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File: 16 KB, 348x425, king-tut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5049963 No.5049963 [Reply] [Original]

Did King Tut have god like intelligence with his elongated skull? He was said to be a god. Was he an alien?


>> No.5049966


>> No.5049969
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a hard science

>> No.5049977

If you are not merely a /b/ troll I pity you OP

>> No.5049978

I heard that it's hard to figure out if a bic will work for you, because you don't know if your head is all fucked up without hair.

>> No.5049981
File: 35 KB, 554x369, yo-dawg-i-herd-you-liek-derp-so-i-put-a-herp-derp-in-for-your-derp-so-you-can-herp-derp-while-you-herp-derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea its not like brain size has been correlated with intelligence time and time again or anything.

>> No.5049996


>> No.5049997


>> No.5049998

No. It's not. What's your point, bro?

>> No.5050002

True. Most people think their heads look fucked before they get used to it though. Besides that, hair grows back to its original length quickly if you're a dude.

>> No.5050003
File: 57 KB, 297x358, 1346349119122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My point is it has. And you are wrong

>> No.5050016

[citation needed]

>> No.5050017


>> No.5050018


>> No.5050019


>implying the people that built the pyramids intentionally fucked up their skulls

>> No.5050023



>> No.5050033
File: 1.94 MB, 351x276, 1346602367393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5050032

>Critics have called the tests inaccurate

>> No.5050036

That really looks like Britney Spears.

The Mayans did, and they were easily the technical equals of the Egyptians, and neuroplasticity renders artificial changes to the shape of the skull mostly-irrelevant to the actual function of the brain.

>> No.5050037



There are always critics.

Yea i mean why would the brain size have anything do with intelligence? Im sure if we all had peanut brains we would all be just as smart.

>> No.5050040

ITT: no one has heard of encephalization quotient.

>> No.5050041

I wonder why sperm whales didn't beat Einstein to relativity...

>> No.5050044



For your answer

>> No.5050048
File: 177 KB, 600x400, 1345160997878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Einstein was right. And not wrong as according to tesla

>> No.5050060

Since early 1999, Lloyd Pye and The Starchild Project have been investigating a 900-year-old human-like skull known as the “Starchild Skull.” The research teams working on it have included doctors, scientists, and other specialists in the U.S., Canada, and England, and all of it has been headed by Project Director Lloyd Pye. Throughout this time, many theories about the Starchild's genetic heritagel have been proposed. Now, 2011 DNA test results solidly indicate an alien origin that will be confirmable. The final step in the process will be a complete genome recovery to verify beyond doubt the partial--but very convincing--results obtained so far.

>> No.5050077

I know a guy with a head this shape
He's a security guard.

So... No.

>> No.5050081

Are there any real anthropologists in this thread?

What should I do to become one?

>> No.5050085

>dat weak chin
>a god

>> No.5050091

1) Go to college.
2) Get a degree.
3) ?????
4) Profit.

>> No.5050106
File: 131 KB, 600x400, th_DSCN0457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Drop out of High School in 11th grade
>Start a stone masonry company
>Laugh at your college monies

>> No.5050116

I'd say that's the worst way to become an anthropologist. At no point do you even anthropolocize.

>> No.5050129
File: 48 KB, 210x305, king tut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5050190


>> No.5051501
