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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5007380 No.5007380 [Reply] [Original]

How do I convince my friend that lucid dreaming is retarded New-Age pseudoscience that's not worth his time?

What's wrong with wanting to actually sleep when you're sleeping?

>> No.5007386

Some people accomplish so little in their everyday lives so they have to do stuff while they sleep

>> No.5007390

It's cheaper and more entertaining than video games.

Just let the kid have his fun.

Also, >>/adv/

>> No.5007392

>wanting to sleep
>not wanting to experience everything that you could possibly imagine such as flight, the exploration of new worlds, etc

Yeah, I don't see the appeal either. Wtf would anyone want to be the master of their own virtual reality? Fast forwarding to the next mundane day is so much more appealing.

>> No.5007398

Why do you care what your friend does when he sleeps? Besides, lucid dreaming isn't 'new age' nor is it "pseudoscience" since it doesn't really offer discoveries. If on the other hand your friend believed that his spirit traveled while lucid dreaming or that he learns more that way, then it is pseudoscience.

>> No.5007400

Because a naturally occurring hallucination your brain produces through chemical means is pseudoscience right?

>> No.5007406
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It's not retarded. You're the retard for not understanding that dreams are bizarre and people like to delve into a literal world of chaos and imagination.

If you're going to argue that it's pseudoscience, stop, because no one will admit they're wrong and this will turn to a shitfest.
Agree to disagree?

>> No.5007413

Also I would like to add that deja vu comes from dreams.You have a dream about a certain situation and later in your life you live through it.

If you want a scientific explanation I gotta assume it's a subconscious prediction of events up to the point in the dream. Your brain literally dissecting what will happen up to a certain point and showing it to you.

The Unified Field theory blows my mind but it does reinforce what I have believed for a very long time. That we share a collective subconscious.

>> No.5007411

Yo, cut the acronyms. We're big boys here, we can type out things.

>> No.5007418

Careful, you'll get people redirecting you to /x/ and dogmatically calling you a believer in fairy tales with words like that.

I don't understand it, but some of the evidence is pretty creepy.

>> No.5007427

>complains about single acronym
>expects others to ignore common convention and put in more effort to satisfy his expectations
>when in Rome, does not do as the Romans do

>> No.5007432


I only care because he won't fucking shut up about it. He's getting insufferable. Every conversation is "Oh man, so I was writing in my dream journal for my lucid dreaming because I'm working on lucid dreaming and so I took my vitamin supplements that are supposed to help with lucid dreaming and why don't you try lucid dreaming anon it would be cool it's so much fun lucid dreaming lucid dreaming lucid dreaming"

Wow, you can make things happen in dreams. It must be wonderful to have a life so void and empty that you turn to your subconscious to make your everyday exploits less terrible by comparison.

>> No.5007437


> deja vu comes from dreams.

Nigga, you better provide peer-reviewed evidence of this claim. Pretty sure we've ruled out OH MAN OUR DREMS PREDICT THE FUTURE on the basis of it being complete bullshit

>> No.5007441
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there's nothing wrong with "actually wanting to sleep while you're sleeping", but lucid dreaming has in fact been scientifically proven. There's absolutely nothing pseudoscientific about it. Look up Tibetan Buddhists and Dream Yoga. Quantum Jumping, on the other hand, seems more like pseudoscience.

>> No.5007440

I'm never putting 100% belief into anything, just taking it all for consideration. But the explanations I get from learning about the quantum world is such an enhancement to the way I understand the world. Consciousness is the immediate thing I am interested, for obvious reasons. We are finally at a point in evolution where we can answer questions about it with scientific detail. What's more, the information is free on the internet. I'm excited to see what more we figure out and how much the ceiling for human potential to understand the universe rises.

>> No.5007446


>implying that your life could possibly better than anything you could possibly imagine

6-8 hours of anything you can imagine during time you're already using up is better than time spent on any number of activities.

>> No.5007447

It would be a wasted effort on my part trying to explain it to you unless you've experienced deja vu. Plus I've already explained what I understand about it in the post you responded to,

>> No.5007456

Just tell him to fuck off with trying to drag you with him into his recent obsession.

>> No.5007454


No, you've "explained" deja vu with half-baked memories, anecdotal evidence and pure conjecture. I just want one peer-reviewed article that even makes the notion that deja vu, prediction of the future, and dreams are all interrelated.

I thought a thread on science would have fairly high standards for backing up statements with evidence, fuck me I guess.

>> No.5007457

Just be up front with him. Be like, "Look bro I know we're friends and you think this is awesome and all but I'm just not into it."

>> No.5007461

>I'm never putting 100% belief into anything, just taking it all for consideration.

You. I like you. /sci/ really needs to learn this and stop being so knee-jerk reactionary to anything not PUER SCEINCE.

>> No.5007474

Like I said I already explained what I understand about deja vu related to dream in my previous post. Know that the scientific community has not really settled on a conclusion about dream. In fact, dreams are a pretty untouched subject for as far as we are along scientific progression.
This link might interest you though: http://www.nytimes.com/1992/01/07/science/scientists-unraveling-chemistry-of-dreams.html?pagewanted=

Lucid dreams are legit and predicting the future, coincidence or not, they are still legitimate a phenomenon to be taken into consideration! If you want to understand how the world/universe works, you must first understand how your consciousness works.

>> No.5007520

One time, I saw someone read someone else's dreams from across the world, only having known this person through a forum and irc. The dream reader guy said it was collective consciousness, but someon else in the community said that his subconscious was abl to piece together what he was likely to dream about. It matched pretty well.

Tulpas and psionics are some crazy stuff. Coming across anecdotal evidence saying /x/ stuf is true is a weird experience.

>> No.5007521

The problem with predictions of the future is, they're only acknowledged when they actually succeed. Meaning they seem more accurate than they actually are.

I will agree that lucid dreams are legit, though. It's perfectly possible to dream while being fully aware of the fact that you're dreaming. This isn't "New Age Pseudoscience." OP is thinking of astral projection. Which may or may not be.

>> No.5008387

gtfo to /x/ you fucking niggers
goddamn retards

>> No.5008420

in respone to the now on /x/ fag's statement about deja vu. i have experienced that shit often since childhood. Upon paying more attention recently it seems that all that happens is i remember the event that just happened to me as though it were at a different time in the past (which it obviously wasn't, i am not a wizard). this can be for various reasons but usually it's an emotional trigger in the circumstance, old smells, similar looking buildings/people, shit like that.

anybody else?