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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5050492 No.5050492 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, my physics professor just stated that electrical fields cause cancer, and that living near power lines is deadly.

Why are people like this allowed to teach at the college level?

>> No.5050500

I dont get it. Are the wavelengths that small?

>> No.5050502

>electrical fields
The earth itself has 'natural' magnetic poles, hence North Pole & South Pole. When something interferes with the magnetic field, such as the electric field, the it disrupts the wave frequency.

Putting a human in the electric field for long periods of time will disrupt the body.

>> No.5050503

because the education system isn't perfect and it's actually pretty hard to determine how sane someone is from an interview.

>> No.5050512
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We and nature are not used to be that close and move around electric fields as we to today.
People are actually starting to become allergic to electricity and the fields it create.

I've heard about a lady in Norway that could feel when the radar on the opposite mountain sweeped past her every few seconds.

Will be interesting to see if the disease spreads.

>> No.5050518

Yes, because it electrical fields result in a charged electron and a charged proton, which results in cells breaking apart, making your body sicker. Radio waves are a primary cause of cancer.

-My professor

>> No.5050522
File: 79 KB, 520x520, Korralarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a charged electron! Please tell me it's not negative, too!

>> No.5050523


because he is actually an educated man and not an pretentious idiot like you.


there are many other researches but I'll leave it to you to find out about wonders of google

>> No.5050528

B-but electrons and protons are already charged by nature.

>> No.5050564

It is! Shit, nigga, wat we gonna do?

I have no doubt there are many other "researches". However, why then are we not seeing increased toxicity? Why aren't we seeing cancer in varying locations and organs, since electromagnetic waves can so easily pass through the body? And why do so many of these "researches" fail to take into account other factors?

>> No.5050578
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Electricity is fairly new compared to the most common chemistry stuff that has been the major cause for human toxicity.
With the high amount of signal covering in cities we are reaching soon shit will go down.

>> No.5050590


we are seeing it , but it's just something you deelwit since your only other option is to live in the wilderness.We see effects of toxicity of plastics but we still use it.It's not going anywhere just like the electricity.

also it is not like uranium exposure, probably truth is that it's nothing dramatic if certainly IS a factor.Also read he said it's primary cause of cancer.That is pantsonhead retarded.But some interaction exists.

Havas, Magda. Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. 2008. 27, 135-146.

De Vocht, Frank. “Dirty Electricity”: What, Where, and Should We Care? Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2010. 20, 399-405.

Milham, Samuel. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dirty Electricity. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. September 2011. Published Ahead of Print.

>> No.5050593

Professors are human, you're unbelievably naive to not realize that. Being good at your field does not make you omniscient.

>> No.5050641

I'm fine with not omniscient. I'm less fine with those sorts of claims from someone teaching Physics II.

#3 uses anecdotal evidence, although considering how the brain works, I can see it. There obviously are physiological effects, but his claims are nothing short of ridiculous. He denied that radio waves are non-ionizing radiation.

>> No.5050643

How would his mastery of Physics II material let him know how the human body reacts to the field power lines?

What he's saying isn't stupid, it's just incorrect and out of date.

>> No.5050656

The fact that he's teaching us is my only real objection, I'm content to sit back and laugh otherwise. I posted this to provoke discussion, see what peoples thoughts were, get some lulz, and potentially educate myself.

>> No.5050661

How does this hurt his ability to teach the actual, relevant material?

>> No.5050665
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ITT: Smug freshmen

>> No.5050671

He has no understanding of the interaction between electric fields and matter, no even ballpark comprehension of the order of magnitude of the relevant energies involved.

>> No.5050680

>implying I'm not a junior
Apparently only freshmen are allowed to point it out when their professors are wrong. Or maybe you mean that only freshmen are stupid enough to call out their Almighty God-Professors of Mankind, the Infallible Teachers of the Most High Truth?

>> No.5050693

Electric fields can interact with matter and disrupt certain systems. It's perfectly plausible to think that electric fields could be causing cancer, that's why actual empirical tests were done to determine if it is indeed the case. It isn't, that's a specific matter of our biology though.

No, for the most part only freshmen would act superior about this sort of thing though and insist that the professor "shouldn't be able to teach." Most juniors will have by that point in their academic career grown out of the MUST CORRECT THE TEACHER IF THE TEACHER FORGETS TO WRITE A NEGATIVE SIGN THEY'RE A MORON mindset.

Though if you're taking Physics II as a junior...

>> No.5050704

What, there's a problem with me taking it as a junior? Sorry that I wanted to take C++ and German last year in addition to my normal workload, and had to delay physics because lolschedule.

Electrical fields can certainly disrupt systems. I already said that it can cause physiological effects. But he's talking about how they break cells apart and cause sickness and cancer. It's not out of the realm of possibility that electrical fields could cause cancer, but as I said before, why aren't we seeing it in animals? And why aren't we seeing a more even distribution throughout the body?

>> No.5050706

Now you're asking him to know things beyond his field, which again isn't relevant to his ability to teach Physics II.

>> No.5050711

Brotip: if you're arguing with a 19-20 yearold who still thinks like this, you're going to just be banging your head against the wall.

>> No.5050720

If it's beyond his field, why is he telling the entire class about it?

>if you're arguing with a 19-20 yearold who still thinks like this, you're going to just be banging your head against the wall
So the fact that I'm 20 and I don't automatically accept everything a professor says is an issue here? I thought /sci/ liked free thinking. What's your problem with how I think? Why is it an issue that I "think like this"? And what exactly is "this"?

>> No.5050722

Nobody's taking issue with you knowing your professor is incorrect, you're not a martyr.

>> No.5050726

sure is highschool in here

>> No.5050728

>If it's beyond his field, why is he telling the entire class about it?

Incidental interest, he thinks it's correct and there's nothing wrong with telling the class things that extend the class knowledge to the real world. Especially since you go to a mediocre at best school, where most of the students aren't that motivated.

If you want him to not do so in the future, why not email him directly and tell him what's up?

It'd probably be more effective than to come complain on a board where most people are too old to still think you're anything but petulant.

>> No.5050735


>> No.5050738

>too old
>Implying /sci/ isn't filled with high-schoolers

>> No.5050742

I think most highschool seniors have grown out of this as well.

>> No.5050743

/sci/ seems to be 90% early college kids

>> No.5050750

Guess what OP, there are professors who believe in a god.

At least it does make some sense what your professor said, even though it seems to be wrong. (I have no idea, personally)

>> No.5050760

Not motivated to learn about physics, at any rate. I'm not going to email him - criticizing professors does not seem conducive to good grades. And no offense, but this board doesn't seem any older than the rest, just more pretentious.

As for complaining on 4chan, I already stated my reasons for doing so. To provoke discussion, see peoples thoughts, potentially provoke lulz, potentially learn.


Nah. Saying that radio waves are ionizing radiation and that living near power lines is deadly doesn't make sense.

And I believe in a God. I'm just rational about it. Sage, because that single statement will probably devolve the thread into a shitstorm.

>> No.5050768

This is getting circular very, very quickly.

It did provoke discussion though! Unfortunately it was discussion about how you've yet to mature. If you really think this is bad, consider it your punishment for going to a shitty school.

>> No.5050777
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>I believe in a God
>Calls his professor a retard

It´s okay for you to believe in something there is no evidence for and that is impossible, but for your prof it´s not? Hypocrite.

>> No.5050800

>complain about ridiculous claims from professor
Now I remember why I don't come to /sci/. Elitist "I'm a year ahead of you in college" attitudes and enough edgy atheists to make reddit blush.

There is no evidence that God did not exist. There is no explanation that I find satisfactory as to the origins of the universe before the big bang. My belief is mostly personal, and affects only my moral values. Additionally, I don't force it onto others. See the difference yet?

>> No.5050803

does not*

>> No.5050806

>expecting a physicist to understand toxicology and biology
Would you ask a sociologist to explain the Standard Model?

>> No.5050823

>There is no evidence that God did not exist.
>therefore he exists

You´ll be a big star in Phsysics one day. You clearly understood the scientific method.

I really don´t know how people like you can exist. Did you never ask yourself, who created god? What did he do before the big bang? Why would a perfect being create an imperfect world?

>> No.5050828


>> No.5050836

The entire point of God is that he transcends things like logic and time, having created them for convenience (ours, or his though?).

And I have no intent to study physics. I'm content with biology.

>> No.5050843

Successful scientists have a tendency to be arrogant assholes who think that just because it's coming out of their mouth, it's true.

>> No.5050850

>transcends things like logic and time
Ah, now it all makes sense.

>> No.5051441


If God is out there he can do whatever he wants. Do I take time to interact with ants? No, but sometimes I watch them going about their busy little lives.

Any position on God besides agnostic makes you a retard. You can't know shit about a being 5 or 6 dimensions above you.

>> No.5051833

YOU CAN'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5051838

>Comp Sci Fag
>Taking Ethics in Electronics because derp it's required
>Go into class
>Teacher tells us he's gonna pull us "out of the matrix"
>He starts teaching ethics, then quickly descends into new world order and monsanto
>Everyone walks out with an A
>Hear he's teaching economics now

>> No.5051863

Current computers can handle square matrix of size 1000 which mean they deal with objects belonging to a space with 1000.000 dimensions. But sage anyway.