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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 421x720, scientist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5026104 No.5026104 [Reply] [Original]

Whats that great scientific idea you have always wanted to pull off?

>> No.5026107

Designing/creating a new organism. A Pokémon if possible.

>> No.5026116
File: 694 KB, 600x799, Doom_Laser_Colour_Paintover_by_wikivic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about achieving world domination by construction a doom laz0r?

>> No.5026154

Thought/dream recording

>> No.5026156

time travel.

>> No.5026157

FTL, without requiring Jupiter's mass worth of negative energy.

>> No.5026158

The singularity.

>> No.5026159

Procreation, preff with same species

>> No.5026168

Spaceship. A really awesome, nimble, single-pilot spaceship. The Lexus LFA of spaceships.

>> No.5026171

Creating a model of the Atom for an element more complex than Hydrogen.

>> No.5026177

Not sure if it fits, but put a ring around the earth, about 5 blocks high, then remove the bottom layer (or two) and just watch it float there.

>> No.5026187

An international organisation for technological and scientific advancement without any biases and meticulously checked validity. That way nobody can say the government is making up shit and vaccines cause autism cause it will all have to go through a single organisation.

>> No.5026199

>You cannot procreate with other species.
>Alternative: you can procreate other species (like having mice make fuck with other mice).
>Alternative: in same species (Homo sapiens sapiens), you can procreate others of our kind.
>Have fun being a matchmaker.

>> No.5026396 [DELETED] 


i'm working on time-travel. if i succeed i will go back in time and have a long talk with a 14 year old moot.

>> No.5026408

Cold Fusion/Wasteless fission

>> No.5026413

It's more engineering but I still want to automate all 'rote' jobs in the workforce. The service sector will be largely annihilated.

>> No.5026428
File: 315 KB, 1600x1200, sun_in_angstrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creating and controlling stable mini black holes. No more concerns about waste management, just toss your garbage into your own personal black hole! This may not actually be feasible but it sure would be cool.

>> No.5026431 [DELETED] 

Then you could give it a spin, and convert it into sort of a slingshot to get you to space.


>> No.5026436


Slap some solar cells on it and have unlimited energy?

>> No.5026443

Then you could give it a spin, and convert it into sort of a slingshot to get you to space.


>> No.5026458

Sth with the photoelectric effect, i want to show that with an extreme light intensity( mainly due to number of photons, not their energy) the current produced will start becoming smaller, since the collision between photon and photoelectrons will become so frequent, hence the number of photoelectrons reaching the cathode will decrease, thus current decreases

>> No.5026464
File: 75 KB, 550x450, stand.back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quantum black hole? Try and read "the hole man" by Larry Niven. A pack of astronauts finds such a thing on Mars and one of them gets drilled by it.

>> No.5026473

But what if you accidentally all of your penis?

>> No.5026478

Synthesize THC-V.

>> No.5026646

I've always wondered about harvesting lightning.

>> No.5026654

Develop an artificial intelligence.

Nowadays I'm not so sure if it'd be a good think.

>> No.5026680


I'd like to create a simulation of a whole cell but, prior to that, I'm more interested in developing a large glossary of proteins and the DNA that codes for them, as well as the various other enzymes/molecules that need to be present for it to be constructed correctly. It'd greatly speed up genetic disorder analysis and genetic engineering.

Alternatively, fuck it, I'd like to use HIV to develop a retrovirus that could be turned into a vector for genetic engineering in humans.

>> No.5026707


Lightning would provide a laughably small amount of power compared to what we already produce daily.

>> No.5026736

find a way of cheaply synthesizing all compounds needed for food (nutrients, protein ect). We could cut back on farming and eat nutritious gruel instead.

>> No.5026740

But isn't that what farms do? cheaply synthesize food.

>> No.5026768

Disgusting sicko.

>> No.5026778


No they efficiently grow crop. If we were to synthesize food there would be no wastage and it would be perfectly balanced for our diet.