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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 420 KB, 724x947, N.Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5012160 No.5012160 [Reply] [Original]

The World’s Work – The Tesla Turbine” March 1920:

“I was a mechanical engineer before I ever took up electricity,” replied Dr. Tesla. “I went into electricity,” replied Dr. Tesla “I went into electric science years ago because I thought, in that direction, I was going to solve the problem I have been working on all my life – the production of an engine sufficiently light and powerful to operate the ideal flying machine. All my work in the wireless transmission of power, which has attracted more public attention than anything else I have ever done, was toward that end. I do not expect to build that ideal machine tomorrow, any more than I expect every steam engine in the world to be thrown into the scrap-heap because of this new application of mechanical principles, but such a flying machine will come some day, and meantime I have succeeded in developing something new in prime movers.”

>> No.5012166
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Tesla Promises Big Things - Planeless, screwless air-ship safe in any storm” Sept. 15, 1911: “Dr. Nikola Tesla leaned back against his chair at the Waldorff last night and talked calmly of airships without planes, propellers or any of the other gear of the now familiar aeroplanes hurtling through space at tremendous speeds or driving more slowly carrying great loads, and in either case always as safely as the most prosaic of wheeled vehicles.”

....“How about aerial navigation?” Dr. Tesla was asked. He considered for a moment or two and then replied with great deliberation:

“The application of this principle will give the world a flying machine unlike anything that has ever been suggested before. It will have no planes, no screw propellers or devices of any kind hitherto used. It will be small and compact, excessively swift, and, above all, perfectly safe in the greatest storm. It can be built of any size and can carry any weight that may be desired”

>> No.5012170
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Tesla’s new engine - Tesla’s Wireless Torpedo” Sep 13, 1911 NY Times: “Mr. Charles Wilson Price, editor of the Electrical Review, does not say that Nikola Tesla’s latest invention of a rotary engine operated by steam or gases will save most of the 30,000,000 horse power wasted annually by manufacturing plants in this country, power that is worth upward half a billion dollars. He has not said, as Mr. Tesla is reported saying, that the new engine will give the world a flying machine that, without planes or screw propellers, ‘excessively swift, and, above all, perfectly safe in the greatest storm,’ will be small and compact compared with present machines, but capable of carrying shiploads of passengers.”

>> No.5012177

I don't know what your intentions are exactly but I'm assuming you're trying to spread the word of Tesla's greatness. If that's the case than you're preaching to the choir regardless if how much of a high schooler repliers make you out to be.

>> No.5012175
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The boy’s book of new inventions – The Tesla Turbine” 1912: “But most of your research has been in electricity,” Tesla was reminded, for no one can forget that Tesla’s inventions largely have made possible most of the world’s greatest electrical power developments.

“Yes,” he answered, “but I was a mechanical engineer before I was an electrical engineer, and besides, this principle was worked on in the course of my search for the ideal motor for airships, to be used in conjunction with my invention for the wireless transmission of electrical power. For twenty years I worked on the problem, but I have not given up. When my plan is perfected the present-day aeroplanes and dirigible balloons will disappear, and the dangerous sport of aviation, as we know it now with its hundreds of accidents, and its picturesque birdmen, will give way to safe, seaworthy airships, without wings or gas bags, but supported and driven by mechanical means.

“As I told you before when we were talking of the wireless transmission of power, the mechanism will be a development of the principle on which my turbine is constructed. It will be so tremendously powerful that it will make a veritable rope of air above the great machine to hold it at any altitude the navigators may choose, and also a rope of air in front or in the rear to send it forward or backward at almost any speed desired. When that day comes, airship travel will be as safe and prosaic as travel by railroad train today, and not much very different, except that there will be no dirt, and it will be much faster. One will be able to dine in New York, retire in an aero Pullman berth in a closed and perfectly furnished car, and arise to breakfast in London.”

>> No.5012182

Tesla's technology was not suppressed. It was so not suppressed people stole it from him and claimed it as their own. He made a lot of giant claims, he was a showman. Some of the things he said he could build he did, some he didn't, some were never feasible or even physically possible in the first place.

>> No.5012189


The government took all his papers when he died. All the UFO'S you hear about are government tech. And the grah alien and UFO community is just a bunch of bullshit disinfo put out by the CIA. The Morgan's and Rockefeller's and their allies who created the CIA pulled the plug on Tesla's projects. We are being fucked and Tesla's technology is being withheld from us.

>> No.5012199
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"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the US, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

>> No.5012218
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People are incapable of believing in a conspiracy so vast and wide in scope that it could supress technology for decades. It exists, but people still will not believe it. The conspiracy has planned it thay way.

>> No.5012222


Meanwhile they have aspies running in circles with "theoretical physics"

>> No.5012225
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Nice quads

>> No.5012240

outstanding claims require outstanding proof

>> No.5012270

any crazy stuff Tesla COULD have done, we have probably already done. i find it hard to believe there would be gaps in our understanding of electromagnetism and its applications THAT large

>> No.5012272



>> No.5012286

Tesla figured out how to fart rainbows.

>> No.5012304

god sent tesla and everyone hated him and stole his shit, now you wonder why god doesnt interfere with us anymore

>> No.5012308
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What they don't want you to know is right in front of your face, in fact it is your very being, it fuels your existence.

Tesla discovered and understood the laws and principles that directly relate between gravity and electromagnetic force. Upon realization the profound concept was far beyond what mankind was ready to discern. Metaphysics had enabled him to find Energy Consciousness.

Simply put he understood that the Earth's polar magnetic field was broadcast system for all living matter on the planet and could be tapped or manipulated in various ways.

Understanding the Universe is but one substance and energy, action throughout the Universe between these two gives rise to vibration/frequency which form sound patterns/notes as a cosmic blueprint to manifest form.

He understood that a primal relationships between the proton, electron and neutron. Precisely laws that are perpetuated by the mechanics of notes in two primal octaves. One in the proton as manifest form and the other behind design constants of form as unmanifest potential, with the electron and the neutron elementary relationship as a cosmic broadcast system responsible for the evolution of hydrogen to the human body,

Pseudoscience not. Your aura (kirlion photography) is evidence. Here is where the truth gives way to your popular science once again!

>> No.5012324


Kirlian photography has been the subject of mainstream scientific research, parapsychology research and art. To a large extent, It has been co-opted by promoters of pseudoscience and paranormal health claims in books, magazines, workshops, and web sites.[

>> No.5012330

oh crap, here we go

>> No.5012333


Get out your tinfoil class, it's time to make hats

>> No.5012356
File: 20 KB, 512x384, circ energy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets remove the Kirlian photography and insert this picture of life force energy (bioenergy) that manifests with the above circuit being aligned with the magnetic poles, an am receiver tuned to 13.3333 Hz with the speaker cable ending above the circuit (output 1.5V) and a drop of human blood on the circuit where the liquid paper dot is on the circuit. Thus the following manifestation takes place without any trick photography.

Should we proceed?

>> No.5012360


Mushrooms resisting water

>> No.5012362

Mushrooms don't resist water. The mycelium absorbs the water and the cells expand to make room for even more water.

>> No.5012383


Don't get me started on mushrooms, It's what I do for a living lol

>> No.5012396

I have just read some thread in /sci/ by some guy going on about a theory of fucktardery. Essentially he explains why some people are fucktarded and why some are not.

How ironic that the next thread I begin to read is this fucktardery

>> No.5012405
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Good, they are beautiful beings.

>> No.5012473


>> No.5012822


>> No.5012880
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>> No.5013134

Yes I am back once again, to inform the majority of lemmings on this site that popular science has blinded you from the truth, the theory of Creative Principle.

Educated minds stumbling blindly, puppet like over a precipice into the reality now evading you. I plead with you to consider Esoteric Theory in a manner and context in which will be painful to endure, extending from the earliest civilizations whom built grand structures by means still unknown with mathematical precision in relation to the Earth's and Moon's

We'll cover several points over the next two days that will outline and illuminate those mind's, in an effort, in hope of revealing an epiphany. That energy consciousness exists, our perception that our physical universe is a made up of solid matter is nothing more than thought, causing the "Observer Effect"which states "there is no phenomenon until it is observed".

>> No.5013141

Examine the growing confluence between esoteric knowledge and the recent findings of Quantum physics, especially with regard to the essential oneness pervading the Universe.

>> No.5013143

Esoteric Theory is an ancient and perennial alternative hypothesis as to the nature of reality to that held by most people in Western society. By definition, Esoteric means "intelligible to initiates only" and through the auspices of that process esoteric theory has survived largely intact throughout human history.

>> No.5013146

Esoteric theory postulates that the physical Universe as perceived by humans' five senses is but just a tiny aspect of a far more complex and vaster total 'reality'. The basic tenet of esoteric theory is that a 'Universal Consciousness' associated with a single infinite entity or 'Creative Principle' underlies all reality, of which the physical Universe is but just an aspect. Esoteric theory has a number of basic tenets which can be summarised as follows:

All reality (Universe), including the infinite un-manifested potential known as the VOID 1 , is simply an expression of the Creative Principle (or GOD for want of a better word). As such, the Universe is an undivided, infinite WHOLE. This concept implies an essential 'ONENESS' pervading all reality and an unbroken interconnectedness between all the so-called 'separate' parts thereof. 2

Implicit in the concept of an undivided WHOLENESS is the notion that the Universal Consciousness is totally conscious of itself, and all the so-called parts comprising it.

The Creative Principle (God) is infinite, meaning the Universe is infinitely multi-dimensional, has no beginning, no end and no limits and that 'time' as perceived in humans is just an illusion for the purpose of experience in this realm. This concept is simply beyond the perception or comprehension of most humans incarnating at this point in 'time'.

>> No.5013148

At its essence ALL reality is consciousness or mind. (the 'Mind of God' so to speak) Thus, although the physical Universe appears to be made up of 'solid' matter, in reality matter is nothing more than an expression of 'thought'. Quantum physics is knocking on the door of this startling concept associated with the 'Observer Effect' which states "there is no phenomenon until it is observed". 3

The consciousness underlying all reality implies that the Universe has purpose, even if that purpose is beyond the perception or understanding of human consciousness. 4

The Physical Universe is an expression of the Creative Principle (thought) in the form of a vast, interconnected energy field. Physical matter is just coalesced or slowed down energy in accordance with Einstein's famous formula:
E = mC2 where E = energy, m = mass, C = speed of light

>> No.5013149

Fundamental to the Physical Universe is EXPERIENCE from the perspective of a limited awareness as to the true identity of the points of consciousness (souls) comprising it, that being that they ARE God and as such are never really separate from their Source (God). In other words, the perception of individual consciousness (ego) and the attended perception of separateness associated with the Physical Universe is really just an illusion (maya) for the Creative Spirit to experience Separation and Companionship. Implicit in this notion is the birthright of all souls to return eventually to an un-manifested state of perfect BEING. This concept is simply beyond the perception or comprehension of most humans incarnating at this point in 'time'. 5

The Physical Universe is defined by limits based on duality. (e.g. hot versus cold, here versus there, up versus down etc.) and linear time (past - present - future etc.) These 'limits' are subject to 'rules' such as the laws of physics to define them. However, these 'rules' have no reality in themselves, they simply exist because all points of consciousness in this realm 'agree' to their existence for the purpose of experience, hence the ability of some humans to actually operate outside the 'rules' and perform so called miracles. (e.g. Jesus of Nazarus, Yuri Geller, Sai Baba and countless others etc)

At its essence, the only thing that is 'real' is the creative principle itself, which is beyond form, time or limits. In other words, GOD just IS. This has no context from the perspective of this realm and as such is trenchantly denied by most human egos.

>> No.5013151
File: 29 KB, 207x273, 1342531562504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.5013153

1. The VOID; a primordial emptiness of cosmic proportions and relevance, an infinite but un-manifested potential. See: The Void by Alex Paterson

2. An UNDIVIDED WHOLE by definition implies there is no such thing as a part. Most humans incarnating at the present time are unable to relate to this concept because their waking consciousness is almost entirely focussed on the perception of 'separateness' that is fundamental to experience in this realm. As such, the concept of an undivided whole has no context in this realm until one experiences a reconnection with the SOURCE associated with some form of spiritual or 'holotropic' state. It is the destiny of all souls (points of consciousness) to experience this reconnection at some stage. Having experienced it briefly on a number of occasions as a child, I KNOW I am the Universe in its infinite entirety, not just a separate aspect of it.

>> No.5013186

3. OBSERVER EFFECT. Fundamental to contemporary Quantum Theory is the notion that "there is no phenomenon UNTIL it is observed". This effect is known as the 'Observer Effect'.The implications of the 'Observer Effect' are profound because, if true, it follows that observation is fundamental to the existence of reality. Presumably OBSERVATION cannot occur without the pre-existence of some sort of consciousness to do the observing and as such implies that the physical Universe is the direct result of 'CONSCIOUSNESS'. In other words, the Physical Universe is nothing more than a very sophisticated 'virtual reality' in the 'mind of God'.Phenomena that supports this notion are Hypnotic Trance experiences, Out of Body experiences (OBE), Near Death Experiences (NDE), Mind over Matter experiences (e.g. Yuri Geller, Sai Baba) and a host of other paranormal phenomena experienced by countless humans.

Note: The concept of the Physical Universe being based on 'consciousness' is in direct contradiction of contemporary scientific theory which maintains that consciousness is solely the result of the workings of a physical brain.

>> No.5013189

4. PURPOSE. The whole concept of purpose presents an irreconcilable paradox which is beyond the resolution or understanding of the human mind. 'Purpose' implies a direction which, by definition, is a form of limitation if only because purpose and direction require the defining, and then ultimate negation, of all that is NOT part of the said purpose or direction. The physical universe displays order as evidenced by the laws of physics, which strongly suggests it is NOT purposeless. However, BEING infinite, the CREATIVE PRINCIPLE is beyond limitation. Purpose only has meaning in a paradigm defined by limits, such as the Physical Universe. From the perspective of the unmanifest infinite, purpose is meaningless.

5. The VOID is at the other extreme of the spectrum to human experience in that it is total AWARENESS devoid of experience. The Void has no real context to normal human experience in this realm and cannot be understood until one experiences it.

Note: Even 'experiencing' the VOID is an oxymoron because the VOID is devoid of experience! See: The Void by Alex Paterson

>> No.5013217

The Creative Principle is God to some, and just what survives in an ecology of energy to others. Each is a mysterious and surprising journey fulled with beauty of complex organization. The issues are whether consciousness and energy are the same thing, or if consciousness is something else also, and whether it is meaningful to consider all energy to be conscious.

Each of us experiences the All in our own way. We see two way causality, bottom up as deterministic, and observer down as reverse causality. It is important that we distinguish the two creational views, from God down and energy up. Order emerges from chaotic systems chaordically. Both the emergent order, and the order from which it emerges determine together what happens in both worlds.

We know the electrodynamics of energy perfectly in quantum configuration (Hilbert) space. Einstein's laser demonstrated its perfect determinism. One might speculate that one might fly by the power of God and leap from an airplane but our money should be on the effect of energy over God thus far. Why would God break his own law?

>> No.5013219

Science can only be about repeatable effects and effectively random effects. It can only be about effects. An effect is something that happened which will have future effect that can be observed. A photon of energy manifests a kinetic angular momentum exchange between atoms where by some chance the transmitter and receiver happened to be tuned to the same frequency. It is a registered quantum event if it ever has an effect. We can know to any precision, as with a laser, the direction of a resultant photon effect or know nothing and say the photon goes in all directions with equal probability In the end it only went one way. The probability according to what we don't know has no effect and therefore ought not be included in science in my view. Finding certainty where we think we see uncertainty is what science is about, so that we know what to bet on when it comes to the physical. If we consider all energy to be conscious it does not change.

>> No.5013228

he determinism of electrodynamics of energy by all experiment to the accuracy of what is known about the quantum arrangement. The deterministic models of the quantum are equivalent to the standard model, with inherent indeterminism. People like the nondeterministic view because it leaves room for free will and God. But top down causality is real, and the fact that emergent humans can move freely in defiance of bottom up quantum causality proves there is top down causality as well.

The truth is that human reality includes more than what we consider physical, but whatever has a predictable effect in the physical world cannot be distinguished from the physical. The more we understand it, the more physicality of it is realized. Nature seems to employ all recognized communication channels effectively. We discover new channels to our constant amazement. Clearly there are an unending emergence of signals in all ways imaginable from a chaordic system.

I accept the fact of downward causation in addition to upward causation that is beyond our science. This will always be true. There is organization higher than human in our social consciousness. There are higher levels of consciousness now, and more becoming. At infinity we see the highest consciousness that is becoming. We can speak of the Highest but we can not know what it is. Science ought to be about what we can know by repeatable experience to a probability near one.

>> No.5013229

While past present and future can coexist in the manifest where history and projected future define the now. But each kinetic quantum event that happens, has exactly two direct witnesses once, and is never witnessed again. The now includes the events happening now. Nothing else exists at the bottom layer. The past and future in the collective mind is only real to the extent that it has some predictable physical effect at some now.

We must accept that much we experience happens for reasons we don't understand. We can speculate about these, but only by understanding how the memes are.

>> No.5013295


>> No.5013296

Egyptian Numerology: the Pythagorean Triangle
and Its Esoteric Meaning. Some Historic Notes and Brief Comments on Sacred Geometry.

It is not always easy to fully grasp the
wonder and the depth of Pythagoras’s
insights and accomplishments with the
scarce information that we actually have
about his school in the south of Italy and his
esoteric teachings. We can, however, explore the
inspirations of one of his most famous theorems
which still bears his name today, concerning the
triangle and its many ramifications.

>> No.5013308

Most Western mathematical development and architecture derived from Pythagoras’s capacity for a deep understanding of the wisdom of even more ancient cultures. Pythagoras, who traveled extensively and dedicated his life to learning the arts and sciences of ancient traditions, was able to synthesize all of this learning into practical
aspects of harmony, mathematics, and the art
of living.
According to his disciple and follower, Plato, the circle and the interaction of two circles, where the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other (the so-called Vesica Piscis), became the core of all solids.
Following this train of thought, Geometry becomes Music, and Music becomes Cosmic
Harmony and the Music of the Spheres. As part of this esoteric teaching, the ancient Egyptian right triangle, having a primarily mystical meaning, became the foundation of mathematical calculations and construction. Here we will consider the history and transformation of the famous Pythagorean Triangle and the mathematical and symbolic importance of the relationships between the numbers 3, 4, and 5, from the viewpoint of modern scholarship, which is deeply imbued with the primordial tradition.

>> No.5013315

Egyptian Numerology
The Egyptians believed in the importance of numbers. Perhaps the foremost proponent of this reality was the leading student of symbolist Egypt, Réné Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) from Alsace-Lorraine, France:“Schwaller de Lubicz’s second thesis is mathematical. Both the deliberate use of harmonic proportions in art and architecture and the numerical basis underlying Egyptian myth compelled him to a detailed reconsideration of Pythagoreanism, and to the construction of a system of thought consonant with the masterpieces of Egypt—with the fact of an empire that lasted four thousand years.

>> No.5013316

“‘Number is All’, declared the Pythagoreans. What is today called Pythagorean number mysticism is Egyptian in origin (if not older still) and corresponds to the underlying philosophy behind all the arts and sciences of Egypt. In effect, what Pythagoras did was to un-dramatize myth—a strategy that had the advantage of talking directly to those capable of thinking along these lines.“The work of Schwaller de Lubicz and the independent but complementary work of a few other contemporary thinkers (J.G. Bennett, for example) has made it possible to re-express Pythagorean theory in a way acceptable to our thinking. When we reapply this to Egyptian myth it becomes clear that these curious tales are based upon an understanding of number and the interplay of number, not upon animism, tribal superstitions, priestly feuds, the raw material of history or dreams.

>> No.5013325

The divine significance of numbers is personified by the goddess Seshat, as the “Enumerator” or “The Lady of Builders.” The Hymn found in the Leiden Papyrus I350 (Old Kingdom 2686-2134 BCE) demonstrates that number symbolism has been practiced since ancient times:“The Leiden Papyrus consists of an extended composition describing the principal aspects of the ancient creation narratives. The system of numeration in the Papyrus identifies the principle/aspect of creation and matches each one with its symbolic number.”Ancient Egyptians understood that everything in the universe is animated by life forces. Therefore, each particle is in constant movement and has interactions due to the effect of these life forces. These principles were called neteru (gods/goddesses). Numbers designated these energetic aspects of nature. Consequently, the entire universe is animated and vibrant, and each facet is considered either “male” or “female.

>> No.5013331

The concept of the relationships between 3, 4, and 5 is as ancient as Egypt, and as old as the Great Pyramid of Giza. This powerful, magnificent structure conceals deeply mystical traditions that only recently have begun to be recognized by archeological research.We know today exactly why the relationships between the number 3, 4, and 5 are so important, but it was a well-kept secret in ancient times.“Since the Pythagoreans considered the first ten numbers to be seed patterns for all the principles of the cosmos, a geometer needs only create their shapes to model all the universal rhythms. The first three shapes to emerge from the vesica piscis, the triangle, square and pentagon (3, 4, 5) form the only relationship, or ratios, required to generate all the rest (except for sevenness). These relationships called the square roots … are expressible not as whole numbers but as never-ending decimals...these ongoing relationships hold the structural pattern for all numbers and shapes that follow.” The classical numbers 3, 4, 5 are represented in the very structure of the pyramid. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built in approximately 2560 BCE, at the time of the Old Kingdom: “The number One is the whole structure itself. The triangular faces represent the number 3. The square base is the number 4 and finally . The four corners plus its apex complete the number 5.”

>> No.5013354


>> No.5014124


yes very much please

>> No.5015488

Oh god...

>> No.5015993
File: 105 KB, 746x354, Serbia 100 Dinars 2006 Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Serbia. You wouldn't believe how much ridiculous stories I've hear about Tesla and various conspiracy theories involving him and his inventions. He was great scientist and his work is very important, but he is also very much idolized in nonintellectual circles.

>> No.5016064

>he is also very much idolized in nonintellectual circles
I see what you did there