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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5069574 No.5069574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Haha, this is my chemistry teacher.
I think it's funny because if the evangelist believes that being called a motherfucker is argumentum ad hominem, then he is saying that the professor is pointing out a negative trait about him to disprove his argument. In other words, the evangelist admitted to fucking mothers.

>> No.5069582


>> No.5069578

best science thread of the day

>> No.5069584

bump for great justice

>> No.5069588

OP is the hero /sci/ deserves

>> No.5069592

I hope you're not a girl, OP because I'd totally love to suck your dick.

>> No.5069595

haha this gonna make christfags so mad

>> No.5069596
File: 18 KB, 395x387, reaction lol glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was awesome. I lol'd at how the first thing he did was claim ad hominem as the fallacy because he called him a motherfucker.
>Who's out here using their dirty mouth.
dat misdirection

>> No.5069597



>> No.5069600

>saging a science thread

mad christfag detected

>> No.5069601

I like it because the professor doesn't even deny the existence of God. He was just pissed at this guy for telling students not to learn about carbon-dating and the such.

>> No.5069604

lel carbon dating we don't need no carbon dating just look at the sky no wizard there QED

>> No.5069618

bump for making bible humpers rage

>> No.5069627

what a pussy lol. i bet he takes it up the pooper in his church

>> No.5069636

LOL u crazy mothafucker u love to fuck ur mother amirite? u lickin her smelly pussy rite nao XDDD

>> No.5069661

this nearly fell of the front page

>> No.5069671

u mad christfags? yeah u mad. u've got reason to be mad /b/cuz ur stoopid as fuck lololol

>> No.5069684


man christians are soooo stoopid. you know who isn't stopid? smart scientist people like us. brb posting this vid on facebook. i love it, the guy got PWWWWWWWND. lel.

>> No.5069689

lulz hes pooper pained in anal autism

>> No.5069693

athiest brofist for teh win

>> No.5069699

Dude, did you just seriously samefag all these fucking replies.

Jesus christ.

>> No.5069728

OP here
I swear that those idiots are not me. I just thought that it was funny that the evangelist called himself a motherfucker. I didn't mean for this to digress into a 'lol christ r stoopid' tier thread. I didn't say shit about the beliefs of the guy, and frankly, for my purpose of this thread, religion is irrelevant.

>> No.5069736

Ironic post and an ironic reply to said post.
"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots [...]" etc...

>> No.5069739

ISHYGDDT was fine.
"tfw" has its place.
But this 'lol xDD' shit is just annoying and NEVER funny.

>> No.5070613

that's a really nice panda

>> No.5070623

le epic atheism

>> No.5070756

>oh noes, they disprove my sky daddy
>must be a samefag

christfag logic lol

>> No.5070769

Why do I go to this school ;_____;

>> No.5070816

lol what a retard

>> No.5070841

what do u expect? he can't be very bright. he needs an imiganary friend. xD

>> No.5070930


great vid

>> No.5070978


this is fucking hilarious. are there any more of the same guy?

i bet he files a DCMA soon!

>> No.5071048


I fucking lol'd.

>> No.5071110


does this mean it's ok to post youtube links again?

>> No.5071125

>that feel when the students gather around to laugh outrageously hard at the professor's comments

I just hate everyone in that video and those comments are killing me.

>> No.5071191


really? I'd love to have a witty instructor like him.

>> No.5071215

oh god
10 out of fucking 10, i want to meet this man

>> No.5071296


Are you an ausfag, OP? I love koala bears. Are they leagel pets down there?

My mom would have a fit if she came in my room and i had a koala bear.

>> No.5071362

Not OP, but koalas are a protected species and cannot be kept as pets.

>> No.5071504

You're confusing koalas and pandas.

>> No.5071508


lol my mom wouold never let me have a chinese pet.

>> No.5071575

>mfw americans clap after an ad hominem

>> No.5071579


lol did you poast in the rwong thread?

i do that all the time.

>> No.5071663


You wouldn't find an Australian who says koala bear. I remember being a kid and reading fun fact things from america that said "did you know koala's aren't bears?" and thinking lol who the fuck said they were.

>> No.5071734

didn't u watch le video?

>> No.5071758


sorry. i stopped watching youtube videos linked from /sci/ because they give money to DT and that is bad and she should feel bad.

americans clap a lot not because we are stupid but because of our love for the moment.

>> No.5071772

DT is an excellent science popularizer. We should support her. Maybe one day she will publish a book or a dvd: The DT lectures on physics.

>> No.5072134

haha what a retard typical christfag

>> No.5072145


<3 Daniela

buying her shirts too. my campus will love me XD

>> No.5072322

>her shirts

Do you mean shirts with a pic of her or does she sell her used shirts?

>> No.5072357

The fuck? That's a panda retard

>> No.5072362


i would buy one of her used shirts if she could stop using deodorant and soap for a month and not wash the shirt.

maybe $100 for a tee.

>> No.5072374

Yeah me too. Think we should message her and ask if she'll sell them?

>> No.5072381

>tfw no qt DT gf

>> No.5072502

looks like a relevant science video to me

>> No.5072961

How can we message her? How do we not make it sound creepy?

>> No.5072986

Well, first you stop samefagging.

Them you head on out and find yourself a life. Stop blocking off your schedule so you can 1/10 troll sci over a period of weeks and spend that time exercising, learning or socializing.

Once you've spent a few months doing that, open the laptop back up and before typing a question to her, ask yourself: "Do I really want to return to a life of dull and frankly pathetic subsistance, being ignored by people I try to troll, and gaining no new experience, knowledge or friends in the process?"

If the answer is "no", head on back out there into real life, and continue to enjoy it!

If the answer is "yes" then you may as well just mail your testicles to her, because its not like you're ever going to use them, and the world will be better for it.

>> No.5073014

Can you message her youtube account?

I think it's time you go off /sci/

>> No.5073015

Retard here, what would be the name of a fallacy where it's like ad hominem, but the attack isn't actually true?

>> No.5073037

But I have severe autism. You should know that by now. :-$
Also you're not my dad. What are you even doing on 4chan?

>> No.5073045

An insult? That's not even a fallacy. He's not even trying anymore to pretend having an argument.

>> No.5073049

I figured, so youtube comments in a nutshell cannot even define themselves as a fallacy.

>> No.5073126

>being this mad
>only rating 1/10

Anyways you're wrong, hun. First of all I do not troll. I am contributing informative responses to academic science discussions. I can understand the jelly you feel when being confronted with an actually educated person while you are a lowly 4chan troll. Yet I ask you to refrain from shitposting.
Secondly a few minutes of /sci/ posting everyday do not interfer with pursuing a broad variety of useful, interesting and intellectually stimulating activities. Maybe for you, not for me. Don't project your incompetence and your inabilities onto others.

>> No.5074484

This is a science thread. Please leave. You're trolling and derailing.

>> No.5074489

damn, that is one lovely panda

>> No.5074554

I wish there were professors like this where I go. There's these motherfuckers handing out bibles and shouting at everyone all the time. I don't get it.

>> No.5074564


EK confirmed for youtube spammer

>> No.5074619
File: 6 KB, 251x180, 1338092161779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5075081


why do you keep calling it a panda? it's a koala bear from australia. panda bears come from china.

>> No.5075375
File: 814 KB, 1349x626, search-panda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/10 for the effort

>> No.5075390


fucking i can shop if i wnat to prove that it's a lamboghini testersosa

>> No.5076121

You won't fool anyone.

>> No.5076181

damn those are cute pandas

>> No.5076190

Scerri is a faggot. Lavelle master race reporting in.