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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 300x392, tesla the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5069265 No.5069265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In a 1911 article from The Sun Tesla describes his flying machine:

"Dr. Nikola Tesla leaned back against his chair at the Waldorf last night and talked calmly of airships without planes, propellers or any of the other gear of the now familiar aeroplanes hurtling through space at tremendous speeds or driving more slowly carrying great loads, and in either case always as safely as the most prosaic of wheeled vehicles."

"...How about aerial navigation?" Dr. Tesla was asked. He considered for a moment or two and then replied with great deliberation:

"The application of this principle will give the world a flying machine unlike anything that has ever been suggested before. It will have no planes, no screw propellers or devices of any kind hitherto used. It will be small and compact, excessively swift, and, above all, perfectly safe in the greatest storm. It can be built of any size and can carry any weight that may be desired" - The Sun, New York - 'Tesla Promises Big Things'

>> No.5069268

Are these the new DT threads?

>> No.5069284
File: 14 KB, 182x254, pentagon aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book (formerly entitled Space Aliens From the Pentagon) in its third edition, is the first to reveal Nikola Tesla as the inventor of the flying saucer, and to expose a BIG LIE mind control hoax copied from the Third Reich, covertly implemented through "national security" means, to perpetuate the coercive monopoly of a corporate-state elite. By stealing, concealing or suppressing advanced technology, our continued dependency on archaic petroleum and nuclear technology is insured. To this end, flying saucer technology of relative simplicity and phenomenal potential was stolen from its inventor, Nikola Tesla, and has been concealed from us for over 50 years.

>> No.5069288


i'm at a loss. why did /sci/ get its panties in a bunch over the fact that the DT vids were bumped twice a day, when /sci/ is pure shit the rest of the time?

is /sci/ really as autistic as the others say?

this page is full of racism, feels, career shit, homework, landing on the sun, and other pathetic garbage.

talk to me /sci/, are you all fucking idiots?

>> No.5069292

I know.

/sci/ will always be shit.

I liked the DT threads because you could bump troll them. That's why I'm asking if these are the new DT threads.

>> No.5069295


my experience with /sci/ is that it is full of butthurt autist's that parrot whatever the "scientific community" say's. The same "scientific community" that is bought and paid for.

>> No.5069306

Either Tesla was a genius unparalleled for generations; so far above everyone else since then that most of his ideas and visions really died with him. Someone who could fathom things outside of the reach of every other mortal man.

Or he was just a talented man with a large dose of crackpot.

Which is more likely, OP?

>> No.5069305

Yeah, like bullshit relativity and quantum mechanics

It's a bunch of nonsense physicists made up to keep their jobs

>> No.5069314


i don't know if these are the new DT threads, and i personally don't think they are.

i admit to starting two of the DT threads, and i admit to some major bumpage one or two times per day, but neither i nor any other DT troll tried to keep them on the front page non-stop.

but this crap. the racism, and posting about your IQ. i don't think this is trolling, not all of it.

if it is trolling, it's damn subtle, which of course is the ultimate troll.

but look at the whole damn page. mostly pure crap getting what appear to be sincere replies.

/sci/ is probably always going to be a struggle on 4chan, because of the reputation that 4chan has.

for starters, i'd stop posting threads on /q/ about /sci/ problems. to be honest, i'd never have come to /sci/ were it not for some whiney bitch two months ago posting on /q/ about the first DT video.

i'm not a "scientist", but math and science are my love. when i look at what maxwell and those other people did back then, i am filled with awe that cannot be described. the same way i admire a great athlete or artist.

>> No.5069319

What is this "DT" thing?

>> No.5069335


daniella titan (DT) makes vlogs about physics and science. they are rather cute and somewhat accurate.

anyway, we posted about 4 of her videos to /sci/ a while back, which caused major russtling of jimmies in the oh so serious /sci/entific communtity.

the shit storm that ensued eventually resulted in about 30 crap ass pop-sci vid threads on /sci/, which i and others bumped religiously twice a day.

the resulting aspergers implosion on /q/ brought about a mighty mod who cast the demon videos out of /sci/, so that /sci/ is the pure and wonderful fount of knowledge that you now see.


>> No.5069357


But the same person/people bumping DT threads were the same ones copy/pasting yahoo homework questions to /sci/ to make it seem like it was "always shit" That way, they could justify posting multiple threads for one youtube celebrity.

We're not /b/, friendo. You can't outsmart us.

>> No.5069367
File: 60 KB, 223x299, daniela_goggles2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that might be true to a degree, but as someone who started two DT threads, and bumped them daily, i assure you that that was the extent of my bad behavior.

so are you saying that trolls absolutely dominate /sci/?

aren't we smarter than the cretins on /v/ or /a/ or god help me /b/???

>> No.5069396


Why didn't you just put them all in a single thread? Or have a youtube general thread where you and everyone posts their favorite youtube personality science vids?

And I recognize your typing style. We've argued over at /q/ and here. You're the "you don't decide what is science" guy as well as "infantile _______"

I know exactly what you were trying to do. I'm sure you're bored now and will move onto some other form of acting out. Can't wait.

>> No.5069402


ok, i'm not all those guys, but i do fuck around on /q/ when it is fun.

but jeez what do you mean put them all into one thread.

that would not be good trolling.

>> No.5069409

Yes, Tesla was a goofball. What's your point, OP?

>> No.5069411

It wasn't good trolling before. It was just kind of pathetic.
What kind of life must a person have for "bump 4 of 30 dead video threads on sci" to actually fill a slot on their schedule.

>> No.5069414


is that a trick question?

trick questions make my herpes flaer up.

>> No.5069417

ITT: People claim to post shit on the board, and for some reason they think they're the good guys.

>> No.5069422
File: 86 KB, 429x696, cute_Mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol saged

>> No.5069423

>infantile mouse
enjoy the ban

>> No.5069425
File: 72 KB, 250x322, science_shark_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u r mean

>> No.5069430


I wish teenagers would just leave /sci/. Teenagers never know anything but they think they know everything. Adults are way smarter.

>> No.5069635
