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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5039621 No.5039621 [Reply] [Original]

Which major creates the most arrogant students?

>I honestly think it's math. You guys learn one proof and you suddenly act like you know every secret of the universe.

>> No.5039624

business, just by its nature

>> No.5039625

Every high school senior and college freshmen that wants to major in astrophysics or theoretical physics because they read pop-sci.

>> No.5039629


>> No.5039631

Business, philosophy, sociology. Basically, any degree that appeals to people who want to be seen as smart, but doesn't actually require intelligence.

This is based on having intermingled with students from a vast array of majors. The philosophy and sociology students cannot have a conversation that doesn't involve them namedropping some shit from their field. They're also incredibly political.

The worst part is they are fucking morons. I actually work for the University and help students with finding research in the library, so I get to read many essays. Some are just downright embarrassing with basic grammatical errors that a 15 year old wouldn't make.

Of course, this might just be the culture on my campus, but from personal experience, that's the group I pick.

>> No.5039634


>> No.5039644

pre-med students tend to be very arrogant
>implying it's a major

>> No.5039649



They also seem to have a propensity toward outmoded theories. I have a mathematician friend at college who might as well be a Platonist.

>thinks numbers are objective concrete things that people discovered (i.e. "out there" in the world, like a mountain or star).

>> No.5039653
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>In cafeteria
>Student has a seizure
>A group of bio and math students sitting at a table near me rush over and try to help her
>A group of nearby nursing students (typical bitchy girls you knew in high school) walk over to the group surrounding the seizuring person
>Go and sit back down and eat
>Don't actually tell anyone what to do, just use the seizure as an excuse to be condescending
>Mon visage

>> No.5039655

English majors are the most pretentious.

I sit in my gen-ed 200 level English course everyday and think "This is what English majors pay 20 grand a year for? I do this in my room for free every night when I read novels and can come to the same conclusions this English PhD is coming to."

Granted the English PhD can write more eloquently than I can ever hope to.

>> No.5039663

Medfag here

First years are arrogant until it gets too hard. Then they just quit because "medicine isn't my thing".

Mathfags are usually autists, but i've met some that are total bros.

>> No.5039672


How is that wrong, exactly? Sure they don't have physical presence, but they exist independent of us amd it takes effort to find out which mathematical statements are correct. So from a human perspective we do search and find objects, out there in sentence-space, which are true or false.

>> No.5039673


There are good reasons for believing this. I suggest reading "Thinking About Mathematics" by Stewart Shapiro.

>> No.5039684

>Hurr durr I smart, I can lead company into future. I better than you.
Ok, sir.
One of my friends recently graduated in the UK with a first honours and he tans, goes to clubs, constantly bangs sluts. Pretty opposite of the stereotype.
>the world is changing and I cannot into change.

>> No.5039732

Wow, they're like a bunch of fucking animals.

>> No.5039743

>but they exist independent of us
Good luck trying to prove that. It's more like software.

>> No.5039774

Male med students tend to be cunts in my experience.

>> No.5039775

Numbers dont dictate, they describe

>> No.5039790
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That only last for a semester or two, and then for whatever reason they stop being so arrogant.

It's easily physics. It is the narrowest field of science and yet I have never known a physics student to resist getting into a debate about a broader field of study. Seriously. Start talking about evolution, or any other kind of biology around them and just let the stupid pour in.

>> No.5040021

Elephants don't have fingers, they have proboscises.

See? I can flaunt trite statements that aren't related to the discussion at all, too! We should totally become E-buddies.

>> No.5040034

Not the guy, but I'm pretty sure his statement was relevant.

>> No.5040045

Biochemistry. It's a bunch of biology students who take physical chemistry and non-calc physics, but they have a holier-than thou attitude toward biology and every other major. Also they're soulless premed memorizers who couldn't design an experiment to save their lives.

>> No.5040054


>narrow field

Well, I suppose I could start by electing which ever degree you are doing at present.

>> No.5040066

Even if they only describe they can still exist.

>> No.5040071

>non-calc physics
I've never understood the point of this. Calculus and physics were made to go hand in hand.

>> No.5040099

Business and English

>> No.5040194

Business of any kind. It's funny when you meet one that hasn't realized the jobs they want are usually taken by math/stats/engineering majors.

>> No.5040234

So in you guys' eyes, are Engineering majors or Psychology majors as arrogant as the already mentioned majors in this thread?

>> No.5040241

The chemical engineering majors seem to be in it for the money a lot of the time, and that makes me want to vomit at times. Pre-med fags are either total shits or pretty cool dudes. Truthfully you're likely to find the arrogant in just about any given field.

>> No.5040248

I'm a Engineering student and we try hard as fuck to recruit more people into the field all day every day.

We are always talking about how awesome it is and how you will get a job as soon as you graduate. We also mention how important it is to society compare to many other majors.

I think that's pretty arrogant of us but most of the students that we have recruited are pretty happy that they changed and are given high hopes for the future.

So I'm sorry if we come out to be sounding cocky but it needs to be done since we need more people to go into engineering.

>> No.5040281

based on /sci/ it's physics majors

>> No.5040307

you can't really do much. let them seizure. to quote ivan drago "if he dies, he dies".

>> No.5040313
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/sci/ is mostly babby's first pop-sci teens pretending that they're physics majors, hence all the cancer.

I think the largest true /sci/entist demographic here is something within chem/chemeng IIRC

>> No.5040315

if you roll in it 24/7, you might tend to remind people of it.

>> No.5040324

most biology majors are premed too. atleast they'll biochem students will actually get in though.

>> No.5040340

I think it's a split between what you said and math majors. Personally, I advocate making /math/ for them.

>> No.5040374


Medical school admission communities see biology and biochemistry as the same soulless major (because truthfully, they are). As if major has anything to do with it as long as you complete the requirements - a very good friend of mine was a music major who made it into med school. I know several psych majors who got in, too.

The way you get into medical school is by winning fellowships, doing lots of research, having a major leadership role on campus and having above a 3.5. Biochem is not a ticket into anything.

>> No.5040418

Any super liberal major like sociology or any kind of "studies". It creates insufferable pseudo-intellectuals who think they're the greatest and most moral people in the world. They think they're on a crusade again ignorance when in reality, they know nothing.

>> No.5040425

i never said it was. It's just a fact that biochem majors are much more likely to get in than biology majors. biology majors on almost on par with English majors as far as mcat scores go. you guys are damn near retarded.

>> No.5040428

Just a fact, huh? [Citation Needed]

Also I wasn't a bio major, and not premed (AKA I can use my brain for things other than memorizing cranial nerves).

>> No.5040433

the fact that a STUDENT has the audacity to be arrogant just rustles my jimmies.

>> No.5040440

It's hard not to be arrogant when many of your professors are dumb women who can't put together a proper sentence in their own native language.

>> No.5040449
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they're stupid.

>> No.5040452

you're a piece of shit

>> No.5040454

>physical sciences mcat scores
>people not majoring in physical sciences score lower


>> No.5040457

So did you just make that in MS excel or what?

>> No.5040458

These guys are pretty arrogant to think that they can tell their Ec10 Professor what he should be teaching when they're only freshmen

>> No.5040462

The only thing having a PhD in English does for you. It makes your writing skills godly.

>> No.5040466
File: 9 KB, 911x623, niggas still dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english isn't a physical science major, still kicked your asses. anyways, this one more to your liking?

>> No.5040467

>>5040452 you're a piece of shit
I don't see any refutation of what I said. I can call you a piece of shit too, after all this is the internet.

>It's hard not to be arrogant when many of your professors are dumb women who can't put together a proper sentence in their own native language.
repeating just because

>> No.5040473
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>> No.5040474
File: 19 KB, 516x553, denial's a bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat denial
statistics are from American institute of physics.

>> No.5040478


>> No.5040481


That's because every retard who majors in biology takes the mcat. Only the people who really really want to become doctors from the other majors even take the test.

>> No.5040492

>That's because every retard who majors in biology takes the mcat
that's because most of the people who are set on becoming doctors major in biology. The goal of being a doctor comes before the actual major. i don't know if someone who really really wanted to be a doctor would major in English, mathmatics, etc.

>> No.5040500

Why is electrical engineering so high

>> No.5040523

Why wouldn't it be? Oh right, hurrdurr enginnerds r gay >engineering >hard science >ishygddt 2012

>> No.5040539

Liberal arts majors, especially writing and philosophy.

>> No.5040582

I've been with the IT undergrads, and I can say they are pretty arrogant.

>> No.5040680

>criminal justice
an entire major made up of people who want to be cops or prosecutors

>> No.5040814
File: 9 KB, 150x130, thu_cc947a80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever have an encounter that rubs you the wrong way? It's whoever pisses you off.

So I'm on campus, and this kid's from like some shit liberal arts major. You know... I don't know. I can just say, fuck you, I'm a maths PhD candidate. I can buy your family, piss off. And this is petty, and this is weak. And this is very underhanded, but it's so easy, you know.

>> No.5040828

Something really grinds my gears about people who major in philosophy and somehow feel as though they're morally superior because they've been enlightened.