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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5067469 No.5067469 [Reply] [Original]

You all laughed at me when I decided to get an information systems diploma instead of science and engineering. Now I'm qualified to manage Canada's ozone layer data. Who's laughing now faggots. God bless you Stephen Harper.


>> No.5067510
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mfw Canada is barely going through their George Bush phase.

>> No.5067542

I don't think you understand how nations work. While an international pool of political teams fought over with salary offers would be cool, its not how we're rolling.

>> No.5067627

wasn't this site going to be shut down? or is this unrelated? http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/02/28/science-pearl-arctic-research.html

>> No.5069304

At the ozone station that Harper shut down in the last budget? With Trudeau, there was something called Trudeaumania because of his charisma with chicks. With Harper, we have Harperyphilis.