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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5005281 No.5005281 [Reply] [Original]


I think /sci/ would appreciate this

>If you were to draw a circle around the Great pyramids outside base and then one on the inside, then subtract the smaller circles length from the larger circles length you would get a figure that corresponds to the speed of light (299, 792458)? One of the many revealing things from this documentary.
Precision engineering which even modern professionals would have trouble with today and still the mainstream egyptologists and experts still ignore all the evidence, merely citing it all as coincidence. Whoever built these structures certainly knew what they were doing.

>> No.5005287

Praise Allah for revealing science through the Koran, oh wait, wrong thread.

Uh, praise ancient aliens?

>> No.5005290
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>> No.5005306

Before I even watch anything... what are the units used to make the measurements? Meters? Inches? Lengthies?

>> No.5005307

length - length = velocity?

>> No.5005309

How would ancient Egyptians know what a meter per second is?


>> No.5005310

I saw that documentary, in French mind you, and the most revealing part of it were evidence that showed that the Ancient Egyptians had the "metre" as a length unit and that the dimensions for the pyramids are not just tombs but mathematical architectures similarly to the Parthenon but more impressive.

>> No.5005311

It's alien physics, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.5005313
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to bad you people don't speak german, but there is a professor of astrophysics that made a video on this topic in which he reveals that some random bicycle he took and measured contained all important constants of nature. its hilarious. he does the calculations so check out the video even if you dont understand german.

>> No.5005314

Skip to 57:45 to see the measuring system

>> No.5005315

The less you see it, the better it is.
For example, I didn't think the video was full of shit when I had no knowledge of it at all.

Please, post links to actual scientific documentaries instead of these "IT SURE IS MYSTERIOUS!!"-pieces, which are dime a dozen.

>> No.5005316

the pyramids were built with time, blood, sweat, and tears. mostly blood. starving slaves toiling away day after day. imagine the holocaust x100 for 30 years.

>> No.5005321

if you subtract the height from the length of the sides and divide that by the number of pyramid sides you get a number which can be multiplied by pie, then you add the number of rooms in the great pyramid and subtract the square root of the angle of the north star against sol at the height of the full moon on superbowl sunday you get a number which is actually the fastest number ever discovered. now thats precision strawgrasping bullshit engineering

>> No.5005323

>the pyramids were built with time, blood, sweat, and tears. but mostly professional skill. Well-fed workers toiling away day after day, except holidays. Imagine the Sydney Opera house x100 for 30 years

You're welcome.

>> No.5005325

thats actually bullshit. modern evidence showed they were paid a reasonable amount for the time and had great health coverage

>> No.5005326

P = diameter of the pedalcircle
W = diameter of the wheel
L = diameter of the flashlight
B = diameter of the bell

>> No.5005329

b-b-b-b-but but thats not what the b-b-b-bible told me. next you're gonna tell me the earth is older then 6000 years lolololol

>> No.5005328

No mention of ancient aliens or conspiracy theories is made in the documentary.
They only interview engineers/architects/experts/etc.
The pyramids were built in 20 years.

I wouldn't have posted this documentary if it weren't scientifically accurate. I would understand if you don't have the patience to watch it. But blindly criticizing something which you have no knowledge about speaks volumes. And again, there is no mention of ancient aliens or any of that nonsense here, it is implied however that ancient civilizations are much more advanced than our egos would let us believe.

>> No.5005330

>pyramid base is square
>subtracting the difference between the largest circle circumscribed inside the square and the smallest circumscribed outside around the square
>the answer is linearly dependent on the size of the square and the actual number by the chosen units
In other words, worthless bullshit.

By the way the radius of the inside circle is .5*s where s is the length of the side of the square and the larger outside circle is √(2s²)

>> No.5005331

i'm sure if you did a fuckload of random measurements all over the place, on your computer, on a bicycle, on your cat, a tree, a picture of baby jesus, eventually you'd find some "stunning proof" of something.

oh wait it's been done

>They only interview engineers/architects/experts/etc.
reminds me of the fox tv special that says we didnt land on the moon. naturally anyone who dared to research everything said on that show would realize it was all bullshit and in fact we did land on it.

>> No.5005333

P^2 √LxB=1823 proton/electron mass quotient
P^4/W^2 =137,0 alpha, the fine structure constant
P^-5 3√L/ WB= 6,67 x 10-8 gravitation constant
P^1/2 B^1/3/L= 1,496 x 10-8 earth/sun distance
W^pi P^2 L^1/3 B^5 = 2,999 x 10-5 speed of light

W = wheel diameter
P = pedal height
L = lamp diameter
B = chain ring diameter

>> No.5005334

">If you were to draw a circle around the Great pyramids outside base and then one on the inside, then subtract the smaller circles length from the larger circles length you would get a figure that corresponds to the speed of light (299, 792458)? One of the many revealing things from this documentary."

Corresponds to the speed of light in meters per seconds squared? Did the ancient Egyptians use the metric system? Did they use our definition of seconds? lol wut

>> No.5005336

op rather then looking for proof that your bullshit video is legit. instead, try to disprove it instead.

but no, you're so desperate to live in some magical world of mysteries that you believe whatever you want instead of being properly skeptical. instead of applying what carl sagan called the baloney detection kit, you just slap that baloney on a sammich and declare it truth

as if being made out of exploded stars on a ball of rock spinning around a nuclear furnace wasn't enough for you. you have to make up shit for life to feel interesting.

>> No.5005338

>I think /x/ would appreciate this

>> No.5005339

Because I like math, so 2*pi*r so the difference between the sides is 2*pi*√(2s²) - 2*pi*(.5*s) or 2*pi*(√(2s²) - .5*s)

If the s is one unit length then its 2*pi*(√(2) - .5) which evaluates to ~5.74 unit lengths.

>> No.5005344

Fuck me, error, its not √(2s²) its √(2*(.5s)²)

So the whole thing evaluates to ~1.30s

This ratio holds true for any square.

>> No.5005345

i am now the 8th person to dislike that video... join me

>> No.5005351

>as if being made out of exploded stars on a ball of rock spinning around a nuclear furnace wasn't enough for you. you have to make up shit for life to feel interesting.

No one here gives a fuck about what you learned from a "scientific" entertainer who's made millions off of making plebs like you feel superior to the rest of society. And yes I am criticizing you for quoting pop science bullshit. I bet you haven't even watched the fucking video. Back to reddit.

>> No.5005354

>a people that still pissed in pots figured out the speed of light. and then for shits and giggles built that into the pyramids


>a coincidence


>complete bullshit fabricated or exaggerated to make money selling people this documentary

the pyramids are incredible, all the more so because human beings built it so long ago. we should celebrate human potential and the accomplishment of the pyramids, not shit all over that with random magical bullshit

>> No.5005358

>calls me out on pop science
>defends a pyramids conspiracy video
lol wow

and yes, the heavier elements in your body did come from exploded stars. that is the general consensus of the vast majority of the relevant scientific communities.

suck a dick conspiracy fag, hey alex jones called, he said you need to stock up on tinfoil to save you from government mind rays. you'd best get to that

>> No.5005361

It's probably the first and last one.

>> No.5005365

> the general consensus of the vast majority of the relevant scientific communities
Jesus christ, I bet you're a fucking psych major.

>> No.5005367

haha ur such a sheep. i bet u heard that on the lamestream media fawk news. u beleeve everything the government tells you dont you sheep. i,m clever enuff to see past the lies that the sheep eat for breakfast. the world will end in 2012 the mayans knew about that cause that had advanced technologies left over from atlantis, i saw a video on youtube proving that by interviewing experts, you probably wont even watch the video cause you;re such a sheep and a fucking psych major (psychology being another governments invented tool to keep you sheep in check)

>> No.5005394


Not getting bogged down in this one, just lending my psychological support to anyone combating these anons ass-hat-ed-ness.

>> No.5005401
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>> No.5005407

>naturally anyone who dared to research everything said on that show would realize it was all bullshit and in fact we did land on it.

or, you know, you could look through a fucking telescope and see the landing sites.

>> No.5005412

>or, you know, you could look through a fucking telescope and see the landing sites.
Nope. The resolution of an amateur telescope is no where near good enough. The atmosphere prevents a clear view with even the biggest professional telescopes.
There are images of the landing sites taken with some of the latest generation of moon mapping satellites.

>> No.5005419


I measure my dick (whilst fully erect) and then divided its length by the girth of my dick (again whilst fully erect)

The results were astounding. The resulting number was a prime, proving beyond all doubt that my dick is a prime dick.

>> No.5005422

only aliens could have created a dick so precise

>> No.5005426


Ah, yes, but of course. I always knew I was special. This means that there must be some secret and alien reason why I have this thick yellow pus constantly dripping out of my dick. I shall whip it in front of my classmates tomorrow and watch their gaze upon my perfecion with awe. Then I shall await the worship that surely awaits me. I shall be revered as a God.

>> No.5005427

Or carted off to containment, especially if the prime happens to be the forgotten prime.

>> No.5005430

I have had a revelation. I shall take my prime dick to the pyramids and ejaculate upon them.

My prime sperm will mingle with the sacred speed of light and I shall be transcended into a giant space frog.

You puny humans shall gaze upon my froggy face as I look down upon your peasant huts from my abode in the skies.

>> No.5005433

This guy knows how to fuck OP's crap. You dont argue with retards. You just make your own amusement out of them

>> No.5005445


But.. but... but what if his prime dick is also an Octonion prime?


No containment will be powerful enough to hold his prime dick.

>> No.5005443


And when all this actually happens all of us are wide eye surprised except the tinfoil ancient aliens terrorists who just nod in the direction of the giant frog atop the giza complex and go "told you so".

>> No.5005447


*ancient alien theorists, Freudian slip for sure.

>> No.5005452


You just said that because you dont know what the forgotten prime is, and so when you googled it you came up with some shit on Octonions.

Go on admit it. That's exactly what happened isnt it?

>> No.5005465

Excuse me. What is this "forgotten" prime that you speak of?

And what is a fucking "Octonion"?

I know you guys are trying to make a real sci thread out of this unholy crap started by the OP, but I am now curious if such things exist.

Sorry in advance for just wanting to sort out the bull from the facts.

>> No.5005503
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Sure does feel like /x/ in here.

Except you guys are actually discussing this.

/x/ would have already descended into discovering how the illuminati are involved

>> No.5005552

clearly the Illuminati are involved.... i mean come on, its not like some Egyptian came up with that relationship. clearly its Illuminati symbolism

you're welcome.

>> No.5005567

Illuminati? Seriously? The first iteration of the Illuminati was established about five hundred years ago. And no, it wasn't the Masons either, they were established only a little earlier than the Illuminati.

>> No.5005570

.....i was purely feeding his need to have the Illuminati involved some how. i am aware they were founded recently and in easten/central europe.

>> No.5005571

>something is 299

can't you people consider the fact that it's just an off-by-one error?

>> No.5005575
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>> No.5005577
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>Someone posting my meme generator shit

>> No.5005591

What did they measure the area in?

If something is a meter squared, then you decide "i have this new unit which is equal to 1/299792458 of a square meter" you could say "OMG THE AREA IS THE SAME AS THE SPEED OF LIGHT LOLOLOL".

>> No.5005597

>>5005309 How would ancient Egyptians know what a meter per second is?

>Define meter
The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1⁄299,792,458 of a second

>Define second
Under the International System of Units (via the International Committee for Weights and Measures, or CIPM), since 1967 the second has been defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.[1] In 1997 CIPM added that the periods would be defined for a caesium atom at rest, and approaching the theoretical temperature of absolute zero, and in 1999, it included corrections from ambient radiation.[1]

>Related note
The Egyptians subdivided daytime and nighttime into twelve hours each since at least 2000 BC, hence the seasonal variation of their hours. The Hellenistic astronomers Hipparchus (c. 150 BC) and Ptolemy (c. AD 150) subdivided the day sexagesimally and also used a mean hour (1⁄24 day), simple fractions of an hour (1⁄4, 2⁄3, etc.) and time-degrees (1⁄360 day or four modern minutes), but not modern minutes or seconds.[8]

>> No.5005639
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the guy who draws the circle is a "mysterious friend," no qualifications given.

there is no reason for drawing either circle given.

the numbers aren't even equal

>pic related top number is the speed of light, bottom number is the number between the two circles

>> No.5005650


It's a special unit of length defined as being proportional between the size of the pyramid and the speed of light.

It's very complex ancient alien math... you wouldn't understand

>> No.5005649

this guy keeps saying "our detractors say it's only chance"

it isn't chance, it's arbitrary

>> No.5005664


Sorry to disappoint you, but I just came from /x/ and this is shit.

>> No.5005692

Do you have a sauce? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.5005699


hahahaha, what

>> No.5006458
File: 24 KB, 461x403, giorgio-a-tsoukalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not saying it was aliens...
>it was...

>> No.5006486

well thats beucase humans are just the next bunch of creatures to have dominance on this planet like the ones who came before us and before them etc etc we will inevitably fuck up and destory ourselves or some form of disater will come along leaving only relics like the pyramids behind.

oh wait this is /sci/ not /x/

>> No.5006506

> non intelligent creatures went extinct
>therefor intelligent creatures will go extinct

Can you find the flaw in your logic?

I'll give you 3 guesses

>> No.5007018
File: 18 KB, 450x300, 65ofsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people before the 20th century can never have known what they where doing

>> No.5007028
File: 9 KB, 150x200, apophisx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a lie. Now go back to your Tau'ri things

>> No.5007704 [DELETED] 

It was alien ghosts.

>> No.5007738

Not that guy, but did you read his whole post?

Especially the last line that underlines how ironic he's being in the previous ones?

Also, it was serpent people from the Martian Atlantis.

>> No.5007745



>> No.5008058

Anyone actually watch the video?

>> No.5008063

Only up to the part where it started to resemble one of those SURE IS MYSTERIOUS-mockumentaries on tv these days.