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5010783 No.5010783 [Reply] [Original]

We space chimps now


Of all the possible music and harmonies to transmit, they chose -this-. I've never considered myself truly racist and I still don't, but honest to God, why -this- guy?

>> No.5010792

I don't really care much about what they sent but I still fail to see the point of this exercise.

>> No.5010803

It's JEWS. Jews will bring Nigger culture to other worlds.

>> No.5010813

Why the fuck do you care?

>> No.5010823

> I've never considered myself truly racist....why -this- guy

>makes a comment not based on the music, but because he's black.

yeah ok

>> No.5010833

If it must have been pop, than will i am was definitely not the worst they could have put up there. who gives a fuck anyway

>> No.5010858
File: 48 KB, 1099x720, space_chimps_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least is not


>> No.5010878

Honestly, why would they transmit such a horrible song to Earth. It's filled with auto tune, and seriously, why a song from a stupid mainstream artist? They seriously should have considered a song with a lot more meaning to it other than simply because it is titled "Reach for the Stars". When I read a history book years from now, I'll be so disappointing that it says that the first radio song we played on mars was from Will.I.am. I mean come on, when we had the opportunity to make history we chose someone like that? And I can't express just how horrible and meaningless that song is.

>> No.5010877

>STEAM education


>> No.5010887

Also, we let a nigger that didn't contribute crap towards space exploration have history in this great endeavor? Haaha! I'm going to puke.

>> No.5010896

>implying any music has meaning and isn't completely arbitrary.

>> No.5010934
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>> No.5010963

Will.i.am gives millions to put disadvantaged kids through collage and has supported numerous STEM competitions.

Now this was an outreach exercise aimed at generating interest in STEM fields. What age group do you think this was aimed at? Teenagers just about to choose their path in life, so no [INTEREST YOUR SUBJECTIVE IDEA OF "BETTER" MUSIC HERE] would not have been better for the task.

>> No.5011005

From what I've read, it didn't actually play the song on mars, it simply beamed it back to earth. So thankfully the martians weren't subjected to such godawful music. What I do strongly oppose, however, is the utter waste of taxpayer dollars on a stupid publicity stunt. No kid worth a damn will be inspired by something like this.

>> No.5011016


Could be much worse.

>> No.5011022

Oh damn I didn't really mind about the song chosen... I mean, the guy does stuff for science, is well-known and kids can get interested in what he does. The history stuff "Oh noes in the future they will read that the first song blablabla was pop culture" : they will just read that it was a song by an artist well known at the time, space-themed, period.

But damn, the song sucks balls. I don't have anything against Will I Am, I love the old Black Eyed Peas, and I like to dance to the new ones, but this song is just awful. That's a shame.

>> No.5011052

>implying he hasn't donated millions into school science programs
fuck off you ignorant racist

>> No.5011068

It seems a bit short-sighted to think that kids or the public will only show interest in space because of a pop singer, right?

>> No.5011074

They don't expect kids to decide all of a sudden to become astrophysicists because of this. It's small things one after another that contributes to making NASA not a bunch of pedantic geniuses in the eyes of the public.

>> No.5011076

what this guy said.

They do this kind of shit for a reason. They don't just do this shit because they want to. This is why this robot has a twitter account, they are trying to raise interest in the young people.

>I've never considered myself truly racist and I still don't, but honest to God, why -this- guy?

We both know that you're racist, no need to hide it.

>> No.5011088

He can donate all he wants but that won't make his songs a good representation of humanity, I'm happy he's being a descent person but I'd prefer that this kind of accomplishment goes to a better musician.

>> No.5011101

And at the same time piss off a bunch of other people?

>> No.5011103

It could of been anything. Beethoven's 5th, Rondo Alla Turca, Vivaldi's Seasons, hell it could of even been 40s swing and it would have been better.

Just sad.

>> No.5011139


>my musical tastes are not being represented wah wah

>> No.5011170


racist you are.

>> No.5011165

Well obviously because the technicians liked the song, that shouldn't be a hard question.

>> No.5011340

I was against it until I saw that it concerned you so now I am all for it.

>> No.5011348

>What I do strongly oppose, however, is the utter waste of taxpayer dollars on a stupid publicity stunt.
How much did it cost them and what will they get back in support from people who like his music? Show how you calculated both.

>> No.5011350

I am racist and find this funny.

Goodbye society.

>> No.5011368

I really don't give a fuck until someone dances on Mars.

>> No.5011374

fucking kikes own the music industry (look at the record labels).

Of course they'll pull this shit.

We have some ol white classical music on the thing we sent into deep deep deep space.

>> No.5011377

I like your post.

>> No.5011382

I don't really care for that chorus, but some of the bits in this song sound okay. Reach for the stars just makes me think of some cowboy shoot em up.

>> No.5011437

Yeah, it's not like we're already broadcasting all the shit we've ever done straight out into space or anything. And boy those scientists sure are taking this whole thing too lightly, not thinking about how the Martians with their high frequency only receivers will look at us.

>> No.5011458

Alien civilizations aren't diverse enough, they need more black people.

>> No.5011486


All I'm saying is the resources used to do this would be better allocated toward actual scientific work. The same PR results (if there even are any among the Target audience) could be achieved with a YouTube montage of pictures and video taken by the rover set to that song.

Oh, one more thing. When my tax dollars are funding something, the burden is on the fundee to prove the endeavor is not a waste of money, not the other way around. I don't have to justify a damn thing.

>> No.5011537

>the resources used to do this would be better allocated toward actual scientific work
How can you say that if you don't even know what the returns were? Even if you value research infinitly more than outreach, how do you know that the outreach doesn't indirectly result in more research if you don't know how much of it is achieved?

>The same PR results (if there even are any among the Target audience) could be achieved with a YouTube montage of pictures and video taken by the rover set to that song.
It wouldn't be nearly as powerful to me if it was music I liked. How do you know the target audience doesn't feel the same way?

>When my tax dollars are funding something, the burden is on the fundee to prove the endeavor is not a waste of money, not the other way around.
But you're not doing that now. The tax money has already been collected and spent. At the moment you're making claims about the cost vs returns of this publicity stunt and I'm asking how you reached your conclusions.

>> No.5011547
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Pretty much. I fucking detest his music/Black Eyed Peas but he is a man who cares a lot about important issues and does a lot to help.

>> No.5011550

>"I'm not racist or anything, but I hate -niggers-"

Fuck yourself