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5003540 No.5003540 [Reply] [Original]


Uni Starts tomorrow (I'm a freshman)

I want a 4.0
I understand the fundamentals,
Hard work, Notes, do the reading, study 3-4 hours per 1 credit hour.

Can the wise men of /sci enlighten me or point me towards the way of earning a 4.0

Thanks guys

>> No.5003548

>Hard work, Notes, do the reading, study 3-4 hours per 1 credit hour.


>> No.5003562

>Hard work,
no, its not needed unless you have an ass of a professor who says things that arnt in notes/textbooks
its better to take that time to understand the material than trying to take notes the whole time.
>do the reading

>study 3-4 hours per 1 credit hour.
no, this will depend, but you can get away with as little as 0.1h per 1cred h if you spend the time wisely.

most importantly. understand the material. UNDERSTAND. I cant say that enough. if you read something and dont know why its true, look it up instead of just writing it in your notes and memorizing it.

>> No.5003561

Go to all of your classes
Eat regularly
Exercise regularly
Do all of your homework
Study and review

>> No.5003563

Drop course if you do bad on first test.

>> No.5003581

lower your standard to a 3.7.

divide the time freed on more advanced studies, and on fun stuff.

you're welcome. unless you're going into fields full of retards (medical or law), you don't need a magical 4.0. And since you're asking this on /sci/, I am right to assume that you have misconceptions about how valuable a 4.0 is for your future. Or maybe you're just autistic or OCD. I don't care.

>> No.5003584

>lower your standard

Pleb detected.

>> No.5003585

Make friends with your professors. Don't do it by talking yourself or your accomplishments up (you may know and have done more than your peers or even any other student on campus, but professors have you beat). In my junior year, I tried being more social overall, so I ended up talking to my professors and attending math club events at their houses. This meant they liked me more, offered help more happily, and were more likely to give me room in assignments (whether pushing due dates back or allowing me to do something else). Being friendly with my adviser paid off well, since he waived some classes and set up my independent study (which is pretty much a guaranteed A).

Also, tell them what you want to know more about, and find out which of them are experienced in the same topics. These people will be glad to help you towards success.

>study 3-4 hours per 1 credit hour
I hate this idea. You should plan your schedule assuming that many hours of studying, but you should actually study as much as you need to. If you were shooting for a "good grade" and not a 4.0, this amount of time is a guess. But if you want a perfect GPA, study as much as necessary to master all of the material.

>> No.5003603

okay thanks man I appreciate the insight!

>> No.5003616
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lots of adderol
do you think that most people graduate universities cuz their smart?

>> No.5003723

Exercise. It fights depression and burning out, increases productivity and alertness, has positive effects on cognition and processing speed as well as understanding, and gives you general better physical and mental health. It's basically a stimulant. Add this to.your regiment of above posts.

>> No.5003742

Basically this. I didn't study jack shit for the Stoke's and Divergence Theorems section of Calculus 3 until the very end because I had more pressing matters in Complex Analysis. But, when I did decide to sit down and learn it I took the textbook and followed the proofs for each theorem and lemma and from there I gained the understanding of how to deal with things like surface integrals and the such.

>> No.5003747

>he had to study for calc 3


>> No.5003794

not studying for one section doesn't imply I did for atleast one other.
>not having a fundamental understand of baby calc
>"just give me exercises to follow patterns with!"