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File: 226 KB, 716x472, Edd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5035244 No.5035244 [Reply] [Original]

Time travel is impossible. Not "we can't do it", but it is a physical impossibility.

It is not a revelation to know time does not exist other than a measure of our perception of change and memory.

Paradoxes arise from time traveling at all, in any fashion.

There has never been a time traveler from the future.

>b-but these equations say wormhole this, spacetime that!
Shut up. It's stupid and you know it. They are overthinking what is relatively simple.

There is no time in any shape or form, there is no spacetime. Only space. And it is infinite.

Anything else is purely retarded.

>> No.5035256

And that, kids, is why they don't let Philosophy students near the Physics annex.

>> No.5035286

saying that time doesnt exist is like saying that distance doesnt exist.

>> No.5035288
File: 377 KB, 300x169, tumblr_l3dh11XMFl1qzuyl5o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a moran

>> No.5035289

enjoy your inane trolling garbage ban

>> No.5035308

>delusional /x/tards who believe in time travel

>> No.5035311

There is no time, only the eternal moment

>> No.5035315

Want to include some science or math to back up your claims?
>inb4 u go find it hurf durf.
As the faggot making the claims, you also have to back them up.

>> No.5035323

there is no distance, only the infinite point.

>> No.5035324

Parallel universes and time travel. Google it.


>> No.5035328

Something Einstein said about our perceptins of time and how the method everyone believes is trimetravel (Going super duper fast) would stop time instead of gaing back, and we would gain so much mass it would be impossible.

>> No.5035330

B-but we can travel forward in time by traveling at near-relativistic speeds

>> No.5035332

Infinite point is an aspects of "perfect" mathematics. In actual physics, there's a minimal distance where the atoms/electrons touch and do whatever atoms and electrons do when they touch each other.

>> No.5035336

If you are a looser in this time stream, chances are you'll be a looser in any other time stream as well. Why don't you stop daydreaming about time travel, including that regret highway you are currently on, and pick up a book on Machine Learning; Maybe, help other loosers make better decisions.

>> No.5035342

i was saying that to hopefully get across the point that claiming there is no differentiation between points in time is absurd.

>> No.5035375

But there isn't. You can go ahead and apply certain events to certain "times" but that doesn't really mean anything. It's always now, there's no time to go back to because it's gone.

>> No.5035383

but there are observable effects of the passage of time

>> No.5035387

such as?

>> No.5035390

i... what? are you asking me to point out to you that clocks exist?

>> No.5035402

Yes, things are changing. You are correct. Why you think that means time is passing, I don't know. Things just occur. That doesn't really state anything for against the objective existence of time

>> No.5035412

things change in a predictable fashion. this can be measured, in part, by the passage of time. i dont understand why you think that time doesnt exist. maybe a better example would be things traveling at different speeds?

>> No.5035414

>this can be measured, in part, by the passage of time
See, no.

You don't measure anything by the measure of time, you measure how things change by how other things change (your clock)

>> No.5035418

in the same way that you need to use comparisons to tell distance

>> No.5035451


Leonardo Da Vinci was a time traveler.

>> No.5035461

>there is no spacetime

explain <all proven observations predicted by special relativity> for me real quick

>> No.5035497

Time traveling to the future is still pretty much possible. Ain't no paradoxes there.

>> No.5035511

Nostradamus, De Vinci, Jules Verne, all time travelers.

>> No.5035512

yeah. that person is looser.
I mean, he's so slackned, flaccid, flabby. Just so apart, detached, wobbly. So fucking free, moveable, baggy.
loose, looser, loosest.

>> No.5035515

what? that doesnt make sense

>> No.5035516
File: 39 KB, 590x629, Einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5035538

Space isn't "real" on its own.
Time isn't "real" either.
In our reality you can't have one without the other.
That's spacetime. Space and time together form our reality.

If you just had space and no "time" nothing would move, everything would be black because light wouldn't move.

You can't have time with out space because time is the duration something occupies in space.

>I'm a highschool drop out with a ged and even I can understand the basics of our reality

Op is a fagg

>> No.5035541

>>There is no time in any shape or form, there is no spacetime. Only space. And it is infinite.
This is where you lost me. You sure talk confidently and matter-of-factly for someone who I am absolutely sure cannot offer a single alternative to "spacetime" which is even 1/1000th as useful at predicting actual observations.

So are you ready to admit that it is possible every word that comes out of your mouth isn't pure fact and that maybe you're wrong?

Furthermore, you need to realize that "time travel" depends on who you are talking to. I think anyone who has ever given it any serious thought has long ago abandoned the idea that you can _literally_ go to your past and make modifications and then travel forward as the the universe magically applies all the changes you've made to the present.

There are alternative notions that resemble this literal idea of time travel, yet they are still referred to as "time travel". So you should more clearly define exactly what it is you are talking about.

>> No.5035546

disinfo agent threads all day erry day

>> No.5035568
File: 226 KB, 405x412, 1330306013695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no spacetime
well you are wrong faggot, there was an experiment in the Earth's orbit that showed space was curved and it has been shown in experiments the faster you travel, the slower clocks tick.

While you are right in the fact that you simply cannot go BACK in time (as this is retarded) you can however slow down time or perhaps even stop it.

The only reason people decide to be faggots about time travel is because when you go faster than light, the light you left behind takes more time to get to your destination than you do, so if you were observing from the outside, you arrive before you left. However, this is not physically correct, the only reason this appears this way is because the light SENT OUT takes longer to get to that point.