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5071129 No.5071129 [Reply] [Original]

>Not studying a liberal arts minor to supplement your science degree

Good luck competing with every other science degree out there for lab tech jobs, while the more well-rounded of us glide into top-level research jobs due to qualified superior social skills/awareness.

>> No.5071133

>So, Mr. Anonymous, what are your skills?
>Well I'm very good at chemistry. I was fascinated by it in university and took every class I could.
>I'm sorry, but we want someone who can speak french at a beginner's level. Better luck next time.
True story

>> No.5071143


>Hmm well we have a choice between two candidates: one a PhD in chemistry with no outside interests, the other a PhD in chemistry with an additional minor in French.

Who do you pick?

>> No.5071154

For a job in chemistry? the one who's better at chemistry, as any sane person would.

>> No.5071159

Oh come on. If you are going to supplement your science degree, it should be with welding, not some humanity thing. Weld for industry, weld for art, weld the world a butter tart.

>> No.5071247


OP is dead on. I'd ad that if you are american you need to learn spanish as well.

>> No.5071268

>implying i don't do that
Gettin philosophical up in this motherfucker.

>> No.5071274

Why would I need social skills and awareness while behind my desk with a pen and a piece of paper exploring the greatest mysteries of the universe?

>> No.5071282

"Oh my gosh. Studying Shakespearean literature was such a benefit to my future scientific goals!" -said nobody, ever

But that's clearly what you're thinking, if you actually want that to show up on a diploma.


>implying you have to minor in such things to have some kind of interest in them.

>> No.5071286


Unless the person who is better at chemistry is such a disruption in the workplace that he lowers the efficiency of everybody around him and that loss represents more than what his presence gains.

>> No.5071432


You can learn liberal arts on your onw time, by reading wikipedia and huffington post.

>> No.5071511

yeah... because Sagan, Einstein and Feynman had all a liberal arts degree to be well-rounded

yeah, these threads are definitely better than DT videos.

>> No.5071520



can we take up a collection for the mods to thank them? if i setup a paypal, and seed it with $5, do yuo think we could raise a thousand or so?

anything less would be and insult, i think.

>> No.5071525

ITT we believe formal education is required to function in a social setting.

I cannot believe I actually have to point out how fucking retarded this belief is. Calling you retarded would be an insult to retarded people.

>> No.5071528

>Degree in arts

>> No.5071529


don't you use a meme arrow with ITT?

like this:


>> No.5071539


ur sarcasm radar is not fucntion

>> No.5071609

Nobody at a job interview is going to give a fuck about what you minored in.

Also, english is the international language of science/engineering/computing, there really no need to know any other language.

>> No.5071628

What if Engineering Major, Psychology Minor?

>> No.5071637


a high degree of competence in another language will never hurt when applying to jobs.

>> No.5071936

All I have is a liberal arts degree. Two, in fact.

I'll be much more successful than any of you. I know how to talk and write better, too.

>> No.5071956


>not being a champion debater to supplement your engineering degree

Enjoy never being able to give a convincing presentation to a room full of businessmen about why they should support your research.

>> No.5071970

>obligatory math/stats minor

>> No.5072035


haha i know right?

I could have gone into science (good avg) but my counsoller told me to pick arts and I did.

feels good, not too hard either.

>> No.5073908

which indoctrination program ...... I mean which liberal arts minor should I take?

>> No.5073916


>> No.5073956


doubt it, most of you liberal arts majors don't have work ethic or the ability to do complex problem solving

>inb4 i can write a 5 page double-spaced paper on my opinion about something while being on facebook in the library

>> No.5073977

CS major with philosophy minor.
Suck it bitch nigga.

inb4 CS isn't a science

>> No.5073979


you can't inb4 something that is true

>> No.5073989

Chemistry with management here.

>> No.5073994

something about that woman's face makes me want to make 100 babies with her. is this normal y/n?

>> No.5073995

>green text

>> No.5074846

>not watching Game of Thrones

>> No.5074849

Sounds like a larp fantasy.

>> No.5074852

Ethics / Neuroscience here

Although im enjoying my bio/chem papers more than the psychology shit, i like the idea of working on biological engineering also so maybe ill change it.

>> No.5075148


OP, some of us like lab work, or prefer to be isolated from females.

to each his on, i say

>> No.5075162
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>Not studying a science minor to supplement your liberal arts degree

>> No.5075172
File: 14 KB, 500x375, to-laugh-at-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well roundedness in lib arts getting you to the top
>not a good degree that signifies you have a solid background in physics, math, chemistry, computer science, etc.