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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 460x377, philosoraptor-zoomed-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5014173 No.5014173 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: what field are you in, /sci/?

Computer Science reporting in. Trying to figure out where the Comp Eng. majors go for their orgies.

>> No.5014185

Probably the engineering department, where all the faggotry takes place.

>> No.5014194

Philosophy. And I'm not even joking/trolling, or whatever.

>> No.5014249

Without any maths? Son, you better be in a god tier university, with a more than healthy serving of analytical. None of this continental nonsense.

>> No.5014294


>> No.5014328


>> No.5014332

Experimental particle physics

>> No.5014331

Third year pre-med

>> No.5014339

>Bachelor's in Law
>Masters in Law

I'm off to Europe to study for a year (another masters degree) in France. Hope to work in the civil service/ academia

>> No.5014343

I am a computer engineer. I usually enjoy other men, although I've lately moved on to transsexuals (MTF). It is interesting to experiment with more female-like beings, but cock is too much to pass up.

>> No.5014354

Holding a degree in ComputerScience already, 2 more years for my masters in Astrophysics.

>> No.5014350

Statistics. Only a few hot white girls, but the first part of this sentence should have lead you to the conclusion that there are hot girls of other ethnicities in this program. Namely Asian girls.

>> No.5014362

Why philosophy? I have often questionned why people would go into philosophy. Honest question

>> No.5014927

Mathematical Physics.

>> No.5014952

Because it's fucking fun. Unless you're taking an entry-level course with a bunch of non-philosophy majors who haven't done any philosophy before, let alone examined their own beliefs with anything approaching rigor.

Philosophy and Math, planning to study Operations Research at another school when I get done with undergrad.

>> No.5014953


People I've talked to from Europe have told me that it's a much more respected field there, and has better job prospects compared to in the US and Canada. I have no idea how accurate this is though.

>> No.5014961

Were they philosophy majors?
If so, then they were trying to console themselves.

>> No.5014971
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Logic and Computation

>> No.5014975

Either CompSci or CompEng, probably. I haven't declared yet and don't plan on doing so until I figure out what I'd want to do with either of them.

>> No.5014985

Political Science, IR focused

>mfw Eurozone collapses
>mfw 10 million job openings for IR grads.

>> No.5014989

Theoretical high energy physics reporting in

>> No.5015007

I have this horribly strange two-headed chemistry-business double major that allows me to become a pharmacist if I fail to get into good MBA programs. Feels sfsdfs bro

>> No.5015029

Biomedical Engineering.

>> No.5015056

I'm a shipyard worker.

>> No.5015086 [DELETED] 

Senior in HS.
Most focused classes are Auto Service and
>AP Chemistry

>tfw I'm in Trig/Stats... and AP Chem. Don't ask me how.
Captcha: nsuller school

>> No.5015088

Electronic engineering

Fucking magnets

>> No.5015110

Any Statistics majors in here?
About to take probability theory and statistical inference, along with Calculus II. How bad is it gonna be? Heard probability theory and Calc II are the most dropped classes on my campus.

>> No.5015374

EE as well, debating whether to go EECS or stay pure EE

>> No.5015382
File: 412 KB, 1424x968, WALL14sio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Environmental engineering, PhD student.

Pic related. It's an SEM image I took just 3 hours ago of a reactor I'm building in silicon.

>> No.5016252

comp eng

>> No.5016263

Computer Science and Information Security

>> No.5016294

CompSci if you want to be a code monkey
CompEng if you want to be taken seriously.

CompSci is heavily saturated, hell people are starting to learn it completely on their own. If you make it through the grind of an engineering degree that is instant credit to your name.

>> No.5016390


Any monkey can learn C++/ any language

CompSci is about how to make better programs by understanding the logic and architecture of computers

Software Engineering is being a code monkey all you will ever do is code

With my CompSci Degree I can do much more then just code for the rest of my life

>> No.5016395


>> No.5016406
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Intelligence/threat mitigation.

>> No.5016404


>> No.5016405

Biology senior. Tons of chicks but none want to be with me.

>> No.5016407


do you even try/lift?

>> No.5016411

I think I've given up for now.

>> No.5016417

Electronics and Communications Engineering

Trying my best to learn things in other disciplines, though (thank you /sci/).

CompSci have a respectable smackering of mathematics from what I remember. If memory serves me correctly, CompSci used to be a track in many BS Mathematics courses, but decided to branch out on its own.

>> No.5016432
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Engineering Physics, though it's not very similar to American engiphys as I understand it. I can take an MsC in Theoretical physics or just mathematics if I fancy for example.

Just started, so don't know shit all about it yet

>> No.5016433
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Also biofag. Neuroscience/med concentration.

>> No.5016453

double major CS / Physics with minor in Philosophy

>> No.5016474
File: 809 KB, 1291x1500, ChrisSteinsgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you met your Makise Krisu yet?

As an engineering student, I've already noticed large concentrations of female studying pre-medical courses.

>> No.5016483

>Computer/Software Engineer reporting in

Looking into Aerospace Engineering though. Getting a job at Cern or NASA would be a life accomplishment in itself for me.

>> No.5016486

you don't NEED to be an aerospace engineer to work at nasa
they need comp sci guys too

>> No.5016494

Ya I know. And programming rovers and shit would be pretty fucking sweet.
But aerospace is sort of life my dream. Computer science is a strong interest as well but I dunno.

rockets, black holes and shit. bitches love black holes

>> No.5016492

>Biology/anatomy classes 60:40 women:men

My engineering friends are always saying how jealous they are since I have classes with dozens of 6-9/10s while they might have a few 5/10s. Like prior anon said, it's near impossible to find one who isn't "too successful" for you.

>> No.5016499


>> No.5016505

>comp sci major
if i got simultaneous job offers from nasa (for barely above 50k a year) and google(for like 250k) i'd go for nasa in a god damn heartbeat

keep your mansions and fancy cars, i put code on that thing on ANOTHER PLANET

>> No.5016507


>> No.5016509

actually i'd really like to work on automated robot factories on the moon, and methods to extract usable materials from lunar regolith to build robots from scratch

>> No.5016511

german here, that was a lie

>> No.5016528

> german here, that was a lie

>> No.5016529

Why so many computer scientist...
Chemistry fag here !
Where is my other brothers ?

>> No.5016530


>> No.5016534

how does Walter White die?

>> No.5016572
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>Not studying physics

>> No.5016606

Computer Science. Mfw physics and math are just subfields of computer science

>> No.5016609

Biology freshman here.

Still deciding my focus. Maybe Biochem or Biomed.

>> No.5016654

> physics and math are just subfields of computer science.

>CompSci used to be a track in many BS Mathematics courses

It's supposed to be the other way around, and that makes sense.
Also, you have no face.

>> No.5016683
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mfw when science plebs arguing over significant digits.

>> No.5016917


Medical Chemist here.

The relevant digits can not be more exact than the least exact component in your evaluation.

>> No.5017024

Bachelors in Biotechnology
Masters in Biomedical Science