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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 225x222, golden1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5034725 No.5034725 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ you are one of body and mind, I am body and spirit.

You are probably the smartest people I can have casual conversation with.

How does sci feel about sacred geometry?

>> No.5034728


Unfalsifiable and untestable nonsense goes to >>>/x/

>> No.5034730

pseudo science


>> No.5034731

You are confusing smartness with wisdom.

Delete this thread and repost on >>>/lounge/ , the wisest board.

>> No.5034739

I feel as if a witch in Salem.
> and we all found out how that turned out.

I come to discuss how angles and patterns in sacred geometry correspond with the laws of nature. Anon, I have come to talk about numbers

>> No.5034740


or >>>/b/

they are pretty damp perceptive.

>> No.5034831

>angles and patterns

like 2atan(sqrt(2)) or asin(1/3)

>> No.5035035

I looked at the wikipedia article.

It's just basic mathematics. Mathematics is the science of relations. It's not surprising that one would find relations. At least it's not numerology which assigns meaning to numbers regardless of mathematical significance.

The relations are real, apparently, but don't warrant to be ascribed mystical properties.

>> No.5037380 [DELETED] 
File: 302 KB, 393x544, lifter-class BETA Carrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5037390

The golden ration isn't any more mind-boggling than pi or e.

>> No.5037397

>I come to discuss how angles and patterns in sacred geometry correspond with the laws of nature. Anon, I have come to talk about numbers

Well, go right ahead. Apparently you know more about this than us.

>> No.5037402


This, the math side of it is just geometry. The "sacred" part of it belongs in the same class as numerology, astrology, alchemy, etc..

No mathematician does research on stuff like the "flower of life" or "tree of life" and their "mystical properties".

>> No.5037436


>> No.5037441

Fucking love that shit.

>> No.5037448

get out

>> No.5037449

Well, go right ahead. Apparently you know more about this than us.

Not surprising considering that the American education system is shit tier.

>> No.5037460
File: 81 KB, 631x590, 1337563016319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how we are always talked about on the internet guys. I never hear anything about Europe. Just 'merica. Take notice. You'll see that there is general butthurt around the internet and, honestly, the world. Just makes me laugh.

>> No.5037461

No u.

>> No.5037500

The pattern of the universe is sexy as hell, and we describe it with math.

That said, sacred geometry is a crock of bullshit.

>> No.5037857

Why is the flower of life more interesting than other patterns? There are after all many patterns in the world. That you decide it is so in a whim and give it a name to which you attach importance so that your fixation locks into itself for nothing more than an arbitrary choice, resulting in and arising from a selective blindness come ignorance the beauty in the world and the principles from which it arises.

>> No.5037878

algebraic master race here. i don't care.

>> No.5037887


>implying you can prove that something is objectively interesting
>implying interest isn't a subjective experience
>implying subjective experiences exist
>implying feelings exist
>implying qualia

Get the fuck out


>> No.5037907

>Don't like thread
>Seize upon a single word
>in the only good post in thread
>argue this is why the thread is shit

Shit's in your head, shithead.

>> No.5037911

>only good post
lel nice one 10/10 troll

>> No.5037928

There's nothing sacred about it.

The "golden number" defines a relation by which A + B = C, and A is to B like B is to C.

This relation must have some "good properties" from a survival on Earth point of view for which evolution has made some stuff out of it.

And we, humans, find it "pretty" for the same reason we find "pretty" circles, triangles, trees, fit women, etc. Because they're funcional, and our mind makes an instant reaction for which we feel attracted to what is functional.

And that's why some architects like the faggot of Le Corbusier designed stuff using the golden number. Because they thought that it somehow was practical.
