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5014413 No.5014413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who would win?

>> No.5014423

The viewer

>> No.5014435

I doubt silverbacks would work as a team.
I'd put my money on humans (although some of them would certainly die)

>> No.5014439

I'm assuming no weapons?

>> No.5014444

Haha, No.
20 of those gorillas?
That means 10 ufc fighters per gorilla.
No weapons? no chance.

>> No.5014466


quads don't lie

>> No.5014480

Neither do dub dubs.

>> No.5014483

You realize how incredibly strong UFC fighters are?

1 UFC Fighter = Strength of 7 sedentary men.

>> No.5014492
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Bitch please, don't you know who the fuck I am?

>> No.5014495

IF the humans win, it would only be with heavy, heavy losses.

However, my money is on the gorillas.

>> No.5014496

Like someone said, it's 10 UFC fighters per gorilla.

I think in reality the gorillas would win,

but if the UFC fighters were totally dedicated, like if they weren't afraid to lose a limb or anything then I think they would win.

>> No.5014508

I dunno man.
You can't dry hump a gorilla into submission.

>> No.5014511

Gorillas would fucking destroy each and every one of them, even if they were 200 clones of Alistar Overeem.

>> No.5014512

Would the silverbacks fight each other?
I thought alpha males were aggressive towards other alpha males in the wild.

The humans would be like a secondary threat

>> No.5014597

I think that the humans would win if they fought intelligently against the gorillas.This means fighting defensively and scoring cheap shots against the gorillas when they can while avoiding getting their arms ripped off by the gorillas.

Also, humans have nearly the highest physical endurance in the animal kingdom. Eventually the gorillas will tire, especially when fighting against ten humans.

>> No.5014652

If the gorilla is koked in the balls, maybe, but i would bet on the gorillas

>> No.5014654



>> No.5014658
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The silverbacks would fight among themselves. The humans would sit back, enjoy the show, and kill the remaining gorillas with sharp sticks and rocks.

>> No.5014672

Poke the gorillas in the eyes

>> No.5014688

Gorillas will still be the endangered species.
Humans win regardless

>> No.5014708

A gorilla could tear a man from limb to limb.
They could literally throw the heaviest fighters the UFC had across the room with one arm.

>> No.5014726

Humans, pretty easily, due to speed/evasiveness. 200 average humans would barely stand a chance of killing one of the gorillas. But we're talking about pretty much the 200 best fighters out of 7 billion people. In a very confined area where the fighters have no room to evade, the gorillas might stand a chance, but with a little more room, 10 fighters could surround each gorilla with the ones in front (probably the smallest, quickest fighters) taunting it and avoiding its attacks while the stronger fighters sneak up behind and deliver low kicks til it's legs are burger.

>> No.5014730

>Strongest fighters in the world


>> No.5014737

there's a lot of retard in this post.
You must be 14 still.

>> No.5014738


Oh. I understand. Never mind, then.

>> No.5014742

What would happen if a sun made of UFC fighters and a sun made of gorillas collided?

>> No.5014744

I live for threads such as this.

>> No.5014749

Are UFC fighters allowed to hide in the tree and viciously fall on the neck of the poor careless gorillas, breaking them in the process ? Will UFC fighters take ninja special training before the fight ?

>> No.5014754

Assuming the gorillas have any sense of teamwork or coordination they would wreck shit.

>500 pounds
>that arm length/weight with the ability to punch hard as fuck

I'm not even gonna talk about how a gorilla could take a punch either. Imagine punching a gorilla, do you really think you will break any bones or do any real damage?

It would be like punching a ram on the forehead

>> No.5014755


Really. Okay, let's think about this for a second. How many humans could a silverback gorilla maul to death, back to back, before it got completely exhausted, if the humans tried the best they could to survive, say by balling up and protecting their heads, or latching onto one of the gorillas arms so it can't swing it, or trying to stay behind it? Keep in mind the gorilla doesn't know to conserve energy for the long haul. It might possibly be as many as 10, but if we're talking about unusually resilient people, I doubt it would be that many. Even if the gorilla somehow manages to finish off 9 UFC fighters and still has the strength to lift its arms, the 10th fighter will easily avoid its attacks and bludgeon it at will. It will then continue to exhaust itself even further while the fighter, with his excellent stamina, can attack and evade for as long as it takes to finish the fight.

>> No.5014760

The UFC fighters could regularly piss in the gorilla's water at night while taking care of staying unnnoticed (thus putting to use their newly acquired super-ninja skills) and slowly water-poisoning the poor and unnoticing grillas to death in the process. Mind that they are 200, ninja-trained and on drugs. Their piss must be poisonous as hell.

>> No.5014763

A punch to the head from a gorilla would kill you
Gorillas have thick skulls.
No way humans would win without use of tools

>> No.5014765

You guys had better be trolling or messing around or something, these guys couldnt even handle 5 gorillas. The gorillas would rip them to shreds.

>> No.5014768

>A gorilla can take full force punches from other gorillas and survive without injury
>You guys think a human would be able to hurt it barehanded

>> No.5014770

It's obvious that the UFC fighters would win.

First of all, the posters siding with the gorillas are of average strength and do no realize just how strong these fighters are. Gorillas are powerful creatures indeed but you're not taking into account how many UFC fighters there are.

Two HUNDRED specialized fighters versus merely twenty gorillas of average strength. These fighters are trained to fight whilst the gorillas are not. They would easily win if it was 20 v 20 but this is literally 20 people per gorilla.

>> No.5014772

Here is video of an actual fight between a top MMA fighter and a gorilla:



>> No.5014779

OVER 200. There could be a million fighters.

>> No.5014781

Would you be able to kill 20 toddlers?
If yes, then the gorillas.
If no, then the humans.

>> No.5014787


Let's say instead of toddlers, it's midgets. The best midget fighters in the world. And I'm not allowed to kick. I'm a pretty good fighter myself, but my ass would get owned.

>> No.5014792

>And I'm not allowed to kick

Why handicap yourself? That makes it a shit comparison.

>> No.5014800

gorillas have tiny, internal testicles and tiny, tiny penises.
Nothing to kick.

>> No.5014813


No, that makes it a more accurate comparison, because gorillas can't kick. A better comparison would be one gorilla vs 10 ordinary humans with baseball bats. This would be more along the lines of the striking power each gorilla would be up against. Except that the UFC fighters would be much quicker and harder to hit than the ordinary humans.

>> No.5014815

There are currently 351 fighters in the UFC as of 2012.

So now it's 351 trained fighters versus 20 of the largest silverback gorillas. The humans would win for sure.

>> No.5014834

Harder to hit? Do you know how fucking gorillas fight? They grapple you and rip shit up. They don't punch. They will run the guys over, rip off their arm, and then swing the partners into each other. Also, these aren't regular gorillas. These are alpha male silver backs. That means the strongest in a certain group, the strongest of the strongest, and best fighters in a group of gorillas that fight for the top spot. That puts it on equal grounds of a "normal human" and "normal gorilla" against each other. Also, the problem with gorillas is that they literally have no weak spot aside from really strong blunt force. The strongest kick from an MMA fighter would do absolutely nothing to any part of a gorillas body.

>> No.5014855


Okay, harder to touch, then. What's to stop the UFC fighter from stepping out of the way when the gorilla bull-rushes him? Comparing the dominant male to the rest of a group of gorillas is not the same as comparing a UFC fighter to average humans. The dominant male is the strongest gorilla out of a few dozen. Maybe 1 in a million humans possesses the natural ability to become a UFC fighter, and unlike in the case of gorillas, this natural ability is enhanced by training, diet, and in some cases drugs.

>> No.5014890

There's a matter of mere bone resistance, sheer mass, and, still, sheer muscular strenght. The UFC fighter will have to rely on strategy and number to win. The comparison with midget is inaccurate because midget are not significantly less resiliant than average-sized people. As for the result, the only way to figure out is to conduct an actual experiment.

>> No.5014907

>Maybe 1 in a million humans possesses the natural ability to become a UFC fighter
What a load of garbage.
More like 1 in 5.
It's more a matter of possessing the desire to dedicate your life to hitting people and being hit.

>> No.5014914


First minute. They can take a punch, and throw one. I'm not sure that 10-15 guys, even UFC fighters, could make a dent in that beast.

>> No.5014960

It's hard to know how 20 gorillas would be able to organize themselves (if they're all alpha males, I doubt they would work together at all), so let's simplify the situation and consider a fight between 10 random UFC fighters and one silverback gorilla alpha male. Open grassland, no weapons, no trees.

I think that the UFC fighters would win, just because humans would be able to overwhelm the gorilla. You could probably have three fighters face the gorilla while a few fighters jump on the gorilla's back. At this point, I think the UFC fighters would be able to find some way to kill the gorilla.

>> No.5014967


If this were the case, then every martial arts school in the world would have members comparable to UFC fighters. There are millions of people in the world who spend as much time training as UFC fighters (even if they don't train as hard, partly because they don't have the same stamina, a part of natural ability). And although you might see martial artists dedicating their lives to training in Kung Fu movies and such, the reality is that UFC fighters don't train any harder than pro athletes in any other sport. They might spend 4 to 6 hours a day in the gym leading up to a fight, then take a month or so off after the fight. Some make it to the top levels of the UFC after only a few years of martial arts training. Let's say 8 hours of intense training every day constitutes the kind of lifestyle necessary to be a UFC fighter if you're one of those 1-in-5 people who has the natural ability. If that were the case, who wouldn't quit their day job, spend 8 hours a day in the gym, join the UFC and make 6 figures a year, more counting endorsements and stuff? Like any sport it's a combination of potential and effort, but like any sport, individuals with the potential are much rarer than individuals willing to make the effort.

>> No.5014980

you aren't taking into account the people that train (as you said) just as hard in other sports but are not interested in UFC

UFC isn't the end-all be-all of fighting, there are many other types of fighting that are just as legitimate.

Additionally, people who train for rugby, football, soccer, or even cycling and swimming could have to potential to be great fighters.

It really boils down to someone's dedication to the sport.

>> No.5014987

Anyone siding with the gorillas is a sociopath that hates humans because a bunch of little girls laughed at him in middle school.

Don't deny it. The humans win. There are just too many.

>> No.5014991

What if the UFC fighters did thigs like digging thri fingers into gorilla's eyes?

>> No.5014999


>4 to 6 hours in the gym

No, negative effects happen after 1 hour. Do a 5 day split routine, and get rest.

>> No.5015001

At the gym != lifting.
They could just be practising their punches and sparring.

>> No.5015003

>the fighter should then be able to somehow kill the gorilla

But that's precisely the point. How would they do ? And how can you be sure that a gorilla can't simply punch a fighter before he reaches him, or to lift a fighter with one arm ?

>> No.5015015

Gorillas have really short stamina... I'm going to have to side with the UFC league.

10 fighters on 1 Gorilla.
Fighters are strong as fuck.
Gorillas have shit stamina.
1 Gorilla couldn't physically keep up with 10 people mauling it.

>> No.5015020


Sorry, when I said millions of people who train just as hard, I meant just in martial arts and other combat sports, not in sports in general.

Though there is more to fighting than the UFC, the number of people in the world who are not in the UFC but could win a fight against a UFC fighter on any given day is probably very small, mostly just a few of the best fighters among athletes in other sports. If a person has the potential to be a professional athlete, they're going to do everything they possibly can to become a professional athlete, with extremely few exceptions. Why not? These are people in their 20s or early 30s who otherwise have very little chance to make as much money (no chance if they're from outside the U.S., Japan, or Western Europe). If they had the potential, who wouldn't jump at the chance to live the lifestyle of a professional athlete? UFC fighters, like most professional athletes, do tend to show a tremendous amount of dedication in their training, but this is due to a lot of reinforcement with early success. At any given level or any sport, the most successful participants tend to subsequently train the hardest as they find they're getting a high return for what they put in, while those who find they have no real talent often get discouraged. Ability and dedication have a tendency to feed into each other.

>> No.5015024


You forget how many people *200* is.

You can have 40 people on one gorilla and go one by one.

>> No.5015030

>If a person has the potential to be a professional athlete, they're going to do everything they possibly can to become a professional athlete
>Be kid
>Go to field trip to our country's sporting organisation (the group that trains all our Olympians, not sure what you'd call it).
>They tell me that I have the perfect body type for rowing, would I ever consider becoming a rower?
>No thanks

>> No.5015032


Okay, scratch that, I forgot about rowing. I should have put "except rowing" in there somewhere.

>> No.5015037

>see this posted on /fit/ earlier today
>come to /sci/
>first thread i see

>> No.5015080

UFC fighters for sure..Sacrifice 20-30 UFC fighters and make weapons out of their bones (clubs out of femurs and making some bones sharp), proceed to fight silverbacks away with weapons

>> No.5015299


There are currently 351 UFC fighters.

>> No.5015322

WTF kind of asinine question is this?? The gorillas would shred the fighters.. assuming both parties had total cooperation with one another and there were no weapons, gorillas would win, absolutely, hands down. They are massively stronger than any human in the UFC. Unless all 250 were Pudzianowski clones (even then, the gorillas have teeth and would still probably win) then this would be a shutout.

>> No.5015345

>assuming both parties had total cooperation with one another
>implying stupid animals can cooperate

>> No.5015352
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>> No.5015355

>implying alpha male gorillas would cooperate with each other.

>> No.5015364

humman wins

Seriously, over 200 people jumping on gorillas would just completely over run them. sure if it were a stand up boxing match and the gorillas knew how to fight properly, their strength would be a MASSIVE advantage. HOWEVER, UFC fights know how to choke their oponent, so simply by having 10+ people diving on a monkey will surely result in the monkey being chocked out.

gorillas have two fists and fangs. thats at MOST three people. 7+ to just shit on them and choke them to death.

>> No.5015366
File: 51 KB, 400x300, meganut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the gorillas wouldn't just kill each other

you guys are fucking stupid

>> No.5015380

Regardless, whichever station network that televises it wins.

>> No.5015385


Not even sure this warrants a response, considering Pudzianowski is just a strongman who has never made it into the UFC because he would get clobbered by pretty much any UFC heavyweight. You're putting way too much emphasis on strength here. It would not be a deciding factor in a fight between 10+ highly skilled humans and a gorilla. What would happen would be much more like a bullfight, with the quicker fighters taunting the gorilla and easily dodging its attacks while it wears itself out. Of course a gorilla is much more agile than a bull, but a UFC fighter is more agile than most bullfighters, and they wouldn't be trying to wow a crowd by coming as close as possible to getting caught, they would stay just close enough to keep its attention.

Once the gorilla has been worn down a bit: one heavyweight grappler latches onto one arm. Another heavyweight grappler latches onto the other arm. Grabbing the arms without getting hit or grabbed by the gorilla would take excellent timing, which UFC fighters possess. A third fighter locks in a deep choke from behind so it can't easily turn its head and bite the fighters on its arms. With two more fighters on its legs, soon the gorilla is pinned to the ground and the five free fighters can take turns stomping on it.

This is just one of many, many strategies the fighters can use to overcome the gorillas.

>> No.5015416

>Implying that have reason to fight when there are no females and they're being attacked by a third party

>> No.5015414

There are some significant holes in your argument.
Bullfighters don't fight the bull alone, someone stabs the bull several times before they do their work.
Bullfighters also get a sword.
>one heavyweight grappler latches onto one arm
This is hilarious. You underestimate their strength enormously. The gorilla could just throw these heavyweight grapplers across the room

>> No.5015417


In fact, I'm glad you brought up Pudzianowski because this nonsense has been going on long enough and shit needs to get settled.

For those who don't know, he won World's Strongest Man several years in a row, and decided he was so strong he could do well in MMA. He has since lost almost as many fights as he's won, all in organizations well below UFC level. There's a good chance that if all his fights had been against UFC fighters, he would still be winless in his professional MMA career. A fight between 20 gorillas and 200 Pudzianowski clones is basically the same as a fight between 20 gorillas and 200 slightly weaker gorillas. Could 10 Pudzianowski clones defeat 1 silverback gorilla? Probably. Could 10 Pudzianowski clones defeat 1 top-level UFC heavyweight? Maybe.

>> No.5015430


Okay. We all know gorillas are strong. They are not as strong as you think they are. Consider the bucking motion of a bull or horse trying to throw someone off its back. It is doubtful that a gorilla can generate significantly more force than this with one arm. A skinny cowboy can ride a bucking horse or bull, sometimes for several seconds without getting thrown off, using just one hand and his legs. Imagine a much heavier and stronger man, wrapped around the animal as tightly as possible.

>> No.5015432

>Ignoring the fact that they have a rope to hold on to.
>Ignoring the fact that they don't need to throw the guy, that was just an example, they can instead break him arm like a twig.
>Claiming that "They are not as strong as you think they are." when in your previous post you compared the world's strongest man to a SLIGHTLY weaker gorilla, ignoring the fact that a WEAK gorilla would still easily be 2 or 3 times stronger than this man. PROTIP: they're not as weak as you think they are

>> No.5015445

Anybody who says humans are fucking retarded. UFC fighters aren't Gods, even though some of you seem to think so. An ape could easily kill a UFC fighter with one half-assed swing. A UFC fighter would have to pound at an ape for hours to kill it. Those apes would have them all dead in minutes

>> No.5015463

200 normal humans vs 20 silverbacks.

The humans divide into three 8-hour shifts. Around the clock, the gorillas are pelted with shit. Every time they try to charge, the humans run away, and cannot be chased due to human endurance.

After 7 days without sleep, with continuous taunting, shit-flinging, and futile attempts to charge after humans who just dance away, the gorillas will be totally and utterly exhausted. They will be falling asleep where they stand.

That's when the humans start kicking them in the eyes and throat as they fall asleep, always running away before they can fight back.

Eventually, the blind, sleep-deprived gorillas have been covered in so much shit, and have such a weakened immune system, that they get sick and cannot defend themselves from neck/throat-stomping.

And then all the humans start masturbating.

>> No.5015478

You also need to take the aspect of mindset in account when talking about this. Sure, UFC fighters are a disciplined bunch. Probably. But a silverback gorilla is goddamn TERRIFYING. A significant portion of the fighters would probably be too scared to do anything, or at the very least be less effective than if they were fighting humans.

Maybe if you'd get all the fighters high on bathsalts, they could win, otherwise my vote goes to the gorillas.


It would be the most hilarious thing the world has ever seen.

>> No.5015481

I want you to know that I appreciated this post greatly. Good job.

And quite honestly, when you start thinking about it, I can't imagine the humans losing if they are able to employ tactics like this.

No rules/setting were specified, so you kind of have to decide on that yourself.

Ironically, I think each party would have the advantage in the other's natural place of combat. 10 guys would probably get ripped to shreads in a fighting arena... but if you put them in the jungle, the humans would very likely be able to escape direct confrontation, surround the animal in every direction, and use broken branches as improvised weapons to club/spear the beast to death.

>> No.5015485

you people are so fuckn stupid, the UFC wont punch or kick them to death, 10 fighters would jump on a gorilla hold it down then choke it out. humans would easily win

>> No.5015491


A rodeo rider has a rope to hold onto, but a fighter hanging onto a gorilla's arm wouldn't need a rope because he can wrap his arms fully around the gorilla's and lock them together. The gorilla would have nothing to "break his arm like a twig" with because his other arm would also have someone hanging off it.

There's never been a scientific measurement of gorilla strength, but we can at least get a rough idea of their strength from their anatomy. If a gorilla's chest and arm weighs 10 times a human's chest and arm, it probably has around 10 times the strength in it. The comparison here might not be perfect, but at least it's something to go on, better than ridiculous claims based on nothing.

Again, the fight would be much more about quickness than strength. The UFC fighters would do everything they can to stay outside the gorilla's arms and strike from behind or from a distance, if at all, until the gorilla tires itself out. They can constantly taunt the gorilla from different sides to keep it confused and prevent it focusing its attack on any one fighter. Also, they can do damage to it. Its eyes would be a good target, as well as its legs. Several kicks to the sides of the knees from a muay thai specialist could do some damage.


(starting around 0:35) Some hard swings, enough to knock a fighter on his ass, but definitely nothing that would take his head off, especially if he deflects the blow off his arms as they're trained to do. Also they're not nearly fast enough to touch a quick fighter.

Basically if you're going to claim that a gorilla is some kind of ridiculously powerful super-animal, with strength much greater than its size (2-3 times human) would suggest, you're gonna need to back it up with some facts.

>> No.5015489

>but if you put them in a jungle...
evidently gorillas can't climb

>> No.5015493

It's not gonna kill anyone by yelling at them from the treetops

>> No.5015501

>The gorilla would have nothing to "break his arm like a twig" with
He would have the arm that's being held on to.
Or did you think they'd be able to immobilise the arm? Do you really think a joint lock would work on a creature 6 times stronger than you? No, it wouldn't.
Pick the man up, slam him into the ground breaking all his ribs

>with strength much greater than its size (2-3 times human)
No, closer to 6 or more times the strength of a normal human, and that's an average gorilla not even an alpha.
You want proof? Well I'm not going to give you the links your lazy ass could easily get by just googling it, but instead I'll appeal to your sense of logic (assuming you have one).
Gorillas are about 200kg. They can climb trees and throw themselves around with the same ease that humans can walk. They can easily lift themselves with one arm, a feat that is impressive by human standards, now compound that with the fact that they weigh twice as much.

>> No.5015503

Yeah, but it also won't be surrounded and beaten to a pulp in the way that you're suggesting since at the first sign that it's overwhelmed it can easily escape

>> No.5015509


Sure, a gorilla could probably swing a 250 pound man around a bit, but I doubt he could shake him off, at least not without tiring his arm somewhat which is part of the goal, and if he tries to slam him, remember the fighter's lower body would be the end getting slammed (unless the gorilla somehow rolled around so the fighter's head, which would be near the gorilla's should,r) was toward the ground) so he could absorb the impact with his legs and feet. The gorilla's best chance would to try to bite the fighter. If he managed that, the fighters would have to try one of many other strategies.

I'm sure there are people on this Earth weighing over 300 pounds who can do pull-ups and cartwheels. Not quite gorilla strength, but not terribly far from it. Most of a human's strength is in his legs, anyway, the reverse of a gorilla.

>> No.5015516

>but if you put them in the jungle, the humans would very likely be able to escape direct confrontation, surround the animal in every direction, and use broken branches as improvised weapons to club/spear the beast to death.

This makes sense, since the Sahara used to be a jungle before prehistoric humans killed everything in it.

>> No.5015519

Found a relevant page guys:


>So as you can see, are ape relatives simply make the strongest of humans look like wimps. On one occasion, a log fell into the exhibit of an orangutan, one which four or five humans could not even budge after trying to remove it, however when one of the orangutan's was annoyed with its presence, it threw the log out as if it weighed nothing with one arm.

>As for the strength of the animals, a chimp in the wild has the strength of 4 to 7 adult men, however generally five adult men..
>An orangutan has the strength of 5 to 8 adult men, however generally 7 adult men.
>A gorilla has the strength of 9 to 12 adult men, however generally about 11.

>These are estimates taken from feats the animals have performed. If you knew the great apes as well as I do, I'm sure you wouldn't doubt it either.

>> No.5015533

The men would be intelligent enough to work together and take down the gorillas 1 by 1, not to mention the added bonus of being able to communicate with one another. Most gorillas would just start going ape shit and beat their chest until they felt threatened

>> No.5015542

You guys are talking like these gorillas are 2 ton giant beasts. They are only 450 bs. Some UFC fighters weigh up to 265. 10 UFC fighters per gorilla would be a piece of cake

>> No.5015560


>> No.5015592


no shit nigger, it was just an assumption, but what difference does it make, even if you have 200 fighters approaching a single gorilla, at most 10 can make contact, and anybody who makes contact in front of the gorilla would just get their head smashed off their body. it's not about collective strength, humans can't fight gorillas because they don't have the reach or any possible technique to do damage.

>> No.5015608

UFC fighters without a doubt.

All it takes is one to jump on the gorillas back and rip/gouge the eyes. The gorilla is then just about useless

>> No.5015609
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>people actually thinking humans stand a chance

>> No.5015613

The Silver back's would destroy 200 oily show men in an instant, humans are defenseless without weapons.

Only UFCfags think otherwise.

>> No.5015661

Maybe if it was Batman vs 20 gorillas.

Then humans might stand a chance.

>> No.5015748


>weighing over 300 pounds who can do pull-ups and cartwheels. Not quite gorilla strength

haha good one
a fucking 120 pound chimpanzee can pull 500 pounds
now think of how much strength a fucking 500 pound gorilla has

200 UFC fighters against 100 chimpanzees would have been a fair fight

>> No.5015754

My money is on the humans, assuming they're working together, devising plans and traps, and using weapons and tools, like any reasonable person.

>> No.5015762

>and using weapons and tools

using a gun would defeat the purpose of the fucking fight.

>> No.5015866

The match up clearly states two parties opposing eachother. Yet people still feel the need to say that the gorillas would not work together because alpha male. Stick to the fucking assignment kids or go make your own thread and call it all ufc fighters vs gorilla vs gorilla vs gorilla vs gorilla vs gorilla etc
please refrain from being a moron in the future

>> No.5015890

Yeah because it's really scientific to ignore common behaviour traits within wild animals when that is a huge factor in the thought experiment.

>> No.5015893
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come at me bro

>> No.5015903
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>common behaviour traits
>meeting 200 ufc fighters in the wild

hypothetical situation remains hypothetical with hypothetical rules. op made the thread, you replied. the 20 gorillas are as hypothetically stated working together. deal with it.

>> No.5015916

but what would happen if a planet made of gorillas collided with a planet made of UFC fighters?

>> No.5015919

So you interpreted two letters and a dot: "vs." as meaning "The gorillas will go against their natural tendancy to be hostile to each other for the purposes of this hypothetical situation?"


>> No.5015926


They will actually work together to defeat the humans.

Fuck you.

>> No.5015931


you should always apply your own private meanings for words, even when it is clear from the context what someone else is trying to say.

>> No.5015939

with that logic i could also state that some ufc fighters must hate eachothers guts, and they would start to fight eachother aswell as the gorillas, oh and the gorillas are also fighting eachother.

in other words: 20 gorillas vs 200 ufc fighters means FREE FOR ALL
stop what you are doing and go die on a merry-go-round.

>> No.5015973


You are correct. And clearly the biggest Silverback and/or Chuck Liddel will win.

>> No.5015980


Focus has to be less on strength. Let's give the benefit of the doubt to those who believe unverified anecdotal claims of ridiculous primate strength that pretty much defies physics based on the animals' muscle mass, joint strength, etc., and say that a silverback gorilla is 20 times the strength of the average human, which seems to be more or less the upper limit of the most ridiculous claims.

The fight would most closely resemble a bull fight. There are UFC fighters nimble enough that they could probably circle around a silverback gorilla for several minutes without ever getting much more than an arm's length away from it, without the gorilla ever managing to grab or hit him. Also consider the fact that the UFC fighters can change positions so that none get too tired, and can taunt the gorilla from different angles to keep it confused, and they can even sacrifice a few fighters if the gorilla does somehow manage to catch them, and soon you have a gorilla that's completely exhausted so the fighters can start striking its weak spots such as legs, feet, and eyes, pretty much at will. Eventually its legs would be damaged enough that it couldn't support its weight on them and would have to keep its hands, its main weapons, on the ground. The fighters can then take turns kneeing and kicking it in the face leading to eventual unconsciousness and finally death.

>> No.5016030
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I say gorillas.

>> No.5016075
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-UFC fighters are oily showmen
-Football players are padded ballerinas
-Ice Hockey players are dainty ice princesses
-Marathon runners are lazy pricks
-Auto racers are in fact rickshaw pullers
-No pro athlete is actually any good at what he does
-This is a fun game but I don't see the point

tl;dr mfw UFC fighters are oily showmen

>> No.5016094
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>> No.5016096

Looking rock solid bro, bring it on chimp fuckers

>> No.5016136

Are they allowed to use guerrilla warfare?

>> No.5016168

the whole UFC roster would lose to a single gorilla. there's not even a contest.

>> No.5016169
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>20 alpha gorillas

stand back, let them maul each other
kill the survivors

if you didnt think of this youre an idiot

>> No.5016173

>200 "alpha" male fighters

Sort of works both ways, though...

>> No.5016189

Gorillas Bite you dumb motherfuckers™

It would be 200 grabastic bleeding to death ersatz gay wrestlers

and like

20 mildly agitated corpse and skull fucking Silver backs jerking it off to the crowd.

>> No.5016246

You faggots. A gorilla is not some kind of monstrous killing machine. It is an eating and pooping machine, capable of flailing wildly with considerable strength when it gets pissed. Human intelligence, speed, and striking accuracy will win every time. There's reason there's 7 billion of us and like 7 of them.

>> No.5016249

ok, so , 20 UFC v.s. 1 gorila ?

>> No.5016270


can you snap a 4 inch thick piece of bamboo with your bare hands?

>> No.5016278

and 351 UFC fighters will never find themselves in a life or death struggle against 20 gorillas.

Suspend your fucking disbelief for the sake of this stupid question. The answer is the UFC fighters. Even the strongest gorilla couldn't deal with 15 fucking dudes attacking it at once.

>> No.5016313
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This is a chimp, imagine a gorilla.


>> No.5016315

come here bitch

>> No.5016331

Gorillas would absolutely destroy the fighters. You just cannot stop two five foot arms flailing around with the power to crush bone in a single hit.

The humans would not be able to evade the gorillas as the large number of fighters per gorilla would make it impossible to maneuver around each other.

If a person gets on a gorilla's arm, the person will be pummeled into a pulp on the ground. If a person gets on its back, the gorilla will simply reach over its back (something gorillas can do which humans can't.

Such garbage in here. UFC faggots, go back to /fit/.

>> No.5016373
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this thread is ridiculous

This question doesn't begin to become answerable until you establish some things about the gorillas.

If, somehow, the gorillas are made to be belligerent (all at the same time) against the humans and not themselves, the humans would have zero chance. In the time it took for 10 guys to overwhelm one gorilla, the other 19 would shred several 10s of guys. Furthermore, any professional fighter is trained to not fight lethally, or dirty, this would be difficult for the fighters to unlearn... meanwhile, the gorillas instinctively attack your weak spots; they tear off your genitals, gouge your eyes out, bite off your nose and fingers and tear your hair out, and this has been well documented in many ape attacks on humans; all wild apes instinctively do this when they mean to harm another ape.

If the gorillas were made to be belligerent but not necessarily cooporative, the humans would have a glimmer of a chance, but it would still be a one-sided affair unless the humans employ indirect tactics.

In any case, any time the humans initiate direct combat with a gorilla, they will likely suffer casualties (more than one). The only way to win would be to avoid direct combat and use gorilla (the military kind) tactics, and even then it is a longshot because the gorillas will regularly pursue the ranged/fleeing/sneaky attacker, they won't always get away.

Pic related, it's what your face looks like after an ape with free hands gets a hold of it.

>> No.5016372

dude.. guys there is no way the ufc fighters could maneuver around gorillas or tire them out.. have you seen a gorilla rampage at the zoo before, they are fast as greased fuck, about 20-25 mph easily in stride, one bite from its jaws will incapacitate anyone instantly, the terrain they are fighting on would make the biggest difference, if it is rocky hilly so as to slow down the gorilla charges than the humans might force a stale mate and acquire some weaponry and win, if its flat land with no sticks ect, then all they can do is run

>> No.5016376
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>> No.5016397

10 Bruce Lees per gorrilla might work. Gorillas are sturdy motherfuckers so you wont' beat em with muscle mass, but with lethal martial arts hits in critical areas, like the plexus or the back of the head. You need martial arts masters to use their wood-breaking strikes on the gorillas' back of the head to stun them.

Or some fighters with metal crowbars hitting the gorilla in the head.

>> No.5016409

This is a stupid fucking argument. People here are VASTLY overestimating the strength of an ape.

>> No.5016414

A normal, not alpha gorilla has the strength of up to 12 humans. That's just fact

>> No.5016451
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>> No.5016557

What if the UFC fighters are clones of Tesla?

>> No.5016568
File: 232 KB, 310x321, Superboy is not amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to /sci/ for, like, the 3rd time ever to have an interesting discussion about actual science and math
>sees this thread

>> No.5016574


>> No.5016590

/sci/ isn't /b/

>> No.5016636

>not the tension between the two things holding the wood

>> No.5016655

Society should make clones and then we should see this happen in real life. This is how we should spend cloning technology since we have no other use for it.

>> No.5016745


give a source. i tried to look up the strength of these things and found a range of estimates, but none seemed to be based on anything much.

also what do you mean by 'strength of 12 men'? upper body strength, a specific lift, or what?

i also think that outnumbering anything 10 to 1 gives a pretty huge advantage but this whole scenario is so off and there are so many things i don't know about it that even though i feel people overestimate gorillas i can't really be sure.

>> No.5016756

i think it's about how much people can lift. i read somewhere long time ago that gorila can lift up to a 1t. Normal people could probably do something in between 80-100, so there you go...

>> No.5016765

Anyone backing the humans has never seen a fully grown gorilla up close. They are fucking walking tanks.

>> No.5016807


lift how?

if the only requirement is that the weight leaves the ground then you can find people in any gym deadlifting about two hundred kilograms. the world record is 460kg.

i'd like to know how exactly was this tested. lifting is heavily dependent on the type of lift and technique. i find it hard to believe they got a gorilla to bench press. even then body type and technique might give an advantage to either humans or gorillas, depending on the lift.

>> No.5016826

>Gorillas comprise the eponymous genus Gorilla, the largest extant genus of primates.

you see this nigger, they are biggest primates. Bigger then any of your UFC faggot.

>Eastern gorillas inhabit montane and submontane forests between 650 and 4000 m (2132-13,123 ft) above sea level.

4000m nigger. Do you know how long would UFC fighter last on 4000m meters ? gorilla wouldn't give a fuck, and at sea lvl he will feel godlike.

> Diets differ between and within species. Mountain gorillas mostly eat foliage, such as leaves, stems, pith, and shoots, while fruit makes up a very small part of their diets.[21] They primarily eat bamboo.

Gorillas watch about their diet, they are not neet like you faggots. And gimme one UFC faggot that could chew bamboo.

>When the group is attacked by humans, leopards, or other gorillas, an individual silverback will protect the group, even at the cost of his own life.

Who of you have the balls to stand up for his people? None of you. I bet none of UFC faggots, they tap out as soon as it starts hurting them, gorillas fight till they die.

Plus gorilla can be almost 200kg of pure fucking muscle.

>> No.5016831

don't know about this, but i probably thing they just lift something that weights a ton and put it on other place. they sure don't deadlift it..

it would be funny though to make a gorilla go to bench press

>> No.5016846


looks like we need to train some gorillas. make the ultimate gorilla warrior, test its strength, and then see how many ultimate human warriors it takes to bring it down to settle the matter once and for all.

now if only i had a small country under my tyrannical whims...

>> No.5016858

1 450 lb alpha silverback gorilla could kill the entire UFC league without much trouble.

>> No.5016862

aha, for someone on a intelligent board (or so i thought) you're fucking stupid

>> No.5016879


The average man can bench press 1/2 his own weight

The average man weighs 150 pounds.

75 pounds is his bench press.

75*7 = 525.

This is raw with no belt, straps, vest.

The world record bench press with equipment is around 1100 pounds.

700 without equipment.

>> No.5016923


This guy knows whats up.

>> No.5017063

too bad we're not discussing the average man

>> No.5017068

i think it means gorilla including alpha because it's not like alpha gorillas are considered a different species

>> No.5017241

Batman wins.

>> No.5017255

umm what? even the girls in my HS weight training classes could bench press 75 pounds. i don't think that's accurate. besides, something like the average strength to weight ratio in humans would surely not be a linear function.

>> No.5017312

>At least 10 fighters to a gorilla.

The humans win.

>> No.5017326

Chimps are on average smaller than humans and weigh much less, but they did a study of the one handed pulling strength of a chimp which was about 700 lbs casually pulling on a fucking rope.
This is one guy, against a chimp:

This is how strong an orangatan is:

note the guy couldn't even break it's grip and it was inside a fucking cage.

you don't calculate strength in great apes by how big they are, but how dense their muscles are and how and where they are attached.

A gorilla is going to be magnitudes stronger than a chimp, and also they are built for combat with other gorillas. Their bones, muscles and teeth are all built to take a beating.

Assuming that ten people attach you, only about 3 or 4 would be able to comfortably engage you at any one time without tripping over other people.

A gorilla is fast as fucking shit, and it's reach is around twice that of a human being.

>> No.5017325

Neither because humans will run away right away.

>> No.5017336

From the Guinness book of records 1975
In 1924 "Boma" a 165Lbs male chimp at the Bronx zoo, New York, recorded a right handed pull (feet braced) of 847 Lbs on a dynamometer.(the comparison given is 210Lbs for a man of the same weight). On another occasion, "Suzette" registered a pull of 1260 Lbs while in a rage (same zoo).

A record form the USA of a 100Lbs chimp achieving a dead lift of 600 Lbs with ease sugests that, with training, a Male gorilla could raise 1800 Lbs

>> No.5017367
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>Implying one Apex Gorilla wouldn't kill the whole UFC league

Do you realize how fucking strong a Apex Gorilla is? All it takes is one hit to kill a human. You can't block Gorilla!


>> No.5017370

The Gorilla's would kill all the humans without any problems. Humans suck ass when it comes to raw strength.

>> No.5017377
File: 61 KB, 500x375, laughing gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5017389

lel u guys think one silverback couldnt take on 10 ufc fighters..

one silverback can pwn 10 regular gorillas and a ufc fighter probably can't even beat a chimp..
/end thread.


>> No.5017420

A gorilla would fucking literally rip your arms off and break your ribs each punch. Humans would get slaughtered. You couldn't even close a pin because a gorilla would break it and take both of your legs with him.

>> No.5017554


>> No.5017578


Protip: when playing dejarik, let the gorilla win. ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dejarik )

>> No.5017590

The only way the ufc fighters could ever win is if they could use weapons. Humans are top of the food chain because we fight dirty.

>> No.5017595

Apes(Us included) instinctively fight by pulling hair, attacking the balls and poking the eyes.

>> No.5017635

why fight them in a fair combat if simple traps can do the work for us?

>> No.5017682

Well, couldn't the humans just work together and have 100 distracting/tiring the gorillas out while the other 100 try to sneak behind on the gorillas and gouge the eyes out?

>> No.5017689

1. Overestimating the strength of a gorilla.
2. Underestimating the strength of an Alpha Human.
3. Underestimating the intelligence difference between species.

Humans WOULD win. Why? Gorillas would not organize and would literally all go off on their own or fucking fight each other. Humans would organize and fucking stomp a gorilla 200 vs 1. Even in a small arena, gorillas are territorial as fuck and would not just band together to kill humans. Adding to this, humans would fucking develop weapons from either the bones of other humans or from the bones of a fallen gorilla. This is not even a fair fight for the gorillas.

>> No.5018368

The presumptive underlying factor is that the gorillas will work together. Why are people this fucking dumb?

If the question was, are 200 UFC fighters tactically smarter than 20 gorrillas, then it wouldn't be a fucking question now would it?

Presumably the question is about does brute strength with wrestling beat brute strength freestyle. If you going to ad realism to it, how many people are going to fucking pull bones from the shredded corpses of their fellows to use as weapons? And you do realize that great apes learn and have tool use also correct?

in a small enough space, no weapons and no time to plan the UFC fighters would get their shit tossed.

>> No.5018373

and a gorrilla's strength is at the very least in the 900-1000lb range, most anthropologist suggest its more in the 1800lb range. if that's the case, the strongest man on earth is only in the range of an average gorilla, assuming that we accept that they can only lift/pull/move 1000lbs which we know is false because a chimp is stronger than that.

>> No.5018388

Travis the chimp ripped a woman's face and hands clean off.

I can't imagine the mayhem an alpha male silver-back gorilla could unleash if he was really committed to it.

>> No.5018410

I practice mma and I say the gorillas win. This is fucking stupid.

>> No.5018434

So much retard in the thread.

100+ vs 20 gorillas.

Gorillas get tired.

Humans proceed to poke their eyes out.

Humans win.

Not even close.

>> No.5018439

Just stop. Are you really fucking implying that human beings don't get tired?

Can we establish that the argument does not include gorillas fighting each other or being extremely stupid? A gorilla isn't going to be tricked into chasing multiple people. It's going to choose one and fuck that person up, then other gorillas are going to follow suit.

Gorillas are built to take a pummeling from other fucking 600lb gorillas, do you really think a human kicking it is going to do any damage?

>> No.5018442


>implying that 5 humans, only one of which is getting chased at a time tires as fast as 1 gorilla.

>> No.5018443

Why is it stupid?
I have learned plenty about gorillas and the UFC from reading this thread.

>> No.5018447


Humans have high endurance deeply ingrained in our genes, it helps us hunt greatly. We used to just fucking run after the animals for miles until they gave up.

>> No.5018450

Only the niggers that couldn't invent projectile weapons.

>> No.5018454

But we fucking didn't.

Where the fuck do you people get this shit from? Tool use made humans Apex predators, not fucking running. Never in the history of fucking athropoids has there been an ancestor of ours that was build for anything more than short bursts of sprints.

Quadrupeds are by far faster than any biped. Human beings deprived of tool use are fucking babby's first prey.

>> No.5018474

The techniques taught in martial arts would only work on other people. You think a thai kick to the arm is going to do anything? Or a submission or some sort? What about a punch? None of that shit would work. It might as well be 200 regular ass people who lift weights sometimes to keep in shape but that's pretty much it.

>dog pile gorilla
>go for weak points like eyes and nuts
>do some damage but you won't kill it
>eventually if you're locked in with it it will catch all you and kill you the moment he gets a hand of you
>they all die one by one
He'll lose his balls and eyes but all the fighters would die

>> No.5018478

equally divided, that's 10 to 1
but humans are smart, the wont just split themselves up like that and take the gorilla's seperately. they'll co-ordinate their attack for maximum chance of survival.

and UFC fighters are fucking hard! not quite up to scratch with a silverback, but if you have an army, 200+ strong, hell yeah they'll win!

>> No.5018480
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oh god i shat myself seeing the chimp beating the shit out of the guy loool

>> No.5018483
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You know how most sane people are scared of attack dogs, because they can bite your sorry ass to death? Imagine another animal that can do that, only it's stronger and heavier than any person on the planet. Speaking of brute strength, there's a reason they separate fighters into weight classes. Who's heavier again? Silverbacks or people?

>> No.5018486
File: 573 KB, 465x613, keith_martin_worlds_fattest_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's heavier again? Silverbacks or people?

>> No.5018487

Wut, modern human is one of the bestlong range runners, what humans lack is short burst speed.

>> No.5018493

That's blubber, not muscle.

>> No.5018496

I meant, why is this discussion stupid.
I agree that the gorillas would win, which is why I made this post >>5014444

>> No.5018500

i never said it wasnt
but he IS heavier than a silverback. (but yeh, he would be a shit fighter, in that he'd just lie there while a silverback mauls the shit outta him.)

>> No.5018497
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>what humans lack is short burst speed.

>> No.5018508

A gorilla can just grab your arm an rip it off like nothing.

Sheesh even orangutangs can throw fucking logs around with one hand as easily as you can toss a cell phone. What do you think a gorilla can do?

>> No.5018512

Because the answer is obvious. This shouldn't even be a question.

>> No.5018513

Are we assuming they just go head to head and beat each other till the humans start moving? Then the gorillas will win.

That's not realistic though. The humans will take their time, plan their attack. Harass the gorillas into exhaustion, ambush with spears or brain them with rocks as they sleep.

I'm going to need a source on that.

>> No.5018514

Oh look, EK finally posted a picture of himself.

>> No.5018547

Still, it brought up a lively discussion.
And after all, you can't just claim that something is obvious.
The thread brought to light many things that could support either side.

>> No.5018546
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>when two mountain gorilla groups meet, the two silverbacks can sometimes engage in a fight to the death, using their canines to cause deep, gaping injuries.

Wikipedia, where else. Anyway, that's how silverbacks kill each other. The UFC fellows can go in close for t3h crappling, if they feel lucky. Imagine seeing someone get his neck pierced by those fangs, hearing his bones crunch, his dying screams. It probably won't be good for morale. The humans might be more numerous, but if their morale breaks it means nothing. On the flipside, what are they going to do that's so intimidating to a silverback? Scream? Be more numerous? As if an alpha male gorilla isn't used to keeping groups in line with violence and screaming. A silver back might wonder where all those skinny shaved chimps came from for a second, but it probably won't be scared by the sight and will proceed to maul them one by one.

I'll echo another anon that mentioned spears. That's the only way I see this ending well for our kin. Keeping the murder machine out of range. That's why we're the apex predators. We've learned not to get too close and kill shit from a safe distance. UFC fighters don't train spear-fighting though.

>> No.5018551

Depends on the environment and timescale.

This gives me an idea:

Basically, you snare a couple and then build fake snare traps that drop the victim onto punji sticks when they're tampered with. Use their curiosity against them.

Even without firearms, I think you underestimate how lethally cunning humans can be.

>> No.5018568

351 people vs 20 gorillas?

I'd say humans would still win, i'd be a horrible fight but most likely we would win via sheer endurance and gouging their eyes our, since thats they only way we're likely to make a dent bare handed.

Gorilla with no eyes can be harassed till it gives up then you could bash its throat in.

>> No.5018571

So we presume that the gorilla's are smarter then they actually are and design a scenario based around that? Why?

The intelligence difference between species is key to this battle, and it's the reason Humans win hands down. Gorilla's, especially alpha males, are extremely territorial and would see the other male gorilla's as a more imminent threat to them then the humans. Thus they would either scatter or they would fight amongst each other.

Basically the argument boils down to stupidity. It's like asking "Who would win in a fight: A 200lb human or a 200lb ant?" It's fucking stupid because it has no basis in reality. In reality humans would win, I thought that was the point of the question... In your warped reality where gorillas and humans have the same motivations and intelligence well fuck yeah the gorillas would win...

>> No.5018572

Still win?
And what endurance are you talking about? Enduring what exactly?
One punch from a silverback and you would probably be pretty close to disabled.
And it's not like you're gonna outrun one.

>> No.5018573

>parlor animal psychiatry
Oh my.

>> No.5018578

You people are idiots.

The gorillas are just as capable at making spears as the humans will be. It's been proven multiple times and observed in the wild that apex gorillas craft long spears using primitive tools in order to hunt.

>> No.5018582

Well once the eyes are gone its just a matter of harassing them till they go down. Remember humans became apex predators because we can run for hours without stopping. If that means chasing a blind gorilla around yelling at it and throwing human remains for a few hours then so be it.

Presuming 'robot' humans then you send in 15 or so per gorilla, two people to try to jam their arm down the gorilla's mouth and go for the eyes with the other.

Once the eyes are gone it's like I said.

The only chance the gorillas have if if the humans are naked and unarmed.

>> No.5018585


>two people to try to jam their arm down the gorilla's mouth

lol that alone nullifies everything you have to say about the outcome

>> No.5018586

lel @ how unrustled he is

>> No.5018594

When we were "apex predators" we were very different from how we are now.
The only reason we remain at the top of the food chain is because of our ability to construct and use advanced tools.
This scenario implies no weapons.
Wooden spears and rocks at the most if they have time to fashion them out of whatever is around.
I don't think they have time.

>> No.5018599

No, we really weren't.

>> No.5018603

Hey, I'm betting on the silverbacks also. I mentioned spears as the best hope people have, because it is. And I also said that UFC fighters don't fight with them. They also don't build booby traps in the octagon. If they try, they probably aren't going to be all that good at it. OP never did establish conditions for this fight. What are the two groups fighting over even?

>two people to try to jam their arm down the gorilla's mouth and go for the eyes with the other
It just bites them off at the wrist and spits the meat in their faces. Try gouging out a silverback's eye out after you've just had that happen to you (if you can still see straight from the pain).

>> No.5018605
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Whatever bro. Your gorilla tactics need alittle work.

>> No.5018625
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How about the whole UFC league VS. 1 killer whale?

>> No.5018626

on land?

>> No.5018627
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In the water, man is master of nothing.
Not even his own bowels.

>> No.5018633

No... let's say we find an orca, then we isolate it in the sea, then spread a circle of metal webs around and under it so it is trapped. Then the entire UFC league dive in armed with flippers and oxygen tanks.

>> No.5018634

the ufc cannot even beat 20 bears, not to mention gorillas.

>> No.5018637

Why are we feeding the orca again?

>> No.5018644

I dunno, but it sounds like a pretty awesome way to get rid of the Sweaty Dick-punching sport.

>> No.5018660

Its the most effective way to fight a lion barehanded. Turns out animals have gag reflexes too.

Nope, our main advantage over our prey is that we could just run flat out until whatever we wanted to eat collapsed from exhaustion. Look up what animal can run the furthest distance and the longest time, oh shit its a human.

And our body is so perfectly adapted for running/walking long distances, no fur, covered in sweat glands, bipedal locomotion. Our logic really only developed because it made us more efficient at chasing shit down.

Sure a gorilla may beat a human in a sprint but we have over 200 humans, constant harassment and running away will see the gorilla's tire hours before we do.

>> No.5018669

It doesn't matter if we can run far and for a long time if we get trampled.
As for being perfectly adapted, do you really think the majority of these UFC fighters are long distance runners?
Building strong muscle comes at a price. Less endurance.

>> No.5018675

>Building strong muscle comes at a price. Less endurance.
You literally just made my point. Gorilla muscles have such poor endurance in fact, when a female wants to 'cheat' on her alpha male, she will constantly lead him around when she goes into heat. Whenever he sits down she'll walk off so he has to follow her. After two or three he'll be so exhausted he just lets her leave. And that's not even running, that's just walking place to place.

>> No.5018677

two or three hours*

>> No.5018689

Yeah. Good luck outrunning a silverback for 2 hours.

>> No.5018707

Dont have to, theres 200 of us. Doesn't matter if some get caught as long as there's enough of us to keep the gorillas active for long enough. Hell human sprinters lose most of their speed after the first 2 mins, I doubt a gorilla can keep up a sprint for half as long, and even if he can like I said, we can run all fucking day. Constant harassment will inevitably see the UFC fighters drinking gorilla smoothies by the end of the day.

>> No.5018709

The OP means that they are fighting, directly, and without weapons. Not running away.

>drinking gorilla smoothies
You are disgusting.

>> No.5018716


you know, fighters actually need a lot of endurance.

>> No.5018728

Wouldn't chasing prey for that long be metabolically deficient? The amount of calories required is retarded.

>> No.5018735

>The OP means that they are fighting, directly, and without weapons. Not running away.
Well that's what you assume. Perhaps the competition is to see which can make a more effective lasting community, or which team could drink the largest amount of water.

In any case avoiding your opponent is just as much a part of fighting as throwing punches. Watch a UFC fight, they dont just go straight in throwing haymakers, they move, dodge and wait for the right moment to attack. In this instance the right moment may be 5 or 6 hours in when the gorillas have had enough but its still fighting.

>> No.5018738

There's a lot of calories in a bison.

>> No.5018763

it depends on what you mean by versus if you put 200 humans against 20 apes in a ring big enough for everyone to be able to maneuver gorillas would win for sure

But in a open in a open environment with high casualties I think humans stand a chance but it wouldn't look like a fight it would be more like unarmed military tactics and would require selflessness of the fighters

Example: 10 humans each rub their own fecal matter on to their fingers and try to bait a gorilla into attacking part of the group head on (death) then while the gorilla is distracted the other part of the group will try to claw out the gorilla's eyes from behind after that has been done survivors would need to retreat

>> No.5018847
File: 53 KB, 600x480, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans win, I can't believe how exaggerated people are getting with gorillas. Yeah they're strong, but holy shit 200 vs 20 is not even fair for the gorillas. Pic related, not even a professional fighter and beat a bear 1v1...

>> No.5018857


If the point wasn't to directly fight the gorillas then why say UFC fighters? If the point was human ingenuity or stamina then why not long distance runners or scientists?

OP said fucking UFC fighters because the implication was that they were going to fight the gorilla head to head.

You're negating the scenario by adding in extraneous bullshit. Of course if the humans run away or have guns and spears they'll win. We're talking about in terms of raw strength and direct combat could 200 UFC fighters kill or cripple 2o gorilli.

as a side not, suggesting that the gorillas would fight each other is equally stupid. It's a fucking thought experiment, you have to suspend disbelieve and assume certain things about the fight otherwise the question means nothing.

>> No.5018863

he didn't use "modern" weapons. He did use a fucking stick. No shit if you can beat a gorilla with a club you can win. Now if a gorilla can use a club then who wins?

>> No.5018866

are you retarded? did you even read it? the bear was passed out before he used the stick. By all intents and purposes, he won without any weapons.

>> No.5018870

A. its half in fucking shadow so nobody can fucking read it.

B. Bears are easier to hurt than a gorilla. Bears don't have hands or thumbs and can't rip of your arm if you grab them.

>> No.5018881

I can't believe idiots actually think humans stand a chance. You people obviously haven't seen a real life silverback angry. They can bite thru bamboo, odds are they're over 10x stronger than the men they're fighting, and have bodies built for punishment a human couldnt even imagine. They also do not fight fair, they will rip, tear, and bite and there's no ju jitsu or ground moves that's going to allow you to stop them from doing so. The ONLY shot the humans have is if they're allowed to run the gorillas into exhaustion (whats the point of the fight here then anyway?) in any sort of deathmatch enclosure or field the humans are boned.

>> No.5018885

>man wins 1/1000 man-bear fights
>man is superior

This is why we need a new coliseum. The Romans used to figure out what animal would win all the time. I think a grizzly would beat a silverback just based on size and weight.

>> No.5018887

>They can bite thru bamboo
So can a Panda.

You underestimate how effective ganging up on a strong opponent can be in warfare or hunting.

>> No.5018889

>its half in fucking shadow so nobody can fucking read it
i read it just fine.
>Bears are easier to hurt than a gorilla. Bears don't have hands or thumbs and can't rip of your arm if you grab them
not really. the teeth on bears are more dangerous than a gorrilla's and so are their claws. They're also alot bigger. a female grizzly is about the same size as a silverback gorilla. Even if they weren't more dangerous, they wouldn't be that far off right? in the hypothetical, it'd be 10 times as many humans as the grizzly faced.

>> No.5018893

Get a better monitor bro, only one word is hard to read.

Back to the point, gorilla's are strong, but they're not superman. The amount of energy they'd expend fighting 1-2 humans would be more then they could handle.

If we're building some stupid fucking scenario where intelligence doesn't matter and animal behavior is null, then why not just say 10 v 1? That makes the most sense, afterall...

In that scenario, some humans will die or be extremely injured, but they'll still win. Gorilla's have weak spots, namely the stomach region. While the gorilla is tearing some poor fool to pieces the other 9 would simply punch/kick the midsection of the gorilla until it can barely move. Their legs are also vulnerable and could be broken or at least injured fairly easily.

Shit I'd take 10 of the toughest inmates in prison and pit them against a gorilla telling them that if they win they goes free. Them niggas would be going free.

>> No.5018895

I would win.

I would crush those silverback gorillas under the weight of my shitposts.

But I - even I! - could not defeat EK when it comes to shitposting.

>> No.5018896

No you idiot, can't you into critical thinking? the point was to show that humans aren't as incapable of harming strong animals as everyone seems to think. one guy killed a grizzly, it'd be perfectly reasonable to think that 10 against 1 would stand a very decent chance.

>> No.5018901


>> No.5018909


>> No.5018910


3/10 for making me respond.

>> No.5018920

Really? This is the type of shit you do with your day?

Seriously though, lets change the scenario. 5 bears and 15 gorillas working cooperatively vs. 200 UFC fighters working together, no weapons and no prep time. They are in an octogon large enough to accomodate all the participants and anything that dies or is too injured to continue dissolves from the field.

Human's can use tactics, but not weapons or traps.

And to the numbnuts that said "gorillas aren't superhuman" are you fucking stupid?

>> No.5018934

They're not hunting. There's no weapons allowed. This is a deathmatch. A gorilla could crush your bones with it's bite easily.

>> No.5018952

"Superman" was used colloquially, douchebag. Learn to read. Also, your scenario is fucking stupid.

>> No.5018954
File: 527 KB, 1072x2176, pic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win?

>> No.5018963

No matter who loses...

...we win.

>> No.5018967

Yeah, hence why I said the majority.
Those UFC matches are fucking short as hell.
A boxer who has been training endurance for a long time would be a good candidate but that still isn't the same kind of endurance.
No doubt they are highly trained but a boxer won't outperform a guy who has been training for a marathon in a race.

>> No.5018977

Those gorillas gonna fight among themselves until one is left. (you don't put a bunch of silverbacks together and expect them to work for a common goal)

The UFC league will call animal control.

>> No.5018994

aw shit nigger. fucking 5 star post.

>> No.5018996

There's different kinds of endurance. A marathon runner couldn't sprint as long as a dedicated sprinter. a sprinter couldn't run a marathon as well as a marathoner. Boxing and other combat sports require endurance both in little time- maximum exertion situations and long time- small exertion situations.

>> No.5019000


those fighters easily have a better endurance than your average human. a trained fighter won't outperform a marathon runner in endurance but that wasn't the point. they will most certainly beat a gorilla. gorillas basically have to spend all day eating just to maintain their bulk, maintenance is a very real downside of their muscle.

this discussion reminds me of my childhood arguments with other nerdy people.

>> No.5019004



Studies have show that if 2 Alpha males meet, they have a pissing contest where one of them will end up dead or acting like a beta.

The apes wont work together, They lose.

>> No.5019038

>this discussion reminds me of my childhood arguments with other nerdy people.

Like most /sci/ threads? Nerdy kids discussion?

>> No.5019048

>The apes wont work together, They lose.
They are tough enough to survive if multiple people attack them. Working together isn't as much of an issue for them as it is for the fighters. Turning on each other could be, but who's to say they won't spread out? They don't always fight one another on sight.

Going back to multiple attackers, how many people do you think can approach a silverback at the same time, without getting in each other's way?

>> No.5019053

this isn't true
>instant bros

anyway which side is overeem on?
have you seen how big gorillas are? they could literally rip most ufc fighters' arms clean off
ufc fighters don't train for pure strength, and even if they did the natural limits of the human body are well below the low end spectrum of gorilla's
>i'm well aware most roid but their goals aren't to be the biggest strongest mf'er in the ring
they train to be good fighters, against other human beings, nothing about being a ufc fighter translates into being able to kill a gorilla with their bare hands other than being generally tougher than most other human beings

it's stupid how quick gorillas could kill one person
>grab your arm
>bite your face off
i mean what the fuck are you going to do

>> No.5019061

>i mean what the fuck are you going to do
i don't know, maybe >>5018847

>> No.5019075

Just like there are wolfaboos and there are also gorillaboos. Gorillaboos believe gorillas would beat tigers, bears and trains. Their body is invulnerable to anything but weapons and they are strong enoughto take down even elephants.

>> No.5019081

pretty cool but i'm wondering how big that bear was and if it knew that it was in a fight to the death
>i'm assuming the gorillas would know it's kill or be killed and would be ridiculously aggressive

>> No.5019086

All of a UFC fighter's training is based on human anatomy and human bone density and human weak points.

A gorilla is at the very least 9 times stronger than a man. A human being is not faster than a gorilla. And we do not have as much stamina as a gorilla, who fucking fight each other.

Anyone that's going HURRR well the gorillas would fight each other. You might as well leave being that you're SOOOO smart. No shit they would fight each other, this is a hypothetical sitiuation that would never fucking happen in real life. The question isn't "would the gorilllas follow natural patterns of behavior" the question is, all realism aside other than what deal directly with matters of strength and ferocity could 200 humans kill 20 gorillas or vice versa.

>> No.5019102

> i'm wondering how big that bear was
i'm not sure, but any adult male grizzly would be bigger than even the largest silverbacks.
>if it knew that it was in a fight to the death
they're not humans. fights are always life and death situations.
>i'm assuming the gorillas would know it's kill or be killed and would be ridiculously aggressive
again, they're not humans. fights are not something to take likely for wild animals, and that bear was the first one to attack. he was already pissed cause others were harassing it.

>> No.5019108

I say again, if you were just going to run the fuck away and that was the premise of this whole thing why the fuck say UFC fighters? Why not marathon runners or shit like that?

The point of OP choosing UFC is because he inherently envisioned the two colliding directly. I fucking hate it when people try to derail a hypothetical situation by endlessly regressing it.

>Huurrrrrr well the alphas would turn on each other.
Ok assume there is one Alpha Leader, and the rest are bound to follow this leader

>Hurrr they could just hide in the forest
They are in an octogon, there are no weapons and no use of body parts of the dead.

>> No.5019115

meant for >>5019081

>> No.5019125


Look how slowly the gorillas move their arms. An average human can throw a punch faster than that. Let's give the benefit of the doubt to those making extreme claims about gorilla strength, and say that any touch from a gorilla's arm or hand will kill a UFC fighter. Look at it this way:

You are in a ring with 10 UFC fighters. You have a spiked baseball bat in each hand. Any solid hit to a fighter puts him out, even if he blocks it (since we're assigning ridiculous supernatural strength to the gorilla so it can kill with all but the most glancing blow) Also if you bite them, they're out. The only attack they can make is eye pokes and leg kicks (since these are the only vulnerable parts of a gorilla). You are given some kind of mask that adds a little extra protection to represent the brow ridge and extra flesh around a gorilla's eye. You also have sparring pads protecting your legs and knees, to represent the additional muscle and bone density of a gorilla's legs.

You don't stand a chance. Even though unlike the gorilla you can stand as long as you want and don't need to use your baseball bats as legs whenever you want to charge or rest.

>> No.5019127

You don't know shit about bears.

Bears constantly fight over territory and for fun. They don't usually kill other bears because it's pressumed that once one submits the fight is over.

And that was ONE fucking instance in which a fucking guy got the jump on a bear. Stop manipulating the statistics to try to make it seem like, "oh this one guy got lucky this one time and beat a bear" that doesn't mean that a professional fighter is always going to beat a fucking bear.

>> No.5019132

They put up a plaque because that's extraordinary, i.e. not the norm. For example, if I tried to argue that 1 guy has decent chances against 505 in a war, and cite White Death as proof, would any of you honestly agree? Yeah, he put that many down, but most people don't have that kind of luck.

>> No.5019134

Gorillaboos really thing that the herbivore gorilla would beat a bear that is twice its weight. Even considering that a good portion of a gorilla is not muscle but intestines and other organs to digest all those plants it stay eating all day.

In other words, you can't discuss with gorillaboos because for them gorillas always win.

>> No.5019139


>And we do not have as much stamina as a gorilla

we have more. human beings are renowned for their endurance, the huge muscles on a gorilla do not make it very good in that department

according to some unverified sources gorillas can run between 20 to 25 mph in short bursts. if it's 20 mph then a fit human should be able to do the same for a longer time, if 25 then few people could outrun them although top sprinters might. in any case i doubt they can run for very long.

>> No.5019144

A cheetah can run over 70mph, your argument is invalid.

>> No.5019154

Are you really trying to win an argument by taunting and name calling? Come on son

The size of the muscle isn't as important as how and where it's connected to the skeleton. Any antrhopologist will tell you that. A chimp is strong enough to kill a full grown man by itself.

As a matter of fact, lets change the scenario. 50 ramped up chimps versus 300 UFC fighters, who wins?

>> No.5019160

>Are you really trying to win an argument by taunting and name calling? Come on son

Newfriend detected. This is the only communication we have on /sci/.

>> No.5019163

>Bears constantly fight over territory and for fun. They don't usually kill other bears because it's presumed that once one submits the fight is over
they only stop when the other submits because they know the dangers of a fight. There's no point in continuing the fight (and risking injury and death) if you already have what you want, precisely because they understand the severity of a fight.

>And that was ONE fucking instance in which a fucking guy got the jump on a bear
both of you see >>5018896
i wasn't saying 1 human would always win, just refuting the notion that gorillas are somehow invulnerable to anything humans can do.

>> No.5019167


how is that even relevant

>> No.5019179

You implied that bears always fight to the death which isn't true. The bear could have thought they were playing or just given up, that's one fucking bear in the woods and it's not a refutation of the fact that most people, even highly trained fighters would be mauled to death by a bear.

What you're saying is that if I can find one instance that through sheer luck causes does not conform to the widely expressed norm that it proves something. It's like pointing to the guy that eats knives and forks and shit and saying HEY GUYS LOOK! I refuted the fact that human beings will die if they swallow a knife whole.

>> No.5019185

Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives.

Although there are only eight living species of bear, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere.

Bears are found in the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

>> No.5019192

Samething. You got a huge numeric advantage. Doesn't means if a guy have a gun with 10 bullets and armor. If this guy have to fight to death against 10 guys with no weapons or protection I will still bet on those 10 guys. Of course in the real world one guy with one gun can controll 100 guys because no one wants to die but if it is win or die them 10 people can kill 1 guy. Doesn't matter if he can instantly kill someone.

>> No.5019193

Because people are going "hurrr humans have the best endurance!" which is patently untrue. UFC fighters are not built for this kind of throttling, they are much more ungainly than a gorilla and they are magnitudes weaker. Assuming that they can just run away forever assumes that all the gorillas are going to follow or chase the same way, and that this is taking place in somewhere large enough to not get cornered or caught.

>> No.5019200

Get a load of this guy

You honestly believe that 10 dudes could beat one man with a gun and armor?

>> No.5019211

no, i implied that your question about the bear knowing if it was in a fight to the death was irrelevant. Any animal would always go all out in any fight, because in the wild any fight poses the danger of death.
>The bear could have thought they were playing or just given up
it is highly unlikely that he thought he was playing. the bear attacked the man first and he was pissed due to earlier occurances. Plus adult animals aren't that naive. you don't go around playing with strangers.
>that's one fucking bear in the woods and it's not a refutation of the fact that most people, even highly trained fighters would be mauled to death by a bear.
again, read the post you responded to. i wasn't claiming that one occurrence proves humans would always win. it was to prove they're not as invincible as you think they are. It gives credit to the option of humans wining.

>> No.5019213
File: 38 KB, 753x400, 55493-004-D7B6838F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well no, a lot of animals play with their food instead of killing it right away, and i can't really know what "aggravated by backpackers" means
i remember a few years ago a marine killed a grizzly by hitting it with a log, the news stories made him sound like some kind of hero but it turned out the bear was young small and starved, weakened, and the marine looked like a bitch
>how hard could that have been
anyway let's leave bears out of the equation

i just realized it's over 200 fighters, so yea maybe something like 7 out of 10 times humans could win who knows, i'd still put my money on the gorillas
only 5 or so humans could attack a gorilla at a time, and that fuckers going to be moving, tossing people aside like rag dolls, the humans best bet would be for someone to do a standard choke hold, but then the gorilla could just reach up grab your hair, ears, face and tear it straight off

even while ganging up, i think it'd be difficult for humans to apply the kind of force necessary to injure them

>> No.5019214



are you seriously saying that you think a gorilla has better running endurance than a trained human?

and are you trying to prove this by saying that since cheetahs can run faster they have better stamina and this somehow means gorillas, creatures not made for running, also have a better stamina?

>> No.5019228
File: 226 KB, 770x960, 1337927768909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit happens all the time in prison. as soon as someone grabs the guy with the gun its all over, if they can get him from behind or distract him at all. plus, assuming he's wearing modern day body armor and not a medieval knight suit, then he is pretty fucking vulnerable in the eyes/face/groin area, more than likely if it was life or death the 10 dudes would win with at least 50% of them dying in the process

>> No.5019231

Yes, no matter how deadly a bullet can be it isn't 100% deadly, 100% accurate and will hit all the guys instantly. People can still fight after being shot. People don't instantly die when they are wounded like in movies.

Many animals hunt in pack for a reason, even if their target is bigger and stronger numeric advantage makes a lot of difference.

>> No.5019233


meant to reply to this guy.

>> No.5019245

Don't bring those reality facts in a hypotetical discussion where gorillas have super powers!

>> No.5019250

Two factors, one being that I'm assuming whoever is using the gun knows how to use it. A high caliber gun with stopping power, say a 40 caliber or above would put a hole in a man's chest.

Anyone who knows how to use a gun is taught to aim for center mass, with a gun caliber that large it's going to put that person down. Assuming that these 10 people aren't directly around the person thats plenty of time to take out at least three or 4 people, and human beings have self preservation instincts. They aren't going to selflessly run in.

>> No.5019265
File: 40 KB, 800x804, 1339090974999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I looked at the picture, then at the number of replies and realized there actually are people on /sci/ retarded enough to think that the humans would win

>> No.5019291

He would still need 100% of accuracy and still it isn't instantly death unless you hit in the head. Even in the head it is not that uncommon for a person to survive and stay active and conscious with a bullet/knife/axe on their heads.

People understimate humans all the time

>> No.5019331

>not chimpanzees

I wouldn't necessarily bet on gorillas but I would bet on enraged chimps. Those crazy motherfuckers will flat out murder you. But not before they rip your dick and ballsack off.

>> No.5019345

confirmed for not knowing shit about guns.

You cannot walk through a 40 cal slug to to the chest and be ok. It's called stopping power.


>> No.5019347

gun encounters do not involve a "shoot once and see how the target reacts" situation.

Stopping is usually caused not by the force of the bullet (especially in the case of handgun and rifle bullets), but by the damaging effects of the bullet, which are typically a loss of blood, and with it, blood pressure.

>> No.5019350

This. Gorillas may be stronger than chimps, but chimps are still stronger than ANY man and are 100x more vicious/crazier.

200 UFC fighters vs 40 chimps no tools allowed just straight up fighting = 200 dismembered UFC fighters

>> No.5019352

fuck off carl

>> No.5019354

Juvenile insults do not serve any specific purpose in a debate. It is admitting defeat.

>> No.5019355

Why do you hate science?

>> No.5019362

Defeat is admitted by illogical actions, insulting being the primary.

>> No.5019358

You must hate science.

>> No.5019365
File: 48 KB, 499x364, rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think IRL (Rwanda) the humans will win but will require (hand) weapons.

Without weapons in some "fantasy" octagon then the gorillas.

Currently, IRL, African Men (human and hybrid human) kill Silverbacks with Machetes.

>> No.5019403

Confirmed for not knowing shit about guns and people.

What he said. You were shot in the chest. Are you fucked? YES! Are you dead? Not yet. You can still fight back untill the blood loss make you pass out. Many people make the mistake of thinking that, like in movies, people instantly die when shot. They don't.

>> No.5019409

This troll is posting this crap in a bunch of boards /b/ /an/ /sci/. Sadly /sci/ is the most trollable board...

>> No.5019417

Don't worry, soon it will autosage.

>> No.5019422


Whoa, so you're saying a Rwandan dude with a machete can defeat a UFC fighter? Fighter sidesteps, disarmed, done.

>> No.5019444

Yeah, because that's how you take away a bigass knife from someone. "sidestep, disarm, done."

>> No.5019521


It's exactly this kind of ignorance that's fueling the gorilla side of this thread. Bruce Lee was an actor. He was known for feats of speed and power in controlled demonstrations. Like Jesus there were all sorts of unverified reports of his other abilities. Though we just don't have enough information to say for sure since he never competed professionally, it's very likely he'd have been destroyed by most UFC fighters in his weight class.

I used to assist a marital arts instructor who taught a college self-defense class. As their final exam, each student had to fight me for a few minutes. None of them, even the dudes bigger than me, presented any challenge. But when I fought my instructor, he would deliver kicks so fast I couldn't see them coming. One second I'd be standing in front of him, the next I'd be on the floor wondering what the fuck happened. My instructor fought in one MMA tournament, where he made it to the final round but got beat badly by the overall winner. This was a local tournament, and I highly doubt the overall winner would ever have a chance of making it into the UFC. Sure a silverback could tear 10 average humans to shreds if it had a chance to rest after every 3rd or 4th one, but there's a vast difference between a UFC fighter and an average human.

>> No.5019540


>Bruce Lee was an actor.

I'm not going to argue about how Bruce Lee would've fared against an UFC fighter, but this is the most retarded reason to dismiss him.

The man dedicated his life to martial arts and perfecting his physical body, the fact that he was an actor is completely irrelevant.

>> No.5019546


Pretty much, yeah. Although I guess there could be an optional step in there where you hack the dude up rather than just letting him go.

>> No.5019553


Arnold Schwarzenegger perfected his physical body, too. Doesn't mean he could fight worth a shit.

>> No.5019560

You're fucking stupid, body building is about appearance not utility or actually maximizing fighting ability or strength.

Bruce Lee trained his whole life to be in peak physical condition and peak mental condition.

>> No.5019569


"Bruce Lee trained his whole life to be in peak physical condition and peak mental condition."

Lots of people do that. Doesn't make them great fighters. Genetics is more important. Otherwise, everyone who works 60+ hour a week could just quit their job and spend that 60+ hours a week practicing football and join the NFL and make millions and pork hot babes all day.

>> No.5019655

Just wanted to point out how fucking stupid this post is...

Muscle mass is ALL that matters. It's been proven time and time again. The way it's attached determines it's usefulness for certain applications, there's no secret "best attachments" like a fucking video game.

That's why while gorilla's may have amazing strength, it's short lived. They're built for 5 minute fights and simply wouldn't be able to stop an onslaught of 250lb+ humans in peak physical shape.

>> No.5019978


Go to 4:00 (part with the sumo dude)

This is pretty much how 1 gorilla vs 1 UFC fighter would go, only with the gorilla being much more resilient and continuing to fight, but eating a head or leg kick every time it charges and misses, and tiring much faster than the UFC fighter.

>> No.5020056
