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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5073430 No.5073430 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /Sci/. It's that time again. Tell me the story of when you knew you were going to be a scientist/mathematician.

I'll start
>6 years old
>Used to make "Potions" in bathroom.
>Went to sisters middle school
>Saw the periodic table
>How could everything be made out of that?
>Mind blown

>> No.5073443
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I have a masters in physics, working on a PhD, but I feel that I really want to study something else afterwards. Like ...linguistics.
It's a money question of course. Throwing away some time of education, so to speak.

>> No.5073450

>be fifteen
>be extremely smart and talented in all areas
>realize that there is not enough time to do all i want in a lifetime
>decide to pick up a science where i can discover immortality
>closest is chemistry
>getting my M.Sc now and working on chemical basis for consciousness

>> No.5073455

>never challenged in high school
>let others direct my school choices
>don't care about any classes
>take statistics
>"hey this is swell"
>take more statistics
>do internship
>become full blown DATA SCIENTIST

>> No.5073458
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I'm only 18. Just getting that out of the way, I just started college.

I think honestly, the first time I realized I wanted to be a mathematician was when I was 3 or 4 and saw Good Will Hunting. It still remains my favorite movie.

>> No.5073479

>read on relativity
>as one moves in space he moves less in time
>the bigger the spacial movement, the smaller the time movement
>light is essentially frozen in time
>a few seconds staring at a wall
>why do people even need drugs wtf
And that was it.

>> No.5073486

>closest is chemistry
>not metaphysics

>> No.5073497

When I was six my grandpa used to quiz me on the order of the planets and the speed of light and parts of a human cell. Then he'd ask me when I was applying to Caltech. Programming my ti-83 was more fun than math. Then I was a huge lazy derp and transferred from carnegie mellon and got a degree in English elsewhere. I'm back on track doing a pre-med post bacc, mad at myself for not being able to focus earlier in life.

>> No.5073501
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>not combining drugs with crazy fucking science


>working as tutor in Computer Science lab
>no one comes in half the time
>talk with the other tutors about tech and crazy math
Fucking Tesseracts, how do they work

>> No.5073500

>liked my science and math classes
>thought the universe was cool as fuck


>> No.5073535

I realized that huge simulated worlds from video games and CGI were just made from calculations done by electrons flowing through a path of minerals and I watched the matrix. Isn't everything in this universe really just math? Sure, maybe we haven't found equations or patterns for everything, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

And then I became a boring code monkey

>> No.5073549
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>12 years old, taking 9th grade level math in 7th grade
>never been challenged by anything in math class
>find some of my dads old textbooks
>ask him about matrices
>he shows me how to add, subtract, multiply and how to find the inverse of a 2x2 matrices
>couple days later we are taking a quiz on solving systems of linear equations
>already a pro at that shit and can solve them in my head in a second
>use matrices instead because why the fuck not
>score 100%

>> No.5073859

I was at a restaurant in faneuil hall, I was probably around six years old. There was a juke box there, after I finished eating I walked over and looked at it. Seeing the different decades of music, I learned how counting worked past 20. Then I figured out how to count to infinity, and the rest as they say is history.

>> No.5074926


i made an electromaget buzzer, which is a very simple feedback loop. i was about 8 years old.

i tried to derive the transfer function and loop gain, but i could not develop the proper laplace operators, which is why i wanted to learn science, figuring maybe someone else had already been down that road.

>> No.5074979

>Used to make "Potions" in bathroom.
I know that feel bro.
I'm totally useless in the STEM field though...

>> No.5075008
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Uh, chemical basis for consciousness?

Picture related?

>> No.5075025

I don't think it occurred at a specific point. I found myself one day with a degree in mathematics though, and figured I'd may as well keep going.

>> No.5075036

come to germany
studying is free except 200-300€ for 6 month.

>> No.5075068

>8 years old
>Saw some images of space
>Blew my mind
>Suddenly, I wanted to science

>> No.5075076

always be logical.

debating about love in class.

love is just a series of chemical reactions occuring in brain.

everyone else nah man its way deeper science can never explain dem feels.

now on track for a bachelor and later master/phd in neuroscience

>> No.5075132
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>Wanted be an astronaut my whole life
>can't join chairforce
>want to join army spec ops kill commies and mudslimes
>too blind
>AI seems interesting
>3 years as computer engineer
>shitsux doing webservices and 3-tier
>coding game ai in spare time

>> No.5075274

>Be in kindergarten
>have a creek in my backyard
>Built water and pathways from one area to another
>Timed it
>Fluid dynamics for the win
>Now Chem Eng