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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5011834 No.5011834 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you learn the constellations and the names of all the big stars and impress chicks with your knowledge while taking a night walk

>> No.5011858


>> No.5012008
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Mfw I told these girls how stars form one night after a dinner I just spent money on with the funds I just receive from a major bank, and they started making out with my other friends and I was left alone to ponder the likelihood of me killing the world.

Mfw one girl left and we just talked about science and she yawned 4 seconds in.

Mfw a couple of days ago I started actin like a pleb to test it out.

Mfw I now fuck bitches

Mfw I'm not going to kill the world but I'm going to try and slowly tear it apart.

>> No.5012015

>my other friends and I was left alone to ponder the likelihood of me killing the world.
>started actin like a pleb to test it out.
You probably had a completely unlikable personality, looking at your writings

>> No.5012021

lol u suck

>> No.5012025

you're right. But why does idiocy overrule intelligence? Even if there is a splash of arrogance.

>> No.5012034
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>yfw it won't matter in ten years because light pollution

people tend to be really similar in their vulgar and prurient and stupid interests and wildly different in their refined and moral and intelligent interests, learn to syncretic diversity

>> No.5012079

>Mfw I told these girls how stars form one night after a dinner I just spent money on with the funds I just receive from a major bank, and they started making out with my other friends and I was left alone to ponder the likelihood of me killing the world.

She either already knows and is insulted by your presumption that she doesn't, or she doesn't know and doesn't care, and you're boring her.

>> No.5012081

EXCUSE ME? Fucking pig.
The correct term is chickybabes

>> No.5012099

I think you just hang around the wrong people. That or you may need to work on making your conversation more palatable. I talk about science a lot but its mostly anecdotal and everyone likes a story. If all else fails, read that Dale Carnegie book.

>> No.5012132

>you're right. But why does idiocy overrule intelligence? Even if there is a splash of arrogance.
I don't know, because he's an idiot.
>implying this techno-world you live in with all the retards living in gutters doing crack doesn't value intelligence
angsty teen who thinks they're superior to their peers detected

>> No.5012149

>that feel when did experiment regarding OP's situation

I told a bunch of chicks that I studied astronomy and they didn't seem interested at all. Most of them were retards that thought I meant astrology but upon finding out what I was talking about proceeded to call it an early night merely minutes into the discovery.

THEN, I told a bunch of chicks that I studied astrology and all that mysticism bullshit. Guess how that turned out.

I think I'd rather be alone forever.

>> No.5012224

not angsty teen, angsty adult.

I do see myself superior, I'm very passive about letting people know though.

>> No.5012228


This is my feel exactly.

>> No.5012243

>implying I've ever walked alone with women at night

>> No.5012249

I think it has more to do with the group talking together about something generally interesting that everyone has some knowledge about vs. you telling the group all about this one thing you know about.

I love my job. For a long time I performed research on structural systems and materials, and now I design bridges, buildings and so forth. I am under absolutely no illusions about what it is like to hear me talk about it though.

When I say 'I spent hours today working out a solution to a tough design project, but managed to save my client about 10k in the long run' they ask 'cool, how?'.
I changed a series of things that no person outside my field would understand, while staring at a spreadsheet for roughly 10 hours. You cannot make that interesting to hear about.

>> No.5012248

>But why does idiocy overrule intelligence?

This isn't an example of that. Consider a program that regurgitates rote information about the night sky. That's readily achievable. Then consider a program that gauges the mood of a woman and draws her into conversation. Very difficult, if possible.

My point is that far more intelligence is required to manage the interaction than to retain a few names of stars. Your arrogance is completely misplaced.

>> No.5012265

I had a part-time job at my university mentoring the astronomy class's "lab" and helping students use charts and find constellations.
I know a lot of them now, especially the ones most visible between late fall and early spring.

Since then, I've impressed a few people with it, including girls I was interested in, but it all depends on if they're actually interested in the first place.

That should go without saying for just about any topic ever when trying to get anyone's attention for any reason.

>> No.5012462

I see, so it's how I present that information to them in a way that someone that has no experience in my field would understand rather than going into detail about my work.

I still wish I could find someone with at least the simplest passion for what I do.