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5074304 No.5074304 [Reply] [Original]

>Dennis Ritchie
>Mark Zuckerberg
>Bjarne Stroustrup
>Bill Gates
>Grace Hopper
>Larry Page/Sergey Brin
>James Gosling

Why have none of these people won the Turing Award? Tell me. Surely they've changed the computing/technology landscape more than some fucking math nerd coming up with some abstract theory or creating ALGOL.

Application is just as (if not more) important than theory.

>> No.5074310

I'd be more impressed if they had made something that passed the Turing test.

>> No.5074312

The Turing award is only given to closet homosexuals.

>> No.5074314

Forgot Steve Jobs

>> No.5074316

>Dennis Ritchie
He... did win. He and Ken Thompson won it in 1983 for their unix shit.

>Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook is shit.

>Bjarne Stroustrup
C++ is meh. Not shit, but not Turing-worthy.

>Bill Gates
He's basically a businessman. Can he even program?

>Grace Hopper
She was programming during the Titanic sinking and WW1. Way before the Turing award.

>Larry Page/Sergey Brin
Google... I don't know. Definitely revolutionary, but.. IDK.

>James Gosling
Java? JAVA? Java is SHIT.

>> No.5074323

and the Twitter creators.

>> No.5074326

>two most popular programming languages ever

>> No.5074330

popular usually means shit

>> No.5074332

You really think the creators of twitter and facebook deserve any type of reword other then a middle finger

>> No.5074332,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did you just fucking ask if Bill Gates can program?

>> No.5074334

Or it just means its too mainstream to be "cool" to like

>> No.5074341

nope, it just means it caters to the most people, the middle areas of a normal distribution.

>> No.5074410

>Application is just as (if not more) important than theory.

World peace is more important than movies. That doesn't mean we should nominate Nelson Mandela for an Oscar.

>> No.5074466

He did get a Nobel

>Mark Zuckerberg
>Bill Gates
>Larry Page/Sergey Brin
Pfft, haha

>> No.5074485

Dont trust anyone who makes sweeping statements about not toy languages, real cunts know you just choose the right one for the job. Who the fuck tries to do everything in a single language.

>> No.5074501

>She was programming during the Titanic sinking and WW1. Way before the Turing award.

uhh computers didnt even exist in the early 1900s

>> No.5074529

I don't know about Java, but have you ever programmed an application in C++? Most peopld these days whine about how hard and cryptic C and C++ are, and most usually choose Python or Javascript.

>> No.5074536

C/C++ forces you to deal with memory shit too much.

I much prefer C#/Java if given the choice.

>> No.5074551

c is actually very simple

c++ is over-engineered bullshit

>> No.5074593

>Application is just as (if not more) important than theory.
split turing awards into Theory and Application subsets

>> No.5074602

did McCarthy won a turing award?

>> No.5074607

You just read a tutorial, didn't you?

>> No.5074623

>He did get a Nobel

It doesn't matter. The point is, the Turing awards are DEDICATED to theory. Just because a certain field has more real-world impact than another, doesn't mean they deserve to get recognition from an award for something else. Mandela won a Nobel, not an Oscar- if you want to start an award for application, that start one. Maybe include the people who've changed the world in other fields as well. Don't try to hijack the math world's establishment.

Also: the other people listed in >>5074466 already got their recognition. It's called "billions and billions of dollars".

>> No.5074625

Zuckerberg just made a silly, overrated website. Gates merely has his employees do his shit, like Jobs.

>> No.5074649

Mark Zuckerberg hasn't done anything except build a popular website! Same with Larry Page/Sergey Brin. He certainly doesn't deserve it, and if you think he does then you must also think Moot deserves one.

I could imagine Grace Hopper being awarded one, as well as the guys who created popular languages.
I'm a little bit on the fence about Bill though.

>> No.5074654

>C is cryptic
>choosing Python or Javascript for real programming
These people should just give up and go home.

>> No.5074695

Turing award is NOT the math world's establishment. That's the Field Medal.

>> No.5074743


>Dennis Ritchie
He did win it.

>Mark Zuckerberg
Seriously? You think because someone can write a web app they're on the same level as dijkstra or knuth, just to name a few turing award laureates?

>Bjarne Stroustrup
He slapped some OO on C using macros. He gets a prestigious award for... using a programming language the way it was intended to be used?

>Bill Gates
His most notable CS-related endeavor was writing an efficient pancake sort algorithm. It's more than Steve Jobs but come on.

>Grace Hopper
Long before the Turing award. Although her work is notable.

>Larry Page/Sergey Brin
A neat thesis project and obviously became extremely successful when they made a business out of it, but nothing ground breaking in terms of CS.

>James Gosling
Not everybody who makes a programming language is cut out to win an award.

>> No.5075092


it's all politics. Zuckerberg and Gates will be honored by the future, much the same as Einstein and Newtow were ignonred in their lifetimes but honored after they passed.

>> No.5075101

>equating computing and being a smart business owner


>> No.5075964

You guys shit on Zuckerberg too much. You might not hold FB is high esteem, but you can't deny that it has completely changed social engineering and even the way millions of people communicate every day. It's hardly a little web app either. It took a lot of programming and efficient design to create. He wrote his own PHP-to-C++ runtime compiler.

>> No.5075988

The problem is that you are crediting Zuckerberg when he didnt fucking do anything. He stole other ideas that already existed and struck the lottery when everyone decided to just settle on the service he founded. Facebook evolved on its own.

>> No.5075991

Are there any Turing Award winners who also won a Fields Medal? or Nobel prize?

>> No.5075998

Furthermore, Sean Parker did more for facebooks success than Mark Zuckerberg ever did.

>> No.5076046

>Surely they've changed the computing/technology landscape more than some fucking math nerd coming up with some abstract theory or creating ALGOL.
Looks like someone here has no idea just how important ALGOL was.

>> No.5076055

It's because we're evaluating individuals based on scientific ability, not business nous or luck.


>> No.5076057

No one cares. This is a science board. Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5076056


>> No.5076093


... but Zuckerberg and Gates are both honored now.

And Einstein and Newton were plenty famous in their lifetimes too. Newton even had contemporary poems written about him.


>> No.5078021

Fields Medal > Turing Award

>> No.5078144

Mark Zuckerberg? Please. Just because a webapp goes viral (in the case of Facebook, uber viral) does not mean that its creators deserve an award.

>> No.5078147

Fuck you! They guy who made angry birds deserves two Turing awards!

>> No.5078158

>yfw Steve Jobs receives the award for revolutionary innovation in computing

>> No.5078204

When did they start giving Turing awards?

>> No.5078296

Zuckerberg is the only current candidate worth mentioning. Gates is semi-retired, or I'd vote for him.

The others are all footnotes and never made any money to speak of.

>> No.5078329
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>Turing Award
>Bjarne Stroustrup

>> No.5079661

>never made any money

That shouldn't be a fucking determinate. Shall we give the crooks on Wall St some Turing awards?

>> No.5079679

>Why have none of these people won the Turing Award?
Because if they gave it to everybody that made a web-app or sold computers, then it would be meaningless.

>> No.5079702
File: 60 KB, 223x299, daniela_goggles2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes. you are stupid. please silence yourself.

ok. others may speak

>> No.5079740
File: 323 KB, 766x758, 1346617931920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot Richard M. Stallman and Linus Torvalds as a potential candidates

>> No.5079751

>Application is just as (if not more) important than theory.

Application is much more fluid in its evolution than established (which should be a criteria here) theory. Its mostly logistics and management/marketing shit..
A guy like Zuckerberg is not worth mentioning here.

>> No.5079759
File: 72 KB, 250x322, science_shark_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he started fb you cretin.

billions in a few years.

he can solve cancer with that power. what can you do, post on a slow board?

>> No.5079810

i love how those who cant see through shit always have the same tone.
just get over your hipsterism anxiety disorder and think about things independently

>> No.5079813


No, you are the stupid one. Keep thinking the acquisition of money is an accurate measurement of social contribution. It's fucking irrelevant. Some of the dumbest people on the planet are some of the wealthiest.

>> No.5079817


you mean 'can' in the sense that he is too much of a narcissistic asswipe to do anything useful. He will probably lose his billions to the next Bernie Madoff.

>> No.5079824
File: 108 KB, 797x600, Jaguar_XK_140_dutch_licence_registration_AE-67-32_pic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you make me sad.

>> No.5080675

good, stay sad

>> No.5080749

you have no idea what a Turing award is

>> No.5082322

nobody does