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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 766 KB, 2126x1397, Solvay_conference_1927_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5023820 No.5023820 [Reply] [Original]

thought you guys might find this cool

Someone "colorized" the original 1927 Solvay conference.

I find it cool because they're all white.

>> No.5023837

you ..... you .....beat me to it!

love this pic. bumping.

>> No.5023843

why'd he have to give Niels a mustache...

>> No.5023844

Dirac and Einstein look really board.

>> No.5023850
File: 385 KB, 1280x1378, 627272_468112089876474_1703882944_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bumping with comparison

>> No.5023862

Why aren't people this extraordinary today? They really had something going.

>> No.5023863

Schrödinger was so alpha

>> No.5023869

...and Compton looks like a boss.

>> No.5023873

At least they had a woman.

>> No.5023889

I can't help but feel that Schrödinger and Pauli and exchanging looks about something. I'm hoping that whatever it is, it's the same thing Heisenberg is leering at.

>> No.5023898
File: 43 B, 1x1, einstein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it begins

>> No.5023903

Dirac's looking at it too, but he's more bemused than aroused.

>> No.5023900

im just amazed at the fucking level of genius in that picture

pretty sure these people are responsible for most of the stuff we know about the modern world

>> No.5023906
File: 359 KB, 379x510, einstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5023908
File: 124 KB, 379x516, Einstein meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lets make some original content for /sci/

>> No.5023919

God damn it, what could it be?

Let the wild speculation commence.

>> No.5023926

No you gay mate?

>> No.5023930

>you are now aware that facial hair is the secret to genius

>> No.5023928


>Complaining someone posted a thread before you

Back to Reddit please. There's no karma here, though I will admit Einstein has potential.

>> No.5023929

Pauli and Schrodinger were on the same wavelength, Heisenberg felt excluded

>> No.5023932
File: 41 KB, 432x251, 1264925000049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5023937

>Facial hair


>> No.5023940

> implying curie lost facial hair due to radiation poisoning

Wait that actually could have happened...

>> No.5023946

>that feel when no facial hair
>age 20

>> No.5023948

>Pauli, Schrodinger and Heisenberg.

No facial hair. What now?

>> No.5023975

He's clearly observing a correlation, not a law, aspie.

>> No.5023978
File: 844 KB, 2126x1397, 920857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret nothing

>> No.5023979
File: 1.29 MB, 2126x1397, science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do photoshop too.

>> No.5023984
File: 110 KB, 689x689, 1259131612153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5023996

Clearly Dirac had a different spin on the matter.

>> No.5024003

This guy. This guy gets it.

>> No.5024030

Shit Compton looks like a badass.

>> No.5024093

Cooperation science. We all do it for the greater good. Many people work on the same subject. They aren't as credited. You also have to consider none of these "geniuses" would pass todays highschool test because 1/4 of the physics and chemistry as we know it wasn't even invented yet.

>> No.5024103

Have you any idea of how easy is an high school chemistry test ? Most of highschool science doesn't go farther than eighteenth century science. And those guys were truly amazing physicists. But your point stands: a discovery is a collective work, and today's best physicists are pretty great themselves.

>> No.5024104

Why no R.J Oppenheimer?

>> No.5024109

Who the hell is R. J. Oppenheimer? is he related to J. R. Oppenheimer

>> No.5024111


He hadn't really made his mark in the scientific community, and/or many of his publications had to do with quantum astrophysics.

He was also dabbling with communists.

>> No.5024110

Because he wasn't at this conference. Because he was probably still in grad school.

>> No.5024115

Not really to be honest, I went to a school that was focused on such and we needed to know quite a lot in the 4th grade. Then again I went to a Math and Natural Sciences Gymnasium.

For example none of these people above knew about Strong and Weak Interaction between atoms.
Basically the whole of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model wasn't even invented and all of the materials and technology that go together with it.

Now yes, I guess I should say pass the entrance exam to a good physics or chemistry university?

>> No.5024117

>All crossed legs and cock covering.
>Einstein sitting there, alpha as fuck... Legs spread and cock bulge showing like a fucking boss,

>> No.5024125

Probably more like a college graduating test. Sandard model, despite being standard and more than 30 years old, is still pretty advanced stuff. It depends a lot on your field, but you can perfectly take a good course in physics up to college sophomore included without studying relativity except for Maxwell equations. Standard model notions can be mentioned in highschool, but it is very vague and without actual relation. One could assume that a guy like Schrodinger could answer the highschool-like question just by reading the name of the force because that's actually all that it is.

>> No.5024134

In the honors level chemistry class that I took in high school, sophmore year, we went over the Bohr and Schrodinger atomic models. Learned about orbitals. The people in this photo probably did not know all that much about orbitals at the time it was taken.

Plus, before accurate models of atoms existed, chemistry was memorizing empirical evidence about chemical reactions. With a model, we can finally make predictions. Chemistry is now much easier to learn.

>> No.5024145

Apart from the fact that every male in that era had facial hair.
You know it used to be mandatory for officers in the British Army to sport moustaches?

>> No.5024159

Okay, but you were in an honour class. Do you know if orbitals areconsidered requited knowledge for an average highschool test ? I remember than no teacher in highschool ever bothered to teach us this, because we were basically too lame (but we still had a more than average level at the end of highschool, so there's no reason a teacher would not teach us the basis of orbitals if it were average knowledge). And I give that chemistry is easier to learn, but probably not really easier to understand at first. My point is, the only people I know who had to deal with orbitals in hoghscholl were in privilegied environment (ie elitists highschool with demanding teachers requiring much more than average to their brighter than average students). And I know about a hundred STEM undrergrad, so that's probably saying something.

>> No.5024196

They aren't all white, as there are a few Jews in there.

>> No.5024201

Being white and being Jewish are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.5024211

I find it cool because they're all European.
Murritard 0
Yurop 32

>> No.5024220

Compton was definitely American and Bragg was an Australian.

>> No.5024224

>you will never have Einstein's fat cock in your mouth.