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File: 89 KB, 479x504, riddle me this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5036884 No.5036884 [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me, that I am actually spherical, and not flat.

>> No.5036903
File: 47 KB, 630x473, 47t2114508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you are the Earth

>> No.5036906
File: 34 KB, 400x308, fatAmerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probaly American, therefore, you are probaly spherical.

>> No.5036924

you have made my day sir

>> No.5038124

I'm still waiting

>> No.5038130

Two sticks in the ground at noon on the longest day of the year. One at Alexandria, one at Syene. The stick at Syene casts no shadow, the one at Alexandria casts a very definite shadow. Why?
If the earth was flat, we'd expect to see both having the same shadow, either no, or some. The only way these two sticks at different latitudes could be casting different shadows is if the surface of the earth is curved.
Eratosthenes figured this out and calculated the circumference of the planet around 240 BCE.

>> No.5038164
File: 87 KB, 625x518, 35ddly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that show too

>> No.5038180

Isn't it great? We watched it in 7th grade.

>> No.5038193

>the only way

what if the rays of light hitting the earth just aren't parallel. We know they are, now. Eratosthenes did not, he just assumed it.

That experiment you described does not prove the earth is round, you need to prove sun rays that hit the earth are parallel everywhere first. Can you?

>> No.5038219

What reason do you have to think that you are flat? Wouldn't the default position be: Unknown shape

>> No.5038225

>he just assumed it.
No he didn't. We knew the size of the sun and distance from the earth. We didn't know it was an ellipse that we traveled in.
>That experiment you described does not prove the earth is round
Yes, it does.
>prove sun rays that hit the earth are parallel everywhere first. Can you?
The sun is so massive and so far away the light being received has an intercepting angle of negligible value. Observing the nature of shadows from smaller light sources would provide us with the basics of reflective optics.
Are you being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate or is this a genuine interest?

>> No.5038322

I once walked to the edge of the earth to thrown myself OP, but I never find it, i just returned to my home =(
Couldn´t killed myself, I wanted to die.

>> No.5038340

Because, I'm on /g/.
See: flat-chested

>> No.5038439

But how did the dude know the sun was huge? It's about the same size as the moon, I don't think rays from the moon are parallel.

>> No.5038464

Okay, just to make sure, you're asking about the methodology of investigation and such right? This isn't an incredulous "well, *I* don't know how to do it therefore it can't be done" question is it? Hope not.
But to answer your question about the method, angular sizes and distances can be calculated quite easily using geometry, which the ancient Greeks had well before Alexandria was founded. Euclid formalized it, but the tools were already there for those people like Eratosthenes to use.
And you'd be correct that the reflected light from the moon does not arrive parallel because the moon is a curved surface reflecting the light.
Look it up yourself if you're interested in more. There's a ton of info out there.

>> No.5038466



>> No.5038506
File: 579 KB, 2048x2048, globe_west_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earth here, op is no where to be found

>> No.5038908

How about also the fact that the masts of ships disappear first when going over the horizon out at sea?

>> No.5038926

That just shows that there's a curve, but it could be half a sphere, it doesn't have to be a sphere.

Didn't Aristotle use moon and sun eclipses to show the Earth was round and went around the sun? Because both eclipses could be explained if you assumed that the moon was a sphere going around the Earth and the same for the earth and sun?

>> No.5038928

If the word was flat, why does it take the same amount of time to circumnavigate the north and south poles?

>in b4 complex, expensive, and pointless conspiracy of the government hiding the true nature of the north pole and everybody who has ever been to antartica is paid off by the government or brainwashed at fema camps

>> No.5038934
File: 55 KB, 540x540, Clouds%20reflect%20solar%20radiation%20of%20earth[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some direct observational evidence OP? Pictures do it for ya?

>> No.5039144

Gravity is pulling the photons down...

>> No.5039151

>lay down on the beach
>watch the sun set
>stand up
>watch the sun set again

Congratulations, you've proven the Earth isn't flat.

>> No.5039219

Works on a flat earth, too.

>> No.5039371
File: 526 KB, 453x614, Pale_Blue_Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the photo shows that earth is not flat

>> No.5040007

satellite orbits.

now i know someone is going to claim satellites aren't real because "hurr durr ive never seen one so they are lies"

but think about it how would GPS work without satellites? yes cell tower triangulation is pretty accurate these days, but not to the same degree as a satellite.

the physics behind orbital mechanics are sound, and their implementation requires a largely spherical object to work.

also, Pilot fag here. some military flights leaving the US are heading north east over the arctic to get to the middle east. why? because that flight path takes advantage of a spherical earth and slightly decreases the distance of the flight.

>> No.5040020

Prove to me that the Earth is flat, without showing me doctored images made by the government.

>> No.5040027

Pilot here.

You can fly up to the edges of the atmosphere and see the curvature of the Earth yourself.

It also gets eerily quiet and dark.

>> No.5040039

Discredited for qualia.

>> No.5040073

If the Earth is flat there can only be one celestial pole at most, and it's pretty obvious that there are two of them.

>> No.5040076

GPS works because the world is flat.

>> No.5040121

Damn OP, stop being lazy and debate me.

>> No.5040351


oh? please explain how orbital mechanics work with a flat celestial body.



this is a damn good argument as well, without a south pole, there would be no magnetic field around earth. and since the compass in my cessna seems to work, that poses a problem for your "flat" theory.

>> No.5040697

You can measure the straight-line distances between multiple points and observe that they are shorter than they would be if the Earth were flat. In fact they indicate the surface of the Earth has a pretty uniform positive curvature, so it's a good guess that it's spherical (though of course it could be nonspherical and embedded in some (N>3)-dimensional space).

I don't think Eratosthenes had the technology to do this, but late Romans maybe? Certainly by the 1800s European surveyors had enough accuracy. Dunno how good the Chinese or Islamic surveyors were at that time.

At some point, anyway, like all science this comes down to "well it COULD be [wacky explanation] but a spherical Earth is simple and sufficient to explain observations so let's go with that for now". Occam, Kant, difficulties of induction, brains in vats, etc etc.

>> No.5041060


You only need eyes to see it.

>> No.5041082

Compasses work in the southern hemisphere. checkmate.

>> No.5041083

If the world were flat, then, theoretically, you would be able to see the entire rest of the world from wherever you are. But due to the earth's curvature, such is not the case

>> No.5041146
File: 62 KB, 640x428, 937-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to New York, and hop on a flight to Tokyo. You'll fly over Alaska to reach your destination because the shortest distance between two points in on a sphere is a great circle. Were the earth flat, a pure westerly course would be the shortest route.

Or join the Air Force and get a job as a U-2 maintainer. Just go to the vault and tell them you need to watch the tapes from the last sortie to help troubleshoot a problem. You'll clearly see the curvature of the earth.

>> No.5041151

what, the prime sieve guy? cool

>> No.5041189


Using the flat earth model from OP's pic, you would still fly over Alaska en route from New York to Tokyo.