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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 481x700, mouse girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5002197 No.5002197 [Reply] [Original]

But why is it always mice?
Have you ever wondered why we always choose mice for animal testing?

>> No.5002215 [DELETED] 




>> No.5002229

Funny that she skipped the two biggest reasons:

1. There is a vast amount of research on rodents, especially mice, which means if you want your research to reach the widest audience you'll want to do it in rodents. It also makes planning experiments easier since rodent protocols are plentiful.

2. Mice have by far the greatest amount of genetic research done on them, which means that if you want to do a knock-out/knock-in study you'll probably want to do it in mice.

>> No.5002268

Essentially, mice were the small fast-reproducing mammal that we started with, so it gained momentum and now mice are more convenient because we've already got so much more initial investment in them. If you went back to the beginning it could have been hamsters. Then someone would have a silly post saying "But why is it always hamsters?"

It's basically a positive feedback loop where sooner or later one of the small mammals had to dominate.

>> No.5002672

Excellent video, OP. Please make more :D

>> No.5002717

Trying too hard to get partnership and earn dosh.

>> No.5002748


>not realizing you're helping every time you bump one of her threads, ensuring they won't 404, she gets more views as a result. Smooth move.

Every bump helps her, so keep doing it if you want that.

>> No.5003678


I use mice in my cancer research because they most closely resemble humans in their immuno-systolic responses. We could use simians, but it would be cost prohibitive.

Excellent video, btw, OP. Do you do your own production, or do volunteers help out?

>> No.5004372

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5004407 [DELETED] 

Show tits OP.

>> No.5004418 [DELETED] 

No, seriously, I would love to see your cute little tits.

>> No.5004968

upvoting comment

>> No.5005387



>> No.5005602

There's also fewer ethical limitations for working with rodents than with primates - you don't even have to be sterile to perform neurosurgery on a mouse, but you have to be sterile if you're even going to touch the inside of a macaque recording chamber. No IRB cares about rodent lesion work, but monkey lesion work is very very difficult to get approved

>> No.5006580

Seriously, guise. Why is /sci/ so sexist?

>> No.5006586 [DELETED] 

because a large proportion of /sci/ are bitter male nerdy betas, who suck at getting women, and then hate the women for not falling for their fat useless nerdy selves.

>> No.5006604
File: 24 KB, 949x436, Warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5006610
File: 8 KB, 430x230, In the words of the shitposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5007395

What if mice were the most intelligent people on earth? Would they do experiments on humans?

>> No.5007433

>mice were the most intelligent people

>> No.5007730 [DELETED] 

Anyone have a link to her Higgs boson video?

>> No.5007762

Why she doesn't wear mouse costume just like in the picture when she appears in the video ?
That girl looks adorable, with bows, tail and mouse costume.

You can view all of her videos here :

>> No.5007928

You're either Carl, or yet someone else who doesn't bother to heed warnings (maybe one of our new /fit/ exchange students):

Y'all posting in a known troll thread.

>> No.5008038


>> No.5008889

How's this thread trolling? OP seems to have a legitimate science question.

>> No.5008918 [DELETED] 

This isn't a troll thread. It's a thread to learn about how science is done. Fuck off

>> No.5008926 [DELETED] 

That's an infantile cartoon

>> No.5009033


All three of them - Carl. Troll harder.

>> No.5009473 [DELETED] 

I'm not Carl. Fuck off. This is a legitimate thread.

>> No.5009497

>their metabolical is similar to us.

this is why i do not like her. also it is over-produced and if you do not realize this is the work of production company i am disappoint

>> No.5010303

who is "Carl"? is he a mod, or just a popular /sci/ poster?

I see ppl talking about him everywhere.

ok, maybe it's an inside joke, and i need to LURK MOAR lol.

>> No.5010311

carl is a poster notorious for insulting people and telling them how wrong they are, although half the time they're not and he has no clue what he's talking about. since he doesn't tripcode, it is suspected that there are in fact people who shitpost on purpose under the name carl.

>> No.5011175

daniella supporters get in here!

>> No.5011241

I don't think you know what you're talking about, little boy.

>> No.5011246

No, he nailed it.

You're basically sci's bad joke now.

>> No.5011257

>there are in fact people who shitpost on purpose

Babby's first day on /sci/?

>> No.5011267

>making good science posts
>bad joke

Choose one. You really don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.5011278

Bad joke chosen. Because that's what you are. Have you not noticed that the instant someone says something trollish now they get accused of being you?

>> No.5011282

I am well aware of one mean troll going around trying to discredit my person. Do not listen to him.

>> No.5011299

I don't need to take his word, I've had conversations with you myself.

>> No.5011304

So you are butthurt because I scientifically corrected you in an earlier converstation?

>> No.5011743


'Mean Troll'..


you pansy.

>> No.5012645


I hate mean trolls like Carl.

>> No.5012706

That looks like a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference.

captcha: answerfo effect
of course, dawg.

>> No.5013132


>> No.5013161 [DELETED] 

I'm here!

>> No.5013715 [DELETED] 

that was a bad movie

>> No.5014400 [DELETED] 

I agree.

>> No.5014505 [DELETED] 

Here I am.

>> No.5015389 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 476x306, lol lol lol lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be part of the club?

>> No.5015410

this thread confirmed for gay

>> No.5015425


>> No.5015964 [DELETED] 


>> No.5016418 [DELETED] 

That gif made me laugh so hard.

>> No.5017321 [DELETED] 

I think we shouldn't do experiments with mice. I like mice. They are cute little animals.

>> No.5017337

Pretty much, yeah. For pharmaceuticals and the like, they respond fairly similarly to humans, and they're inexpensive

>> No.5018278 [DELETED] 

Then why haven't we cured cancer yet?

>> No.5018293

We did. Well, mouse cancer anyway.

>> No.5018891 [DELETED] 

We cured mouse cancer? How?

>> No.5018948
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we started killing dogs left and right in the name of science, everyone would flip a shit.
ALSO, people pay exterminators to kill mice if they have an infestation. You call animal control for a loose dog.

>> No.5019212

One major technique is inhibiting blood vessel growth to cancer cells. "Fighting Cancer with Angiogenesis Inhibitors. Injections of angiostatin inhibit the metastasis of certain (mouse) primary tumors."

>> No.5019255


Carl and EK.

why u neglect this thrd.

>> No.5019274

>implying they don't post anonymously here to piss people off

>> No.5019873 [DELETED] 

[citation needed]

>> No.5019908

So you think they don't use dogs in scientific experiments? You're wrong, beagles are the standard type of dog they use in canine experiments, although golden retrievers are also used sometimes.

They don't use them quite as often, but they do use them. Dogs are simply better models for certain diseases. They also use cats for some types of research.

>> No.5019909

>implying cancer is one disease
>implying we cured all types of mouse cancer
>implying we haven't also cured a vast amount of human cancers

Get the fuck out oh my god

>> No.5020481

Listen here, jerkface. We have cured every disease in the mouse. We even made a paralyzed mouse walk again.

>> No.5020504

even in /sci, its still 4chan

>> No.5021101

[le citation needed]

>> No.5021692


mice are people too.

evolution much?

>> No.5022993

Why don't we breed dumber humans for purposes of testing?

>> No.5023667 [DELETED] 

It's happening. Take a look outside.

>> No.5024302

>We have cured every disease in the mouse

Really EVERY disease? Could you please back that up with a citation?

>> No.5024686 [DELETED] 

Because morality is a bitch.

>> No.5025757


>> No.5026477 [DELETED] 


I meant that we have translated the entire mouse genome, and that will lead to solving every disease. Maybe not in your lifetime, so be careful with mice.

>> No.5027200 [DELETED] 


i support mice rights. just because they are small doesn't mean you should toy with them. or give them tumers.

no toys no tumers. that's my sloagen.

>> No.5027681

But we have sequenced the entire human genome as well. That doesn't imply we can cure every human disease.

>> No.5029059 [DELETED] 


>> No.5030269

mice are the chosen people, according to the rodent scrolls.

>> No.5031568 [DELETED] 


>> No.5031849


morality is not /sci/

>> No.5031854

Because it has very high homology to humans, easy to rear, a large body of research, we have knockouts for all of their genes.

As I watch this video, many of these points and more are said. I am not nearly as angry as I thought I would be, I thought she would be against it.

>> No.5031856

Ethics and morality is very /sci/. We need these to continue to get funding, and as such are vital for scientific progress.

>> No.5031859 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Carl

>> No.5031862

why do you continually post these videos?

>> No.5032027 [DELETED] 

What are these?

>> No.5032039

Oh, a cute science thread. How creative.

>> No.5032734 [DELETED] 


>> No.5033792 [DELETED] 

I have to agree. I couldn't think of scientific research without ethics and morality.

>> No.5034620


why do you think it's the same person? by the same logic, I could run around saying that only one person dislikes these scientific videos.

HEY! I BET THAT'S TRUE!!! one hate-filled troll is trying to ruin /sci/ and IT IS YOU!! no wonder the mods keep banning you, and you go make yet another thread on /q/:


that's about the 5th or 6th thread that has been on /q/ so far. if i were a mod it would really start to piss me off.

>> No.5034714 [DELETED] 

very cute

>> No.5035774 [DELETED] 

At least this guy got it.

>> No.5037538 [DELETED] 


ridiculous theory, sir. go back to /b/.

>> No.5037559 [DELETED] 

comeday gold

>> No.5038835 [DELETED] 


it is one or two aspies doing it.

it will be interesting around here if they pass the janitor test. very interesting.

>> No.5039908 [DELETED] 

I seriously hope this doesn't happen. It would be terrible.

>> No.5041354 [DELETED] 

It's not always mice. Think of Schrodinger. He used a cat for his experiments.

>> No.5041911 [DELETED] 


aspies are useful at times. i keep a few around the trailer to ward off the mormons.

>> No.5043350 [DELETED] 


Nice euphemism.

>> No.5044274

Why do you think such irrelevant things?

>> No.5044295

Have you even read Sam Harris?

>> No.5044321

Yeah, I'm glad for this video, and I hope lots more threads, either by DT or other science videos, get posted. We need more threads like this, not less. Once everyone sees what an improvement it will be when sci is full of youtube video threads, I think they will stop complaining and people will see that no mod action is needed, either for DT threads or any other kind of youtube video thread.

>> No.5045338

4chan. coded by morons.

but, it is free, so i love moot.

oh, moot.

>> No.5046132 [DELETED] 

I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.5047148 [DELETED] 


are you insane?

>> No.5047227

By who's standards?

informal use of the term "insane" is to denote something considered highly unique, passionate or extreme, including in a positive sense

others use the term loosely as a means to criticize particular ideas, beliefs, principals, desires, personal feelings, attitudes, behaviors, or actions...this is mere political posturing

When discussing mental illness in medical terms, "psychopathology" is considered a more preferred and an overall less derogatory descriptor.

>> No.5047544 [DELETED] 


yes. it's part of /sci/ board culture.

>> No.5047556

I actually use rats in my lab.

I also use a lot of bovine tissue samples.

>> No.5047557

Fuck no, because humans out live mice.

Mice would use something with an even smaller life span than their insignificant time on this planet.

>> No.5048064 [DELETED] 


Where's the difference when it comes to medical experiments?

>> No.5048962 [DELETED] 

>pls respond

>> No.5048986

because we can easily overpower them. between the weak and the strong it is freedom which oppresses.

>> No.5050264

bump on this

>> No.5050288

I agree. /sci/ needs more content like this.

>> No.5051119


humans should be more advanced than that, and treat mice as fellow mammals.

>> No.5052127

Seconded. Mice should be better protected.

>> No.5053131

Not all of /sci/ is sexist. It's just a couple no-life neckbeared trolls who shit up the board all day.

>> No.5053155

Why would anyone do this?

>> No.5053163

TLDRmaggot here.
Good point, curiosity ought not be punished.
Mice, like Mendev's peas, are numerous, have easily distinguished and manipulated phenotypes, may have many generations over a short period of time, and most importantly, are the one of the least human sympathetic mammals while still holding much in common or analogy with our genetics, biochemistry makeup, and system of organs.

>> No.5053187 [DELETED] 


>> No.5053399

Mice feel nice in your hands. All warm, soft.

>> No.5054324


this is the whole point that escapes the average /sci/entologist.

>> No.5054955 [DELETED] 

/sci/ can't feel warmth?

>> No.5054992 [DELETED] 

Cool video

>> No.5055071 [DELETED] 


>> No.5055094 [DELETED] 

Why not?

>> No.5055133 [DELETED] 

Lots of people on /sci/ can. It's the few shitposters who bring the whole board down.

>> No.5056073 [DELETED] 

You could say the same about spiders.

>> No.5056104 [DELETED] 

But spiders aren't warm-blooded

>> No.5056153


big ones are. and some of the small ones in the summer are able to form quasi-warm blood.

there's an article at science.com.

>> No.5056171


Are you retarded? We have more in common with mice than spiders, seeing as we both are fucking mammals.

>> No.5056176


most spiders are not mammals, even if they have breasts. the distinction is found elsewhere in the chordata.

>> No.5056225


>thinking I wasn't referring to humans and mice

Autism detected.

>> No.5056229


i was agreeing with you.

you're aspergers is showing.

>> No.5056915


err, spiders don't have breasts, at least not like human females.

>> No.5057756 [DELETED] 

Spiders don't need breasts at all. They are not mammals.

>> No.5058576 [DELETED] 

It's not nice to call someone autistic.

>> No.5058601 [DELETED] 

I agree

>> No.5058623 [DELETED] 

She should have one on quantum decoherence out by Monday

>> No.5059476


i can't wait. i've watched these so many times i can recite the lines.

hot girls are so random. and she is totally hot.

>> No.5060271 [DELETED] 

If that's true, I'm excitedly looking forwards to monday.

>> No.5061127 [DELETED] 

But why mention those? They are both trivialities.

>> No.5061145 [DELETED] 

She is both hot and cute

>> No.5061173 [DELETED] 

Hot, cute, and sexy. Is there a word for all of these put together?

>> No.5061192 [DELETED] 

Nope. There should be one though

>> No.5061215 [DELETED] 

It should be something like titanlicious

>> No.5061235 [DELETED] 

That's cute :3

>> No.5061258 [DELETED] 

Straight MINDFUCK!!!!

>> No.5061283 [DELETED] 

Awesome girl, right?

>> No.5061326 [DELETED] 


the mice make me cry.

>> No.5061345 [DELETED] 


>> No.5062448 [DELETED] 


why not. it's very metaphysical.

>> No.5063248 [DELETED] 

Oh, I see

>> No.5063603 [DELETED] 

mice are my favourite rodents

>> No.5063641 [DELETED] 

Me too

>> No.5063646

One post less to hit bump limit.

>> No.5063648

Two posts less to hit bump limit.

>> No.5063651

Three posts because I'm a huge faggot.

>> No.5063654

Four posts because why the fuck not?

>> No.5063657

Five posts.

>> No.5063658


>> No.5063660


>> No.5063664 [DELETED] 

you're going to enjoy a ban for this

>> No.5063670 [DELETED] 

>implying mods

>> No.5063672 [DELETED] 

>implying many people don't enjoy their bans

>> No.5063675 [DELETED] 

>implying implications

>> No.5063678 [DELETED] 

>implying you have been here for more than 5 minutes
you don't even know the bump limit

>> No.5063683

300~500 posts like other boards, I think.
I never seen a /sci/ thread hit bump limit anyway.

>> No.5063732 [DELETED] 

quit saging

>> No.5063736

My posts are irrelevant to this thread, therefore I sage them. Do you even know how sage works?

>> No.5063739 [DELETED] 

Even if your posts are relevant you should be bumping this thread if you post in it. It's on of the few science threads on /sci/ currently. We have been spammed with too much homework

>> No.5063741 [DELETED] 


>> No.5063744

No, bumping with irrelevant content like you're doing would be rude.

>> No.5063747 [DELETED] 

Nope because it gets more poasters into the thread

>> No.5063757

The last 80 posts in this thread have been off topic and meta, it will spark no relevant discussion anyway.

>> No.5063934 [DELETED] 


>> No.5063946

Enjoy your ban

>> No.5064068

All these dead posts around me, I want them all.

>> No.5064072

Worry not, shitposter.

>> No.5064078

I'll repost an equal amount of posts for you.

>> No.5064083


>> No.5064086


>> No.5064095


>> No.5064099


>> No.5064109


>> No.5064123 [DELETED] 

what a cute mouse

>> No.5064126

I have to agree.

>> No.5064131

One more post for when you'll delete that.

>> No.5064136

as do I.

>> No.5064144
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5064146

There's something about that helpless face that... I don't know. You understand, right?

>> No.5064147
File: 33 KB, 800x505, sadfdasds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5064150

Keep the dubs elsewhere, please.

>> No.5064153

You too, you're giving the shitmod a reason to ban you. And that's counterproductive.

>> No.5064164
File: 146 KB, 600x600, sdfdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm posting from Tor. Good luck banning me.

>> No.5064171

Carry on, then.

>> No.5064240

In two hours, it will be 22 days since the creation of this thread.

>> No.5064290 [DELETED] 


>> No.5064360

bumping for infantile mouse

>> No.5064540
File: 28 KB, 330x357, 186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw infantile mouse is deleted

>> No.5064547

Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you literally fucking kidding me?

The guy deletes the "infantile cartoon", but not the thread?

This place has worse moderation than stormfront

>> No.5064549 [DELETED] 

The mod is lurking this thread, or posting in it, or both.

He just deleted the anime mouse girl from >>5002197

>> No.5064555

The infantile cartoon isn't science and isn't related. The video in OP is science. It's actually not that bad.

>> No.5064563 [DELETED] 

>>It's actually not that bad

There is not a video in existence that's good enough to be up for 22 days.

>> No.5064975 [DELETED] 

What was the infantile mouse? I want to know what it looked like.

>> No.5065007


bump for infantile mouse. anybody save it?

>> No.5065021

Here you go anon


>> No.5065026 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 429x696, cute_Mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you. i need to learn how to find stuff like that.

>> No.5065037 [DELETED] 

I'd be careful reposting that here. It's an infantile cartoon, you know.

>> No.5065046 [DELETED] 


i cropped it so it's not as infantile. maybe it's ok now?

>> No.5066102 [DELETED] 

I agree. That picture was offensive.

>> No.5066104


i suppose that the mod deleted the image because it was anime or something that is restricted to another board.

whereas the video content is science, so the mod had to make a call.

i've come to really appreciate the mods and janitors lately. they have to deal with massive amounts of shitposting, and yet they stay calm and objective.

moot does a good job of selecting and training them. and we have to keep in mind that moot loses money on 4chan, and everyone else is a volunteer.

so please think twice before you criticize them. walk a mile in their shoes...

>> No.5066640

What a cool image