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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5050609 No.5050609 [Reply] [Original]

"The usually quiet world of mathematics is abuzz with a claim that one of the most important problems in number theory has been solved.

Mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki of Kyoto University in Japan has released a 500-page proof of the abc conjecture, which proposes a relationship between whole numbers — a 'Diophantine' problem."

So how big is this? Is it the Higgs-particle of Mathematics?

>> No.5050663
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>500 page proof

>> No.5050674

It is big, but it is no Higgs boson. Although it could possibly be the greatest achievement in mathematics so far this century.

>> No.5050708

Poincaré conjecture?

>> No.5050810


>> No.5050816

Yeah, I'll just wait till they make a movie of it.

>> No.5050820

Call me when there's a formula and i'll be interested.

>> No.5050824

I'd say this is much more important, amongst a great deal of other proofs, than the proof of the abc conjecture. Plus you get a million dollars for proving the poincare conjecture (even though he turned it down).

>> No.5050832

Mathematics does not produce formulas. Those only exist in science.

>> No.5050853

>Quadratic Formula

>> No.5050857

yeah.. that one puzzled mathematicians for centuries

>> No.5050865


A formula is just an equation solved for one variable, is it not?

>> No.5050874

I'm not arguing that it's extremely simple, just showing that there are formulas which are produced in mathematics. If you want to get down to the nitty gritty though, the formula representing the solution of a 4th order polynomial did puzzle mathematicians for centuries.

>> No.5050879

Yeah, pretty much. This person just wanted to feel special by being condescending. My bet is he can't do serious math or science.

>> No.5050881


Can you explain it to me because I've been wondering that too.

>> No.5050885

I don't know, I thought sciencefags used it more liberally for just general equations that talk about natural world stuff.

>> No.5050890

What exactly do you want explained?

>> No.5050893

How the quadratic formula works? I haven't mathed in a while.

>> No.5050906

complete the square then rearrange

>> No.5050908

Why? And how the hell do you produce a formula for this?


>> No.5050922

The quadratic formula is a simple formula designed to give you the roots of a quadratic equation. In other words if you have something of the form a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0, and a, b, and c are just numbers, the formula tells you the values of x that make that equation true assuming you know a, b, and c.

>> No.5050929

P = x where x represents the proof.

You've just been science'd bitch!

>> No.5050938

He's talking about a formula for factoring primes or something I think.

It's actually called the "quadratic equation".

Quadratic equation is actually pretty easy to work out on yourself. You can do it by completing the square like this other anon said. >>5050906
The only thing is that instead of having actual values for a, b, and c, you just use the variables.

If you want to see something really crazy, consider that the discriminant is equal to the first differential.

>first differential of y = ax^2 + bx + c
dy/dx = 2ax + b

>discriminant via quadratic equation on y = ax^2 + bx + c
sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)

>set them equal to each other
2ax + b = sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)
>subtract b from both sides
2ax = -b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)
>divide by 2a
x = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

>> No.5050957

>Formula: a rule or principle represented in symbols, numbers, or letters, often in the form of an equation
ex. a formula for calculating the distance between planets
>Equation: a mathematical statement that two expressions, usually divided by an equals sign, are of the same value

Knowing the difference could save your life!

>> No.5050961

Uh no. The quadratic equation refers to a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0. The quadratic formula refers to the formula/equation which tells you the values of x which make that equation true. There is a difference between the quadratic equation and the quadratic formula. Hence:



>> No.5050963

Not really considering they're about 98% interchangeable. I've never had a teacher/professor who corrected the use of the word formula for the word equation.

>> No.5050965

That's pretty cool, just...
>set them equal to each other
So you can do this because...
>the discriminant is equal to the first differential.

Please explain.