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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5066843 No.5066843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ why are you so hard on philosophy majors? Here is some evidence to allow you to rethink your distaste for philosophy.

>> No.5066851

I heard DT wanted to make a video on philosophy.

>> No.5066880

Philosophy is great. Its only problem is that it's fucking useless in the real world.

>> No.5066892

Not really. Do you think verbal and analytical writing is useless in the "real world"? Also, what do you mean by "real world"? What determines utility in the real world?

>> No.5066894

Analytical writing and verbal skills won't get us to Alpha Centari.

>> No.5066895

I took Philosophy on the side just for kicks.

Was really interesting, I don't care if it's an empty degree in terms of the job market, the subject material was engaging and the history was fascinating. There were quite a few pretentious fucks floating around as stereotyped, but not all of them were like that. Met some great intellectuals too.

>> No.5066899

>the philosophers will never regain power as fair rulers with the best interest of everyone and we'll be at the mercy of our merchant jew overlords forever.


>> No.5066902

Apparently according to that graph 147 is less than half of 161.

>> No.5066903 [DELETED] 

not him, but i think people usually mean philosophy itself when they say it's useless. it might teach certain skills, such as how math is used for critical thinking in grade school, but the subject itself is widely considered useless (here anyways).

>> No.5066904

This clearly shows that the GRE tests are seriously messed up and need to be reformed.

>> No.5066905

Physics master race with highest total

>> No.5066909

Notice how engineering isn't even on there. We don't have time for that pointless shit.

>> No.5066913

Blind physics won't either. Also, I take it you have never wrote a mathematical proof, nor a lab report of significant complexity.

>> No.5066910

>implying high GRE means anything but fuck all.

Philosophy majors are definitely one of the more versatile groups of people. They can also be very successful in the real world. However, that takes a specialization or skill to make it applicable beyond writing wonderfully well-written essays no-one will read.

>> No.5066918

So Chomsky is not read? You are joking right? Also, he is a philosopher in practice, he has published many philosophical works, he just does not have the title.

>> No.5066923

You don't know how to read graphs do you?

>> No.5066925

You think graduate school is pointless?

>> No.5066926

>implying mathematics isn't at the top of all of those

>> No.5066934

Philosophy is good for business and law, haterz.

>> No.5066936 [DELETED] 

13th-2nd-24th in this chart.

>> No.5066941

look at the scale for writing then look at the scale for the other two. There is a roughly 8-10% gap between first and last in Quant and Verbal yet the difference in bar length is huge, yet there is a 29% difference in writing and the bar is close to scale.

>> No.5066951

Philosophy is not extensive enough to be a science for itself anymore. Everyone can read a few books and become as smart about philosophy as a major. Besides, every educated individual should have read his fair share of philosophy, and every well-functioning human has a personal philosophy as well.

>> No.5066973

You have a good point but it does take extensive reading to solve problems in philosophy. Look up any journal of philosophy and you will see my point. There are still many problems to solve in philosophy.

>> No.5067001 [DELETED] 

such as? and how many of them are actually solvable?

>> No.5067050

Wow, math majors suck. They don't even make top 10.

>> No.5067056

> Blind Physics

Yes. Let's have philosophy majors guide or physics programs.

>> No.5067060

Not what I said.

>> No.5067131

>A good test of anything
>not just another way for ameritards to make themselves feel better about their shit tier education

pick one

>> No.5067800

Computer science at the bottom of verbal

HAHAHA what a bunch of introverted neckbeards

>> No.5068176
File: 55 KB, 701x559, Wittgenstein[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There are still many problems to solve in philosophy.

>> No.5068215

I'm surprised mathematics doesn't show up on quantitative. I guess its because the person who faked this didn't realise there's such a thing as maths students.

>> No.5068628

Eat a big of dicks.

>> No.5069553

But it's true.

>> No.5069565

Because scientists are jealous that philosophers found a way to get paid for sitting in a chair and thinking while they have to actually do stuff.

>> No.5069575
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somehow solid state physics outdid math in mean quantitative score? the fuck?

>> No.5069583

lol lol lol i love le louis ck he is le greatest comedian of all time! you sure showed him! XD

>> No.5069587

I lol'd
dude, the quantitative portion of any test you give is going to be so much lower than any physicists abilities that it is not worth even considering a reasonable assessment of skill. physics students dont give 2 shits about verbal and their writing style is different than most (if not all) other types of education. the fact that physicists do well on the other tests is an indicator to me that learning something as challenging as physics can lead to a more efficient brain and influence even things like "verbal" (who even gives a flying fuck about verbal) high fives for all the philosophy majors being able to read and write about their feelings without application or the ability to confirm or even accurately predict. wooooo hooooo.

but seriously. philosophy is fucking retarded and only for people who are trying to make themselves feel smarter. you want a challenge? physics. you want to make a difference in the intellectual world? fucking physics. you want to understand the universe? MOTHER. FUCKING. PHYSICS.

you wanna jack off all throughout college and still FEEL important and smart? philosophy.

>> No.5069608
File: 52 KB, 337x275, 1319777906922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he actually thinks any significant number of philosophy majors get into it to "understand the universe" or any such nonsense.

You really are autistic enough to not understand why people choose philosophy as a major, aren't you? That's hilarious.

>> No.5069623

nah I never made that claim.
your logic is flawed.
I'm saying that philosophy is for people who like to have 10 hours of free time a day, physics is for people who want to learn and understand.

I assume you're philosophy, so I don't really find it suprising that you don't want to understand anything about the universe. ;) enjoy your life, may you live forever.

>> No.5069631

that posts specifically says "you want to understand the universe? mother. fucking. physics."
not philosophy.

then it says "you wanna jack off" for motivation of philosophy.

did you even read it?
nice one einstein.

>> No.5069641

If all philosophy majors were like you the verbal and writing for philosophy would be in the toilet. you're not doing any favors for phil if you are trying to defend it. just super sayain.

>> No.5069643

>mfw every science is always listed below physics
>mfw all superiority is justified

>> No.5069653

ITT: philosophy trolls physics.

>> No.5069656

He's talking about philosophy as a discipline in and of itself, not the skills it cultivates. The same criticism works for (undergrad) physics.

>> No.5069658

I took philosophy as a double major as well. I'm a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon now (physics), the admissions board was open about my double major raising their view of me.

>> No.5069660


You still have no clue why people become philosophy majors. Not a single one.

>I assume you're a philosophy major

I'm not.

>you don't want to understand anything about the universe

I do want to understand the universe and if I was a philosophy major I would still like to understand the universe, I don't see how the two are related. You are rambling like a madman, get a hold of yourself.


This is where those verbal skills would be handy, sport. Having posts that make sense speeds up the discourse.

>> No.5069662

*cough* uhh, yeah, sure thing buddy.

>> No.5069663

You can find engineering on the full, recent list here

You'll gayly notice that gay engineers rank lower than master-race physicists on every metric.

>> No.5069667

wow sorry, good one, you got me. I was trolled, everyone applaud him. -_-

there is no point in continuing this, it's childish. I have papers to grade. peace out nigger.

>> No.5069666

I don't think you have any idea what a typical undergrad curriculum for physics looks like.

>> No.5069669

Physics ranks higher than math on all of them


I can't tell if you're making a joke, this is /sci/ so I don't expect a lot of philosophic literacy. Wittgenstein believed that most, if not all problems in philosophy weren't really philosophical problems, he's the exact wrong guy to use as a picture there.

>> No.5069670

You don't know about good graph presentation do you?

>> No.5069672
File: 56 KB, 432x795, 1267129772999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have such a loose grasp on this discussion that I'm actually in pain reading your dumb shit. pain! PAIN I TELL YOU!

>> No.5069674

Are you skeptical of me saying that he was talking about the skills being useful rather than the discipline itself (i.e, that the actual work done in philosophy is pointless and immune to progress) or or me saying that undergrad physics is primarily useful because of the analytical skills it gives you?

>> No.5069676

you punctuated your sentences very nicely. Ms Brown will be very pleased with you when you turn in your paper on why you think mommy and daddy are good role models. unfortunately that is all there is to say about the contents of your posts.

>> No.5069675
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 1275226702378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verbal skills
>image and text board

>> No.5069681
File: 23 KB, 450x299, 1276443639212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually not sure if you're trolling or just really stupid.

>> No.5069695

Why are CS scores so pathetic except for Verbal and Writing? We are very good technical writers, but not too good at academic writing I guess.

>> No.5069697

Correction: delete the word "except"

>> No.5069701

Philosophy is a symptom of intelligence, not a cause.

>> No.5069702

It's about the sort of people that attempt to go into each field, not actual professionals in the field. CompSci attracts a ton of neckbeards that find they can't cut it after taking the GRE.

>> No.5069703

I like this. this is elegantly put.

>> No.5069705

I looked at that graph and though: the fucking power of physics.

>> No.5069708

Incidentally, this is also why the scores for philosophy are so high but chances are that most philosophy majors you know are stupid (and high, but in a different sense). Lots of burnouts do philosophy as undergrads just to do a degree (and like, what if the whole universe is just an atom mannnn, whoaaaah), but the ones that want to pursue it for graduate studies tend to be quite thoughtful and intelligent.

It's important to remember what this data is actually saying.

>> No.5069715

shut. the. fuck. down.
now who's the "sport" haha
no but really, your and idiot.

>> No.5069717

dude yeah the GRE quantitative section is about as difficult as pissing when you're drunk and have had coffee all day.

>> No.5069720

duuuude. get a dell.
but seriously get a fucking dell.

>> No.5069722

I just samefagged the shit out of this thread.
I'm not even ashamed.

>> No.5069731
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, 1333513764327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you trolling to make that other guy look bad or did you type that post seriously, you mong?

>> No.5069745

>Wittgenstein believed that most, if not all problems in philosophy weren't really philosophical problems,

he was right, they are all language games

>> No.5069749


>> No.5069754

Philosophy is questions without answers.

>> No.5069757


Did you have a point to make or are you just saying random sentences?

>> No.5069767

Isn't philosophy lovely?

>> No.5069778

Why are literary skills so highly valued in this sort of tests.

Good verbal skills + good writing skills = literary skills.

Only analytical skills can be said to be somewhat necessary in any field, but if all you do is analyse, without having any practical relevance, then yea, I'd say you are a philosopher.

>> No.5069784

High Testosterone = Practical

Low testosterone = Philosopher

>> No.5069801


Ethical dilemmas have practical relevance.

>> No.5069823

Yeah for philosophers only.

>> No.5069829


Are you fucking thick?

How to allocate the resources in our society is an ethical question. Is allocating resources not of practical relevance?

>> No.5069860

>Not getting max score on all 3 subjects
>Can't into physics/Mathematics if you can't explain it to someone and write your proofs

>> No.5069890

Philosophy is a worthless subject that has not contributed anything to the world in the last 200 years.
The only worthwhile parts of philosophy are really just maths.

>> No.5069940

YFW math is deliberately omitted.

and then...

YFW math is probably INCLUDED in this to bring up the averages!

>> No.5069944

The full list of scores has been posted, give it a look. Math is pretty much where physics is at for all of them, just (surprisingly) a slot below.