5074887

That's how to talk to girls, so you can tell if they're interesting or not.

>> No.5074888

Be persistent, invite her on a boat ride

>> No.5074892

I've had a lot of success offering to expose my engorged genitalia

curiosity always prevails

>> No.5074894


...and tell her the boat is just a metaphor for your penis.

>> No.5074898


>> No.5074901


>> No.5074920

The answer is to not go to parties, and talk to girls who have common interests.

>> No.5074930

Donate your spaghetti to science, OP.

>> No.5074934

typical female, no common sense or general knowledge and on top of that stupid.

No offence OP, you are probably a good guy

>> No.5074935

Restrict yourself from trying to be nice guy with girls. Won't necessary get you a girlfriend, but at least you won't feel miserable.

>> No.5074939

I always point out when numbers people mention are prime :( Is this the single error in my social interaction algorithm causing tfw etc?

Disclaimer: I only know the first ~5000 primes.

>> No.5074953

I was at a nightclub last year. Two girls came up to me and started playing with my nipples. I hoped this meant they wanted me to play with theirs, but then I got slapped. Then they asked me if I was good at sex and when I said yes they wanted me to go home with them later to make a porn movie. I was so excited about finally getting a twosome that I decided to avoid them for the rest of the night because I might say something stupid and blow it. Then finally the bar was closing and they came to get me, but now they had another two guys with them. They kept begging me to be in their porno like I promised but the two new guys were giving me angry looks and I didn't like the idea of 33% more penis than vagina. I really should have tried to keep their attention the entire night. I went back to that bar every weekend for a month hoping to get a second chance, but it never happened.

>> No.5074963


i keep reading references to spaghetti. what the holy fuck does it mean?

>> No.5074971


>> No.5074975


Spaghetti in real world situations


>> No.5074985

my dick is now diamonds

>> No.5074994

i lol'd pretty hard well done OP.

basically what i figured out is that if you are looking for a girl which is reasonably intelligent and lets say for the sake of the argument that iq was a good measure of intelligence then if you want a girl of an iq of 130+ then that 2 standard deviation to the right meaning 1 in 50 girls will match that criteria. then add in relating factors such as that higher intelligence is often coupled with introversion and your chances drop even further.

then think of how many new girls you are sexually interested in you meet a year at social events.

lets say you meet 20 girls at social events each year through friends etc. then it is about 1 girl which is fairly intelligent every 5 years.

what you need to do is start hitting on girls in places that attract people of above average intelligence.

i.e. library, i have had a lot of luck at talking to girls in my field at the library as they hang out in the same section as I do.


>> No.5074995


i thought spaghetti meant that you were straight until you got hot and wet.

>> No.5075009
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>On dancefloor
>Find a good looking girl
>She starts paying attention to you
>She starts rubbing her tits at you and makes you all horny and stuff.
> Try to establish persistent body contact.
> No further physical response from her.
> Continue to attempt establishing persistent body contact several times again, for several minutes.
> No further reaction from here, like she's in a trance or something.
> Also she doesn't react to any attempts at establishing eye contact.
> Give her another try.
> Be like this on the dancefloor for the next 30 minutes.
> And not a single fuck was given that night.

>> No.5075021

I think it refers to term spaghettification used by hawking and applied to social situations.

>> No.5075027


she wanted money, stupid.

>> No.5075034
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>> No.5075486


talk to girls the same way you talk to guys, but be prepared for the gilr to have better conversational skills than any male you know.

it can be daunting, but it's worth it if you score.

>> No.5075521

I've invited a norwegian girl from my city to copenhagen this weekend, we both live in denmark.
I dread.

>> No.5075527

Race traitor, kill the Norwegian.

>> No.5075531


aren't all scandinavian ppl the same?

>> No.5075532

Wait, I'm fucking retarded. You're both Norwegian. In that case, get the fuck out of our country.

>> No.5075535

>using degrees instead of radians

This is why nobody likes you.

>> No.5075540
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Jeg er dansk, broder, sætter bare indvandrene på plads.

>> No.5075545


americans use degrees. not all countries are social ized welfare states.

>> No.5075594
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>> No.5075669



>> No.5075725

OP, you seem like an engaging, intelligent person. (The comment referring to 23 as a prime number was cool.) Clearly, that girl is a dumb slut. Just keep on truckin', you'll find a girl who appreciates your intellect.

>> No.5075737

bump for informative science thread

>> No.5075748
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Ask them questions. Think about the question you're going to ask (get a few). Make sure you're giving the girl a chance to talk. Like, "So do you go to [whatever school you attend]?" Then she can say "No, I go..." and you can smile (IMPORTANT) and nod your head (DO THIS), and follow up with "That's cool" (SAY IT) and another question "So you do you know [mutual friend]?" That way she can blah blah blah. SMILE if she's smiling or says anything you think is a positive or if she says something negative, and NOD and say something like "Yeah, [blah blah blah]" so she can know you feel the same cynical way about that thing.

Ask lots of questions.

Cool thing about that it eventually you'll be hearing her say things that you actually know about, and can add to the conversation material.

>> No.5075751

she's dumb cunt, prime number should be quite funny to point out in a circle of educated people. When a girl answers in a ''uhh ok sure'' fashion it usually means she doesn't understand something, she is shallow and thinks of herself as a hot shit. Just don't be such a faggot and don't lose you shit when dealing with bitches.

>> No.5075759

this. OP's proper response should have been:
>retard detected. you will enjoy your ban on your way back to >>>/soc/

>> No.5075761


And if you know that you can't think of anything to say after she's talked for a bit, and you haven't had that much experience with your new ability to keep the conversation rolling, then DON'T be afraid to excuse yourself for a moment cause you'll be right back.

"Hey, I like you. Gimme just a sec, I saw someone, let me go say hi."

Then go, get a drink, find a friend, calm down, and go back and talk to her some more but DON'T start telling yourself that you can't go back. DON'T start freaking yourself out. START thinking of yourself as the intellectually dominant MAN in the room, and everyone else gets to talk to you if they're so lucky.

>> No.5075763
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> Pic related. It's OP.

>> No.5075765

>Me: ah, a prime number!

Obvious, pedestrian observation. I would not be impressed by this.
But this makes it quite good. finding two facts about 23 from totally different spheres is evidence of quite a quick wit.

I would find it amusing.

>> No.5075805


I found it pretty funny. Next time be natural and say it with an smile. The problem was surely the awkwardly loud voice or just she being dumb.

>> No.5075844 [DELETED] 
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Hello /sci/,
this may seem not science related at first, but hear me out.
Me and my girlfirend of 3 years just broke up yesterday.
After moving together, we slowly realised that we drifted apart. Our interests changed in a way, that a romantic relationship is no longer benefitial. My heart beats for science and a good intellectual exchange, hers beats for music, art and emotions.

This got me thinking. Relationships changed a lot over the past 50 years. What are your reasonable criteria for finding your 'significant other'? Do you even search?

>> No.5075890

>prime number
I bet you like big bang theory too. Get back to high school.

>> No.5075906

This. If it had been my party, I would have left the place with you. (no homo)

>> No.5075908

Recognizing prime numbers under 4 digits is a cakewalk, OP

>> No.5075922


This. Either you delivered poorly or youre dealing with retards

>> No.5075920

the secret to talking to girls? if you can't think of anything to actually say, just ask questions about them. bitches love talking about themselves

>> No.5075933

Repeat after me OP:


Those are the only responses you should be making when girls say something.

>> No.5075935
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I want a conversation with a girl where we both know that sex is coming. I never know when sex should be coming.

>> No.5075942

If she plays with her hair when she talks to you. Its the unversal sign.

>> No.5075947


>> No.5075951

Say something dirty in science /sci/.

>> No.5075996


>> No.5076023

Girls dig assburgers.

>> No.5076030

>How to talk to girls?
Step 1: Don't be a douche

>> No.5076035

Wrong. The ONLY kind of guy a woman wants is a douchebag. If you're not loud and anti-intellectual, you have no chance.

>> No.5076042

You want some intelligent easy pussy? Nigga, you gotta check out Antarctica. They're all research scientists with PhD's an shit.
And most likely they're as socially awkward as you are. That's why they sit out in a frozen desert staring at penguins for days on end. Imagine the untapped resource of smart, sex starved coochi on that tundra.

>> No.5076050
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>> No.5076058

With great intelligence comes no tits.

>> No.5076089

back when TBBT was good

>> No.5076103

>typical human

>> No.5076106



>> No.5076109

>How to talk to girls?

If you're looking for a meaningful relationship: like you just did. Why do you want somebody with a personality you don't like?

>> No.5076112

let them talk and once they say something you can relate to tell how it relates to you as short as possible. Traveling is a very good way for this. Never relate to any number, Birthdays, addresses etc. Finally talk expecting and not fearing failure.

>> No.5076238

I read an article once that talked about the copious quantity of condoms that are sent over there annually. They did the math for the number of people there annually and it was obvious that a whole lot of sex was going on.

Interestingly, the sex is clearly going on between people that are not married and will probably never see each other again, as they come and go in shifts of 6 months or something and then go back to wherever they are from, so it's sorta like the perfect scenario for casual, no strings sex. Yay for casual sex with your colleagues in the middle of Antarctica!

>> No.5076244
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>> No.5076255
